Straits Echo, 7 January 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1126 1 BANKS. For Cars on Hire Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. EMPIRE '‘The Little Ariitocri* Call at or ’phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles
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  • 1450 2 The opening cf D -comber brings us to a well-defined point in the progress of the war. i The enemy hare achieved (save for the little corner held by the Allies in the south) the complete conquest of Servian tarritory and their wireless agency issued recently an expansive
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  • 445 2 The Merthyr election is not only a distinct encouragement in these days of trial, it is also a warning to the leaders and misleaders of the Independent Labour Party, which, rightly or wrongly, has been identified with "Peace-at-any-Price” faction. The warning is all the
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  • 764 2 PRUS3IANISM LDO3E IN THE STREETS. Rifle Fiaa on a. Patriotic Demonstration A Central News dispatch from Petrograd, considerably delayed in transmission, has the following reports on the state of Warsaw since the German occupation. Little newß is allowed to come to Russia, but a correspondent of the Russhis
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 551 2 3* 0 o What £3 will suit the 0 Q 0 D D Q B B 0 0 0 children best? When you are ordering dinner, this is always one of the first things to think of. You cannot give the children healthier fare than Broun Poison's •Patent- Com Flour
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    • 70 2 Whooping Cough. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics, and
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    • 12 2 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cere, Is. 6d,
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    • 34 2 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as PINKETTES that's why children can safely take them. Of ohemiste, 50 oents per phial, or poit free from the Dr. Williami’ Medicine Co., Dept* 6c, Singapore.
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    • 636 2 m n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn*i TEA. Will you drink: something fine YES. Try then our unsurpassed fragrant JAVA TJEA from Maatschappij COLAPARA of the Culture Soekaboemi. The following qualities are obtainable No. 1 ORANGE PEKOE No. 2 PEKOE SOUCHON
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  • 972 3 No Risirf—Fastin Gambliaft -Th? Stamp Tax— Newspapers and Censors hip—National Letislative Election—New Dignitaries. (From Our Ottm Correspondent). Canton, December 28. Everything is peaceful in Canton proper, at present, at least. The report of an uprising here was not true. The only thing that happened within the last
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  • 226 3 Mkdical Ornciß Honoured. On Saturday, December 11th, just after 5 pm says the Malay Mail, quite a small gathering of Government Officers were assembled at the Astana of His Highness the Sultan of Pahang, which was tastefully decorated with the new electric light fittings and fans, to
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  • 234 3 A Pahang correspondent writes to the Straits Times :—The Kuantan district, during Christmas week, was visited by very severe floods, heavy rain falling incessantly for 65 hours. The rainfall for tho 22nd amounted to 10| inches a record for this district. In consequence, the
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  • 382 3 Alma 22,500 1bs Bukit Toh Alang 17,083, Shanghai Klebang 10,252, Kota Bahroe 41,610, Sungei Duri 15,047. Chemor United 17,565,Shanghai Malay 12,439, Cluny 17,134, Kinta Kellas 29.443,' Klian Kellas 8,218, Tanjong Pau 9,762, Old Kellas 16,000, Kuala Kangsar 35,325, Padang Gagah 5,000. Two members of the Secretariat of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 533 3 TO LET. WANTED. 1st and 2nd Floors 68, of Beach Street situated at Corner of Beach and Market Streets. Apply to 773 8ENG KEE Co. A CHINESE CLERK for the "Crag Hotel”. Must have good handwriting and be smart at figures. Good salary and free Board and Lodging. Apply personally
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    • 462 3 MIA LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. ALL DEALERS. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT M The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. 3 Parts THE VAMPIRES Parts 3 A magnificent drama of an exceptionally powerful nature. Portrayed and acted with an elaboration of detail and strength of cast that will firmly establish it in public
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  • 97 4 Pmblishad daily (except Sundays and pot';*' holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Psion. Daily Local M $24 per ann:** Ontstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CAB LI ADDBBIS ECHO—PENANG" Telephone Not. (Echo. 586 Printing Department 343 NS— AU bu«ia«M Minßuoicatioa*
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  • 1232 4 No doubt Sir John Simon and the other anti-compulsionists will go to a division on the Military Service Bill and until we know the results of the voting any comment on the debate in the House of Com mons must necessarily be rather of a speculative nature. It
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  • 62 4 To-day’s Quotation Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $85.35, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $B5 90, business done (250 tons sold) and in London at £175 ss. spot and £175 15s. .three months’ sight. Messrs. Bousted A Co inform us that the following is the
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  • 498 4 Mr. Matsui Keisbiro, the newly-appointed Japanese Ambassador to Paris, is aboard of the Kashim% Maru. He is being accom- j j panied to France by Mrs. Matsui and two children. The Church parade of the M.S.V.R. at St. Mary’s Church, Kuala Lumpur, on the occasion of the
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  • 420 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 7. Messrs. Fraser A Co. report substantial rises, Most of the rubber operations are on a larger scale than during months past. The dealings are mostly in dollar shares. There hare been tremendous rises in Derrick’s group, Ayer Pauas show a
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  • 996 4 M. P*. for Calaia. To-day is an anniversary of special mte. rest ju9t now, for on tbis day, January 7, fell Calais in the year 1558, Calais had loog ceased to be anything but a burdea and a danger to the English Government. It was there that Warwick
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 112 4 E. O. Hotel SPECIAL TIFFIN gyriv WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. Di CO.. LID. SOLE AGENTS FOR ROVER CYCLES. JUST IiHRIVED A Shipment of Superior Quality White Enamelled LATEX PANS. x X Size i7Y by 10 by HV Write for quotations to 5 The Eastern Trading Co., PENANG IPOH B is. An Antiseptic
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  • 2009 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE MILITARY SERVICE BILV DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. Mr. Atqoitk and Sir Joka Simons. London, January 5, 4 p.m. The House of Commons was crowded for the "compulsion” debate. Many members on active service had obtained leave and were present in khaki. Lord
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  • 540 5 (Reuter Service) Copyright Telegram. ARREST ON THE CONSULS. GREEK GOVERNMENT'S DELICATE POSITION. Athens, January 6 The positiou of the Government is delicate as Germany holds Greece responsible for the arrest of the consuls. The Entente displomatists consider it possible that the Greak authorities at Salonika will be
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  • 80 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 2. —ln Warsaw. Germany’s Expedients. The Movement for a Premature Peace. 3. —Record Floods on the East Coast. December Rubber Output. Pahang Presentation. News from Canton. 6. —China’s New Dynasty. January Meeting. Hongkong and the War. Our Selections.
