Straits Echo, 18 November 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1006 1 2 9 r p r Pi n n Tha Dootcr adpisaa &ud amands. It it noarh-hiag, inrig© rati Mg imd Btraagtkaai»G. iHIIQfIIIBBBiiCRdi nrem» p*g \ls% For Cars on Hire B AM K S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. empire "The Little Aristocrat’* Call at or 'phone (No. 694)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 DRINK iSsSVS r M m mm 2# EjB£ rv-Sst 3H5 £*•<#*£ m u Hr. U > Sjff 8 w v f sif Bi CONNOISSEURS THE JU DING BRAND a fc MARKET BOLE AGENTS; OTHERS. LTD., PENANG
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  • 1724 3 There have been several signs th the 1 women of China are not at all ate to 1 feminism, and the historic invasion the National Assembly soon after the K>lu- 1 tion suggested that the Suffragette had worthy competitors in the Far EastTbe women of Japan,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 534 3 BILIOUSNESS. There are many causes of this complaint, hut they all sprint» from a disordered liver which does not properly fulfil its functions, especially in a warm climate, when it becomes sluggish in its action. The bile is turned from I, j its proper channel, and enters the blood, and
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    • 88 3 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s
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    • 12 3 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d
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    • 375 3 The New Lever Pj, Pocket Self-Filling yms WatermarisffllFountaiEPen That little lever fills the pen in a moment. Ask any up-to-date Stationer or Jeweller to show you this latest model of a world-famous pen. r t C f! Children «and thrive on i Mellin’s Food always satisfies. It contains in correct
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  • 205 4 Whatever improves bodily conditions in general aids disgestion. Cheerfulness, exercise, fresh air, baths and good habits make your disgestion better able to take care of any burdens you impose upon it. But the greatest aid to good digestion is good blood. Anamia, or thin blood, is a
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  • 608 4 STARTLING REVELATIONS. Riow ikd Stxixbs of Paet Six Months.” Mob Law ia Mono*. Extraordinary revelations as to the internal situation in Russia are made by Mr. Stephen Graham in a letter to the Timet. By way of preface the Times Bays it is its duty to call
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  • 291 4 I Need foe Closer Uhiow Bitwiiv tee Two Cooetbiie. "How England can know more about I India" was the subject of a lecture at UnivI ersity College bj Mr. Syama Sankar, a studI ent of the college. The lecturer said India land England were necessary to each
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 259 4 DAVID CORSAR 8 SON’S Well-Known Extra Navy Canvas, No. 0. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY S Co. John Roberts Billiard Table Manufacturer, HOTEL NORMAN, PENANG. HAS IN STOCK New Billiard Tables FOR SALE AND All Billiard Accessories such as Cues, Balls etc. Undertaken Repairs to any Kind of Table at reasonable Charges. Michelin
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    • 57 4 The Anglo-Japanese Dispensary, 393 A 395. Chulia Street. PENANG. Qualified Japanese Doctor always in attendance. All kinds of Patent Medicines and Proprietary Articles held in Stock. Prescriptions carefully dispensed. Attention, Civility and Moderate Charges guaranteed. PLEASE GIVE US A TRIAL. John Bazfey White Brothers’ PORTLAND CEMENT., LION BRAND.” S%ndi tends,
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    • 311 4 'QC ~>Of )OC DOCDOCDOCDOC DOC DOC Dm o A O o o 0 0 0 0 o o o o A nmmmm N <*cmj e O'tc/zn VYcufc X FRASER NEAVE, LTD., ARCYLE ROAD, PENANG. O n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o n u 0 o a i
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  • 641 5 Thomas Atkins informs me that THE mistake of this war has been the sending of so many fancy cigarettes to the Front. Woodbines, woodbines, and still more woodbines, was, it seemed the disideratum- It started a series of speculations touching the relations of war and tobacco.
