Straits Echo, 4 September 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1066 1 i. .idusrJtM yttju-vs. «taMwnxrsn »>rm frAltt 2«| 2 itHt S»£JJ iAM iki. Ml h C. 3 •Sj 3 r 2?« 2 J r »»i. A,«u.: tiano LEE £*CO., 4r«&ftbg y K«»!a Lt«ptir. v sat utcr.<o<kam«i*t»#. s> a n iq a a 12 a For Cars on Hire BANKS. >- all
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 DRINK 8 THE ss a vra$ Idh, "i I •V> w 1 n i ■S3 4m7 A I« S Sad 1 J J, r.i dfc&i i>:,,y,< BRAND -W 4* 4 *4 SOLE AGENTS: >4 a LTD., PENANG.
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  • 907 3 President Yuan’s offer of a Hongkong University scholarship betokens not only his own generosity but bis readiness, as representative of the Chinese Government, to recognise our little local seat of learning officially. In the early dayß of the university we ventured upon the remark that luck bad placed
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  • 826 3 The writer of the article on Chinese enterprise seems to us to take a very partial view of the question. In a word, he disclaims for the Chinaman any credit for the development of the mining industry in Malaya. Now, such a disclaimer is based on false
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 602 3 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, Ltd., IMPORTERS OF Australian Frozen Meat Produce ALSO English Fish and Game SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUTSTATION ORDERS. leiegmns: STORAGE Telephone No. 602. Massey-Harris Motor Cycle H.P. Fixed Engine Price $350 Premier Motor Cycle 2§ H.P. Fixed Engine, $300 Side Car (Rattan) 95 (Coach Built) 175
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    • 38 3 Remember the Name. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the best known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, era-» ps or pains in the stomach. You may need it some time For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 63 3 Rheumatism. Have y ,u over tried Chamberiaiu’s Pain Balm for rheum ttism If not, you are wasting time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to euro. Get a bottle to-day, apply it with a vigorous massage to the afflicted parts and you will be surprised
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  • 2424 4 Zeppelin Raids. London, August 14. j The Kaiser must not feel particularly j giatified by the results of his last demons* < tration of Fiightfulness The airraid on the East Coast last Monday cost Great Britain the of one man, nine women and four little children
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 435 4 c^nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno c n u 0 n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 LIPTONS RANIPORE TEAS. Those who want the finest Indian SHOULD INSI3T ON GETTING RANIPORE BLENDED PACKED
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    • 467 4 Forms for the return will be supplied on application at any office of the Department In the matter of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinance 1914 and In the matter of Behn Meyer Co., Ltd. an Enemy Company within the meaning of the said Ordinance. NOTICE OF SALE. Freehold and
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    • 395 4 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Corporation, and is now pr e pared to accept MARINE ft* FIRE RISKS at current rates QUAH BENG KEE, Flmnr.h Sir Amt, Pm+a%q, ri!;: viPEA r KAM’ERN i. 1F M ASSvU-iApd CJb
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  • 921 5  -  (Bt Tom Wright.) It if* quite true about the war babies I’ve been watching their arrival on the slide of my microscope. In this case I refer to Aphides taken from mint, born hungry, and fastening at once on the ribs of the leaf, feeding there stolidly while
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  • 14 5 To-day, Oresceut Star play Sabrnl Jamil. To-morrow, Sunday, Darul Musudiab meet Stia Persenangan.
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  • 84 5 September 5, 1915, 14th Svndat aftee Teihitt. 8-00 a.m. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion 10-15 a.m. Chinese Service 5- p.m. Children’s Service 6- pm. Evensong and Sermon Psalm XXVII Myles Foster XXVIII I XXIX John Foster Nunc Dimittis Btainer Parisi An Tone Anthem Blessed are the
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  • 35 5 Services on Sunday, September 5 Morning, at 9am Children’s Service, Evening, at 6 p.m Communion Service. Preacher, Rev. W. Murray, MA. Hymns for evening service, Church Praise, 171, 074, 277 and 336.
