Straits Echo, 18 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1074 1 Ij fe.V!& &sfc3 fc«*i te>ZZ,t*# *S«i. i .3 •*£v& k u teQ v C :-r r? »:>Y*rv. 5 ”J j r A g? V. n .‘•W g ,2 r cJ i_ f* a p g a.7c*?»j TI*NG LEE 6* CO., I P«ua| 0? H.«sU Uayvr, j:iix.’:«Kr.s!n»isr!*a.*»wwß.aoo:c»ar.iw§ BANKS. For Cars on
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    • 16 1 TO LET. 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428. BURMAH ROAD. LOCATION QUIET 6 HEALTHY. APPLY 53, Beach Street.
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  • 1158 3 It is wonderful, considering how self-con-cious is the race < f bards, that so few poets hive composed their own epitaphs. On* would bare thought that, with the essential morbidness of the poetic temperament, most, if not all, of them would have devoted some melancholy hour
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  • 470 3  -  By Waclaw Czerniewski. THE COUNTRY THAT CAN GO ON FIGHTING—FOR EVER. However long a war this is going to be, no country can face it and cope with it better than Russia. Her trade and commerce no less than her army are at this moment being wonderfully developed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 265 3 «*f Pheasants. j* $3.25 per brace, excellent value SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co., Ltd., PEN AUG. Telegrams Storage. Telephone No. 602. x X X X X X X X X X X X X A Fleet of First Class Cars For Hire Day and Night. Daimler, Straker-Squire. Star and Austin. H&TE
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    • 12 3 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d
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    • 308 3 Influenza and Afterwards take I M Of all Chemists and Bazaars. Both during and after influenza, Angier’s Emulsion is invaluable. Healing to throat, lungs, stomach and intestines, and a most invigorating tonic and restorative, it not only relieves the cough and chest symptoms, but it promotes appetite, aids digestion and
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  • 1032 4  -  Bt M.H. Tbmple. It is a big 100m, rather dark from the trees which overhang the windows. In one of these trees our owl has his anoestral [home, and his habit of hooting with, apparently, signiicant emphasis just outside it I as he starts on his rounds at
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  • 885 4 My Professor, who prefers to remain I anonymous, showed me a letter from a Great Man, which conolnded “Tours affectionately, John Brown.” Letter endings from Great Men do not matter as a rule. They are either from themselves, in which case they are illegible, lor from their
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 283 4 S 3 SI E 3123 E 3 O C 3 ES EJOE3ES CSfES® SD MlB® A To make a perfect self raising flour mix one part of Paisley Flour with eight parts o! ordinary flour, and run through a sieve to perfect the mixing. You will know that the mixture
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    • 62 4 A Germ Destroyer. There is no danger whatever from lock jaw or blood poison resulting from a wound when Chamberlain’s Paia Balm is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also causes wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third the time
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    • 65 4 A a one geta past middle age the Throat and lunga give unmiat&keable aigna of wear. Often a heavy pblegmy cough develops becoming chronic in nature, a aource of pain and worry. For relief there ii no better medicine than WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. It cuta the phlegm and Booth
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    • 106 4 ,n( inf >ri( )nr~)OCDncDQ( dqci —>oczzDn o A O n O 0 0 0 'JJE-Z mmjiDUMi N o&ase* b°tc/e/i yy<xsz o n o A 0 o A FRASER NEAVE, LTD.. A ARCYLE ROAD. PENANG. n «< >Q< ."DO* >OCZ>OCDOCDO< o t ■I Just Arrived! Just Arrived!! Motor, 9 I i
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  • 1620 5  -  [By Tom Weight] This is no time to point out the pimples on tbe glorious empi>e we all yearn to die lor. There were pimping (like your banishment ordinance) my ideas of which are known I will abandon tbe pimp e uietapho r and report to you as
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  • 125 5 4th Sunday in Advent. December 19, 1915 8-00 a in. Matins. No organ 8- a.m. Holy Communion 9 15 a.m. Chinese Biptisms 9- a.m. Holy Communion (Chinese Service) Rev. R. Richards 5 00 p.m. Sunday School 6 00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon, Rev. Frank W Haines Hymn
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  • 47 5 Sei vices will bo held ia the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, to-morrow as follows a.m. Children’s Service; 6 p.ui. Worship. Preacher, Rev. W Murray, M A. Hymns for evening service: Church Praise, 3, 629, 434 and 375. Service on Christmas Day at 8 a.m.
