Straits Echo, 5 November 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1080 1 *0 M 9 Z B -i -i p Q n n manda. It is nowi-king, iavii go rating »4 stxaagtkanis^. f«I '.**S For Cars on Hire EMPIRE "The Little ArUloctQ Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of
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  • 641 3 Alleged Murder. The hearing of the case against Mat Hussein bin Megat Ali, charged with the murder of Darus, was resumed yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and a special jury comprising Messrs. S. G. Parrett (Foreman) C. T. Smith, M. Striven, H. G. Palmer, F.
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  • 42 3 Nov 3By Balance ...$40,647.29 4 R. B. Osborne, Nov. subscription 25.00 European Staff of GedoDg Estate, monthly subscription 90.72 4 Balance, 40,763.01 Remitted to Loudon .£lO,OOO on 24-2 15... 85,618.73 Total subscriptions to date ...$126,381.74
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  • 25 3 Nov. 3 By Balance $1,858 66 4 O. B. Pike, 10th contribution 25.00 4 Balance, $1,883.66 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$20,441.87
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  • 52 3 The output and profits from Kramut Pulai Ltd for the month of October, 1915, were as follows Output. Estimated Profit, From the Mine $12.3C0 From Tributors 1,100 Total ***** piculs $13,400 The total output of the Tronoh mines from all sources for the month of October is piculs
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  • 310 3 Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting of the Penang Recreation Club was held at the Pavilion on Wednesday and was attended by a large number of members. The President Mr. J. D. Scully, in addressing the meeting, said that he did not propose to keep them
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  • 393 3 The New Governor. Weltevredeo, October 30. Telegraphic intimation has been received locilly from the Minister for the Colonies at the Hague of the Government's acceptance of the resignation of H E. Mr. Idenburg’s resignation as from Feb. 1, 1916. The message also conveys thanks to His Excellency for
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  • 75 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Novembei 4. Probationary Police Inspector L. A. Neal has been fined $2OO for attempting to obtain “a valuable thing without consideration.” It is alleged that 110 requested payment from Must in, a coolie contractor, one of whose coolies he is alleged to
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  • 42 3 lbs Bakap Rubber Plantation, Ltd 26,738 Jong Landor Rubber Estate, [Ltd. 43,435 Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd. 41,196 Parit Perak Rubber Syndicate 4,180 Batu Matang Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 11.023 New Columbia Rubber Co., Ltd. 26,836 Consolidated Rubber Estates Ltd. 25,792
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  • 36 3 Friday, sth November 1916. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. 1 Overture La ‘Sireno Auber 2 Two Step Gnats Echersley 3 Selection Martha Fletow 4 Waltz Fidelity True Till Death Lamothe March Oriental Echoes.. Rosey
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 901 3 Probate 1915 No. 516 NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF HAJEE ABDULLAH WAHAB DECEASED. PURSUANT to the Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance of 1886 section 46, notice is hereby given that all creditors or other persons having any claims and demands against tho Estate of Hajee Abdullah Wabab deceased late
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    • 12 3 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d.
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    • 421 3 o tv 0» > i 4 0 4? e* \> 0 \> V 0 < 0 0> e o V 0 V o <► 4 V* o V 0* 4 4 V 0» < 0 0 0 o V A! 0 0 <p 4 o X < \> 0« 0
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  • 239 4 Situation Improved. Petrograd, November 3. A telegram Btates that the situation in Persia has improvod, owing to the presence of large number of Russian troops at Kazvin. |Warsiag From Russia. Petr ograd.—Later. The Russian Minister at Teheran has informed the Government of the Shah that if the reports of
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  • 93 4 Pvbhxbed daily (except Susdeje end hoiidfcr») AT THB CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Psics. Daily Local m )24 per aamac; Ontetation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Poat Free) $17.50 CABI.H ADDKBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 58® Printing Department 345 If d. —All buna»»* ccnsoiunicatioßa
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  • 1421 4 M. Veaizelos’s defeat iu the Greek Chamber of M. Ziimis is full of possibilities but, having twice put on our money on the great Cretan statesman and been disappointeJ, we shall certainly wait and see what happens at Athens and not take it for granted that the
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  • 1009 4 We much regret to learn that Mr H. W. Oxenham, of the Penang Harbour Board, is a patient in the General Hospital suffering from appendicitis. At the meeting of Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, which was held oa the 3rd instant, Wor. Bro. F. Fletcher was installed
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  • 935 4 One of our young friends whose opinions ••a politics are particularly valuable because 1 e gets them checked by leading seamin in xiond-class hotels was much bucked yeiter'ay by the optimism” of Mr. Asquth’s v tatement, After all, everything depends on t he point of view. Reading Thucydides
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 308 4 SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY fi? SATURDAY. SOLE AGS TS m Fresh Shipment J us; to Hana DAISUKE World-renowned Private Ricksnaws Latest Mode l tDHARMA mi rnn */7A MO Th. WOOI Defies the Dezdly Ravages of the WHITi ANT. Exceilen Persia. Situation Improved. Petrograd, November 3. A telegram Btates that the
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  • 589 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright» u. SERBIA INVADED Bulgarian repulse at krivolak. Paris, November 8. A Paris communique relating to the Near East states “The Bulgarians were again easily repulsed at Krivolak. We made progress somewhat in the Strummtza region.” CHECK TO THE ENEMY. Salonika, November 3. The entire
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  • 525 5 (Renter Service.) Copyright Telegram ENEMY ATTACKS REPULSED. Petrograd, November 3. A Petrograd communique states that the Russians carried two strongly organised heights near Dvinsk, capturing numerous prisoners They likewise repulsed attacks in the vicinity of Komarovo. The Austrians who crossed the Putilovka were driven back and their
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  • 592 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. VIOLENT ARTILLERY DUEL. London, November 4, 1.50 a.m. A Paris communique states The French wrecked imp jrtant mining works north of the Somme. Violent artillery and trench mortarfighting occurred in the Beauvraignes section, while in Champigne the German attack near Massiges, preceded by
