Straits Echo, 11 September 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1022 1 'M «'a* inn; IM Ilf *i H mi &RtAMu Sitvl. *3 9 A H m I {5 *•>* TIAMG LEE 6* CO., coilj; KfftU tvn^vr. n! jf r v arcs a m ir m mu m m n n e a n be mends. It ia nonti?liiiig, iaVifforatijijr s*4 stringtkoniog;
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    • 17 1 XO LEX. 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428, BURMAH ROAD. LOCATION QUIET a HEALTHY. APPLY 53, Bench Street. m
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  • 926 3 Tha British schojlboy has his own augle of vision in relation to every subject under the sun and beyond the sun. His answers to general knowledge questions, while unconsciously funny, betray a point of view* may be unnoticed before by the examiner. A list of eminent men was
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  • 872 3 Readers of these lines who are not mos-quito-proof may be interested to leans that Professor A.E. Shipley, F.RS, of Cambridge University has been conducting experiments with mosquitoes and found them extraordinarily susceptible to colours and sounds. The result of his investigations has placed within reach of all
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 396 3 Waterma ountain Pen A A w «W When you have chosen the nib you like and completed the purchase, you will have a pen which will give you lifelong satisfaction. But be sure it is a Waterman's Ideal you buy. No other pen is good enough for you. Reffu’sr, Safety,
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    • 281 3 •n O 3 O tr '"i WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA CCM3UMPTION cnu; nosfs V'H%M '"‘A \JS i- ■> fit -5Ti ■v®. 5 5 o Use H-ffiMOGLOBII! Deschiens ALWAYS CURES, and gives eve All doctors agree that this vital Iron of the Blood Far i *nep ry one health, strength f»t. Chalybeate»,
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  • 2958 4 Interesting Survey of thi Work. j We are within four years of keeping the centenary of the birth of one of the richest and most important Crown Colonies, that of the Straits Settlement?, acquired for the Indian Government by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1815, and attached
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 12 4 I«'or Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d
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    • 114 4 In the matter of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinance 1914 and In the matter of Behn Meyer Co., Ltd. an Enemy Company within the meaning of the said Ordinance. NOTICE OF SALE. Freehold and Leasehold Lansd and Premises situate at Mac Alister Road and Sungei Pinang, PENANG, TO BE
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  • 1355 5  -  (By Tom Wmoht.) The business...I beg its pardon...the profession of schoolmastering unfits an otherwise intelligent man to associate on equal terms with me. The schoolmaster ha9 knowledge to some extent; but it is servile” as distinguished from liberal” knowledge, a distinction you may find fully explained (if the
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  • 268 5 Penang Women’s Work. Amount previously acknowledged $125 20 Mrs. Kirk 10.00 Anonymous 1000 Mrs. Cameron 10.00 Mrs. E. H. Pritchard 10.00 Mrs. John Hogan 10.00 Mr. E and Miss Heim 10.00 Mrs. Heim 10.00 Anonymcos 5.00 Mrs. Voules, 2nd douatiou 5.00 Mrs. Trengrove 5.00 Mrs. Rutherford
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  • 87 5 September 12,1915, 15th Sunday after Trinity. 8-00 a.m. Matins 8- a.m. Holy Communion 9- a.m. Holy Communion (Chinese Service) 5- p.m. Sunday School 6- p.m. Evensong and Serrm u Psalm LXV Russell LXVI Lloyd LXVII Hopkins Magnificat g^ ner parisiau Tone Nunc Dimittis Anthem Sweet is
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  • 115 5 Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church. Northam Read, to-morrow as follows Morning, at 9a m. Children’s Service Evening, at 6 p.m. Preacher, Rev. W. Murray, M.A. Hymns for evening service Church Praise, 328, 643, 457 and 440. At an auction of aniline dyes, under tbe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 365 5 _l < Id (0 a Id K _l < o Id 0. t/> < I u => ID o (/> < SJ M C SCOTCH WHISKY m, SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT' > > w KfiSSSf! rl- gp james »»®*S2i-±i5d B S >- oo r-* w 80 CO ft ■0 70
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    • 315 5 V» a 2 o §5 £*ZZ22ikW&m sEs2> Besa c~* Fabrique de *-o CIGAR ETTES FGYPTIENN ES FELUCCA Es£ i CIGAI Si l! /a, lift* BouionK Rouge s SMasperOl FRERES p AR Maspero FreresLjd Fabaiqii 6 O FRERES L td OAN*iru« wANurac DANS tfUR MANUFACTURE AU 7l I 1 EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL
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  • 94 6 Published daily (except Sundays and pvbiic holidays) AT TBS CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fkxcb. Daily Local $24 per annexe. Ontstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLM ADDRB9B ECHO—PENANG Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N B.—All buaiaaaa oamiaunicatiosa «herald h«
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  • 1342 6 America has always been extremely jealous of undue interference by foreign representatives in her internal affairs and Count Dumba is not the first member of the diplomatic corps at Washington whose recall has been requested on this ground. In 1888 Lord Sackville, an honourable and rather simpleminded