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  • 139 5 A conductor formerly employed on Jin Jang Estate, Seutul, named de Cruz, was charged in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court on Wednesday with crimping twenty-five coolies from Jin Jang Estate. Mr. E A S Wagner appeared for the prosecution and Mr. A. B. Sanders for the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 247 5 vns iT.r.jyswr>v* '/pcsnir < hi </> a hi O' o Ld CLIO U) m z < z < o 3 CD o (0 _l < kN S 3»* nr SCOTCH WHISKY JLi PO to SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT’ -o 70 O iigSSrl “•SSissfeii KSI TJ > oi^soov.n? BLACK&WHITE ALWAYS THE
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    • 525 5 II j Westminster Cigarettes TURKISH BLEND A. A. GRADE are unequalled. Packed in Hermetically Sealed Tins of 50 s. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS, xi=a Kmeurss i —»jjj suum «.us jmuor&A. wj .x*vx**np«*A4a TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHTI I The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Thanhouser’s Fascinating Serial I r p
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  • 93 6 Published daily (except Sundays and pvbiin holidays) AT TH> CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Fbiob. Daily Local $24 per annanr Omtetation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 oablv iDDim: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Echo, 536 Printing Department 343 S.H.— AI! buiiicw e*aaßun>eatioa« ahouM b.
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  • 1190 6 When Sir Henrv Howard was sent on his special mission to th 9 Vatican the world was given to understand that he had been merely appointed to salute the Pope on his accession. However, there he is, still in Rome and, despite the Kensititea there is
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  • 37 6 To-day’s Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $B3, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $83.50, business done. (200 tons sold), and in London at |AI67 10s. spot and £l6B 10s. three months’ sight.
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  • 14 6 A telephone inspector named Enema has died at Batavia of hydrophobia.
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  • 22 6 Owing to s.B. Karmoda being late the 8.8. Nellare ia not expected to leave Colombo before Sunday, the 26th instant.
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  • 672 6 Count van Stirum-Limburg, the New I Governor General of Netherlands India, is spending some days in London. Mr. J G. Boon, editor-in-chief of the Soerabaya Handeltblad, who is in hospital with typhoid, is making good progress. The Chinese gentleman who shot a tigress near Menglembu the other
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  • 88 6 Impressive Route Marek. (From Our Own Correspondent^) Singapore, December 18. Yesterday evening saw a great turn-out to watch the route march ot the naval men, Military and Volunteers. It was the largest parade ever seen in Singapore. Passing the Government House gates, H. E. the Governor inspected
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  • 118 6 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3,—A Bundle of Epitaphs. Resourceful Russia. 4 —Our Ghost. On Letter Endings. s.—Marginal Notes. St. George’s Church Penang. Kuala Lumpur Crimping Case. Penang Presbyterian Church. g, The Fringes of International Law. An Extraordinary Case. Legal Notes. German East
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  • 1026 6 U It Tr«« I Who wrote this: Democracy, in multiplying newspapers, in allowing them to write everything, has not disarmed them nor diminished their venom. The Press has remained that extraordinary organisation so strongly mitigated in good and evil, that without it liberty and even society could not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 LOOK for the FLAG on the iABEL and you Avill then know you are getting the British Brand. IHuBT ■EE ;J8 *¥3»; rilll 1 HP» •■in I-S.IHESES'i -•■.it ms and BEST. IlilK fc MW, BR: T I H j Tail'll i HP! i !ICT iUil.p*!» I' "''.l'rli' lirwbtr THE
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  • 576 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. BULGARIA AND GREECE. A NEUTRAL ZONE. Amsterdam, December 16 A Bulgarian official communique says that the capture of Monastir and other places near the Greek frontier made it desirable to avoid Greoo-Bulgarian accidents. Consequently, Bulgaria proposed the creation of a neutral zone by
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  • 912 7 (Renter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. STILL MARKING TIME. Lo .don, December 16, 4.45 pm. In the Paris communique the report that s the French batteries smothered the German r artillery is the main feature, t Another German ammunition depot was blown up between the Oise and the Aisne.
