Straits Echo, 3 December 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1006 1 FRESH GRAPES New Shipment Expected Shortly and I Orders Solicited. Tiang Lee Co. For Cars on Hire ■< BANKS es? Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. EMPIRE *'The Little Aristocrat"* Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment
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    • 13 1 FRESH JRAPES. I Choicest quality to last the season. Apply Tiang Lee Co.
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  • 1049 2 SIGNIFICANCE OP THE NEW OFFENSIVE. Tmb Theiat To Czeenovitz. November 4. Ivanoff, whose activities in Eastern Galicia muit have caused many unh ippy half-hours lor the German General Staff, and who has taken an enormous number ot prisoners, and has probably been responsible one way and
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  • 550 2 Pekin’s Reply to the Allied Powees Pekin, November 2. The Chinese reply to the Japanese, British, and Russian Governments on the proposed institution of a monarchy was verbally delivered yesterday. It points out that the matter is entirely an internal affair, but as the advice of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 57 2 r 'onic Constipation. Table{fJ can Oni and do cure const,patjoD i. Ok or tw0 of then tab ets taken at tod tune n k the bowe|a and while doing so win F iniigorate The stomach and put the dlsorder e<l li. er in a condition to do ,1s k UiUural
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    • 145 2 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, clear the complexion of blemishes and wee ten the breath, use the dainty laxative They gently assist nature and will help to keep you well. Tiny but thorough, do not gripe. Of Chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine
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    • 1423 2 THE Eastern 8 Oriental Sales Room. By Order of Pussy Fatimah the administratrix ot the Estate of Mahomed Ariff deceased TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION All the undermentioned valuable Freehold Properties at Nos. 52 and 54, Bishop Street, Penang, (except Lot No. 1 which will be sold by Public
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    • 1127 2 LOT IX. Property belonging to Hajee Yusoh alias Uajee Mahomed Yusop bin jjajee Aboobakar or Haji Aboo the mortgagor: All those seven pieces of land situate in the Mukim of Pemanti in Central District Province Wellesley described as follows:— (a) part of the land comprised in Indenture No. 7741 estimated
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  • 1102 3 Coroner's Enquiry into Distressing Fatality. The distressing circumstances surrounding the death of Miss Olive Ethel Elizabeth Pinkerton, acting first mistress at Rjffl -s Girls’ School, who died on Sunday afternoon last from the effects of a revolver shot, were enquired into on Tuesday afternoon by the Coroner,
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  • 485 3 Says the S.F.P, Many Gunner Volunteers will well remember Lieut. Mathew Sykes, R G.A-, who spent a considerable time in Garrison here, and more recently was in Hongkong, his Corps being the Hongkong-Singapore, R.G.A. This mail brings a cheery letter from the front, somewhere or other,” where
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  • 73 3 (.From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, December 2 At the Singapore Rubber Auction 368 tons of rubber were offered for sale and 249 tons were sold at the following prices Sheets $157 to $163 per picul fair $146 $156 plain $143 $156 Ribbed unsmoked $l4O $146 plain $129
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  • 95 3 The Tongkah Habour Tin Dredging Co’s output for the month of November, was 53 tons. The Katoo Deebook output for the mouth of November, 1915 was: Cubic yards. Hours. Piculs. 32,193 443 155 The Deebook Dredging output tor the month of November, 1915 was Dredge. Cubic yards.