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  • 290 5 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged $754,001 Mrs. Ritchie Gedong Estate I (2nd don.) 10 001 Mrs. Jamieson (3rd don.) 10.001 Dr. R. Dane 5.00 H. P. 2.00 $781.00 Workers are informed that a case containng the following garments was sent to St. James’ Palace on
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  • 510 5 Rigoletto. Despite the depressing weather, which to our knowledge kept many away, there was a Blightly larger audience at the Town Hall last night when Signor Carpi’s capable company staged Verdi’s Rigoletto.” Still, the large number of vacant seats in the mure expensive part of the house
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  • 406 5 Squalor and iuin are the present characteristics of ancient Badgad, the once beautiful city of the Arabian Nights where General Nixon’s troops may already be in effective occupation. Of its famous hundred mosques, only about thirty are now in use. Several of these are so dilapidated that.their crumbling roofs
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 599 5 OBTAINABLE RETAIL FROM ALL the PRINCIPAL DEALERS. r-* r >- u in e ua OS 3 r u U)> o. < •o —4 CP on 1 o U <r o i£o tz. CD ac < ua 2:0 o oc to <-> "IV3S Q3H ..IVIO3dS.. S.NVNVHOna osnv ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY
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    • 347 5 Smokers of discrimination always select 15he GARRICK SMOKING TOBACCO It has the distinction of invigorating the nerves and brain of TOBACCO' the business man. -v i Does not burn or irritate the throat. ?A0 Here’s the treat that you have waited for! THE STRAITS CINEMA. ’PHONE NO. 628, EMPIRE HALL.
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  • 95 6 or Published daily (except. Sunday» and pxV.j' holidays) aT THH CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. P*ic«. Daily Local $24 per uuzors Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poat Free) $17.50 CAUL* ADDKEBS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 589 Printing Department 343 A T rf.—All bu*ia«»a emnnunieatioai
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  • 1368 6 Germany is naturilly making every effort o embroil Greece an 1 the Eatoato Powers. :ome of the methods she has adopted are juite ingenious, but the following from the Ostasiatisc/n Lloyd's War Service” is simply too silly The correspondent of the Berliner Tageblatt wires that leading
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  • 837 6 Mr. S. W. Mastermaa, o£ the Survey, is going to Puket and will be located at Takua Pa— B. T. Dr. G. Fraucis, Deputy Registrar of Deaths, returned from Colombo, whither he proceeded on leave a few months ago, by the Dunera yesteiday and resumed the duties
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  • 41 6 Nov 12 By Balance $42,022 87 17 “E. W. J.” 100.00 Staff and Workmen of Prye River Dock 49.80 17 Balance 42,172.07 Remitted to London «610,000 on 24-2-15... 85,618.73 Total subscriptions to date „.$127,791.40
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  • 963 6 While it is highly satisfactory to find that the new Maternity Hospital has caught on” so well, it is a little disquieting at a time like tbi-», when it is especially the Clause de 1936 we have got to think about, to note that nearly all the European
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 182 6 To Introduce our D[ J "i J so that after the war there will be no room for the GERMAN article for the present month only we offer 5 Bottles at the Price of 4. The only condition is that tiie 6 Bottles must be a single purchase. Prices: 40
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  • 403 7 Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. BULGARIAN ENCIRCLING MOVEMENT. THREATENS babuna pass. London, November 17. A message from Salonika, dated November 16, states that the progress of the Bulgarians from Gostivar will force the gerbians to retire from the. Babuna Pans to 4 void encirclement. Moaastir ia Daaaer. The population
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  • 136 7 Plasters Loaa Fuad. ♦frost Our Own Correspondent O Kuala Lumpur, November 17. The Federal Council discussed the Plants’ Loan Fund Enactment. The clause itnitiDg the loan on rubber estates to estates planted before 1912 was deleted in favour a clause providing that the Federal Council by a
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  • 553 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. LADY PASSENGER’S GRAPHIC ACCOUNT. London, November 17. An American lady doctor, Dr. Cecile Grelle, a graduate of Cornell University, telegraphing from Bizerta, says that she was the only American cabin passenger on the Ancona. There were four others, Italians. The First Shot.