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  • 635 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. LATER OPER \TIONS Sir lia Hamilton's Final Despatch. Loudon, January 6. Sir lau Hamilton's fiaal despatch on the operations in the Dirdanelles covers thirtyeight pages and describas minutely the operations prior to and including the famous combined actiou during the first fortnight of August.
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  • 332 5 ARRIVAL IN PENANG. There was a large gathering of the public of Penang, especially the Mobamedan Community, including Haji Zachariab, Mr. M. H. M. Noordin, Syed Hassan, K. Mydinsab, Mr. H. A. Cader, J. P, Mr. Mohamed Ghouse, Mr. Etam Mohamed Mydiu, Haji Oosman and Mr.
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  • 635 5 Mr. R J. Wilkinson, in the course of his reply to Mr. C. W. Darbishire at the dinner given by the Singapore Chamber of Com* m?rce, said At the outset of the war, the Colony was faced, as you all know, with considerable obligations in-the way of
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  • 2667 6 Thb Ofbnino Day. Patrons —H. E. Sir Arthur Young, K.o so,H H. The Sultan of Perak, a o M. 0.. H. H. The Sultan of Kedah, k c m. 0., H. H. The Sultan of Deli, The Hon. A T. Bryant, Committbb. —The Hon. A. B. Adams. Preeident,
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  • 62 6 The following are our selections for tomorrow’s races: Bacb I. 1. Petit. 2. Beri Beri, Race 11. 1. Dum Dum. 2. The Shadow. 3. Anak Defoe. Back 111 1. Sandy Creek 2. Black Satin. Race IV. 1. Laksfoss. 2. Betting Bill, Race V. 1. Tongkah. 2. Sador. Race
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  • 719 6 The World has received the following communication from Representative Augustus P. Gardner of Massachusetts To thb Editor of The World. On November 8 yon published an editorial in which yon asked whether if my own party was in power I would have it build the biggest
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  • 909 6 Those who were present at the Parliament Buildings on Thursday last when a Manchu Prince amid the plaudits of the Citizens’ Representatives proposed that His Excellency Tuan Shih-kai should be asked to assume Imperial authority, felt that they were privileged to see the curtain beginning to fall
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  • 894 6 The question as to whether Hongkong can or should spare any more of its young men to serve with the Colours at the Front has again been raised and has called forth two valuable expressions of opinion. Xhe one from His Excellency the Governor putg forward
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 55 6 Donecesssry Words. Why waste words and advertising space in describing the many points of merit in Chamberlain’s Cough Bemedy The most fastidious are satisfied when we state that it oures colds and coughs from any cause, and that it contains absolutely no narcotics or injurious substanoes. For sale by all
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    • 44 6 Ba d Taste ia tie Monti. If you have a bad taste in your mouth in the morning, your stomach is not in proper order. Chamberlain’s Tablets regulate this and give you a relish for your meals. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 63 6 j Nothing in this world is equal to a mother’s tender care of her children. She, knowing the danger following an attack of Colic, or kindred stomach trouble, is never without a bottle of that famous preparation, WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. in her medicine store. It is good for the
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    • 91 6 The Children's Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality. Use Chamberlain s Cough Remedy freely. It is perfectly safe. It has been tested by chemists and pronounced free from injurious substances and costs but a trifle. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. THE
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  • 933 7 The Aohs or our Gbnirals. London, December 3. Mr. Asquith was very judicious in his reply to the honourable member who recently found fault with the too advanced age of some of our general officers employed in the present war. As a matter of fact, the majority of
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  • 880 7 In revolving the possibility of Greece’s entry into the war, whether for or against the Allies, a good deal has been said of the ties which bind King Constantine to Germany. Pessimists have recalled how, when still a youth, Tino,” then Duke of Sparta, went over to Berlin and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 481 7 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Corporation, and is now prepared to accept MARINE G? FIRE RISKS atcurrent rates QUAH BENG KEE, 43. Beach Street, Penang The tnglo-Japanese Dispensary, 393 A 395, Chulia Street, PENANG. Qualified Japanese Doctor
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    • 10 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Oere la, 6d,
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    • 62 7 A Germ Destroyer. There is no danger whatever from lock jaw or blood poison resulting from a wound when Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also causes wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third the time
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    • 276 7 31 BY APPOINTMENT m TO H. M. THE KING NESTLE CHOCOLATE FOR THE FRONT. S o D Haying been requested by several Residents in the Malay Peninsula to send parcels of Nestle Chocolates to relatives or friends at the Front, we haye now made arrangements to send parcels from our
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1225 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE n Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) INTERMEDIATE Homeward for Europe. DIRECT SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan.) ■.a. Nellore B.s. Mongara i.i. Nora Feb. (Calls Qenoa) Feb Mar. 9 23 23 8.8. Nore Jan. 26 The
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