Straits Echo, 5 January 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1185 1 -'«rr ■•'nttygac? -i it c£f 'C 5£ ii &i u £7 •w <<< O «j-3 1 H 9 £8“ A f «u. TIANO LEE S’ CO., t k>a*r,3 tf K<k!t kaf*?. u «ix x a x a a a e z k a a a b n s re a
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    • 29 1 The Stelastic Tyres. The following sizes are obtainable: 760 by 90 810 by 90 815 by 105 32 by 3J" For other sizes please apply, TIANC LEE A Co.
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  • 1202 2 MbMOBIBS OF IWDIA AMD WIITMIFSTIB. Reeolleetions and Reflections.” By tbe R'ght Rev J. E.C. Well don, (London: Cassell end Co.) 12s. net. A men who hes been Headmaster of Harrow, Bishop of Calcutta, Canon of Westminster, and is now the Dean of Manchester, has naturally much material when
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  • 582 2 AWibblsss Tbap. Athens, November 22. Reuter'» apecial correapondent with the Britiah Headquarter» in Macedonia aende the following account of hi» voyage from an Itatian port to the Pirmua The presence of German submarines in the Mediterranean caused a temporary suspension of all sailings of Italian
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 280 2 Pritchards FOR BRASS BEDSTEADS New Designs Best Make Untarnishable. Sizes S by 6 6 6 by 6 6 FANCY MOSQUITO NETS TO ORDER PRITCHARD 8 CO., LTD., PENANG. Just Unpacked! Just Unpacked!! A consignment of Ever Ready Desk Calendars (Improved Model with Oak Base) An Indispensable Desk Requisite for 1916.
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    • 63 2 k Gera Destroyer. There is no danger whatever from lock jaw or blood poison resulting from a wound when Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also causes wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third the time
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    • 35 2 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of PINKETTES the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Singapore.
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    • 1156 2 1st May, 1916, premises Nos. 27 Jj and 27a, Beach Street, at present occupied by Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. A Co. Suitable for offices and godowns. Apply to GAN NGOH BEE, 660 3, Light Street. PENANG TURF CLUB. ONE CHESTNUT PONY (mare), regularly ridden by a lady. ONE BAY PONY (mare).
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  • 119 3 Penang, January 5. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) [jondon, Demand Bank 2/4/ f 4 months’ sight Bank 2/41 .i 3 Credit 2/4’* h 3 Documentary 2/4} Calcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 1761 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 174 3 days’ sight Private
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  • Article, Illustration
    562 3 TO-MORROW’S PROGRAMME. I—The George Town Plate. Value $350. A Handicap for all ponies 14.2 and under. Eatranoe fee $2O. Distance six furlongs. Messrs H. B. Pike and R T. Reid’s ch m Betting BUI 10. 4 Mr. Mauricis's b g Brown Comet 9. 4 Messrs Ng Seng Sooi
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  • 107 3 The following are our selections for to morrow’s races Rage I1. Brown Cornet. 2. Betting Bill. Race 11. 1. Lady Jean. 2- Friendless Race 111. 1. Beri Beri. 2. Appendix. 3. The Target. Race IV. 1. Tongkah. 2. Sador. Race V. 1. Nick. 2. King Blaze. Race VI.
