Straits Echo, 16 September 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 943 1 i|U]| 03 «S Till ONVIX '•i» v r fry ■J. r Tkc TV ?tor adrifl«s and rt>~aa m«ncls. It ia nr arishm*?, i*riforatfag a »4 str«n£tke»i*§. El niijDUißiaßiaa»^ < BANKS. >- Does your Car Require Expert Attention For Cars on Hire EMPIRE "’The Little Arttfocn* Call at or 'phone (No.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 42 2 DRINK THE A m M m I m m >• w nl U SS ON SOLE AGENTS: [Ml* 1 m *&Ai 1 01SSEURS A S I asea ij s m a m «^-Sfcsaa: BRAND -x "gap «ks* s*; i-ui ssg j. LTD., PENANG.
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  • 869 3 Thn Situation at Ipoh. Whether it is that the Ipoh residents are a keener lot than those of Knala Lumpur and for most part already enrolled as Volunteers, or whether it was mere lack of enthusiasm, the fact is that the attendance at the meeting last
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  • 886 3 NEW IDEAS IN WAR. Bt Frbdbrick J. Stubbs. Although the wilful breaking of known natural lawa may be productive of good results, it is always dangerous to be ignorant of even the moat trivial rules of nature. Apparently the man who designed the service cap now
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 480 3 o r\ u o o n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o r\ o o r\ o r\ U o r\ »0C DOC DOC DOCDOCZ)OCZ>OCZnDOCZI=DOC D 0( y s ptommuĔ N b'tc/e* QvitJ'te/ tycUĕ. <sz~ loi FRASER NEAVE, LTD., ARCYLE ROAD, PENANG. »nc DOC DOC Z)OC=DOCDOC=DOC DOC DOC
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  • 572 4 Municipal Comm ission. Offical Minute». Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday i the 31 August 1915. s Pretent. W. Peel Esq, President. A. P. Goodrich Esq. Quah Beng Kee Esq. John Mitchell Esq. J Lim Eow Hong Esq, Absent i P. T Allen Esq.
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  • 261 4 In the hot countries of the East many people experience a loss of appetite and a distaste for food the meals taken have little i utritive value because they turn sour and give rise to sickness or heartburn. With this failure of the appetite there is an
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  • 3641 4 Prize Day. A very successful function took place at St. Xavier’s Institution yesterday morning < at 10 80, the Hon Mr, A. T. Bryant, who had kindly consented to preside at the Prize J Distribution, arrived and was received by a Guard of Honour formed by the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 505 4 Government of Johore REVENUE FARMS for the Years 1916-1917. 'J'ENDERS for the above Farms will be received up to noon on Tuesday, the 28th September, 1915 by the State Secretary, Johore Bahru, from whom all further information regarding the above Farms may be obtained on personal or written application. 515
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  • 404 5 An unpleasant fact that has to be faced by those who have lost relatives at the front is that they are extremely likely to be made a mark of by harpies, who do not scruple at trampling on the tenderest recollections if by so doing they can obtain a
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  • 137 5 PENANG WOMEN’S WORK. Subscription List. Amount previously acknowledged 9260 20 I. H. C. 25.00 Mrs. Stephen Autbonv 10.00 Mr. FT. Ellis 10 00 Mrs. Winfield 5.00 Samuel 500 Balfour Ross 500 Hoops, Kodah 600 Pat Dennys 2.0; Donation 2 00 Mr. C. Cunradi 2 00 C.
