Straits Echo, 31 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1087 1 CTX¥Ti^-r B's&A ftf’s Bsai faftwrau i -A |i f 5 C v2,-ji M •*|j s s3f 8s 5 s 3 1 'S 5 Ni v LC 3 s -s rf IS Si*:» TIANO LEE V GO., P«a*ag r K«»U L««»«r. q ■r.Meitr.JCKßttSlßn 4M M>JEKMnaKQICSEBB For Cars on Hire BANKS. >-
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    • 34 1 2 The Stelastic Tyres. i The following sizes X are obtainable T©o by 90 810 by 80 a 815 toy 105 I 32 by 3V' For other sizes please apply. TIANC LEE A Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 DRINK m Wm. fit fl'A %‘Z Rll i :■>; '1 k'fz sS@i -4» W!.. m m m i hi hs mm i 5 -5P jz*;-'-fsJ&* v; ‘•Vre* <> 'V -v- tH» V sp r -5 mm fawns AVjkHU 1 1 ><■» m *•^4 CONNOISSEURS THE BRAND t J rwi SOLE
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  • 1928 3 Thousands of men and women are excited by the approach of a New Year to the point of tramping the streets or sitting in churches or public-houses till strange hours in order not to miss the first midnight footstep of its arrival. They greet it with cheers like
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 209 3 n is Kippers Fish Fillets Haddocks jj Halibut SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co., Ltd., PEKAITO. T elegrams Storage. Telephone No. 602. Ul TWTW^ni nmpr -iTr ,f ,*wrm r—0 El Q El 1 0 D bhunounuh THi PERFECT WOOD PRESERVER. Reliable Stop-rot Antiseptic L©!3BJ ,vY v' V mn > *>: •%**>« m
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    • 692 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>O<XXXX LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH 18 LIVING DEATH. BRAIN AND NERVE FOOD This remarkable compound, the latest discovery of modem times, is without equal in all cases Of defective nerve and brain power, whether induced by worry, overwork, dissipation, or other influences. Sleeplessness, palpitation, defective circulation, nervous dyspepsia, tic or neuralgia,
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  • 206 4 Whatever improves bodily conditions in I general aids digestion. Cheerfulness, exercise, fresh air, baths and good habits make your digestion better able to take care of any burdens you impose upon it. But the greatest aid to good digestion is good blood. An«mia, or thin I blood,
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  • 1981 4 Born May 7 1812 Died December 31, 1889‘ Browning is the most hotly disputed of 1 all indisputable poets. Such a critic as Mr. I Henley will not hear of his being a poet at I all; neither would such a critic as Mr- 1 I Coventry Patmore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 175 4 OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA. (OSAKA MERCANTILE STEAMSHIP Co.) (MEMBERS OF POOL AGREEMENT). FOR COLOMBO A BOMBAY. The Company’s steamer LUZON MARU, is expected to arrive here from Port Swettenham on Monday, 3rd January, 1916, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight, etc. apply to GUTHRIE A Co.,
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    • 48 4 The Children's Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality. Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freely. It is perfectly safe. It has been tested by chemists and pronounced free from injurious substances and costs but a trifle. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 117 4 I0C DOC DOC DOCDOCDOCOOC DOC DOC Dm n A o A O A U o n O 0 8 0 0 0 o A o o frs', > t <* 1 lj i<JL MEMmmuw N (ync&e* 6%c/en £b>tU'eeJ J) I \J o A u o n o 0 0 0
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  • 1524 5 Tom Weight ee Wells’ Latest. The Research Magnificent by H.G. Wells, may not add to his credit with the general. As a narrative, it floats all the literary conventions. It is constructed as Titanic steamers are said to be, by the length, and chopped into size. I can
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  • 569 5 The hearing of the case against Subramaniam, who was charged with enticing away Suppamal the wife of Dorasamv, was resumed yesterday afternoon before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted and Mr. C. D. D, Hogan appeared on behalf of the accused.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 < 111 </> a hi Q£ UCHAd #\A<f SCOTCH WHISKY e*i U bl 0. CO *> < z < z u 3 m o </> sfßW® -_r iamesbuch^ -=rl 'SOMETMING to CROW ABOUT* BLACK&WMITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY V* > r re TJ 70 Z o ■D > r o
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    • 477 5 D GAME E MIA CIGfABHITES 1 LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. ALL DEALERS. 1 A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all Our Patrons} To-morrow Night! To-morrow Night!! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Jess Willard versus Jack Johnson contest Photographed at the ring side Havana sth April 1915 20
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  • 96 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) XT TUK CRITERION PRESS. Lr©. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Fmion. Daily Local M $24 per annnsa Ontetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLB iDDIBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No*. (Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 N jt.— AU MißiauniMtiaaa ahouM
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  • 22 6 Masok— On December 30th at the Maternity H* i Penang, to Captain and Mrs Mason, a daughter. (Singapore papers pleas* copy.)
