Straits Echo, 3 November 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1070 1 C*U Aceriisi TIANO LEE CO. «emo mm trt&msrr YA PI V Tfc» Debtor advisee and raor-sn-mande. It is noari>Litt£, ijjvi(foratiig sad strongtisniay. •gs-3*5 ewmaj ptg i.tq For Cars !2on Hire I EMPIRE “The Little Ariaiocn < Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A t Penang
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    • 18 1 TO LEX. m 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428, BURMAH ROAD. n LOCATION QUIET HEALTHY. APPLY 53, Beach Street. 5
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  • 1126 2 [Eoeoeban Police Systems. By Raymond B. Fosdiwk. George Allen and Unwin. 6s. 6d. net] It is surprising that no one should have thought of writing this book before. When we consider the part played by the policeman in modern society, especially on the Continent where he is the
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  • 804 2 THE POSITION OF WOMEN. By Mrs John Lank. One of the greatest changes which is already the result of the war is the totally different economic position of women. It is still something of a shock to see them doing work—and doing it well—until now
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 298 2 METHYLATED SPIRITS! (QUALITY GUARANTEED.) Wholesale Price $3-50 per tin of 4 gellons. Retail price 20 cents per quart bottle. OBTAINABLE AT CHEAH KEE EE Co., 56, China Street, Penang. tnnninnnMnniinnninnnMnnninnn# n M n n n m m m n n 0 M m m 0 SLOTEN’S BUTTER is the best
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    • 57 2 It Never Fails. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name implies. It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adults, and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pains in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always cures.
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    • 213 2 u The Bernese Alps Milk Co. CONTRACTOR* TO THE Admiralty India Office worn IMA. Mt ipatdfut %f o« SLEDGE BRAND MILK. 0 o 0 0 0 0 o n 1 0OSOICZ3® ®CZD®®CD«CDa<~ Lock) Age&U SANDILANDS, BUTTERY S U. CHIN SENG CO., LTD. Motor-car and Coach Builders. Saddlery, Harness and Rubber
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  • 896 3 The following is a distinctly “fishy” story, though it is about a dog: The latest dog siory from the trenches concerns a bull terrier named Turc. He is a wonderful dog. When night falls he takes a small telephone receiver in his month and trots off to the
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  • 42 3 The following tie has been fixed for to-morrow Double Handicap ASavi and Gregson vs Threllfall and Harris The following tie has been fixed for Friday, the sth inst.: Projession Pairs J R Bennett and Prentis vs Craigen and Mason.
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  • 818 3 Mr. J. Stark arrived from Home yesterday by the P. A O. s.s. Namur. A farewell dinner to 2nd Lieutenant E. M. May is to be given by A Co. M S V.R., in the Selangor Club on Thursday next. 9 9 Captain F. C. Ferguson, who
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  • 107 3 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs Allen Dennys Co. by auction sale yesterday and during the week Smoked Ribbed Sheet $130 to $132 Plain m No. 2 Smoked Sheet ribbed... $119 $12/ Unsmoked Sheet $119 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $117 $119 Crepe Pine Pale
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 842 3 OLD MIRRORS re-silvered and made as good as new. N e w ones made to order. Ail work guaranteed* Write or call. HORACE RICE. 623a Cecil Street Penang Alfred de Wind Neubronner deceased. Debtors and Creditors of the above are requested to send in particulars to the undersigned as Solicitors
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    • 408 3 i *3B Ns! Vh •S A 4 o V 0 y S V* V A <b x> /> x> V V o o v »>* o V% A a o ft V <y 4> *> s> tf> <» •<4 ft s? > <? «*> 0 > 4? <* ft \9
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  • 94 4 Published daily (except Sundaji and p*b;;? holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS. Lti>. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fkicb. laily Local m $24 per annaio Oatstation.., Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLB address ECHO—PENANG" Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N d. —All busiassa eanmunicatioßa
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  • 1027 4 Our leading article yesterday brought us to the conclusion that, while we are not in a position to say what the object of General Joffre’s next move will be—whether he will make for the Rhine or whether he will merely continue to harry the Germans round the
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  • 260 4 Mr. Asquith’s comprehensive review of the situation dribbled into this office this morning and this afternoon in some thirty instalments and, more Reuter, many of the later portions came to hand before what should have been their predecessors. The Prime Minister’s statement is of 6ucli very great
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  • 880 4 Preparations for to-morrow’s Baziar in the Town Hail are going on apace to-day and everything points to a huge success, always providing that the public make a point of attending. All sorts of gifts have been received for the Patriotic Stall, and the other stalls will provide a
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  • 33 4 The B. I. Contract Mail steamer Tara is expected here on Saturday at 6 a.m. from Negapatam and will sail the same day at 4 p.m. for Port Swettenham and Singapore.
