Straits Echo, 6 November 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1053 1 wwwnww fcfcl i?I£*U ftsi Ursaczi Ste; I* 2 c o 1 5l 7 1 £I& TIANO LEE CO.. Z P«ut| w K«»li L«mpt*r, (BANKS. > empire •’The Utile Aristocrat” Call at or ’phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and
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    • 17 1 XO LET. 1 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428. BURMAH ROAD. LOCATION QUIET 6 HEALTHY. APPLY 53, Beach Street
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  • 672 2 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (UNDER S.R.A. RULES OF RACING.) NOTICE —No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice ib given in writing to the Secretary at least seven davs before the date of the Special General Meeting, i.e., 17th November, 1915. The notice
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  • 953 2 POPULAR DISLIKE OF THE INVADERS. An Independent People Delemont. The wanton brutality of German behaviour to Belgium, a9 well as her violation of the neutrality of the smaller State, haB completely overshadowed the similar breach of her international obligations which she committed in the case of Duchy of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 480 2 Influenza and Afterwards take I sTSM and Bazaars Of all Chemists Both during and after influenza. Angier’s Emulsion is invaluable. Healing to throat, lungs, stomach and intestines, and a most invigorating tonic 2nd restorative, it not only relieves the cough and chest symptoms, but it promotes appetite, aids digestion and
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    • 55 2 Chronic Constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets can and do cure constipation. One or two of these tablets taken at bed time will keep the bowels open, and while doing so will invigorate the stomach and put the disordered liver in a condition to do its work in a natural manner- For sale
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    • 148 2 y a n a :iDannc DdC DncoddRRdCDddC DdC manner INSURE TOUR r I otor Cars otor Cycles AMD 1 i o u 0 a a a r\ U ci I u u r\ mercidl Vehicles with the Company that specialises in MOTOR INSURANCE. fHE MOTOR UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. (Under
      148 words

  • 1076 3  -  [By Tom Wright.] Fog, and by dose is weeping, till I cad hardly see. Somewhere the post is calling, for my weekly tiddledidee Parody. Precision as to fact. Rotten. I weaken, I prepare to abandon Babylon. Why I'll tell you. If I feared to incur the suspicion of being
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  • 168 3 At the monthly Council Meeting held on Monday the 25th October 1915 at 230 p.m. the Vice-President Mr. R P. Brash, took the Chair in the absence of the President. There were also present tbe Hon. Mr. Eu Tong Sen, Messrs. Cheah Kee Ee, J.
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  • 66 3 lbs. The Sungei Batu (Malaya) Rubber Estates Ltd 16,605 Val D’or Rubber Estates, Ltd 21,500 The Kurau Rubber Estates, Ltd 27,400 The Malakoff Rubber Co, Ltd 44,500 S. S (Bertam) Rubber Co, Ltd 87,000 The Windsor (F.M.S.) Rubber Estato Ltd. 16.000 The Malakoff Plantations Co,.Ltd 6,550 The
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  • 33 3 The output of the Daebook Dredging No Liability for the month of October was Dredge. Cubic yards treated. Hours. Piculs. No. 1 30,161 398 121 No. 2 70,420 594 526 647
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  • 76 3 23rd Sunday after Trinity. 8-00 am. Matins 8-30 am. Holy Communion 10-30 a.m. Chinese Service 500 p.m. Children’s Service 6-00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon i Hymn 370 Eternal Father strong to save I Psalm XXXVII Goss 1 Magnificat Nuac Dimitti. j Maunder in C Hymn 382
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  • 383 3 Services will ba held in Ihe Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, to-morrow as follows Horning, at 9 a in Children’s Service Evening, at 6 p.m Public Worship. Preacher, Rev. W. Murray, M A. Hymns for evening worship: Church Praise. 655, 356. 534, and 224. Service of intercession on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 863 3 Alfred de Wind Neubronner deceased. Debtors and Creditors of the above are requested to send in particulars to the undersigned as Solicitors for Mr. Harry Alfred Neubronner the sole executor and trustee. ADAMS ALLAN, Bank Building Penang. 29ib October, 1915. 633 Plants for Sale. No. 15, Northam Road. PENANG SALES
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    • 505 3 X 0 O v .vO^ v* 4 o’ C> 0* 4 0 4? 9 0 \> 0 0 < 0 <> 0 0 > e €>- 0 .v 0 0 a? 0 *> 0* 0 4 V 4^ 0 < 0 0 0 0' s 0 o V ;v t?