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  • 35 6 Roiijrsox-T HOMA.S —Oq December 31st at St. Gorge's Church, Penang, Arthur Gordon R hinson, of the P. W D., Kedah, to El ie Thonns. second daughter of Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Sjuthend on-tea.
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  • 1163 6 Information which reaches us from a thoroughly reliable source shows that the recent encounter between gang-robbers and police at MeDglembu was a much more serious affair that wcu’d appear from the eports published up to the present. It is □ot so much that we are alarmed at
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  • 96 6 Perforaaaecs ia Aid of Charity. We hear that the P M. I. A. Amateur Dramatic Company intends giving th r ee theatrical performances in Penang atrut. the middle of February in aid of the Chinese Volunteer Drill Hall Fund The Company will then proceed
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  • 695 6 Mr. A. S. Small has returned to Ipoh from long leave and has takeu over duties from Mr. A. E. Coopa as Assistant District Officer, Ipoh. Our Singapore correspondent wires that H.E. the Governor and General Ridout aud Rear-Admiral Grant will attend the Intercession Service at St.
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  • 165 6 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, December 31. The Rubber auction is not yet completed Some 300 tons of rubber were offered for sale and the demand was good, especially for crepe grades, which keenly competed with the advance in last week’s prices. Messrs. Fraser and N u
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  • 1062 6 Divine Discontent. Apropos of the remark attributed to the heir to the British Throne that it is “Rtf. ten to be a Piince,” we may recall that a great Asiatic potentate educated in England but adored by millions as a reincarnation of their deity once to'd in all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 412 6 JUST ARRIVED. A Shipment of Superior Quality White Enamelled LATEX PANS. Size 171' by 10 by 3*' Write for quotations to The Eastern Trading Co., PENANG I PON. COLONIAL WOYELS. $l.lO per copy $1.25 post free. His Wife’s Sister by Mr Carter Read The Busy Whisper bv Thomas Cobb Allward
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  • 604 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. LABOUR LEADERS* VIEWS. POSITION OF MINISTERS. London, December 29, 745 p.m. A meeting of Labour leaders has been hurriedly summoned for to-morrow to consider the recruiting position and a specia meeting of the Joint Labour Recruiting Committee is being held to-day. It is understood
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  • 496 7 (Reuter Service). Copyright Telegram. landing at CASTELLORIZ GREEK PROTEST. Athens, December 80. The Greek Government has been informed that detachments of French troops have beon landed on the island of Castelloriza in order to facilitate the action of the Allies against Adalia. The Greek Government has protested
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  • 617 7 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. FRENCH OPERATIONS. London, December 30, 1 40 am A Paris communique reports artillery actiI vity on both sides iu Belgium aud Artois. The French, north of the Aisue, destroyed I (he machine-gun shelters and dispersed I enemy working parties. Likewise they blew lup
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  • 924 7 To the Editor or the Straits Echo. Sir, In reply to the queries put by One of the Loyal Chinese” in your yesterday’s issue I bog to reply as follows (1) The Chinese Company will be run I on entirely the same lines as the present Companies.
