Straits Echo, 14 September 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 995 1 fc’fsA fog's faittUtt »S 4*i ST .5 )r Sfi •5 3 •r a is .5 5-lJ r &_< g Ae«»t»i TIAMO LEE O’ CO. t'rr.mop St Kuklk Lwojpvr. <ij’'r»*o:*«wn«n>i«M«siHia*tißraassa* For Cars on Hire mm Emmm "The Little /4Wj/ocnn Call at or ’phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A
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  • 1401 2 A NEUTRAL’S IMPRESSIONS. COKFIDBHCE IK VlCTOBT. Berne, August 6. Of late it has bsen increasingly difficult for anyone not a German or Austrian either to enter or leave Germany. Even a neutral whose papers are in perfect order is incessantly watched while in Germany, although he may not
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  • 378 2 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —Kindly publish the enclosed translation of a letter received from Dr Jacobs, the administrator of His Belgian Majesty’s Military hospitals in England. Exclusive of the amount acknowledged bv the Hospitals a further remittance of .£4OO (making ,£BOO in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 366 2 THE SECRET TO HEALTH RESTORING. BOOKS of advice, given by Dr. K. C., a physician of over 50 ypars’ experience iu the above subject, can be obtained poBt free from the following places: PENANG RUBBER STAMP Co., 40. Church Street Penang. THE FRIEND OF THE PUBLIC Co 49, Lahat
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    • 86 2 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favourite with the mothers of youDg children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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  • 206 3 At the present time, we believe, the only contribution which British residents in the Treaty port of China make to the imperial funds is the annual registration fee of two dollars demanded from each British subject. Is there not in this registration fee—which may
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  • 690 3 It is doubtful whether the notion that troops can best be concealed from the enemy by clothing them in some neutral colour like khaki or the German grey, is really sound, in spite of the fact that all the chief War Offices of Europe have adopted it. Colour
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  • 728 3 A correspondent has drawn our attention r to a question that in the future may create a good deal of controversy. He mentions that a large number of young planters left their billets at the call of duty and proceeded to Europe to fight their
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  • 268 3 In the account given in the Far Eastern Review of Mr. Meyer’s experiences as a plant collector in China it is incidentally mentioned that it was while looking over some pictures of China’s denuded hill-sides that President Roosevelt made the remark, that China could teach the world
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1154 3 WAKTTESD, KTOTICE. WANTED for various Engineering firms in Calcutta expert Chinese OxyAcetylene Welders. Must be capable of doing good general Oxy-Acetylene welding on Boilers and general construction work. Good wages on agreement to good men. Apply with copies of testimonials to 537a BOX No. 8. c/o Straits Echo. Government of
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    • 457 3 CO C < o o m ‘JEt Fabrique de -=—j> Cigar ettesEgyptiennes FELUCCA mtU MASPERO FRERES t mv Bouton 3 Mas PERU FRERES mr fab«ique p ar r MASPERO FrĔRESLu>%B^ DANS llUR MANUFACTUBE AU tABntOOt NQ o O FBCftES L t OANSituft NA»iur*CTuA« AO maSSaSl^ ffiransauAa»» 1 ==3 j EXTRAORDINARY
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  • 100 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THB CRITERION PRE3S, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penaug. Pniou. Daily Local M $24 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLU ADDEEIS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printinf Department 343 K d All business communications
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  • 1088 4 Mr. Lloyd George, if we are to trust ceitaiu inlications that reach us from Euglaud, is now numbered among the members of the Cabinet who favour the introduction of compulsory militaiy service in Eugland. If that i9 so, we have not far to seek for an explanation
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  • 211 4 Why Smith Left Home.” After somo recent experiences Penang will be particularly glad to welcome back tho Howitt Phillips Comedy Company which won considerable popular favour here a few months ago, has just returned from a most successful tour up to Japan and back, and opens a
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  • 436 4 The Order pour Le Mente has been conferred upon General von Moitke, Chief of the German General Staff ad interim. A marriage has been arranged, and will take place next Sunday at No. 19, Love Lane, between Mr. Oh Eng Chum, of the Criterion Press, and Miss
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  • 487 4 Strenuous Field Operations. Tbe Penang Volunteers and the Cadets were put through a somewhat strenuous field day on Sunday, the scene of the operations extending from the Batu Lauchang Cemetery, along the Rifle Range, to the t Race Course. The general principle followed was a rearguard action by
