Straits Echo, 10 September 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1046 1 anr.o* fn«Kaß**a; •*> r •jf\4x»\uq *|s»)j jjf 3'is»*^ “OO 3319NV1X >•>«•*» 3 H Of tr P <* S jT -V/ V s-? b s V a. a *t**sS s»wi»9 r»B «,*1 wf For Cars on Hire C all at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang
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    • 17 1 TO LET 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428, BURMAH ROAD. LOCA iION QUiif HEALTHY. APPLY 53, Beach Street. nnnmmnnnnmvM
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  • 1581 2 Cubioub Stort of A Little Zoo. In the Cornhill appears a most curious account of a man, who knew animals’ talk, by Mr. Chenevix Trench. The man called Seal was a European Deputy Magistrate in India, a rare thing, but who had taken to drink.
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  • 376 2 MONARCHY OR REPUBLIC Honbeono Opinions. No matter bow good their intentions—or otherwise —it cannot be said that the promoters of the Chou an Hui, or Peace Preservation Society of China, which was inaugurated on the 22nd iust, have selected the most suitable time to start tbeir
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 41 2 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain’ll Colie, Cholera and Diarrhea liemedy followed by a doso of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhsst in childieD. For sale by all Dispensaiies and Dealers.
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    • 10 2 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Greit Peppermint Cure la, 6d
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    • 423 2 P. 8 0. S. N. Co. Marseilles Special Train. The public are hereby informed that the P. O. SLEEP- ING CAR SPECIAL TRAIN is to be reestablished commencing outwards in connection with the Medina leaving Marseilles on 12 th September and homejwards in connection with the Persia due at Marseilles
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    • 171 2 ALWAYS GIVING HIGH QUALITY YET CHARGING LOWEST PRICES. FANCY GOODS OF GREAT UTILITY. Neat Inexpensive Wristlet Watch with Strong Leather Strap Complete. PRICE: $3.50. mm m The Seven O’Clock Safety Razor. The only Razor under $9 00 that can be stropped without removing blade. OUR PRICE $4.50. if lĔt fllwrv
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  • 956 3 Even a bloody war has certain compensations. Thus we read in a contemporary that since the beginning of the war twelve hundred German local and provincial newspapers and periodicals have ceased publication.” Says a Home paper: The Westminster Guardians, having sold a workhouse, invested 115,000 of the money
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  • 826 3 An OucttleJ Province—Bandits it Work— Monarchy or Republic—Rentes of the Flood. C From Our Own Correspondent Canton, August 30. Canton is the most unsettled province in China to-day. Before the suffering due to the recent floods is ended men expecting official positions and some already in official
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  • 46 3 Saturday, 11th September, 1915. Golf Club, 3-45 xo 7-15 p.m. 1 Selection Irish Airs Hartmann 2 Two Step... Miss Lulu Batwing Thurban 3 Selection H M S. Pinafore Sullivan 4 Waltz Bright Angel Pecorim 5 Belore Pasquita Bigge 6 March The Volunteer Fete Paterson
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  • 14 3 To-morrow, Saturday, Hutton Lane and Tacjong Tokong meet. On Sunday, Crescent v. Mejlis.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1111 3 FOR SALE, PALMS, Ferns, Creepers, Pot plants, etc. Tomatea Plants, English seed, cts 25 each, also young Banana trees, cts. 25 each. No. 15 Northam Road. Rolls-Royce Car 6 Cylinder Engine 5 Seater: Fully Equipped. First Class Condition. All particulars and view to be had at WEARNE BROTHERS, Limited. 30,
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    • 509 3 c o T/ E& m y/j <s£r tes sx 0' ft'VSl C—r FABRIQUE DE Cigarettes fgyptiennes FELUCCA HU Bouton r HasperO FaBRIQUC Par MASPERO FRERESIro NS ltu« AU FABRtauc pa« o FRERES L to OA«»t*u« niMivßCfuil au K iiii -i EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! The latest pictures. The wo»ld renowned plays.
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRE3S, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paicn. Daily Local m. $24 per Ontstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Frae) $17.50 CiBLI ADDBBS8 ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noa. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 S d. AII buaiaaaa roraa’inicaUona should
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  • 1362 4 Feeling among the Chinese in Penang, which was somewhat disturbed by the report that President Yuan had been urged to abolish the Republic and proclaim himself Emperor, has been considerably relieved by the action of the Chinese Consul here in making public the following cable which he has
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  • 46 4 The Managing Director» of the P. AO. Company advise the local agents that R. M. S. Maltoa arrived at London on Tuesday morning, the 7th instant. The connecting steamer from Penang was the R. M. S. Kashgar which sailed on the Bth ultimo.
