Straits Echo, 27 November 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 891 1 FRESH GRAPES I New Shipment Expected Shortly and i Orders Solicited. I Tiang Lee Co. I For Cars on Hire EMPIRE ’’The Little Aristocrat'* Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Just Unpicked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of
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    • 14 1 I FRESH GRAPES. Choicest quality to last the season, I Apply Tiang Lee Co.
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  • 628 3 (UNDER S.R.A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS FIRST DAY Thursday, 6th January, 1916. SECOND DAY Saturday, 8th January, 1916. FIRST DAY. Thursday, 6th January, 1916. 1 A 5 The Georg* Town Plate and Purse. Value $350 each. A Handicap for all ponies 14.2 and
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  • 1336 3  -  By F.A. McKenzie. AN UNINSPECTED CAMP. Returned Prisoner’s Srort Mr. McKenzie continues below his extremely tnterestiny series of Prisoners' Stories There are two kinds of German prison camps—the show camps and the others Foreign visitors, committees of inspection, and the like are proudly shown over the
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  • 243 3 Friday, 27th November 1915. Golf Club, 5-45 to 7-15 p m, 1. Selection The Orchid. Caryll. 2. Two Step The Gaby Glide. Hirsch. 3. Fantasia Bonnie Scotland. Hare. 4. Waltz The Chocolate Strauss. Soldier. 5. Schettisehe... Marie Stuart. Fruhling. 6. March. Merry Soldiers Bidgood. In connection with the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 391 3 nr n 0 0 n 000*nnninniinnninnninnnMflnn© SLOTEN’S BUTTED n is the best Dutch Butter a in the Market. ■> < n ann* nnnannBannnnannannnannr; «0 resHBuui-iajaiannnM) Entries Close at 5 p.m., on Tuesday, 28th December, 1915. Handicaps for the First Day will be published on or before the 31st December, 1915.
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    • 88 3 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s
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    • 61 3 A Favorite Rub Down. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game. All soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third less time than
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    • 677 3 Build up after Illness by taking Chemists and Bazaar.. Angier’s Emulsion is both healing and proper tone to the digestive functions and strengthening. Soothing to the entire for building up health and strength after mucous tract—throat, lungs, stomach and illness or when run down. Pleasant to the intestines—an aid to
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  • 385 4 For One Hour of Your Time Daily. With »b Idea and £2 to Start I Made £5.000 ia Two Year». If you work over a set of books or behind the counter, or over a typewriter, or behind a team, or on the tram, or in
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  • 1002 4 the attorney-general and THE CABINET. From Compliment to Precedent. When, some two years after he became Attorney-General, the present Lord Chief Justice was appointed a member of the Cabinet, it was officially announced that “the appointment was entirely personal to Sir Rufus Isaacs himself," and that his promotion
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  • 876 4 If rumour be true, Germany has been busy during these past few months preparing the greatest Armada that has yet been assembled for the purpose of bringing Britannia to her knees. We hear of supersubmarines, of marvellous guns, and of many other things which ought
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 496 4 Probate 1915 No. 358. NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF EDMUND AUGUSTUS BLUNDELL BROWN DECEASED. PURSUANT to The Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance 1886 Section 46. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Edmund Augustus Blundell Brown deceased
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    • 40 4 Early Colds. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Romely at once. For sale by all Dis|*msaries and Dealers.
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    • 68 4 How few people realise that indigestion is nearly always caused by wind on the Btomacb, and yet it is so. Now a dose of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. taken after meals would remove all that over loaded feeling which makes the sufferer so miserable. If you are afflicted in this
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    • 149 4 |0 C DOC DOC DOCDOCDOCDOC DOC DOC Doi O o n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o V/ Os m m <1 N C Wase* ICteaJ e o°ie/esi yycufc >s M -CS7-. ioi u O O o 0 0 0 0 0 o o n i
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  • 999 5  -  [By Tom Wright]. What a dreadful cough you have,” said the lady. Are you taking anything for it I said I was taking thought, that I contemplated an essay on coughs and coughers. So I was. My cough had kept me awake part of the night, and as
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  • 925 5 The Fates were kind yesterday afternoon, for the boys of the Penang Free School were favoured with fine weather for their Annual Sports. The Sports were held on the School ground which was crowded at an early hour with excited youngsters. Following the custom of the past
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 299 5 < UJ .A.V*L. U«U O u O' SCOTCH WHISKY U Li o. co tf) < z < o 3 m UCHA SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT’ \v -1 c ""-•SCOTCH rr i > s: oc —J DO r— 1 w ro «*3 •—J >* > r n> U 33 O D
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  • 98 6 Published daily (except Sunday» and pvfelio holiday») ▲T TEI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Paicn. Daily Local M $24 per annora Ontetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 CABL» ADDRBS9 ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 58S Printing Department 343 If 6 All butia.M cmmunuttiOQi
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  • 1122 6 English people do not know very much about Rumania, which Berlin now seems to thiuk is going to “come in” on the side of the Allies. When the Balkan wars gave us our first comprehensive chance of learning about the Balkan States, it happened that Rumania was inclined to
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  • 182 6 The Fiadiag. The inquest into the death of Robert Richard Nelligan, eldest son of Mr. Charles Nelligan, who was killed by a bullet on Thursday, was |held this morning in the Second Court before Mr, E. E. Colman, the Coroner, and a jury comprising Messrs. P. Pedlev, M.