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  • 72 7 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, November 18. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 233 tons of rubber were offered for sale and 154 tons were sold at the following prices Smoked sheets $140 to $151 per picul fair $139 $140 plain $127 $140 Unsmoked $132 $137 plain $132
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  • 620 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS. London, November 16. In the House of Commons Lord Robert Cecil, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, announced that Russian troops are advancing on Teheran in order to give protection to the Allied Legations. Certain proposals had been received
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  • 105 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. RUSSIAN SUCCESSES. Petrograd, November 17. A Petrograd communique states Below Dvinsk the enemy attempted to cross the Dvina at several points in boats but was repulsed. Westward of Dvinsk, the Germans were compelled to abandon a portion of their trenches in the Lakesventer
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  • 632 7 Starvatioa Prices. The Budapest correspondent of the Morning Post, in a recent article, says It i9 no exaggeration to say that there is practically a state of famine in Hungary at present, especially at Budapest, and that the civil population is on the brink of starvation.
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  • 94 7 From Dutch Sources. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Tuesday, November 16:— The Iron Head ia Belgium. The new taxation which the Germans are imposing on Belgium amounts to 40,000,000 francs, payable in monthly instalments. The first instalment must be paid before December
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  • 1338 7 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. GENERAL STAFF CRITICISED. LORD HALDANE IN DEFENCE. London, November 17. In the House of Lords, replying to criticisms on the General Staff by Lord St. Davids, Lord Holdane detailed General Sir John French’s working day from six in the morning till dinner. Regarding the various
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  • 76 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Page. 3. —The|“ Liberty Girl in China. 4. —Belgrade Under the Austrian Occupation. A Grand Fleet Chaplain’s Note-Book, 5- —The Italian Opera. Bagdad. The Smoke of Battie. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. 8. —Police Court News. On the Edge of
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  • 903 8 Rash Riding. A Chinaman named Soo Teik Ho was yesterday morning arraigned before Mr. R. Scott m the District Court on a charge of riding a bicycle along Pitt Street in a i manner so rash and negligent as to endanger human life. Accused, when charged, said
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  • 33 8 Katoo Deebook No Liability. Output for first fortnight of November, 90 piculs. (Plant has been stopped for 7 days Deebook DBEDoiira No Liability. Output for first fortnight of November, 284 piculs.
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  • 441 8 (.From Out Own Correspondent) Langkawi, November 13. The Bridge. The bridge over the Kuah River, as anticipated, has collapsed. Now people have to ferry across and the lccal ferryman is doing a good business. I have written so often about the bridge that it seems surprising the Kedah
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  • 500 8 Enquirers into government in the East are apt at times to wonder whether the older methods did not bring greater justice to those who need it, than do the modern ways. A caliph walking his ways through bis town at night in disguise, or sitting at bis gate
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  • 1953 8 DUTCH FRONTIER AMENITIES. How Horses are “Stolen.” The "Times” Correspondent in Holland has been given a unique opportunity of visiting many points on the frontier between that country and Belgium on the one side and Germany on the other. In the following a/rticle he
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 398 8 TO LET FURNISHED. No. 3 Westland» Bungalows. Moderate Rent. Apply R. H. PINHORN, 669 Free School. FROM 1st May, 1916, premises Nos 27 and 27a, Beach Street, at present occupied by Messrs Huttenbach Bros. Co- Suitable for office» and godowns. Apply to GAN NGOH BEE, 660 3, Light Street. WANTED.