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  • 694 4 The Kev. Keppel Gamier, acting Colonial Chaplain, Malacca, has gone ou a visit to Bangkok. Mr. T. M. Stewart, proprietor of Rembau estate, and a well-known Negri Sembilan planter, has obtained a commission in the 3rd Black Watch. Dr. Norman Bright, of Penang, who has joined the
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  • 36 4 Sept, 7 By B-ilauce $35,018.30 9 Brown Phillips A Stewart’s Staff monthly subscription 70.00 Balance, Sept. 9 35,088.30 Remitted to Loudon £lO,OOO on 24-2-15 85,***** Total subscription to date ...$120,707.03
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  • 28 4 Sept. 7 By Balance $1,490.67 9 Overplus of a cable 10.00 Bertam Estate Staff 40.00 Balance, Sept. 9 $1,540.67 Amount previously acknowledged 16,859.10 Total ...$18,399.77
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  • 861 4 CRITERION PRESS SUED. CHINESE AFFAIRS AT RANGOON In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice L. P. Ĕbden, the case was resumed in which Tan Siew Kim, a Chineso resident of Rangoon, sues the Criterion Press, Ltd as the proprietors of the P en ang Sin
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  • 74 4 Before Mr. R. Scott in the District Court this morning Mr. F. R. Howlett was sued by Mr. R. M. Brunei Norman for the recovery of the sum of $155. The defendant was absent and judgment was entered for the plaintiff. Mr. Norman said that the debt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 FRESH STOCK JUST RECEIVED. ACETIC ACID PURE GLACIAL, Genuine Momi Wood Cases 19 by 19' by 24'. White Porcelain Rubber Cups. Tumbler Shape. Price on Application. THE EASTERN TRADING CO, PENANG I POM. nnnnnn CP T, >0 *9* G n n n g a BRITISH PILSENERBEER c* s/ MAJESTY 1
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  • 37 4 Deatk. Beown. —On Thursday, 9th September, at Nibong Tebal, Province Wellesley, Straits Settlements, Edinuud Augustus Blundell Brown, youngest son of the late Forbes Scott Brown of Glugor, Penang, Straits Settlements, and Longformacus, Dune, N.B. Aged 55 years.
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  • 1001 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GREAT RUSSIAN VICTORY. PRISONERS CAPTURED. Petrograd, September 9 1.30 put A Petrograd communique states The Germans continue their persistent attacks from Grodno in the directions of Druskiniki and Skider. We repulsed the enemy in the latter region, inflicting heavy losses on him aud
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  • 159 5 To Mr. Maxwell and General Ridout. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, September, 9. In the Council Chamber to day, in the presence of Admiral Sir Martyn Jerram, Lady Evelyn Young and a large number of officials and members of the public, H. E. the Governor presented the
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  • 76 5 Hospital at Wheathamstead. {From Our Own Correspondent.') Kuala Lumpur, September 9. In regard to the F.M S. War Relief Fund Sir William Taylor cables that the War Office has approved of the house “Blackmons End” at Wheathamstead being used as an auxiliary hospital. There will
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  • 568 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram AERIAL ACTIVITY. Pans, September 8, 5 50 p m. Violent artillery actions took place in almost every sector on the Western front. No infantry engagements whatever took place. A communique states that five Germau aeroplanes dropped bombs on Malzeville. No damage was done
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  • 611 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. TRADES UNION CONGRESS. SOME FIERY SPEECHES. London, September 8 After a number of vigorous speeches denouncing German oppression, militarism and brutality, the Trades Union Congress at Bristol carried by 600 votes to 7 a resolution opposing Militarism but expressing belief in the
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  • 1154 5 This annual exhibition of pictures and other works of art of members of the Club and those of Singapore and the F.M.S. was duly opened yesterday afternoon at the Engineers’ Institute which has been kindly lent for the occasion. The pictures generally, most of which were for sale
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  • 122 5 From Dutch Source». The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Tuesday aud Wednesday, September 7 and 8 The Italian Campaign, The French papers learn from Rome that the Italian deputy Bissolati who went to the front as a volunteer was wounded in one of
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  • 511 5 Shows a Large A telegraphic summary of the Straits Trade Return for the second quarter of the current year was published iu yesterday’s Echo. We hasten to supplement by the following details, which we take from the Singapore eveniog paper: The official return of imports
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  • 1004 6 We hare considerable sympathy with our contemporary, the Free Preet, in its criticism j of the Unofficial Members of the Legisla- tire Council. Sir Evelyn Ellis is doubtless right when he declares that the members consult each other regarding questions to be considered at meetings