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  • 643 5 lbs. The Sungei Batu (Malaya) Rubber Estates, Ltd. 16,540, Val D’or Rubber Estate, Ltd. 19,000 The Kurau Rubber Estate, Ltd. 28.500 The Malakoff Rubber Co Ltd. 44,000 S. S. (Bertam) Rubber Co, Ltd. 77,C00 The Windsor (F. M. S Rubber Estate, Ltd, 16,000 The Malakoff Plantations Co.,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 191 5 SCOTCH WHISKY a LIJ O' -I < u |J n CL SOMETHING T( enow ABOUT CO w) Z ®CK < s SCOTCH &c°lVX BUCHANA> _.^a.lOMD° N JAMES < oiasgow X u CD o </> BLACK WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY > r u o u > a m > m
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    • 543 5 v> c ■r w a tj o re §9§lj -X SkSSIC v%fr-wSd £«s; e~ Fabriqu’e de rj I pp! CIGARETTESEGYPTIENNESj m FELUCCA m a f.tir ■gift* y? IBouionK Rouge i m FRfeRES pabrique p ar r MASPERO FreRESLk) OANS UUR MANUFACTUBS AU Fat« QM »»n 8 C /AaSPEBO FREBIS L
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  • 282 6 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special cables are from the Sumatra Post of Thursday, Septemoer 2:— Naval Activity. A German communique states that some German cruisers have destroyed a number of signal-stations on the west coast ot Russia. Allied Airaida. The German official report states that Allied
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  • 96 6 Pnblished daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TUI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pmicß. Daily Local H $24 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 S’ d All ecnmuniutiODi
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  • 38 6 Nason-Gawthorne. —On the 25th August, 1915 at St. Leonards, Captain J. Nason, of the 11th Royal Sussex, son of the late Dr. Nason of Hastings, to Dorothea Helen (Doris), eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gawthorn9.
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  • 1282 6 Russia’s remarkable rally once again emphasises the important fact, which many of us have yet to learn, that the progress of this war is not determinable by attacks and retreats, charges, sorties, or captures. Such things are but of secondary importance. The determining factors in this war are
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  • 860 6 Tbe Hon. Mr. A. R. Adams Las gone up Penang Hill until Tuesday. Mrs. G. E. Wright-Motiou, who his been on a visit to Kuala Lumpur, returns to Penang on Monday. Mr. J. C. Drewet, surveyor, P.M.S., who left Pekan on May 15 last, has now obtained
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  • 982 6 Inhabitants of Petrograd do not hum the St.” which disappeared with the '*burg." No Russians ever used it; nor iiid Finns, Swedes, or other Scandinavians. Nor, for the matter of that, did the very few educated Englishmen who were careless of being thought pedantic. But these latter were
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 377 6 TONIC TOOTH WASH THE ODOL SUBSTITUTE We have been able to produce a Tooth Wash representing the flavour and antiseptic qualities of Odol and which further bears the merit of being an ALL BRITISH ARTICLE. A trial will convince you that in our Tonic Tooth Wash you have a perfect
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  • 558 7 (Renter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. RUSSIA'S SUCCESS IN GALICIA, i OFFICIAL FRENCH VIEW. Paris, September 2. An official Note issued here says that the Russian success in Galicia shows that the Russian remain masters of the conditions of tbeir retirement and continue capable of assuming the offensive whenever
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  • 736 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. A SUBSTANTIAL ACHIEVEMENT PROMISING POSITION. London, September 2, 4.25 p m. Always remembering the caution which General Sir lan Hamilton has given against premature exultation at progress in Galiipoli, it is evident that his latest despatch marks a substantial achievement gaining an important tactical
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  • 571 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. A TERSE REPORT. London, September 2 5.20 p.m. The Paris communique reports that there have been only some artillery actions and grenade-fighting on the western front. "Mutual Bombardment. London, September 3, 4 a in. The Paris communique says “We effectively bombarded the enemy’s
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  • 674 7 (Reuters Service) Copyright Telegram. ACTION BY THE POPE. Washington, September 3. Cardinal Gibbous has handed to President Wilson a message from the Pope regarding peace. Rcsultleaa Negotiations. Washington, Septeinter 3. Cardinal Gibbons declares that his interview with President Wilson was highly satisfactory, but nothing is expected to result