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  • 277 3 Even our committee of twenty-two have at last, after fifteen months, awakened to the evil of collective and divided responsibility and of dilatory methods. And the establisment of a War Council of five has been the first step in the right direction. We are obviously moving towards
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  • 223 3 The Samagaga Rubber Co., Ltd., 12,100, lbs. The Rubber Estates of Krian Ltd 44 080, The Padang Java Rubber Estate Ltd-, 18,804. The Gula Kalumpong Rubber Estates Ltd 116,819, The Karan Rubber Co., Ltd 12,151, The Padang Rubber Co., Ltd., 23,500, The New Columbia Rubber Co., Ltd,,
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  • 200 3 Recent political changes in China have developed a gradual demand for foreign manufactures among a population of 400 millions, whose annual expenditure upon imported goods does not yet exceed 3s. 9d. a head. Mr. Ainscough, who has made a tour of inquiry on behalf of the
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  • 139 3 During the month of December the dredge of Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd, worked 536 hours digging and treating 80,000 cubic yards of material which yielded 760.72 piculs realising *37,644 07. Although the position of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, which is now being filled by the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 315 3 < Id </) a Id O' < u Id a. </> m u) z < z < z o (D o u) -I < i fT 3 n a r 3 Ji fl ra C li It jjst Lj SCOTCH WHISKY 11 -i C chWh^^-I guCHANAN 5 SCOTCH xx JAMES
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    • 132 3 WANTED AT ONCE. JUNIOR CLERK. Apply by letter to 12 PRITCHARD A Co., Ltd. WA3NTTBD. A CHINESE SALESMAN for Import business useless to apply unless bav ing at least some years of experience in this line, good references indispensable. 2 Letter under I. K. WANTED. Horae—to buy—must be strong and
      132 words
    • 608 3 have d to isibi* I the 3 has tion. soma days leadblisb supress. and 1 by ;n of ator* i the land t the -was The ip ia jr a o it and ;o be light ving free the At and of ot of 3 are Bible d we aible
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  • 90 4 Mliakad duly (except Sunday» ajid poh > holidays) AT TAB CRITERION PRESB. Ltd No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Plica Duly Leeal 924 pvuou. Ovtetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) 917.50 oablb addrbis: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo 586 Printing Department 343 r.A—AB kaiiiw waauDiMtion ahocid ba aMm/v
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  • 1311 4 Carrying to its logical conclusion the theme elaborated in this column yesterday, it may be objected that nothing short of a military dictatorship would correspond r o the needs of the present situation in Great Britain. Exactly, and if Lord K tchener ware to day or to-morrow
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  • 33 4 To-day's Quotations Tin (unrefioed) is quoted here to-day at $8162|. business done, iu Singapore (refined)at $35 bu-ineo. done (175 tons sold) and in London at £174 spot and £175 tiuraa month»’ sight.
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  • 949 4 Sergt. H. Marshall, of the R. G. A., Singapore, has been appointed Drill Instructor of the Province Wellesley Volunteer Rifles- Mr H. A- Oader, recenfc'y appointed to b 9 a Justice of the Peace for tb s Settlement, is the first gentleman from Bombay to be made
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  • 1069 4 The Key to Ihe Adriatic. Valona, the Albania port over ag au j gt Brindisi thr ugh which tho Italians can if necessary threaten Greece should IL nj become contumacious, is the key to the Adriatic almost in the same way that Gibraltar is the key to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 17 4 Tbe Menglembu output for the usonth of December was 305 piknls of an estimated value of 114,500.
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  • 435 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. I ORD DERBY S SCHEME. INTERE3I ING FIGURES. London, J muary 4. The figures obtained uuder Lord Dtr by’ 8 recruiting schema have been published. They show the t)tal numb ir of men of military age to bs 5 011 ill; of these 2,829,263
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  • 547 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ARREST OF EVEMY CONSULS. EXCITEMENT IN BULGARIA. Amsterdam, January 3. 1 A Sofii telegrim states that public opinion is excited by the arrant of the Consuls at Silonika. Tae Bulgarian Ctbinet has decided to retibate by arresting offi :ials of the B itish,
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  • 42 5 Homeward Mai l Steamer. The R. M. 3. N in'iin is pxpected to arrive here from Siugsp ore at 4 p. m on Friday the 7r.b. iutt, and to sail for Colombo aid Bombay at 10 p in. sharp tbs same .day.