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  • 638 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. EFFECT ON GERMANY. IMPORTANT FOREIGN OFFICE STATEMENT. London, November 3. In the House of Commons, replying to Lord Charles Beresford, who declared that the blockade of Germany was ineffective, owing to the interference of the Foreign Office, Lord Robert Cecil, Under-Secretary of State
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  • 473 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN SUPER SUBMARINE NETTED. London, November 4. The Liverpool Post gives an interesting story to the effect that the latest German super-submarine, 280 ft in length and carrying four large guns, which was launched a fortnight ago at Stettin, was skillfully caught by
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  • 78 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Page 3. —Penang Recreation Club. Police Inspector Fined. Netherlands India. October Rubber Crops. Baud Programme. The Prince of Wales’ War Relief Fund. Tin Outputs. The Assizes. Belgian Relief Fund. 6. —A Soldier on Compulsion. Legal Notes. A Grand Fleet
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  • 862 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. Tho following special to! :»grams are from the Sumatra Pod of Tuesdiy and Wednesday, November 2 and 3 Holland and the War. The Java Bode has filed a plaint against the Nieuvis van den Dag v N.I. which declared that tho Java Bode had
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  • 32 5 Obituary. Sir Robert Laidlaw. London, November 3. The death has taken place of Sir Robert Laidlaw, formerly Liberal M.P. for Renfrewshire, and head of the firm of Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw k Co.
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  • 1261 6 I* London paper has received the fol lowing unsolicited communication from a sergeant in a line regiment serving in Flanders.] Oue haH not the time or the opportunity out here to follow in detail the course of public political controversies in England. But I have recently
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  • 655 6 In spite of much talk, both domestic and foreign, as to the possibilities offered to Socialism by modern China, it would seem that the people of that remarkable country have hitherto been too busily occupied with adjusting petty political affairs, that matter little one way or the
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  • 1012 6 THE LORD CHIEF JUSTICE’S MISSION. Some Dissatisfaction. Just as at the approach of August the light of justice begins to wane—as Lord Justice KuigUt-Bruce once put it—so at the commencement of October it begins to renew its brightness. Members of the Bar are first returning to the Temple
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  • 895 6 By Jeremiah W. Jenes, Ph. D., LL. D. (Director of the Division of Public Affairs New York University and of the far Eastern Bureau The reports from Peking that President Yuan Shih-k’ai is seriously considering the advisability of making himself Emperor, and that Dr. Frank J.
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  • 939 6 Clothes —Umiform and Otherwise. The war has done one thing for naval officers—it has taught them how to wear their uniform on shore without looking and feeling awkward and ashamed. Formerly, uniform was never worn ashore except when on duty, or occasionally in foreign ports
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  • 464 6 Gruesome Vkjil. A Central News special correspondent the front writes 1 -There is a good deal of competition when volunteers are called for, and the other dav when volunteers were wanted for cutting the German barbed wire entanglements it would have done your heart good to see the
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  • 548 6 An Occasional Gleam of Truth. Am’d all the fiction that one discovers ia a batch of German newspapers about the 1 state of opinion in England, France, or 1 Russia, now and again one comes across a j paragraph stating the truth quite baldly, 1 and piercing
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 A Favoiitc Rub Dawn. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know tho value of ChamberIain’s Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game. All soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings ate cured in one-third less time than
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    • 80 6 One test of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, would prove to you its solid worth as a preventive medicine that should be in every family medicine chest. Sold all over the world, its popularity is increasing every year, and, as you will know, it is not possible to keep selling a
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    • 40 6 Early Colds. Ba careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-iter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at once. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 55 6 Chronic Constipation. Chamberlain’s Tablets can and do cure constipatiou. One or two of these tablets taken at bed time will keep the bowels open, and while doing so will invigorate the stomach and put the disordered liver in a condition to do its work in a natural manner- For sale
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaint®, Woods’ Great Peppermint Care Is. 6d
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  • 1163 7  -  By Herbert Vivian. Chivalry has been somewhat at a discount during the present war, for even the most kindly and philosophic of us have found it difficult to regard Huns as human beings after all their diabolical outrages. But the Italians, coming fresh to the
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  • 801 7 There is sjrrow among the Island People to-day. It has come about iu this wise. They fancy that England—their England—is no longer their fneud, and the lamentable cause—is Greece—their Greece. To appreciate this one must kuow aud uuderstaud the islanders of the Mediterranean and the .Kgeau Arebipelgo. Nominally
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  • 918 7  -  WONDERS OF THE BRITISH ADVANCE ON BAGDAD. By Lovat Fraser. We learned on Thursday last the surprising news that a mixed British and Indian force was within a hundred miles of Bagdad, Should our troops reach their goal, they will have performed one of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Wheu you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acta on nature’s
      88 words
    • 53 7 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, clear the complexion of blemishes and sweeten the breath, use the dainty laxative EmMRi They gently assist nature and will help to keep you well. Tiny but thorough, do not gripe. Of Chemists,so cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
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    • 212 7 b :oc DC DOC DOoOOOC DCDO 0 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. L n Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE, o ALL Government n o Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL i aft :1 as ri y NAiy o A AND ALL Leading
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1601 8 oS S.N.C' Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electrio Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electrio Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, Foa Intended to Steamer. Singapore. Mall Service. Port Swettenham and Singapore.
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