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  • 145 7 The following articles will be found on onr outside pages Page. 3. —Chinese Mining Enterprise. Hongkong University. 4. —War News and Gossip. 5. —Marginal Notes. Football. bt. George’s Church, Penang. Penang Presbyterian Church. August Rubber Crops. August Rubber Outputs. 8. —Defence in Malaya. Glimpses in Malaya. Parish Hall. Medical
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  • 150 7 (Reuter's Service.) C opyright Telegram. THE RECENT CRISIS. VIEWS OF THE “TIMES.” London, September 3. The Timet, discussing the recent political crisis in Japan, says that the Allies have been greatly reassured by the knowledge that Count Okuma has been able to retain offico. Count Okuma
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  • 563 7 A Great Japanese Statesman. London, September 3. The death is announced of the Marquess Inouye, the well-known Japanese statesman. The London papers publish very sympathetic obituary notices of him. [The Marquess Kaoru Inouye was born in j 1835, a samurai of Choshu fief. He was a
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  • 974 7 Before Mr. E. E. Colman m the Second Court this morning a Chinaman, named Li Keam, was charged with beiDg in possession cf certain articles of produce such as rice, copra, pepper, sago, etc., which were suspected of having been fraudulently obtained and with failing to
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  • 1264 8 General Ridout’s Speech. t General Kidout bas rendered a great public service by his speech at Kuala Lumpur. He has shewn the reasons for every man'acquiring a knowledge of the use I of arnu as far as it was possible to do so I without disclosing' matters
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  • 269 8 To the August number of the Empire Review, Mr. T. A. Sbearwood, of the Straits Settlements, contributes au article on “Glimpses at Malaya.” Singapore, he thinks will probably become the naval base of the military marine of the Far East. Hongkong be points out, is au isolated
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  • 457 8 Billiard Tournament. The semifinal tie in the Single Handicap between P P. Aeria —5O) and J. W. Bojle —7O), which was played off yesterday evening, was witnessed by a large number of members. Aeria opened well and playing at the top of his form led the whole way
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  • 1023 8 The statements to which expression ha 9 been given in Singapore as to the secretiveness of the Governm at resecting the regrettable outbreak on Feb. 15 last have been reciprocated here. Actempts af getting information have not met with much success, and there is a smtiment that
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  • 773 8 Mr. John Rockefeller, jun„ says Medical Missions has set aside a large sum of money for the purpose of advancing medical education in China. This money has been placed g for administrative purposes under a Board of Trustees, including Dr. John Mott and other representative Christian
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 488 8 P. 8 0. S. N. Co Marseilles Special Train, i The public are here- by informed that the P. O. SLEEPING CAR SPECIAL TRAIN is to be reestablished commencing outwards in connection with the “Medina” leaving Marseilles on 12th September and homewards in connection With the Persia due at Marseilles
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    • 88 8 Chamberlain’s Ccujh Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favourite with the Mothers of youDg children for almost forty years Chamberlain s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures
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    • 123 8 rsiczs f What makes bread 0 o Q 0 0 a O rise The' safe and certain way to make bread and cakes rise well—to make them light and wholesome, and evenly baked all thro use 1 Tract‘o A 4ark. > The SUf'i’Erairmtf pKrVder. It is wonderful what a variety
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    • 550 8 Tenders for Todd; Farms, Singapore and Malacca 1916-191 S. NOTICE is hereby given, thaf Tenders will be received at the Office of the Superintendent, Government Monopolies, 1 Singapore, on or before September 15, 19] 5’ at noon, for the exclusive rights subject to the limitations contained in The Liquors Revenue
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  • 465 9 An excellent example of ingratitude, which would seem to be the second nature of numerous Germane, is a series of articles, (quoted by the Java correspondent of the Straits Times) Lorn the pen of a Semaraug German, appearing iu the columns of the trankf. Zeitung under tbe title