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  • 482 6 Captain Blaodford i« expected back in Taiping in the near future. Dr. A. L. Hoops, State Surgeon of Kedah,, is at present residing temporarily in Kulim, Dr. Hall Tennant haring gone up-country on inspection duty. Mr. T. L. Bourdillon, of the F.M.S. Civil Service, has been badly
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  • 417 6 The funeral of the late Mr. E. A. B. Brown, which took place yesterday evening, was largely attended by the prominent members of the European community of Penang. The coffin arrived at Penang from the Province shortly after 6 o’clock and was taken
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  • 998 6 The Government telegraph liue between Penang and Singapore is iu a chronic state >f interruption,” congenital we had almost written. A planter living at Parit Buntar gives us what we believe to be a clue to the mystery. He writes: When a train—Penang to Taiping— lg signalled at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 TONIC TOOTH WASH THE ODOL SUBSTITUTE We have been able to produce a Tooth Wash representing the flavour and antiseptic qualities of Odol and which further bears the merit of being an ALL BRITISH ARTICLE. A trial will convince you that in our Tonic Tooth Wash you have a perfect
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  • 637 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram TRADE UNION CONGRESS. GREAT speech by lloyd-george. London, September 9. The Trade Union Congross at Bristol passed a resolution approving the Parliamentary Labour Party for cooperating in the national recruiting campaign. MINISTER AND WORKERS. A Moving Appeal, London, September 9. Mr. Lloyd
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  • 642 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. TARNOPOL. Paris, September 9, 6.55, p.m. An official communique expresses great satisfaction at the Russian victory at Tarnopol which is regarded as an excellent augury for the future development of the Russian operations. Aaxiety ia Berlia. Surprise and anxiety prevail in Berlin at
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  • 607 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram ENEMY ATTACKS CHECKED. Paris, September 10, 1.45 a m. A Paris communique states that the artillery duel continues around Arras and in the region of Roye, Woevre, Champagne and and the Argonne. The enemy attacks in the Argonne were not renewed. Violeat Fifhtiag
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  • 552 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. OVER A HUNDRED CASUALTIES. NEARLY ALL CIVILIANS. London, September 9. The Press Bureau states that the total j casualties in all the areas visited by the Zeppelins in last night’s raid were 106 j namely Killed 20 being 12 min, 2 women and
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  • 92 7 (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, September 11. The report of the Ipoh Club covering the half year ended June 30 shows that after making due provision for depreciation of buildings and furniture and charging interest on the Government loan, there is a nett profit of $627.75 cts.
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  • 1451 7 CRITERION PRESS SUED. CHINESE AFFAIRS AT RANGOON. In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden, the case was resumed in which Tan Siew Kim, a Chinese resident of Rangoon, sues the Criterion Press, Ltd., as the proprietors of the Penang Sin Poe for
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  • 411 7 From Dutch Sources. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post and Deli Gourant of Thursday, September 9 Hollaed and the War. According to rumours in circulation at the Hague the Netherlands Overseas Trust has inflicted very heavy fines on certain Rotterdam firms which have been
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  • 77 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —Schoolboy Humour. The Mosquito Pest. 4 —The Diocese of Singapore. s.—Marginal Notes. Queen Mary's Needlework Guild. St. Georges' Church. Penang. 8. —A Visit to Japan. Planters at Law. Local Investators and the War Loan. Parish Hall. Football.
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  • 2096 8 (From an Unconventional Correspondent I Garoet, August 15. I One* upon time, when the influenoe of I ?ahits was strong upon me, I told you that would write you some letters on my I experiences in Java. You replied with sarcasm that you were grateful for
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  • 358 8 The Kuala Lumpnr correspondent of the i Straits Times reports that the Scott versus St. Alban Smith case fizzled out before the magistrate at the Kuala Lumpur Court, on Monday morning. Mr. J. G. T. Pooley ap- i peared on behalf of Mr. Scott to prosecute Mr.
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  • 624 8 Says the Free Press A correspondent, who declares that as a loyal British subj3ct be would like to invest a moderate su n of money in the War Loan, asks where he may pay that in, aud who will supply him with a voucher
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  • 310 8 Successful Billiard Tournament. The Billiard tournament held at the Parish Hall cams to a successful conclusion yesterday evening when the final events in i the championship and the Double Handicap •were played off. Both the ties were witnessed by a large ooncourse of members including several ladies. In
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  • 234 8 Tbe voting for the most popular pictures aud works of ait at the Exhibition held by tho above Society dunug the last two days resulted as follows Class A. —Water Colours. 1 No. 84 Mosque, Kuala Lumpur’’ by Mrs. Aid worth. f 86 Overlooking Kuala Lumpur by Mrs.