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  • 92 3 KM S (Malay States) Rubber Coconut Plantations, Ltd. 8,545 An Officer with the Royal Flying Corps in France, writing to a friend, states “An amusing incident occurred last week, when some of our machines brought down a Bosch machine. As soon as it touched ground the pilot
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 739 3 TO LET. I71R0M let May, 1916, premises Nos. 27 anil 27a, Beach Street, at present occupied by Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. 0o. Suitable for offices and godowns Apply to GAN NGOH BEE, 660 3, Light Street. j.-iaoAJW i <IUM«Na.v N-rn **+'*±*UO~*~+ 4~ FOR SALE. ONE 12 H P 4 9EATER KOVEE,
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    • 340 3 p u 0 D D Westminster Cigarettes TURKISH BLEND A. A. GRADE are unequalled. Packed in Hermetically Sealed Tins of 50's. FOR SALE j BY ALL DEALERS. u XI SOMETHING SPECIAL! BIG OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE PUBLIC!!! at the STRAITS CINEMA, ’Phone No. 628, Empire Hall. Penang Road. To-night! To-night!! Will
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and pablie holidays) IT THH CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Peuang. Pbicb. Daily Local M $24 per annum Ontatation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLB IDDBBII ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 580 Printing Department 343 N All kuiiMM eAtnmunicat-OB» *h-"ild
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  • 1387 4 The time of crisis is for hundreds of men and women throughout the British Empire a test of beliefs which they have thought themselves to hold for a lifetime as permanent articles of faith. Confronted with personal and national loss, they ask themselves of what value
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  • 553 4 Lady Paget of the Red Cross Society, is a prisoner at Uskub. m Mr. H. C. Atkin Berry was in Flanders at the end of October. Mr. J. B. Parrington, of Midlands Estate, now 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Service Corps, is in France. Inspector Q-. Harries
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  • 120 4 Our Bukit Mertajam correspondent writes News has been received here to the effect that a daring gang-robbery was committed at Sungei Kichil in the Southern District of Province Wellesley. It appears that about midnight on Sunday last, seven armed Chinese broke into the house of
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  • 58 4 Dec. 1 By Balance $42,772.92 2 Chief Post Office 11th instalment 49.95 Simpang Estate, Co. Ltd. Sept., Oct., and Nov. subscriptions 30.00 Govt. Servants in the District of Balek Pulau 12th monthly subscription 11 94 Dec. 2 Balance 42.864.51 Remitted to London £lO,OOO
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  • 33 4 Dec. 1 By Balance $2,558.43 2 Mr. and Mrs. F., monthly subscription 25.00 H. de Z. Lancaster, monthly subscription 25 00 2 Balance $2,608*43 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$21,166.64
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  • 943 4 > Hindenberg the Headlong has become Hindenberg the Hindered, says a London joker, i In the Franco German war the Germans fired off 30 million musket cartridges and 363,000 rounds of artillery, with which they 1 kil led or mortally wounded 77,000 French, being 400 shots to kill,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 606 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SERBIA INVADED. MONAS l IR STILL HOLDS OUT. Salonika, December I. The Serbians are still holding Monaitir. The Bulgarians are endeavouring to outflank the town from the south-west if posable and to surround it. IS* Below Zero. The thermometer in the French lines is
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  • 613 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. OVER HALF A MILLION. 107.000 KILLED. London, December 2. Mr. H. H. Asquith, in a written answer in the House of Commons, announced that the total British casualties in the Army and Navy up to November 9 were 510,230, Military. Of this number the
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  • 468 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIGNIFICANT FACTS. London, December 1. Two significant facts, reflecting bedrock neutral opinion regarding the result of the war, are the New York Exchange rate on Berlin which is now below and the strong support of Holland—stronger than the support to any previous foreign loan
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  • 235 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. Tbo following items are taken from the Sumatra Pott of» November 30 and December 1. Tbe Italian Foreign Minister Baron Sonuiao stated that the feeling in Greece was in favour of the Allies. The Greek government would permit, if circumstances arose to need it,
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  • 270 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. WORKERS’ CONFERENCE. FOLLY OF HIGHER WAGES. London. December 1. A thousand delegates, representing over 4,000,000 organised workers, attended the conference at Westminster on War Finance. Mr. Arthur Henderson, President of the Board of Education, presided. Mr. H H. Asquith (Premier), Mr. Reginald Me Kenna
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  • 591 5 Mr. Frank Dilnot, formerly Editor of the Daily Citizen writ os Now, confronted with the war, Labour, by a dramatic move, is lifting itself to a national influence from which it can never entirely recede. By its recruiting campaign, destined, I believe, to complete success, the
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  • 2078 5 PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY. ACCUSED CHARGED WITH MURDER. The preliminary enquiry into the case against Donald Pengelly, a private in B Company of the Penang Volunteer Corps, who is charged with the murder of Robert Richard Nelligan, by shooting him with a Service rifle was commenced this forenoon before Mr.