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  • 968 4 September 14 is a famous day in military uaals In 1852 the Duke of Wellington died. In 1812 Moscow was burned by the Russians at the approach of Napoleon. I 0 882 Cairo was taken by Wolaeley after his victory at Tel-el-Kebir. In 1857 the Cashmere Gate at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 96 4 TONIC TOOTH WASH THE ODOL SUBSTITUTE We iiave been able to produce a Tooth Wash representing the flavour and antiseptic qualities of Odol and which further bears the merit of being an ALL BRITISH ARTICLE. A trial will convince you that in our Tonic Tooth Wash you have a perfect
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  • 755 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram FURTHER SUCCESSES. CAPTURE OF MEN AND GUNS. London. September 13. 4 50 a m The Petrograd communique mentions fighting to the north of Tarnopol. The Austrian attacks were repulsed with enormous loss though the enemy, who had been greatly reinforced, in ide their
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  • 757 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT. LLOYD GEORGE ON THE SITUATION London, September, 13. Mr. Llqyd George, in a characteristic preface (to a beok ?),emphasises the absolute necessity of using every eff jrt in overcoming the overwhelming superiority of material aud equipment which the enemy still
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  • 711 5 U. S. A. GERMANY. (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. PRESIDENT'S ATTITUDE. OR WE AND DELICATE SITUATION. Washington. Singapore 13. 6 10 a.ra lc Present WiIsjih shortly expected to 6 give a Jjfintj i id: :icio i of his attitu le as regtrd* the 1 t*mt Germin Amiri3*a deve1 lopment6. Tke Two
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  • 418 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. London, September 12. The London Ganett announces that the Distinguished Service Order has been con* i ferred on ten officers in the Navy, including Commander C P. Talbot, for sinking a German destroyer off the enemy’s coast on July 26 while on
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  • 90 5 Sept. 11 By Balance $35,528.48 13 “A Bat, I. K. A A. W.” 5 00 E. W. J.” 100.00 Amount collected by") Mr. A. L. M. Scott I of Sungei Kecbil Estate from A. L. M. Scott, monthly t subscription y 10 00
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  • 27 5 Sept.ll By Balance $1,565 67 13 H. W. Thomson, Taiping, 10th contribution 10.00 Balance, Sept. 13 $1,575.67 Amount previously acknowledged 16,859.10 Total ...$18,434 77
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  • 382 5 The Assiz3s opened yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden in the Supreme Court. There are only two ca>es for trial —one of murder against three Javanese, and the other against Jagat SiDgh who is charged with attempting to wage war against the King. Murder Charge. The
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  • 201 5 Fatal Motor Aeeideat. The inquest into the circumstauces attending the death of a Chinese woman, who was knocked down and killed by a motor car at Brick Kiln Road, was held yesttrday afternoon before Mr. E. E Colman, the Coroner. From the evidence it was elicited that motor
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  • 127 5 Meeting At Ipoh. (.From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 14. Mr. R. P. Brash presided at the meeting which was held at the Ipoh Club last evening to consider the formation of a Civil Guard. Mr. R. G. Watson, British Resident, who was present, on being invited
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  • 68 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2, —Germany To-day. Belgian Relief Fund.” 3. —Colour Concealments. A Question for Rubber Directors. Forestry in China. Over-Sea Britans and the War. 6. —Naval Notes. How London Has Changed. The Colour of India. The New Warfare. Mining In
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  • 420 5 J a The following was the result of the shoot s at Campong Bharu, on Monday afternoon Monthly Prize Competition Deliberate Firing t H’cap. 150 Total* yds. 5 Mrs Wrigbt-Motion 2.49 32 34.49 1 Mrs Simpson 8.28 26 34 28 Miss M. Pritchard 5.16 29 34.16
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  • 306 5 Republic or Monarcht (From Our Own Correspondent.) Canton, September 2. Both the civil and the military officials in Canton are preparing to co-operate with the Kung Ming Tang, or the Citizens' Party, to submit an offer of the Crown to Yuau bhih Kai. That is well understood
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  • 961 6 THB HEALTH OF THE FLEET IN WAR TIME. A Hint to Mr. Kipling, London, August 12. The journal of the Royal Naval Medical 8ervice contains a striking article on the health of the Fleet under war conditions, written by Professor W. J. Simpson, a member of the Naval
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  • 993 6  -  By James Dunn. THE CITY REVISITED. (The Daily Mail Special Correspondent in Holland,) How does London strike you after a year abroad is a question I have been asked many times during a short leave enjoyed at home. I have found the question difficult to answer