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  • 168 5 The members of the Victoria Jubilee Chapter of Royal Arch Freeroascnrv E. C. J 555, held their Annual Installation in their Lodge last night. The Installing Prii cipals were M. E. Comps: Hon. R. Young, R. Owens and J. G. Allan. After the undermentioned officers were installed
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  • 74 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 16. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 201 tons of rubber were offered for sale and 127 tons were sold at the following prices Smoked sheets 8125 to 8128 per picul fair... $123 8124 plaiu $ll5 $l2l Wtismoked sheets $ll2 $ll9 Crepes
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  • 545 5 With the exception of one young lady who expressed bitter disappointment because last night’s play contained no reference either to the famous proconsul who founded the Southern Settlement or to the equal famous hostelry which bears his honoured name, everybody at the Town Hall last night thoroughly enjoyed the
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  • 410 5 Detention of Deported Persons. i An Order made by His Majesty the King in Council on August 12 is publisher! in a Government Gazette Extraordinary for i general information. It sets fcrth the conditions under which British subjects disaffected towards His Majesty may be deported from places outside
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 230 5 o 111 O' -I < U lii Q. tn </) m z < z < z o 3 GQ o </) SCOTCH WHISKY i §5^ 1» < Sack^K^I SCOTCH CHADIAN C ?y^Z ES Lwi,o^ X OlASGOW* CD -H SO SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT" BLACK WHITE L ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY
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    • 572 5 0 <5? a O 3? c re: EGVPj^ x'x sa^y ooi i Fabrique de FELUCCA Cigarettes Egyptiennes Ml mssm hdl V r ii to* i FRfeREs. i -3? £W Fabrique P A q r MASPERO FRERESLvu *I OANS lEUR MANUFACTURE AU Fabkiqui »*r» G O /AaSPcRO FREGES L t OAn»cfm
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  • 99 6 Published daily (except Sundays and pnfelie holidays) AT THB CRITERION PRES 3, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pmcn. Daily Local M 924 par annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Post Frae) 117.50 CABLB XDDBE9S I ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N b All
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  • 23 6 Gilman. —On 15th September, at Southampton, England, the wife of E. W. F. Gilman, Straits Settlements Civil Service, of a son. *y-
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  • 1070 6 Even at the risk of appearing tedious we would warn our readers once more against taking anything for granted as regards the situation in the Balk ns. For cur part, until Bulgaria has actually drawn the sword we shall refuse to believe that she has definitely decided
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  • 52 6 Sept.l4 By Balance ...935,852.86 15 August subscription from the Subordinate Staff of Messrs. Presgiave and Matthews 20 00 Government servants in the District of Balik Palau, 9th monthly subscription 39.20 Balance, Sept. 15 35,912.06 Remitted to London .£lO,OOO on 24-2-15 85,618.73 Total subscriptions
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  • 37 6 Bept.l4 By Balance 91,675.67 15 The European Staff, Chinese and Tamil Clerks and Mechanics employed on the Caledonia Group of Estates, 3rd contribution 451.26 Balance, Sept. 15 92,127.23 Amount previously acknowledged 16,859.10 Total ...918,986.33
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  • 897 6 The Howitt-Phillips Comedy Company proceeded to Ipoh by the mail train this morning, Many flags were flown in the Chinese quarter to-day in honour of the birthday of President Yuan Shi-kai. Mr. Justice Coxe, who recently left India, is now working m a munition factory at home,
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  • 988 6 Says the Strait» Timet of Tuesday Penang has raised £BOO for ths Belgian Relief Fund. As a matter of fact, Penang has raised well over .£2,000 for the Belgiau Fuad »ud is, we are sure, prepared to supplement i bat sum considerably if necessary. "Taking cover” is one
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 TONIC TOOTH WASH THE ODOL SUBSTITUTE We have been able to produce a Tooth Wash representing the flavour and antiseptic qualities of Odol and which further bears the merit of being an ALL BRITISH ARTICLE. A trial will convince you that in our Tonic Tooth Wash you have a perfect
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  • 493 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram A YEAR’S TOLL. London, September 14. In the Home of Commons Mr. Tennant, Under-Secretary of State for War. stated that the British Army casualties in the first year of the war were IT ILL*» OAoers 4,965 Men 70,992 Total 75,957 WOUIBID. Officer» 9 978
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  • 590 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. RUSSIAN SUCCESSES IN THE SOUTH. AUSTRIAN ADMISSION. Petrogad, September, 15, 4.40 p.m.* The Russian successes in the Southern theatre continue Au Austriau communique admits that the uew Austro-German front on the Strypa River was attacked on Tuesday morning, while the Russians, reinforced, attacked
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  • 656 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. PREMIER'S STATEMENT. London, September 14. In the House of Commons Mr. H. H. Asquith announced that he will move a vote of credit to-morrow and review the situation generally. He deprecated any discussioa on National Service at present. He also did uot cousider it
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  • 857 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. OBJECT OF ITS VISIT. PROPOSED BIG LOAN. New York, September 14, It is reported that the present plan of the Anglo-French Financial Commission is to borrow ,£200,000,000 on British and j French Government bonds without collateral security. The Commissioners, however, decline to confirm this
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  • 850 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE “ARABIC’’ INCIDENT. GERMAN ASSURANCE ACCEPTED. Washington, September 14 The U. S. Secretary of State, Mr Lans ng. has furnished Count Bernatorff with the 1 unanimous evidence of the officers and 1 survivors of the Arabic to the effect that the
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  • 356 7 MONARCHY OR REPUBLIC SITUATION AT CANTON. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Canton, September 6. It is understood here that Civil' Governor Chang Miuchi of Canton sent a delegate on September 4, to Peking to declare in favour of the return to a monarchy when the Chou An
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  • 61 7 (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 16. A serious affray took place at Elang yesterday evening. A hundred riesha pullers made a premeditated attack, armed with bludgeons, against other classes of Chinese. The affray lasted twenty minutes Four men were seriously injured and had to
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  • 157 7 Cowdroy-Stilt. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 16. The wedding took place at St Andrew’s cathedral, Singapore of Mr. Gerald Cowdroy, of Bukit Sembawang Rubber Co. Ltd., to Miss Flora Still, daughter of Mr, A. W. Still, Editor of the Straits Timet. The Rev. H. C. Peile and
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  • 133 7 The following articles will bo found on our outside pages Page. 3 —.Volunteering in tho F. M. S. Life Saving By Colour. 4. Notes. s.—Ghouls. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild Freemasonry in Penang. R:sffl’s.” Emergency Measures. Singapore Rubber Auction. 8. —Jagat Singh. 10. —German Finance Are We Ready Peace and
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  • 12 7 Obituary. London, September 14. The death is announced of Sir John Haughton.
