Straits Echo, 17 December 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1041 1 -•wraTOa i-T.a-»»» rr 5 m a •> TO V» O Z ;W a sat r M b u 1 o o Tb Dootor adriM® tnd re v mead». It is uouri 'hiag, iiii jorwHaf asd streagtkwiju^f. jtsacssf.: BANKS. For Cars on Hire i Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong 6? Shanghai
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1189 3 A Cheating Case. Before Mr. R. Scott in the District Court yesterday morning Mohamed, a Malay, was charged with robbery of gold coins to the Vdlue of 865.70, the property of one Mohamed Ismail, a money-changer. From the evidence of the prosecution it would appear that the
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  • 448 3 i A Win foe the C. R. C. The friendly game of football on the Esplanade yesterday evening between the P. O. G. and the C. R. C., which resulted in I the latter winning by two goals to nil, was I one upon which no unanimity of
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  • 424 3 To the Editor of the Straitt Echo. Sir, A I would like to call tbe attention of the F.M S. Railway Officials to the following: uot with inucu hope that it will receive attention as I have long ago come to conclusion that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 998 3 NOTICE. Penang Auction Mart. BY ORDER or thb ADMINISTRATORS TO BK SOLD BY PUBLIC Al)CTION. On Monday, 20th De ember, 1915, AT 11-30 A.M. At the Archway of Logan s Buildings, Beach street, Penang, All that piece of land situate at the junction of Ayer Etam Road and Batu Lanchang
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    • 371 3 9 Westminster Cigarettes 0 D TURKISH BLEND A. A. GRADE are unequalled. Packed in Hermetically Sealed Tins of 50’s. FOR SALE BY ALL, DEALERS. ii TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHTI I The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. HIS WIFE’S SACRIFICE A magnificent drama possessing a succession of gripping and interestholding situations
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  • 104 4 L ‘»bli«hed daily (except Sosdaja ud public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Peuang Pmioß. Daily Local m 924 per annuxa Omtstation... Postage Extra, llail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CAB LB ADDBBSB ECHO—PENANG.” i Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 AT 4.—A1l
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  • 1137 4 It is six years to-day since King Albert became Roi des Beiges.” The course of the war has already proved miny times over the truth of Bacon’s aphorism, “Prosperity discovereth a vice, but adversity discovereth virtue.” The first months revealed a strain of insolence, of self-confidence,
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  • 747 4 In view of the fact that for many years past the Straits Echo has advocated the formation of a Chinese Company of the Penang Volunteers and that some part in the recent negotiations on the subject between the authorities and the leading members of the Chinese community has
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  • 44 4 “La Trtviiti." Verdi’s Traviata which the Italian Opera Company will stage at the Town Hall to-morrow evening, is a most delightful specimen of the Maestro’s riper work, as tuneful as either the Trovatore or Rigoletto It should attract a large audience.
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  • 111 4 Letters posted at Dato Eramat and E. O. Hotel Sub-Post Offices and in the Pillar-boxes before 5 p.m. to-morrow, will be in time to catch the Homeward Mail. Letters etc., for despatch by the 6. I. Contract Packet Fazilka may be posted at the Head Office up
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  • 96 4 Huge Quantity of Rubber Destroyed. We regret to learn that there has been a disastrous fire on Gedong Estate, Bagan Serai, the smoke-room, drying-room, packing-shed and rubber store all being destroyed. The loss is covered by insurance. Gedong Estate, where there was a serious fire some
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  • 1012 4 A Noble Kin*. It is six years ago to-day since King Albert succeeded to the throne of Belgium on the death of his uncle, Leopold 11. His Majesty’s brief reign has been marked by a remarkable change in the relations between sovereign and subjects, and the events of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 216 4 OUR FINAL REMINDER, i Owing to the high cost of paper and printing materials, supplies of our for the coming reason have been cut down to the lowest minimum and intending purchasers should lose no time to c me and inspect our display, All the Annuals received retain the high
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  • 269 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIR JOHN FRENCH'S SUCCESSOR. WAR OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT. London, December 16. The War Office announces that General Sir Douglas Haig has been appointed to succeed Sir John French in command of the Army in Flanders. Sir John French relinquished the command at his own
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  • 546 5 Tks Outgoing Commander. After sixteen months in the field, often in desperate straits, cheerful ever and j confident of his men while enjoying their entire confidence, Field-Marshal Sir John French relinquishes the command of the British Army in France with a reputation greater even than when he
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  • 575 5 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE ATTITUDE OF GREECE. RELATIONS STEADILY IMPROVING.'. London, December 15, 3.25 p m. A telegram from Athens states that everything is at present going very favourlably for the Entente Relations with Greece are steadily improving. King Constantine will attend the Russian Ball to
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  • 601 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. HOSTILE ARABS DEFEATED. Cairo, December 16. An official announcement states that another engagement took place on the Western frontier on the 13th inst., Colonel Gordon encountering twenty-four miles westward of Matruh 1,200 hostile Arabs with guns and machine-guns under Gaafar Pasha. The enemy
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  • 882 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. STATEMENT IN PARLIAMENT. London, December 15. In the House of Comm ins Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Secretary of State for India, said that it would not be in the public interest to disclose the means at his disposal to ascertain the strength of the Turkish
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  • 387 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. GENERAL ACTIVITY. London, December 15, 5-55 p m. The Paris communique reports There was grenade-fighting in Artois. Some big French bombs blew up a German ammunition depot in the region of of Tracy-le-Val. Oar bitteries in the Vosges prevented the Germans from repairing
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  • 85 5 C From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, December 17. At the Rubber Auction at Singapore 425 tons were offered for sale and 242 tons were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets $185 to $200 per picul. Good $160 $170 Unsmoked $170 Good $162 $165 Fine $160 $168
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  • 31 5 Dec. 15 By Balance $3,122.15 16 Ladies' bridge winnings at Golf Club, monthly subscription 40 00 S. Agerholm 50.00 16 Balance $3,212.15 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$21,770.36
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  • 33 5 To-day's Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at $B2. business done, in Singapore (refined) at $81.50, buyers no sellers, and in London at £165 spot and £164 three months' sight.