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  • 866 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. BRITISH OPERATIONS. London, Jinuary 3. A communique states tb it on the southern part of the front a smiil pirty of our meu was successful in a bombing attack. Yesterday and today our a r tillery tff actively bambirded several positions of the
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  • 53 5 Jan. 3 By Balance «15.706.26 4 European 6taff of Gedorg Estate, monthly f*ubscription 61.61 Sek Tong R->ah. C'heah H ck Haw K mg, Kongsi, monthly subscription 100 00 4 Bilance 45 867.87 to London iUO,OOO on 24 2-15... 85 618 73 Total subscriptions
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  • 1611 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AMERICAN INDIGNATION. New York, January 3. The chorus of opposition to American diplomacy has increased with further details concerning the Peraia. Tha New York Herald wants to know what possible value have honeyed words against this coitinu-d reord of crims. The New York
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  • 355 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following cables are from the Sumatra Post of Monday, January 3.: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Tks Seised Mails. The parcels which were seized by thn British on board the Gesntesr have been returned. The conten sof several mailbaga have also been wholly or
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  • 161 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 2. —Approaches to Peace. 3 —Penang Races. December Rubber Output. Wanted a Dictator. British Trade in China. Tin Output. Our Selections3. —The Beginning of the End. Our Latest Bluoder. “The Road Home." British Nary and ite Work. Penang
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  • 293 5 Obituary. Lady Arehdale Wilson. London, January 4 The death has taken place of Lidy ArchHale Wilson, widow of the captor of Dslhi. Sir G. Seolt Robertson London. January 4. The death is announced of Sir George 8cott Robertson, M P. Who» Who says Robertson, Sir George Scott. K c.s I,
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  • 1015 6 There can be no disguising the fact that i the British oampaign in Mesopotamia has received a severe check, and that there is now no prospect of an early renewal of the advance to Baghdad. The India Office has issued four successive statements regarding the battle
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  • 919 6 INDIAN VISIONS. i Bt Edmcmd C,* dl1b Ear lv in the jear an old Hampahiro nanor-'house with a wids lawn m front. Overlooking the sea. converted into a borne for convalesceot IndiUM. Here the sepoy comes for reet and refresh, cent until such time as he is
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  • 1344 6 Judging from personal experience, a good many people cling tenaciously to the opinion j that “we —meaning this country—have to i play the principal part in defeating t Germany and her allies that we can only do this in Franca and that the operations in the Balkans
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  • 634 6 LACK OF GERMAN MAN POWER. Significant Admissions. The following dispatch has been received from Mr. H. Warner Allen, special correspondent of the British Press with the French Armies In a recent dispatch I dealt at some length with the German casualties and the efforts which
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  • 1288 6 birthday memories. i Bt Archibald Hurd. j To-moriow (DoCjinoer 5) Admiral Sir Johu Rushworth Jellicoe, the Commander- in Chief of the Grand Fleet, will celeberate— or quite possibly will not celebrate, speaking literally—his 56th birthday. When one ttiiuks of Sir Johu Jellicoe one recalls his
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  • 532 6 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dannys <fc Co., by auction sale yesterday and during tti3 w©ek Smoked Ribbed Sheet 8194 to 5202 Plain 8185 8188 No. 2 Smoked Sheet ribbed 8184 8193 Unsmoked Sheet 8179 8185 No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet 8176
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 The sudden changes of emperature that occur towards evening arfiable to produoe that nasty sneezing andsnivelling sensation known as a cold in tb head. A swift and certain remedy for tb disorder is WOODS' GREAT PEPPWINT CURE, A teaspoonful dose imme&tely the trouble is felt, followed by onen hot water
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    • 48 6 The Children’s Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality. Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freely. It is perfectly safe. It has been tested by chemists and pronounced free from injurious substances and costs but a trifle. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 43 6 Bad Taste in the Mouth. If you have a bad taste in your mouth in the morning, your stomach is not in proper order. Chamberlain’s Tablets regulate this and give you a relish for your meals. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 12 6 Pot Children’* Haoking Ooigh at Night, Wood*’ Great Peppermint Care, la. 6d,
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  • 209 7 The muscles of the back do the heavy work of the body. When they are overworked or ill-nourished they ache and people who are looking for trouble begin to worry about their kidneys. Backache may be due to lumbago, which is rheumatism of the muscles of the back,
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  • 2060 7 A small group of people, all members, we believe of the Union of Democratic Control, have lately been endeavouring to secure public discussion of the question of an early opening of negotiations for peace. Lord Courtney has broached the subject in the House of Lords, Mr, C.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 254 7 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Corporation, and is now prepared to accept MARINE fi* FIRE RISKS atcurrent rates. QUAH BENG KEE, 43. Beach Street. Pewing ESTABLISHED 1874. the oriental Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd. laeorporntcd ia
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    • 70 7 Whoopittt Cou|k. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics, and
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    • 191 7 XG00E3S BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KINO NESTLE CHOCOLATE FOR THE FRONT. Haring been requested by several Residents in the Malay Peninsula to wnd parcels of Nestle Chocolates to relatives or friends at the Front, we have now made arrangements to send paroels from our London Office on the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1616 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE Mail and Fasaenger Services, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan.) Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Jan. 10 Jan. 21 Feb. 4 Feb. 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 17 Mar. 31 Apr. 14 Sardinia Namur Nankin Novara Malta Sardinia Namur Nankin
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