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  • 427 7 To thb Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir. I have to-day received notification that owing to the heavy demands being made bv the British Government on Australian supplies, and to the great scarcity of live stock as a result of the big drought, the Singapore Cold
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  • 107 7 Messrs. Kennedy A Co., as secretaries to the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association, inform us that they have received the following subscriptions which have been forwarded to the Central Fund. E. M. R. Callard, Parit Estate $12, Rubber Estates of Krian $46 66. Prye Estate
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  • 55 7 The January Monthly Medal Competition viz 50 yards Handicap will be held at the Swimming Club ou Sunday, 2nd Januarv 1916 at 11-15 a.m. Entries will be received up to within half an hour of the start of the race. A list of the handicaps can be
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  • 123 7 Robinson—Thomas. A quiet wedding was solemnised at the St. George’s Church this morning by the Rev. F. W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, the contracting parties being Mr. Arthur Gordon Robinson, of the P.W.D. Kedah, youngest son of Mr. W. H.Robinson of Bt. Asaph, North Wales, and Miss Elsie Thomas,
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  • 36 7 Dec. 29 By Balance $45,290.65 30 .Penang Band ISth instalment 18 90 30 Balance 45,309.55 Remitted to Loudon £lO,OOO on 24-2-15... 85,618 73 Total subscription to date ...$130,928 28
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  • 60 7 To-Jay’s Quotations, Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $82.30, business done, (125 tons sold) and in London at ***** spot and J 8169 three months’ sight. Messrs. Bousteid Co., inform us that the following is the quotation for
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  • 634 7 HARDEN ON PEACE TALK. I TRUTHS ABOUT THE ALLIES. I Herr Maximilian Harden devote! the I whole of the current number of thn I I Zukunft to a general review with the titti I I Yearning for Peace It is really a series 11 of criticisms of
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  • 143 7 Friday, Die. 31, 6 p.m. Service of Intercession. Saturday, Jaw 1. Circumcision of our Lord. New Tear’s Day, 8 a.m. Holy Communion 12 noon Service of Intercession. Sunday. Jaw. 2, 2nd Sunday after CnrisYmas, 8-00 am. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion 500 p m. Children's Service
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  • 64 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 3. New Things. 4. —Robert Browning. 5. Research Sisyphaan. Alleged Enticing Away. 8. War News and Gossip. The Shows. Penang Cricket Chib. 9. —Tangkah Gang Robbery, p. Q. n P- F. 8. Humanity and Business. 10—A Bishop’s Stories.
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  • 2993 8 (Frum Our Oxen Correepondmt.') Gallant Serbia. London, December 2. Crushed and broken, after a heroic resis-1 tance against brutal odds, the Servian army I —still undismayed—has retired from its I country, now practically over run by the 1 Huns and Austrians, who are making the unfortunate
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  • 890 8 Lawn Tennis Tournament, Entries close on Monday January 17. Play commences on Monday January 24 Entry Fee 51.00 each player for each Event. Ladies’ Double Handicap, Entries free. Events 1. The Championship. 2. Single Handicap. 3. Double Handicap. 4. Mixed Double Handicap. 5. Ladies’ Double Handicap. 6.
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  • 123 8 The Malay Opera at the King Street Theatre will stage Aladdin to-night and Shakespeare’s interesting play, “As you Like It or Rosalind and Orlando,” tomorrow when the members of the Moonlight l Mess will patronise the show and present a siver cup to the company. A crowded house
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 334 8 THE CHINESE ENGLISH SCHOOL SAMARANG JAVA. Three Chinese teach English in a good-claßß school. Quarters free. Commencing salary $5O. —more for young good men. Apply with copy of a letter from an English master to W. E. MANN, 766» Penang. NOTICE. The resident councillor win be At Home at The
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    • 44 8 Bal Taste in the Mouth. If you have a bad taste in your mouth iu the morning, your stomach is not in proper order. Chamberlain’s Tablets regulate this and give you a relish for your meals. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. J
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    • 12 8 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, la. 6d.