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  • 25 6 Nov. 24 By Balance $2,486.23 26 Ladies Bridge winnings at Golf Club 32.00 26 Balance $2,518.23 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$21,076.44
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  • 979 6 The engagement is announced of Mr W. H. E Thomas, of the Chartered Bank, Peking, to Mies Lilian Bryson. Count van Limburg-Stirum, GovernorGeneral elect of Netherlands India and at present Dutch Minister to Sweden, is expected to leave his post at Stockholm on December 4 The marriage
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  • 1017 6 In common with several of our contemporaries we received the other day from correspondent in Singapore a letter eulogising in enthusiastic terms the service» of an officer in the local government. On general grounds of principle—and particularly because we wished to spare the said official’» blushes—we refrained from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 fecor-e jrr Toy Introduce our SUPER ICED CUE so that after the war there will be no room for the GERMAN article for the present month only we offer 5 Bottles at the Price of 4. The only condition is that the 6 Bottles must be a single purchase. Prices:
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  • 1571 7 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. BULGARIAN REPULSE. Paris, November 26, A Pans communique states that the French troops repulsed the Bulgarians east of Irivolak. French Offensive Begun. Paris, November 26 The French have now taken the offensive and have attacked the Bulgarians in the Krivolak region. They occupied au
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  • 569 7 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. b RUSSIAN SUCCESSES. y Petrograd, November 86 I A Petrograi communique states that the I Russians took a hundred German prisoners and six machine-guns in the figbtiug, which ended in the capture of the hill near the Bersemuende—Riga front. l Brisk Fighting. 1
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  • 597 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. TURKISH ACTIVITY ATTACKS REPULSED. Paris, November 26. i The Turks are displaying growing activity in the Dardanelles. Thrice they attacked the British front on November 21 in an attempt to retake the lost trenches but failed. Everywhere they were decimated by the Anglo-Freuch
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  • 705 7 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. CHANCELLOR INTERVIEWED. A COMPARISON AND A DIFFERENCE. London, November 26. Mr. Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in an interview granted to a representative of the New York Tribune, said that long before Britain’s money runs short the supply of German men will
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  • 375 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra, Poet of Thursday, November 25: Holland and the War, Dr. Ort, Dutch Minister of Justice, has ordered the prosecution of the newspaper Ret Volk which called Mr. Posthuma, Minister of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry, a rascal
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  • 349 7 I have three boys of exceptional intellectual powers. They could have passed the Junior Cambridge but they are going to leave. Circumstances are such that their parents cannot afford to keep them at school any longer. A little help from the Government at the other end would
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  • 80 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —Mv Treatment in Germany. Band Programme. 4. —Legal Notes. Von Tirpitz and the Armada. 5. —Cough Mixture. Free School Sports. 8. —Our Advance in the Persian Gulf. The Coonoor Sensation. F. M. S. Company Law. Labour in
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  • 1231 8 OFFICIAL STORIES IN DISPATCHES. Remarkable Crossing or tee Tigris. The earlier operations of the gallant British and Indian force, which has been fighting for many months along the rivers at the head of The Persian Gulf, are described in a Blue Book issued in
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  • 592 8 Coonoor, November 12. At 2.30 to-day His Honour framed the following charges against the first accused, I Rungaswamy, and against the second accusled, Mrs. Newman Mrs. Newman wauted to Ibe tried as a European British subject and asked to be committed to the Sessions lof Coimbatore. The
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  • 397 8 The Registrar of Companies had quite a little field day in the magistrate’s court, yesterday, (said the Kuala Lumpur correspondent of the Straits Times writing on November 24) when the following agents of j the limited liability companies specified below were prosecuted under the British and
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  • 193 8 The matter of supreme impirtance, of course, is the rate of work. Tne Oriental will sit, passively watching and doing no thing, for hours. It seems useless to attempt “to hustle the East.” When one almost despairs of an increased output, one finds some native-controlled establishment
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  • 286 8 Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, to-morrow as follows 9 am. Children’s Service; 6 p.m Scottish Memorial Service. Preacher, Rev. W. Murray, M.A. Hymns for evening service: Church Praise. 443 O God of Bethel”, 687 Now Israel may say 170 For all the
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  • 866 8 Drastic Indian Rules. -i Delhi, November 12. J Rules are notified under the a Defence of India Act, under which n competent military authority, or any other authority empowered in this behalf t: by the Local Government, may make regu- 0 lations as to the navigation and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 519 8 WANTED G A CHINESE CLERK with a good hand Apply to WANCHEE ARIFFIN, 156, Hutton Lane. 685 0 TO LET. 1 st May, 1916, premises Nos. 27 r and 27a, Beach Street, at present occupied by Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Co- Suitable for offices and godowns. Apply to GAN NGOH BEE.