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  • 586 4 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AUTHORISED VERSION. London, November 2. Iu order to dispel untruthful rumours ihe following statement is authorised by the King. His Majesty was ndmg a strange horse, but au excellent one, which was frightened by the cheering of the men and reared and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 119 4 r. :o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY S’ SATURDAY. Si CO.. LTD. SOIL,IS AGENTS FOR G. if ' 'c^-v CYCLES. Look ere you leap, see ere you go; It may be for your profit so. i S You get the best if you buy only John Jaques Son Ltd’s Footballs. A
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  • 2874 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIR JOHN FRENCH S REPORT. heavy oerm\n losses. London, November 1. Field-Marshal Sir Johu French, in a des- 1 patch, states that the enemy on October 29 1 heavily bombarded the area east of Ypres. Otherwise, owing to the wet misty weather, tbe
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  • 370 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram CONTINUED RUSSIAN SUCCESSES. Petrograd, November 2. A Petrograd communique reports that the Germans were repulsed with heavy artillery fire and fusillades. The Germans assumed the offensive northwest of Tchartovysk, but we repulsed their furious attacks, capturing 400 Austrians. The Russians likewise dislodged the
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  • 82 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page 2. —The State Style. Censorship. 3. —Random Notes. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament.*3 M. A.] P. Penang Rubber Auction. 6. —Late War Items. The Municipal Bill. Band Programme. Constantinople Transformed. October Tin Outputs. Aircraft from the Colonies. Alleged
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  • 598 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. SERBIA’S GALLANT STAND. Athens, November 2. Trustworthy advices from Salonika state that though the situation of the Serbians is serious, they continue to make a gallaut stand against the Austro-German forces, while the Bulgarians are in a long line which is threatened on both
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  • 92 5 Obituary. j Herr Kidder. i London, November 2. The death has taken place of Herr Herman Bidder, Editor of the New Yorker StoatsZeitung of New York and the leader of the German propaganda in the United States. Lewis Walter. London, November 2. The death has taken place at the age
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  • 697 6 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE POSITION OT THE NATION. S»ccck<|ia the Coaman. London, November 2. The House of Commons was crowded and animated and Mr. Asquith was received with warm cheers when he rose to make his statement. Miskap to tke King. At the outset he expressed his
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  • 82 6 The output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during the month of October was 85G pikuls (Pis, 403. 16 Mill) (Pis. 458.75 Tributes.) Mr. Khaw Joo Tok informs us of the out-j put from the following Companies for the month of October viz j Katoo Deebook No
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  • 748 6 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Monday, November 1: Holland nd the War. In consequence of the increase in the coBt of living. Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina has raised the pay of all the workmen in her employ. Mr. T.
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  • 61 6 j Wednesday, 3rd November 1915. j Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. 1 Overture Tancredi Rossini 2 Two Step Laughing Water Hager 13 Selection La Favorita Donizetti 4 Waltz Wedding of the Wind Hall 5 March The Scorcher Rosey The Havper Mystery" and The Haunted Castle are the
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  • 1228 6 We are always mistrustful of proposals which we do not understand, and we cannot blame members of the Legislative Council for displaying the same tendency. The discussion Municipal Ordinance Amendment Bill on Friday afternoon leaves a good deal to be cleared up, and, as the committee stage
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  • 458 6 Mr. Alma Baker —aud others —will read with interest the following article which we take from the 7 imes of Ceylon The special cable from our London correspondent which we publish demonstrates the peculiar value of the aeroplanes which Ceylon has and is going to present
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  • 131 6 Four Chinese named Pun Ah Ki, Pun Ah Tit, Kuan Ah Tong, and Choon Ah Keng, were this morning charged before Mr. E.E Colman with assembling at Dato Kramat Road for the purpose of committing gang-robbery. All the accused claimed trial on the charge preferred against them.