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  • 207 9 The Chinese Government is making a practical forward step by drawing up regulations for the examination of judicial officials. In future all such officials will be obliged to submit to a test of their knowledge of the law before they can hold office Under the old
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  • 210 9 The only course open to the (Pacific Mail) company under the circumstances was to sell its ships and, taking advantage no doubt of the high prices prevailing for vessels at the present time, this the company has done, leaving their rivals, the Japanese, masters of the field.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 68 9 Sufferers from Indigestion will find speedy and permanent relief by taking a course of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. This medicine has been proved by generations of English Colonists throughout the world to be the best for family use. It is a tiue corrective and preventive. Millions of people rely upon
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    • 573 9 'l' illll'li IPIII 111 I' lill min Wa; < v ''xv^vv *V •>•:>.• sft, ft ft «X »a o V When persistently brings up his food is a mother’s most anxious time. Weary and worried, she tries one food after another until baby becomes a mere little skeleton. But
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  • 1044 10 Reference has frequently been made in these columns to the strenuous efforts of the enemy to secure supplies of rubber. It has been pointed out that although they probably could not hope to get very much, yet there was reason for believing that some was reaching them through
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  • 521 10 The Far Eastern Athletic meeting held recently in Shanghai may well be described as epoch-making in the history of athletics in China. A meeting of such magnitude and variety has never before been held in the East and vast preparations bad been made for the games. The
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  • 422 10 "IN SYDNEY BY CHRISTMAS.” Proposals for Salvage The Commonwealth Department of Defence has accepted the contract of a Sydney corporation to raise the German c-uiser Emden, now on the reef at Keeling Island, and bring her to Sydney for exhibition purposes The men who have agreed to undertake
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 175 10 Hutteikbach Bros. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE STERLING fELIP CO., LID. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be Started i on
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  • 189 11 Many people pay a terrible price for succeiß sacrificing for it health and happiness. Neurasthenia is a disease due to worry over tbs struggle for success more than to any other one thing. Neurasthenia is a condition of nervous exhaustion in which the system fails to
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  • 1477 11 LIGHT HORSE. The Maze or Trenches (By Trooper Bluegum in an Australian Enchange.J Gallipoli, May 23. The best news is that I have been under shrapnel fire fer 13 hours on end, and have not got a scratch so far. I have been wonderfully lucky. I directed our
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  • 373 11 Japan’s political system may thus be said to consist of a deliberative assembly with nominal legislative powers, a Cabinet of Ministers who occupy the place of high officials of their respective Departments, and are only responsible to the Emperor, a semisecret and unacknowledged council of directors, and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 197 11 John Roberts Billiard Table Manufacturer, HOTEL NORMAN, PENANG. HAS IN STOCK New Billiard Tables FOR SALE AND All Billiard Accessories such as Cues, Balls etc. Undertakes Repairs to any Kind of Table at. reasonable Chargee. HOTEL NORMAN, Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. ENGLISH CUISINE English Treatment LARGE AIRY ROOMS
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    • 60 11 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians have failed on, and it will
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    • 41 11 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain’»» Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhosa in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 117 11 Dnonc OCDC 0 DOC DOC DOC DOooOOC BY ROYAL ”8 APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL v T(? 8 2&F»A 'ED NATU AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The World. AT ALL STORES.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1649 12 S.N.C® Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION GO., LTD. For Intbndsd to, Stiammb. Mail Service Outward. Singapore Fri., 10th Sep., 4
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