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  • 4400 8 trial at assizes. In the Supreme Court at the Assizesyesterday the hearing was resumed before Mr. Justice L. P Ebden and a special jury, comprising Messrs. W. Duncau (Foreman), T. Wilson, G. C. Clarke, C. Cunradi, A. M. Sellar, W. N. Weatherstone and J. M. Kidd, of the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 10 8 For Chronic Chest, Woods’ Greit Peppermint Cure Is. 6d
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    • 76 8 The moment a man does his best bit of quick thinking is when attacked by a violent pain m the stomach. His thoughts immediately flv to WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. The wish for a dose of that famous medicine is uppermost, a wish founded on solid experience, because ho knows
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    • 395 8 NOTICE. The Changkat Serdang Estates. Limited. (Incorporated in the Strait» Settlement»). NOTICE is beieby given that the Court has sanctioned a scheme of reduction of Capital under which the share capital o£ the above Company is now $400,000 divided into 80.000 shares of $5 each of which 70,000 shares have
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  • 927 9 PARLIAMENT AND THE CONDUCT OF JUDGES. The Right to Ckiticise. London, August 18. It it be true that Sir Henry Dalziel intends to bring before the House of Commons the recent action of Mr. Justice Ridley in ordering two jurymen from the jury-box he will undertake a rather
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 41 9 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a doso of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 315 9 I Officially Tested j and j Proved Reliable j ’W'ERY possibly no Infant Food has been so thoroughly tested by official authorities as Glaxo. §s For over five years it has been persistently in use by various Corporations, in Schools for Mothers, and in Hospitals. At these institutions the infants
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  • 1075 10 The Comin# Loan and its Basis. The Bill for a further war# credit of J6500,000;000 has already been sanctioned by tLe Federal Council, and will probably be introduced into the Reich3tsg next week It will ino6t certainly pass, though a few Socialists may oppose it out of disapproval
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  • 405 10 In the course of a long leading article the Timet of Malaya says “We hardly believe that there is a single man of British or French blood who would prostitute his nationality by even silently accepting the German cause, and we deplore the tone of a letter
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  • 405 10 The rubber growers are beginning to look for the time that will immediately follow the conclusion of peace. There is considerable opinion that immediately after the war there will be a slump and that we in these parts will accordingly suffer. This is based on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 86 10 Chamberlain’s Ccugh Remedy. This remedy hits no superior as a cure for colds, croup aud whooping cough. It has beeu a favourite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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    • 12 10 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d
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    • 182 10 6SHDBOS Row acE^ajsrjvjarjht, i n i un 1 i ii—ww— PENANG. 34 SINGAPORE. IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. f potVMiHMQnw)i a T' T > 4 9*k*rr AGENTS FOR TANGYES Suction Gas Engines to work on Anthracite or charcoal fuel. Semi Diesel Crude Oil Engines. Refined Oil Engines. Centrifugal Pumps high and low
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  • 2521 11 Can China Save Herself SHOULD SHE REVERT TO A MONARCHY t Bt Gilbbet Ruo, In our discussions of the ways for China to save herself, it was our intention to close with a reference to the good works which China should undertake. There has, however, arisen a rather lively dispute
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 59 11 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few ays, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea tnat physicians have failed on, aud it will
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    • 168 11 Remember the Name. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the best known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach. You may need it some time. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. THE SECRET TO HEALTH RESTORING. BOOKS of advice, given by Dr. K. C.
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    • 220 11 ocx 0 n doc DOC DOC XJooOOC DCD( BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Contractors -to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE, o r\ ALL Government n o n Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL n -r--c z m v i m tm o AND ALL
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1470 12 S.N.C® Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Csbrni are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Eleotrio Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, Fob Intended to Sail. Singapore Port Swettenham and Singapore. Homeward FARES BY MAIL
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