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    • 357 8 NOTICE LABOUR CODE. 1912, F.M.S Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance 1911." Employees op Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for the return
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  • 668 9 PLANTER’S STORY OF MIDNIGHT ATTACK. Chinese Coolies’ Bio Haul. Caaes of gang robbery have been very numerous up m the States lately andypsterday, in the District Court, says Wednesday’s Straits Times, there was given to Mr. Firmstone an account of how the ruffians who make the lonely
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  • 366 9 A Two Goal Draw. There was a large crowd of spectators on the Esplanade yesterday evening to witness au interesting match between a team representing the Penang Cricket Club and a team composed of the teachers and scholars of the Penang Free School.
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  • 865 9 The Neu> York Herald, in a moment of exuberant candour on the subject of America’s foreign policy, asks the pertinent question whether a cargo of pork is more important than American life. According to this journal, President Wilson is protesting to this country against the inconvenience which
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 179 9 Tk Bernese Alps Milk Co. CONT*ACfOJH TO rHS Admiralty 6? India Office f *om imp. a a* 4hap 0 SLEDGE brand milk. tZu SAMOILANDS, BUTTERY I Co. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, pewang. 25th and 26th December, 1915. CHRISTMAS DAYS Special Dinners will be served. EXCELLENT CUISINE NO BAND. To Reserve Tables 'Phone
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    • 79 9 What an anxious time has the mother with a growing family to look after. Generally one or tbo other is ailing, has caught a chill, or is feverish. With a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE in the medicine chest the worry is much diminished. A dose or two of
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    • 1043 9 1st and 2nd Floors of 86, Beach Street situated at Corner of Beach and Market Streets. Apply to 773 SENG KEE A Co. ONE CHESTNUT PONY (mare), regularly ridden by a lady. ONE BAY PONY (mare). Apply to R. SCOTT, 769a Police Court. TO LET. FROM Ist May, 1916, premises
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  • 1513 10 The Reoolleotions of a Bishop.” By the Right Rev. G. F. Browne, lately Bishop of Bristol. (Smith Elder.) 10s. 6d. net Bishop Browne’s reminiscences are among the most entertaining of recent ecclesiastical biographies. His lordship has had a long and varied career—theological tutor at Glenalmond, rector of
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  • 249 10 A professor from Bombay, who has been touring the Far East, has initiated a discussion on the well-known Chinese dislike of the military profession, which is not untimely in the midst of the world’s greatest war. As he puts it, no Chinese gentleman ever
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  • 203 10 The recent —and possibly inspired statement, in a German periodical, as to the need of a rapprochement bet ween Germany and Japan would c erm to point to a rrvieal of Germany’s Far Eastern policy. Hitherto her activities have been directed to causing friction between Japan aud
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 70 10 Whooping Cough. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics, and
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  • 2206 11 It was the discovery of Laurence Sterne m the year 1767 that they order this matter better in I ranee. Since the throne of St. Louis was occupied at the moment by Louis A.V., the remark was probably inapplicable to anything except furniture and dancemusic. But the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 53 11 Unnecessary Words. Why waste words and advertising space in describing the many points of merit in Chamberlain’s Cough Kemedy The most fastidious are satisfied when we state that it cures colds and coughs from any cause, and that it contains absolutely no narcotics or injurious substances. For sale by ali
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    • 260 11 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, clear the complexion of blemishes and -weeten the breath, use the dainty laxative They gently assist nature and will help to keep you well. Tiny but thorough, do not gripe. Of Chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.,
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    • 254 11 doc zzc-... >nQG( mt k v >.— >0 :dc oc DC DOC DOoCOOC DCD< n B/ ROYAL APPOINTMENT. u ll Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL tit*-, brtK ana* .vc ir_v iwt ass
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1505 12 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homevirtf (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. i.s. Nellore Feb. i.i. Mongara Feb a.a. Nore Mar. 8.8. Nagoya May 9 23 23 3 Outward (for China and
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