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  • 999 6 Colour is inseparable from memories of the East, and appreciation of it is a question of mood and circumstance. The Anglo-Indian gladly turns from the glare of hi« exile to the relief of grey skies and sober clothing associated with his farloughs and final retirement; but
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  • 940 6 “JUNIOR SUB’S” FURTHER EXPERIENCES AT THE FRONT. J Service Kit. < One of the best things in Blackwood T* is 1 a further instalment of “Junior Sub’s i vivacious narrative of experiences with “The i First Hundred Thousand” at the front, a 1 narrative as convincing in
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  • 1004 6 The Chinese Pioneers. In a praiseworthy article, the Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal takes up the cudgels on behalf of Chinese enterprise in the mining industry of Malaya. The necessity for the following ▼indication arose from the remarks made by a correspondent, who practically refused the Chinese
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  • 206 6 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Single Handicap D. E Lewis vt C.B Redway E A Davies vi W Me K Young J A Morrison vs J A Alexander. Double Handicap A. H C Sells and W H Threlfall vs V G Savi and F
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  • 564 6 b e Incorporation on the Board. Je The current F. M. S. Government Gazette ie contains the draft of an Enactment to inbe corporate for ten years a Board to manage 19- loans by the Government to planters. In he the Objects and Reasons it is stated
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholara and Diarrhnei Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effect H illy cure the most, stubborn cases of dysentery It is especially good for summer di&rrhoei in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d
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    • 61 6 Rheumatism. Have you ever tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you are wasting time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to cure. Get a bottle to-day, apply it with a vigorous massage to the afflicted parts and you will be surprised and delighted
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    • 65 6 Sharp attacks of colic are very prevalent in this trying climate, and it is well to know what should be taken to overcome the trouble. Here is the knowledge to act on: Get a bottle of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. and take a teaspoonful every three hours. Speedy relief will
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    • 59 6 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrbcea Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet aud take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians baVe failed on, and it will
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    • 33 6 Remember the Name. I Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the beat known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach. You may need it SVSX. Por »r *)> Di.pen«ri«
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  • 180 7 This charming poem, which we quote from the "New Witness," deserves a place in any anthology of war poems which may eventually he compiled, and stands out from the generality of verse inspired by the war Pinks and syringa in the garden closes, And the sweet privet hedge
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  • 239 7 The need for people to be health? is urgent. Those whom illness has put outside the raul;s of robust men and women ft-el their position keenly and weak men and nerveworn women need more earnestly than ever to put their health right, and become strong. Many who
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  • 1195 7 I Wodkdid Soldier Fake. y j On# of the most lucrative professions in y Now York just at present is that of wounded i soldier home from the war. It does 9 not matter very much which 6ide you have been wounded ou the Allies
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  • 690 7 Divided Counsels. A house divided against itself cannot stand. The latest development in connection with the agitation for a monarchical restoration is the reported formation of Government officials into three camps at least two of which entertain diametrically opposed views on this question. Briefly, one of these
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 130 7 John Roberts Billiard Table Manufacturer, HOTEL NORMAN. PENANG. HAS IN STOCK New Billiard Tables FOR SALE AND All Billiard Accessories suck as Cues, Balls etc. Undertakes Repairs to any Kind of Table at reasonable Charges. HOTEL NORMAN. Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. ENGLISH CUISINE English Treatment LARCE AIRY ROOMS
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    • 465 7 OCDC 0 DOC DOC DOC DOooOOC DCID( BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. n o n r\ ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL RA N a Si I s 3*** ED NATU AND ALL Leading Hospitals
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1483 8 P.&O. |S.N.C“ Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp, Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service Outward. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. Foa Intended to Sail. St «amir. SA'- Singapore. Port
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