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  • 612 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. SUPPORT FOR PRESIDENT WILSON. Washiugton, December 15. The Cabinet unanimously supported President Wilson in the situation with Austria createu by the sinking of the Ancona. It was agreed that diplomatic relations must ;ie severed if the Amerioan demands are not met. Austria's Evasive
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  • 158 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3. Police Court Cases. Association Football. For Traffic Manager. F M S.R. 6. —German Self Delusion. "Memoiree Pour Servir—” The Super-Athlete. Mr. R. J. Wilkinson. Harbour Patrols. A Brush with the Police. 7. —With Machine-Guns in Gallipoli. Notes
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  • 703 6 Aocubkd Sentenokd. Lok Chu Pow, Lim Yan Peng, Lui Chang Siang, Kui Lai and Moh Peng Siew, alias Khoo Siew were yesterday afternoon charged before Mr. Scott in the District Court with rioting in Brick Kiln Road on November 30. The charge against Kui Lai
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  • 293 6 A writer in the Munsey, who visited Edison lately, asked him whether he could n’t invent something deadlier than a gas bomb. Yes, I could,” was the prompt reply, “but I can’t get myself to work on such stuff. I don’t want to destroy life
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  • 1077 6  -  HOW THE INCREASING SCARCITY OF FOOD IS EXPLAINED AWAY. i i i By Francis Geibble. [Jfr. Francis Qribble write* here of Germany's food problem from first-hand, knowledge. He has only recently reached England after being confined in a German internment camp since the beginning of the war
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  • 854 6 We were sitting,-twetve packed into a third-class carriage, mutually hostile and detached, as only a carriage full of English peop'e can be. Sitting in the corner was a young soldier with a face a little resembling that of the late Mr. Teddy Payne, if yon can imagine
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  • 1507 6  -  By Horack Hutchison. On October* *22 last died the greatest cricketer the worl 1 has ever seen. This is a bold statement, but is made without the slightest fear of gainsaying. A younger generation may cod jure by the names JJiujitsinhji and Victor Trumper but those of us
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  • 606 6 Tee Moslem Address. We take from the Malaya Tribune the following full test of the farewell address presented by the Singapore Moslems to Mr. R. J. Wilkinson Sir, We the members of the Moslem Association, Singapore, beg to approach you with these few words on the
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  • 746 6 The following extracts from a leading article in the Straits Times are not without a certain interest and application for Penang "Our attention is again called to the que B tion of a Volunteer Harbour Patrol for Singapore, and from what the correspondent whosA letter we published recently
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  • 145 6 The outputs from the following companies for the first half of Deceniiber were: Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Piculs 360 Hours run 289 CHEimaßra.No Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Dredging piculs 250 Hour's rud 304 Hydraulic Elevators— Piculs 40 Total output (Chenderiang) 290 For the first two weeks in December the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 45 6 Bad Taste in tie Mouth. < If you have a bad taste la your mouth in the morning, your stomach is not in proper 1 order. Chamberlain's Tablets regulate this and give you a relish for your meals. For •ale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. I
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    • 55 6 Unnecessary Words. Why waste words and advertising space in describing tba manv points of merit in i Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy The most 1 fastidious are satisfied when we state that it cures colds and cougbs from any cause, and that it contains absolutely no narcotics or injurious substanoes. For sale
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    • 14 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods'Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d, > t v v.
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    • 54 6 MOTHER’S FRIEND.—So effectual is that wonderful medicine, WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE in correcting the ailments of children, that it has been truly christened. Children’s coughs, colds, whooping cough, croup yield to it like a charm. Never be without a bottle in the house. Sold by Dispensaries and Btores everywhere at
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  • 2026 7  -  By Lieutenant-Commander Josiah Wedgwood M.P., D.S.O “This is my seat in the stalls, and there are many men in England would give XI,000 for it,’ said the Hon. Arthur Coke as he fixed on the site for his maxim-case-mate on the forecastle of the River Clyde
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  • 886 7 The versatility of our French Allies is no i new discovery, but its manifestations are 3 always striking. In a small Flemish town there arrived this week two French private f soldiers. One was from Lemnos, the other from Berlin. One brought a charming set of i
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 Whoopi&i Couth. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics, and
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    • 10 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Care Is, 6d.
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    • 53 7 To Correct Constipation aud Biliousness, clear the complexion of blemishes and -weeten the breath, use the dainty laxative They gently assist nature and will help to keep you well. Tiny but thorough, do not gripe. Of Chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post tree from the Dr. Williams' hjedicine Co.,
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    • 850 7 n=a' u BY APPOINTMENT me K TO H. M. THE KING NESTLE CHOCOLATE FOR THE FRONT. Having been requested by several Residents in the Malay PeDinsida to send parcels of Nestle Chocolates to relatives or friends at the Front, we have now made arrangements to send parcels from our London
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1746 8 B. I. P. O.- AND APCAR LINE Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. s'* Homeward (for Europe Outward (for China and Japan.) KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPiJ (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) For Iktbndrd to Sail. St sam pi a Langsa, Telok Semawe, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang, Padang, Benkoelen
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