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    • 55 8 Chronic Constipation. Chamberlain’s Tablets can and do cure constipation. One or two of these tablets taken at bed time will keep the bowels open, and while doing so Will invigorate the stomach and put the disordered liver in a condition to do its work in a natural manner. For sale
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    • 10 8 For Chronic Chest CompUints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cere Is, 6d
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    • 88 8 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s
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    • 490 8 IVOTICE F S HEREBY GIVEN that Oh Soon Ho, X. who has been in our employ aa collector and purchaser of goods, severed his connection with us on the 10th November and that we will not be responsible for anv transactions that may be carried out by him on and
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  • 1130 9 We were hardly prepared tor the information given by the Chief Secretary to a question put by the Hon Mr. W. 1?’. Nutt at the recent session of the Federal Council, that the Director of Education had only been thirteen days in the F.M.S. during
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  • 876 9 It hae aroused us ail, it has shown us f hat lovtj o: country is a virtue, that unselfishness is ennobling, and that the traditions of the past are worth remembering aud preserving. 'loo long have we regarded Eugiand merely as a place iu which to
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  • 223 9 When vegetable food ferments it causes sour rising in the throat, the formation of gas in the stomach which distends it and causes pain often extending to the region of the heart and arousing a fear of heart disease. This condition is called acid dyspepsia. Heartburn, a name
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2524 9 THE Eastern 8 Oriental Sales Room. By Order of Pussy Fatimah the administratrix of the Estate of Mahomed Ariff deceased TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION All the undermentioned valuable Freehold Properties and 54, Bishop Street, Penang, (except Lot No. 1 which at Nos.. 52 will be sold by Public
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  • 1220 10 Bt R. A. Scott-Jambs. There is a certain European railway which is interesting enough at all times, but is of very particular interest just now. At one extremity of this great line lies Paris, at the other is Constantinople. In the old days the Orient Express was
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  • 766 10 The Murder of Admiral Tseng. The murder of Admiral Tseng on Wed--1 nesday morning, when he was on his way through the streets of the Foreign Ssttlei ments at Shanghai to attend a function at the Japanese Consulate, is the most cons- picuous crime in the annals
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 11 10 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, le.6d,
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    • 53 10 Chronic Constipation. Chamberlain’s Tablets can and do cure constipation. One or two of these tablets taken at bed time will keep the bowels open, and while doing so will invigorate the stomach and put the disordered liver in a condition to do its work in a natural manner. For sale
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    • 565 10 Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F.M.S. John Bazley White 8 Brothers’ PORTLAND CEMENT., “LION BRAND/ 9 Sand Hands, Buttery 8* Co ▲GENTS PENANG V F M S DAVID CORSAR 8 SON’S Well-Known Extra £avy Canvas, No. 0, SANDILANDS. BUTTERY 8 Co.
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  • 2712 11  - Smashing the CounterAttack. (By a C orrespondent in France.) HOW OUR MEN FOUGHT AT LOOS. There appears to be some doubt as to who rightly claims to been the first to notice and report signs of the massing of heavy forces of Germans for the counter-attack on onr positions.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 49 11 Accidents Will Happen. It may bo impossible to prevent an accident, but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pam Balm is not beyond anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for most anything. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 133 11 RAI SAHEB Br. K. C. DAS’S SWASTHYA SAHAYA HEALTH RESTORES and LITERATURE. ELEVENTH EDITION can now be obtained gratis and post free from Sole Agents for S S. ff F.M.S. THE PENANG RUBBER STAMP Co., 40, Church Street, Penang. Sub-Agents THE FRIEND OF THE PUBLIC Co., 49, Lahat Road, Ipnh.
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    • 225 11 DC 0 DOC DOC 3OOOOOC DCOO r\ fl BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE, o n k+friti if'l^v; ALL n o Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. o O OBTAINABLE RETAIL 1 I '.V mt -■’l a i -V-
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1759 12 SS oo S.N.C° .V Fob BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Y Expected Arrivals and Departures. Singapore. Mall Service. Port Swettenham and Moulmein. (Fortnightly).
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