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  • 45 6 Nov. 1 By Balance $40,109.89 2 W. H. Threlfall, monthly subscription 10.00 Government servants in the District of Balik Pulau, 11th subscription 12.50 2 Balance, 40,132.39 Remitted to London £lO,OOO on 24-2-15... 85,618.73 fetal subscriptions to date ...$125,751.12
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  • 22 6 Nov. IBy Balance 85.50 2 G. A. Hereford 15.00 Nov. 2 Balance, 100,50
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  • 967 6  -  OUTWARDLY GERMANISED, SECRETLY HATED. Corruption Among the Young Turks By A. Robert Mountsier. [Literary Editor of Judge, New York]. [Mr. A founteier has just returned to England from Constantinople. As a subject of a neutral nation, he was given exception'll opportunities of studying the conditions that exist to-day
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  • 852 6 By Staff Captain.” Although life at the front is fairly ou», it has lights as well as T’ former crop op even in the most uneiWtrf places. Thus, oee woold not, perhap, pectto come across much humoui i'» grim a tribunal as a court-martial v«t is to
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  • 75 6 lbs. Samagaga Rubber Co. Ltd. 11,600 Rubber Estates of Krian Ltd. 38.800 Padang Jawa Rubber Estate Ltd. 18,955 Gula Kalumpong Rubber Estates Ltd. 107.437 Ivaran Rubber Co. Ltd. 11,080 Padang Rubber Co. Ltd. 22.000 The Straits Rubber Co. Ltd 190.200 The Penang Rubber Estates Co. Ltd. 156.500
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 For Children’* Hacking Cough at Night, Wood*’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d.
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    • 71 6 Haring to live aa we do, under the burning tropical sun, climatical conditions render ua particularly liable to Colic, a mosdistresaing complaint. Tbe correct medit cine to produce a quick cure is WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. It is a wonderful corrective of all stomach disorder. Never be without a bottle
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  • 1094 7 SAMPLES OF THE AVERAGE LETTERS IN THE NEAR FUTURE. When the industries of the country, in response to popular clamour, are taken over by the Government, we may expect a departmental flavour in the customary correspondence of business, something like this: Acknowledgment of an Inquiry. Sir, —I
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  • 629 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —I see a correspondent has a complaint to make about the ways of the Censor. I have some myself. I received a letter sometime ago which had been “opened by Censor, Straits Settlements,” in a rather funny way. The envelope was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 417 7 WARNINC. All persons are cautioned against making unauthorised use of Reuter’s Service of News, and any person or persons found infringing the Copyright Ordinance of the Straits Settlements will be strictly dealt with in accordance with the provisions of that Ordinance. REUTER. Penang. TRANSLATION. rpHE UNDERSIGNED undertakes to I translate
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    • 92 7 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diptheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should bo kept at home and off
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    • 59 7 Harsh Purgatives, Salts and Ca. tor Oil, are old fashioned remedies more drastic than safe. PrKKETTES the tiny laxatives ensure the same results, but in a perfectly natural manner. They do not upset the stomach, nor gripe, but gently assist nature. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free
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    • 228 7 oc DC DOC DQoOOOC 300 r\ BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE, o yj n o n ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. U OBTAINABLE o RETAIL A 3K A.fro m. W h I Si i mr IMd
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1517 8 tip*** S.N.C° Wireless Telegraphy, fitted od all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electrio Fans FREE of Charge and each berth ia furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Homeward. D.te. Steamer, “s* Lend”. Nov. 12 Novara Nov. 27 Dec. 11 Dec. 25 Medina Nellore
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