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  • 620 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. UNANIMOUS TRIBUTE. "STILL PRECIOUS TO HIS COUNTRY.” London, December 17. Q The papers are unanimous in declaring that Field-Marshal Sir John French is B assured of the lasting gratitude of the nation and will still b9 precious to the country for the very
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  • 801 7 Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. VIVID ACCOUNT OF DRAMATIC SCENE. London, December 17. g A vivid account of the crisis in Persia in s November has been received by Reuter’s e agency. It describes a dramatic scene in e the Palace on November 15 when the young t
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  • 302 7 (Reuter Service) Copyright Telegram. PRO AND AN ri-CONSCRIPTIONISTS l BUSY. Deputation Waits o« Premier. London December 17. The eve of Mr. Asquith’s speech ou Lord Derby's campaign fiuds the supporters and opponents of compulsion very active. A deputation of anti-conscriptionist members of the House of Commons waited on
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  • 553 7 Auuuliiag A Beggar. A TUrail named Paen appeared before Mr V. G. Ez j chiel thiB morning, charged with using criminal force to one Singaram at Macalister Road yesterday afternoon. The complainant orated in evidence that he was a beggar. Yesterday evening as be was walking along
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  • 809 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra P(tt of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, December 14, 15 and 16: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. German Escapee» Caught. The German officers who broke out of the internment camp at Bergen have been recaptured at Rotterdam and
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  • 1079 8 Its Future. d As German East Africa, for whose con- 1 quest a fores is now being raised which v General Smith-Dornen will command was the last of the unapprofriited territories in g Africa to fall under German sway, so it has 1 been the last of
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  • 898 8 Mystery of Murder us Attack upon Young child An extraordinary case came up in the second police court this morning, says Thursday’s Straits Times, when a Hokien sampan man, known as Ong Koon Cbiat, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt and kidnapping. Those charges, however, have merely
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  • 950 8 THE LAW 8 CONTRIBUTION TO THE ARMY. Lawyer Premiers. London, D.cemfcer 13. Nitwithstanding the criticisms upon the precedent idly large legal element in the Cabiuet, the direct responsibility of lawyerpoiiticuns for the conduct of the war has been increased. The new War Committee of the Cabinet consists of
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  • 1120 8 By Sir Francis Pkjoott. (Late Chief Justice of Hong Kong). There is one point in connection with the < dispute between the United States and Germany about which the mind of the public is a little uneasy, because it does not quite understand it: Having
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  • 347 8 To-night is the grand opening night of The Malay Opera Co of Malacca at the King Street Theatre where a crowded house is anticipated. The Grand Opera Co. at Kuala Kangsar Road Theatre will Btage a famous Parsee play entitled Gulzar-e-Neky to-night. 3 J At the Straits Cinema
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  • 119 8 Penang, December 18. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4/, 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4,£ 3 Credit 2/4; 3 Documentary 2/41 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 176 Moulmein, Demand Bank 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Madras Demand
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 373 8 NOTICE. I and my wife Om Oil Leng alias Oon Leng Nga of 41, Green Hall, hare by mutual consent separated before the Protector of Chinese and I will not in future be responsible for any debt or debts contracted by her--754 UNG SIN CHOR. NOTICE. 18 HEREBY GIVEN that
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    • 71 8 Whooping Cough. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectora tion easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics,
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    • 9 8 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Gro4 C«aye la, 6d.