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    • 62 8 A Favorite Rub Dow a. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game. All soreness disappears like m&gio and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third less time
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    • 64 8 In a hot climate inch as this harmful bacteria multiply very quickly, and that is the reason of stomach and bowel complaints being so prevalent These troubles are difficult to cure unless the r ght medicine be taken. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE is a medicine of sound curative properties and
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    • 55 8 Chronic Constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets can and do cure constipation One or two of these tablets taken at bed time will keep the bowels open, and while doing so will invigorate the stomach and put the disordered liver in a condition to do its work in a natural manner- Fpr sale
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    • 682 8 Nam Hung Steamship Coy. FOR SINGAPORE, HONGKONG B AMOY. i 3 The 8 8. Hai Tang is expected to arrive J here from Singapore to-morrow the 19th 3 instant, and will leave for the above ports on the following day at 4 p.m. For freight or passage, please apply to
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  • 684 9 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (UNDER S.R.A. RULES OF RACING.) l NOTICE No amendment, to thi. Programme will be considered unless due notice ie given in writing to the Secretary at least seven days before the date of the Special General Meeting, i.e., 22nd November, 1915. The
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  • 947 9  -  By Helen Douglas-Irvine. For the second time in the course of this war Belgrade has been occupied by the enemy. There has been, one supposes, a repetition of the scenes of last year. Many inhabitants of the town had, during last spring and summer, returned
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  • 1035 9 GUBBTS. Monarchs I have met would form an article that might be written by most naval office's, for there are few who have not frequently hobnobbed with Royalty”— to use tneir own light-hearted expression—though the Royalty has been in varying degrees, down to coal-black, semi-nude
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 280 9 METHYLATED SPIRITS! (QUALITY GUARANTEED.) Wholesale Price $3-50 per tin of 4 gellons. Retail price 20 cents per quart bottle. OBTAINABLE AT CHEAH KEE EE Co., 56, China Street, Penang. E. O. Hotel. SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. at 5 p.m., on Tuesday, 28th December, 1915. Handicaps fo r Entries Close
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    • 49 9 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an accident, but it is Dot impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is not beyond anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for most anything. For sale by all Dispensaries and Healers.
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    • 579 9 m V Don’t mix Milk with Baby’s Pood ANY Baby Food that requires the addition of milk is obviously not a complete food for Baby. There is something lacking which milk is required to supply. There is only one perfect food for Baby—his mother’s milk. But if this is absent,
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  • 1283 10 Bulgaria’s Neighbours. The problems of Balkan frontiers are bewildering in their number and complexity. Every state in South-Eastern Europe can claim plausibly and perhaps with justice that the existing boundaries rob it of citizens naturally assigned to it by race and racial sentiment. Every State can argue with
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  • 368 10 The best thing the Government can do with the press censorship is to expunge the civilian element altogether and leave the press to deal with an unadulterated military and naval censorship. The Press Bureau is an ill-conceived, amorphous conglomeration of jurisdictions, and all the bickerings between the Home
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  • 259 10 Several months ago it was stated in Truth that many racing studs would be given up, i and that others which might b-j kept on would be largely reduced. Drastic economies are urgently necessary, and many owners would have sent their studs into the market during the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 Early Colds. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at once. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 155 10 BS3 i caasgawH—bmsbb •2 if nrjs»i*nur.-to« Just Arrived 1915-16 Model JKv2T h’v »r"> NETT. Finished in Brewester Green with Ivory Linings, Electric Starter, Electric Lights throughout, Electric .Horn, One Man Hood, Full Weather Protection. For further particulars apply M. DEP AETMENT PENANG. —bh— a—gg—mi IJfmri .5» Cable: Telephone > No.
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  • 3269 11 We are most of us deeply interested in the probable duration of the war, but there is no Delphic oracle to respond to our inquiries. More than twelve months ago Kitchener ventured to express in the House of Lords his conviction that the war would be
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 10 11 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint C«re Is. 6d
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    • 204 11 ZDC C :oc DC DOC y=DC s BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. o ALL o n Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL 'V m 1 1 vs iflZED mm AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The World.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1624 12 P.&O. S.N.C" Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outward. Homeward. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. "A” Accommodation. Ist class 2nd class To Lonaon or Plymouth...
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