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  • 964 6 (Bt Clive Hollaed.) Though the harvest of the Red Reaper has been heavy upon the Polish plains c during the past few weeks, the other harvest j —the hay-harvest of the Russian peasant j —has had to go on Beside the brooks and rivers, some of them
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  • 982 6 [Ij’AlLIAECE BALKAHIQtfB. Iv.-E. Guechoff. Hackette.] M. Guechoff, the former Prime Minister of Bulgaria, negotiated along with M. Milovanovitch and M. Venizelos the famous League, but owing to a difference of opinion with the King he resigned a month before the second Balkan War. His book, which is
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  • 949 6 When we hear of constant changes, alterations, and general tinkering in the Laws of a game, wo g nerally take it for granted that that game is a bad one. That is the logical conclusion, for were the game i good no alteration would be required. This may or
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  • 385 6 The statistics of Bangkok shipping issued monthly by the Harbour Department afford an interesting indication of the effect the C war has had upon sea-carriage in this por- tion of the globe. For some years after the acquisition ef the Holt and Scottish Oriental steamers
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  • 601 6 Although the war was not responsible for the falling off in the orders placed for 1 macbiuery to arrive in 1914, it certainly interfered to a considerable extent with the deliveries of Germm machinery, says a r writer in Engineering to hand. This can best
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  • 894 6 Thk Paass an» tmk Naw Movement. With the exception of the A»ia Ah P an and the Kuo Hua Poo, most of our vernacular contemporaries have either ignored or made unfavourable comments upon the Peace Planning fc-'oeiety. F Before the organization of the Bociety, the Atia Ah Pao
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 For Hacking Cough at Night. Woodi’ Great Peppermint Cur<», Is, 6d.
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    • 61 6 Rheumatism. Have you ever tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you are wasting time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to cure. Qet a bottle to-day, apply it with a vigorous massage to the afflicted parts and you will be surprised and delighted
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    • 48 6 Do not allow yourself to become a victim to recurring Fever. There is a sure remedy at hand in WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. a truly marvellous specific in all conditions of fever and internal complaints. It is sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 80 oents per bottle
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    • 87 6 Chamberlain's Coujh Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favourite with the mothers of youDg children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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    • 37 6 Remember the Name. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera arid Diarrhoea Remedy is the best known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach. You may need it some time. For sale by all Dispeuseries and Dealers.
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  • 995 7 Th* Hoamid* of Ixdia. A telegram from London states that a Committee of Clearing House bankers will request Mr. Edward Holden, Chairman of the London City and Midland Bank, Limited, to proceed to New York to deal, as their representative, with the adverse American exchange, which
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  • 898 7 A Wab Widow i It was at a Church Service on board ship that I saw her the exact locality I will not mention. She does not know me, and will not recognise herself from these notes the less chance of that happening because her
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 432 7 THE SECRET TO HEALTH RESTORING. BOOKS of advice, given by Dr. K. C. Pass, a physician of over 50 years’ experience in tho above subject, can be obtained post free from the following places: PENANG RUBBER BTAMP Co., 40, Church Street Penang. THE FRIEND OF THE PUBLIC Co., 49, Lahat
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    • 60 7 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrbce i Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhsea that physicians have failed on, and it
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    • 54 7 IN THE TROPICS Constipation is the forerunner of most ills. The surest way to keep the bowels gently moving is by an occasional dose of the little pink laxative pills. Gentle as Nature —Do not gripe. Of Chemists, 50 cents a phial, or post free, from the Dr. Williams' Medicine
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    • 199 7 OCDC 0 DOC DOC DOC DOooOOC DCDO BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. n o n Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL R A l AR PAR AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The World. Milkmaid Brand
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1348 8 P.&Q. S.N.C® Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp, Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mai! Service Outward. Duo I'euan? Sept. 18 Oct. 2 Oct. 15 Steamer. Connecting with S.S. BRITISH INDIA STEAM
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