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  • 96 4 Pablwhed drily (except Sunday» and pablie holiday*) AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. PRIOR. Daily Local M 924 par unus Oatatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Frae) 917.50 CABLB ADD*!»» ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 588 Printing Department 343 Nif All buaiacu erainunicatioai abruki
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  • 679 4 It is a recognised thing when the British navy and army are joined in toast or phrase the order shall be as is here put down. The navy comes first. It was first in order in the development of Britain’s power, and it has stood in the
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  • 641 4 On what conditions shall we trade with our present enemies when peace is proclaimed The Empire is determined to crush Germany in a military sense. Is it desiri able that the Empire should also crush her economically We believe that it is impossible utterly to
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  • 947 4 The Rev. F. W, Haines, Colonial Chaplain, will probably retire on pension in February or March. Dr. James Kirk is going Home in February and expects to take up medical work in connection with the war. Captain George A. Finlayson, M.D., late of the Singapore Volunteer Corps,
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  • 1021 4 Some proportion of the man/ noncommissioned officers recently granted commissions may eventually swell the band of ioldiers who have risen from the ranks to the position of General. One of the most notable members of this band is Sir William Robertson who has done such brilliant work as
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 171 4 FOR A io Introduce our s i r c E so that after the war there will be no room for the GERMAN article for the present month only we offer 5 Bottles at the Price of 4. The only condition is that the 5 Bottles must be a single
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  • 650 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. I SERBIAN ARMY INTACT. ORDERLY RETIREMENT. London, November 4. I Reuter learns from an authoritative source /that the cohesion of the Serbian Army has oeen preserved where necessary, making an I jrderly retirement and fighting valiant rear- guard actions. The Army’s efficiency is I
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  • 700 5 (Reuter Service) Copyright Telegram. lombaertzyde bombarded. GERMANS REPULSED. London, November 5, 1.35 a.m. A Paris communique states that our batteries in Belgium bombarded lengthily the enemy’s positions in the region of Lombaertzyde and stifled the German efforts at replv. Violent artillery duels occurred in Artois, near Givenchy,
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  • 616 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram MINOR RUSSIAN SUCCESSES. Petrograd, November 5. The Russians repulsed an enemy offensive in the Schlock region. The enemy unsuccessfully tried to cross the Dvina below Dvinsk. The Russians made progress to the outskirts of Uluxt. Several German attacks south of Lake Sventen collapsed
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  • 608 5 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. german socialists participate. i Hague, November 5. It has been confirmed that there have been peace discussions at Amsterdam, the German Socialist members of the Reichstag participating. Germany’s Position. A correspondent of the Gothenburg Post, says the Daily Telegraph of October 13, who has
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  • 114 5 Letters posted at Dato Krarnat and E. A O. Hotel Sub-Post Offices and in the Pillar-boxes before 10 a.m. to-morrow will be in time to catch the Homeward Mail. Letters etc., for despatch by the B. I. Contract Packet Ellora may be posted at the Head Office up
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  • 1049 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. JAPANESE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Tokyo, November 4. j A Foreign Office in an official aanouuco- ment opines tint Jipia will accept the Chinese assurances of the safety of Japanese nationals in the event of disturbances arising from the monarchical movement. Oppositioa is South China. The
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  • 729 5 FRO 4 DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Thursday, Novomber 4 PEACE TALK. Germany's Terms. A correspondent of a news agency at The Hague reports that he has learnt from a trustworthy source that a number of members of the German
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  • 2188 6  -  By “Platoon Commander.” We were moved to the village very suddenly. There was no reason that we could ■ee for the move. However, this transpired later. It was getting dusk when we reached the village. A and 0 companies were sent at once up
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  • 1504 6  -  (BY “L. Y.”) Stant Littobe Pupfes Virgil. The oldest Indian dog story I know of is that of the dog of the Paadavas, mentioned in the Mahabharata. When the great civil i war, which practicilly ruined the empire of the Lunar race, was over, the Pandavas
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  • 504 6 An Unscrupulous Artifice. Dublin, Monday. It has come to light withiu the past few days that pro-Germ in agents ia Ireland hive been employing a new method for promoting their objects. This is by distributing throughout the country a pamphlet entitled “Ireland, Germany and the Freedom
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  • 1058 6 RELATION OF THE FLEET TO OUR 1 MILITARY STRENGTH. i Keeping t*e Seas. London, October 2. A writer in one of the better-known of the war weeklies has discovered what he describes as an extraordinary paradox in connection with British sea power. He points out that while the
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  • 211 6 The following ties were played off yesterday thus bringing a successful 'tennis tournament under the auspicies of the Penang Cricket Club to a conclusion Double Handicap A. Savi and Gregson beat Threllfall and Harris 3-6, 6—1, 6—4. Profession Pairs. Bennett and Prentis beat Craigen and Mason 6—2,
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  • 397 6 Saturday §th November 191 b. Golf Club, 545 to 7-15 p.m, 1 Overture Raymoond Thomas 2 Two Step My Little Black Sweetheart Frederiksen 3 Selection Robbie Burns Elliot 4 Waltz The Pink Lady Carvll 5 Song Till the Boy 3 Come Home Novella 6 March The Jolly Bachelor
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 40 6 Early Colds. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at once. For salo by all Dispon•anoH aud Dealers.
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Curo, 1«. tid.
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    • 49 6 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an accident, but it is not impossible to be prepared tor it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is cot beyoud anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for most anything. For Bale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure la, 6d.
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  • 1774 7 THE ENGLISH BIVOUAC ON THE MARNE. Bar-le-Duc, Saturday. la the course of 250-mile motor ride along and about the Marne between Meaux and Bar-le-Duc I bare seen the present state of the country over which the armies fought the great struggle in September last and
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  • 941 7  -  A WOUNDED SEPOY’S SURPRISES. By Edmund Candler. If there is a Paradise in the world, sahib, it is London.” Such is the verdict of Jogat Singh, a sikh sowar (cavalryman) who has enjoyed the opportunity which is being offered convalescent Indians of seeing London. When we
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 440 7 me x" fflfiai" >nr C ~=X b :oc x DOC XoOOOC BY ROYAL DCDC APPOINTMENT. n Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE, ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL -■V' < -v- ft*! m m 7$ i K i A
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1877 8 Bt o*r S.N.C® •>5 P.&O. Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures Mall Service. Homeward. Date. Nov. 12 Nov. 27 Dec. 11 Dec. 25 FAKES BY MAIL
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