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  • 284 8 T.'-tUj, Siturday, in the First Division of tho Imagin', HUtton Lane 'play Tanjong Tukong Tomorrow, Sunday, Crecent and Mejtez meet. Episodes 4, 5 and 6 of The Black Box” will be screened -at the Straits Cinema to night supported by "Tue Heart of the Hills”, a four reel melodrama,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 412 8 P. S 0. S. N. Co. I Marseilles Special Train. The public are hereby informed that the P. O. SLEEPING CAR SPECIAL TRAIN is to be reestablished commencing outwards in con-j nection with thej Medina leaving Marseilles on 12th September and homewards in connection with the Persia due at Marseilles
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    • 75 8 When Baby screams there is much to do to quieten hiiu. The poor little chap cannot tell you what the trouble is, but, most likely, it is just wind. Two drops of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. in a little warm water will put the matter right and quickly make Baby
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    • 10 8 For Chronic Cbest Complaints, Woods' Gre*t Peppermint Cure Is. 6d
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    • 41 8 Treatment for Dysentery. Cbauiberlaiu’s Colic, Cholora ami Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure tbe most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 436 8 FOR SALE. PALMS, Perns, Creepers, Pot plants etc. Touiatea Plants, English seed' cts 25 each, also young Banana trees' cts. 2&each. No. /5, Northam Road. FOR SiiXiE. I>olls-Roycc Car; 6 Cylinder Engine XV 5 Seater: Fully Equipped. First Class Condition. All particulars and view to be had at W£ARNE BROTHERS,
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  • 784 9 FORMAL PRESENTATIONS BY THE GOVERNOR. I General Ridout iND Ms. Maxwell. There was a large gathering, representative of the military, naval and civil life of the Colony, in the Legislative Council Chamber, thia morning (says Thursday’s Straits Times) when His Excellency the Governor, Sir A. H.
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  • 181 9 We mentioned on Saturday, says the Hongkong Telegmph, that five Manchus, three of whom have just been successful in passing the Magistrates’ Examination now insisted upon by the Peking Governmet, have obtained permission to adopt Chinese names To the comparative newcomer to the East there is nothing
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 655 9 a The Bernese Alps Milk Co. CONTRACTOR* to THI Admiralty India Office ro* IM*. ««4 ihwfv fc. SLEDGE BRAND MILK. *X SANDILANDS, BUTTERY S Co. mcD( o^oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L n n n n n a n n 0 0 0 n n 0 n n n 0 0 0 0 0
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    • 572 9 €> V G 0 Delicious Piecrust. Crisp, short piecrust and the lightest, and the most digest- U ibie of pastry can easily be made n at home, if your cook uses z. e-w* a i D fTrUe \fnrH) The SURE ramr.o pov*fcr. Pastry recipes in every tin, and FI more
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  • 1340 10 Awit with the Jeremiahs Keep Your Spirits Up. i (By A. O. Hale».) 1 Tbe German language was invented bj tbe Devil, when he was drunk —how else do they get bold of names that reach across the newspaper column and half way back again? —but I
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  • 635 10 Iu the course of this war we have heard a great deal about the immense sacrifices of human life, but very little has been written, 1 so far as we are aware, of tne exetssive! mortality among the horses. Nor have we heard much of wh»t
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 61 10 Rheumatism. Have you ever tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you aro wasting time, as the lunger this disease run* <.it the hauler it is to cure. Out. a bottle to-day. apply it with a vigorous massage to the afflicted parts ami you will be surprised and delighted
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    • 87 10 Chamberlain’s Ccugh Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favourite with the mothers of youne children for almost forty years Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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    • 549 10 I IP Huttenbach Bros. 8 COMPANY. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR All kinds of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. stimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: S STERLING lELEPHQIE CO., LID. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can
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  • 236 11 The most fateful years in a woman’s life are those between forty-fire and fifty. Many of the sex enter this term under depressing oonditions, through over-work, worry or neglected bloodlessness,, and so they suffer heavily- Still, virations of health at this time of life can be
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  • 1309 11 MISSIONARY METHODS. Bt Nwma. Several correspondents from as many parts of the world have asked my views on missionaries A closer peraual of their letters show that the writers are more concerned with their methods than with the men themselves. Looking at missionary work generally one
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  • 578 11 This week, says a mail paper, the Y. M. C. A. completes a full year of war work. Immediately on the outbreak of hostilities the Y. M. C. A. leaders commenced their own campaign for the benefit of the troops. They appealed for a modest
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 223 11 THE SECRET TO HEALTH RESTORING. BOOKS of advice, given by Dr. K. C. Pass, a physician of over 50 years’ experience in the above subject, can be obtained post free from the following places: PENANG RUBBER STAMP Co., 40. Church Street, Penang. THE FRIEND OF THE PUBLIC Co., 49, Lahat
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    • 59 11 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians have failed on, and it will
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    • 121 11 oczx 0 DOC DOC DOC DOoOOOC DCD< BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. n o ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL y m m X m m 1 I AR 4 £2 N AND ALL Leading
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1378 12 uV p.&o. S.N.C* Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Eleotrio Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Mall Service». Outward. Due I'enanc Sept. Oct. Oct. 18 2 IS
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