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  • 1384 6  -  AND A FIGHT WITH A HUN ON THE WAY. By an A eroplane Observer. We were under orders to join the Expeditionary Force by air from Salisbury Plain. Our machine was a gun-’bus," and as we were filled with a good deal of martial ardour
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  • 442 6 A Minor Port. Dedeagatch is the only port which Bulgaria possesses on the Aegeau. It has boen Bulgarian for little more than two years. How much longer it will remain Bulgarian has now become a matter of speculation. Dedeagatch was part of the spoil which Bulgaria took from Turkey
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  • 39 6 Friday, 3rd December 1915. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m, 1 Selection The Bat Strauss 2 Two Step The Palm Estellai 3 Waltz La Oran Via... Paul 4 Barn Dance The Gone Coon Bidgood March Rebecca Comandery Pette
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  • 1588 6 By Charles Dawbarn, Author of Makbks of New France.” Time brings strange revenges, and when, a few years ago, the then Premier of France, M. Rouvier, disembarked M. Delcasse from the Quai d'Orsay, where be had shown singular ability in conducting the foreign aff nrs of the
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  • 357 6 An Intbee&ting Anniversary. To-day December Ist, twenty-eight r years ago, (1887) at a conference held at Government House, Singapore, the sar- vices of a list of over ninety men who were enrolled as willing to serve as mem- bers of a Volunteer Artillery Corps for Singapore were
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  • 1886 6  -  By Emil Davies. Side by side with the great conflict that is raging is one in which the factor is not men, but gold. This struggle for gold is going on incessantly, but only now and again, as in the cas9 of the recent AngloFrench Loan
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 A Favorite Rob Down. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the ralue of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game. All soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third lobs time than
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    • 11 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, lg.6d,
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    • 50 6 Middle-aged people are often afflicted with that distressing ailment, windy spasms, they seem to cut like a knife- Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, The very first dose will bring relief and prove its value. Sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 80 cents per bottle.
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cere Is, 6d.
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  • 2129 7 HOHENZ')LLERN REDOUBT IN DIBFUIE. North of France. Oct. 31. List week I dealt with the lighting which in the latter days of September led up to the preliminary capture ot the Hoheuz jlleru Redoubt, cue of the moat powerful of the German “holding” points south of La
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 91 7 Chamberlain's Coujh Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a r “medy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements It acts
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    • 405 7 The Chinese Steamship Co, FOR SINGAPORE, HONGKONG. AMOY S SWATOW. The s.B. Qlenogle, 3,750 tons, Captain W. McGbie, is expected to arrive here od Saturday, the 4*h instant, and wiil leave on Monday, the 6th instant, at 4 p.m. for the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to KIM
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    • 282 7 eT at BY APPOINTMENT St 5 j 0 TO H. M. THE KINO NESTLE CHOCOLATE B FOR THE FRONT. Having been requested by several Residents in the Malay Peninsula to send parcels of Nestle Chocolates to relatives or friends at the Front, we have now made arrangements to send parcels
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1848 8 For Motor Car Insurance TOU CANNOT DO BBTTBK THAN The Excess Insurance Co., Ltd. AOBNT8: Adamson, Cilfillan A Co., Ltd. Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited Head OfficeLONDON. Eastern Branch: —SINGAPORE. Fire, Life, Marine and Guarantee Departments. For particulars, apply to A. A. ANTHONY A Co., Agents, THE PATRIOTIC ASSURANCE CO.
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