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    • 212 8 Unnecessary Words. Why waste words and advertising space in describing the many points of merit in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy The most fastidious are satisfied when we state tb;;t it cures colds and coughs from any cause, and that it contains absolutely no narcotics or injurious substances. For sale by all
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  • 596 9 (UNDER S.R.A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Thursday. 6th January, 1916. SECOND DAY Saturday, 8th January, 1916. FIRST DAY. Thursday, 6th January, 1916. 1 A 5—The George Town Plate and Purse. Value $350 each. A Handicap for all ponies 14 2 and
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  • 486 9 Som Practical Hints from an EXPERIENCED WORKERThere are a number of excellent and useful books on knitting that tell one bow to make a sock, scarf, or any other of the articles so necessary for the comfort of our troops. Generally, however, such books take it for granted
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  • 546 9 Woken Employed as Spies by Germans. r Toe outposts of the Empire attract little 6 public attention at the be6t of times, but round most of them off-shoots of the Great t War have been, and are still, in active a operation. A few of the minor
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  • 939 9 Lookiho Annan. With Germany still firmly in possession of Belgium, Poland, large slices of France and Russia, and a great deal of Serbia, the discussion of conditions after the war may at first sight seem of all things the least practical. Still, we shall not get the most
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 308 9 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, PENANG. 25th and 26th December, 1915. CHRISTMAS DAYS Special Dinners will be served. EXCELLENT CUISINE NO BAND. To Reserve Tables 'Phone No. 635. 50C ALLEN DENNYS CO., Penang, RUBBER BROKERS, noptiETOM or THE PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS. SALES HELD EVERY TUESDAY RUBBER bought or s«ld by PUBLIC AUCTION
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    • 49 9 been issued by the Dutch Government. Bad Taste in the Mouth. If you have a bad taste in your mouth in the morning, your atomaoh is not in proper order. Chamberlain's Tablets regulate this and give yon a relish for your meals. Fox •ale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 1237 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. r |THE REVISION of the Assessment J. Lists for Houses and Lands within the Municipality of George Town, Penang, for the year 1916, having been completed, and the Municipal Commissioners having certified in terms of Section 62 of The Municipal Ordinance 1913 that no valid objection has been
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  • 2018 10 The death of Booker T. Washington is a reminder of a great problem which in these destructive days is receiving less attention than in times of peace and progress —the problem whether the negro has the same capacities as the white man and only needs
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 The Children's Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality. Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freely. It is perfectly safe. It has been tested by chemists and pronounced free from injurious substances and costs but a trifle. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 417 10 Plants for Sale. No. 15, Northam Road. GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. TO LET, Auction Sale of Town Lots at Sungei Patani. FORTY-TWO town lota at Sungei Patani will be put up for Auction Sale at Sungei Patani commencing at 10 a m. on Saturday 15th January, at an upset price of
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  • 207 11 When your growing daughter's appetite becomes fickle and she shows a desire for sour, starchy or ohalky articles look after the oondition of her blood. If she is pale and languid, nervous, without ambition and irritable her blood is unable to meet the demands made upon it.
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  • 2095 11 r vu a rather offensive advertisement in the papera at the end of last week containing sensational sentences in large letters, such as Why we envy our dead, and announcing that those who wished to study the matter further should read an article by the Rev. R. J. Campbell
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 245 11 DAVID CORSAR 8 SON'S Well-Known Extra Navy Canvas, No. 0. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 U. HOTEL NORMAN. Penang's Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. ENGLISH CUISINE English Treatment LARGE AIRY ROOMS FACING THE SEA. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers, Colonial Secretaries, Magistrates, etc. Tbrms Moderates and Inclusive. Cable» “NORMANS.”
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    • 54 11 Onaecessiry Words. Why waste words and advertising space in describing the many points of merit in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy f The most fastidious are satisfied when we state that it oures oolds and coughs from any cause, and that it oontains absolutely no narcoties or injurious substances. For sale by
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    • 213 11 < 'ZDC OC DC DOC DOOOOOC U BY ROYAL DCDC APPOINTMENT. i I Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. o n U ALL n o Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL m ysmV-? SJ M m 1 I i at
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1810 12 B. I. P. O. AND APCAR LINE and Passenger Services. m h ss> r'\ KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.! N. Y. K, Japan Mail Steamship Cemaany Lit, Fob IhTBNDBD TO SAIL. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan») Laneea, Telok Semawe, Segu,
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