Straits Echo, 21 August 1915

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1032 1 asßaK'«uazßj(Bii "oo flanon via «»«»y 98 spiae 2 a. L* a w l-s. os O 2. ĕ i B ft STB FE «X I=l LI •imts ?«*< *tto| J ~~m imiiMi irimiMi’ I»JWM——I UM l For Cars on Hire Call at or ’phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7
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  • 1016 2 We publish in another column extracts from the Frankfurter Zeitung and from another of those German organs which hare suddenly opened a Press campaign against Rumania. These operations are often amusing and always interesting, because they are usually the prelude or the accompaniment to the diplomatic
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  • 743 2  -  By An Expert. The war has given a distinct impetus to advertising in the best sense of the word. It has brought to the aid of advertisement, more than has ever been the case before, the high-brow dignity of art and the exquisite charm of letters. It has come
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 WANTED A GOOD OFFICE ASSISTANT. A knowledge of Chinese Writing and Accounting preferred. Apply X. Y. Z. 478 c/o Straits Echo. FOR SALE, Rolls-Royce Car 6 Cylinder Engine 5 Seater: Fully Equipped. First Claes Condition. All particulars and view to bo had at WE ARNE BROTHERS, Limited, 30, Anson Road.
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    • 78 2 With the distressing moist heat of this tropical climate one is apt to get a body chill, always most dangerous because the lirer or kidneys are afffcted, ard with either out of order a diseased condition may be set up. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE is the finest corrective of a
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    • 56 2 Supplied by All Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it, For
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    • 443 2 TheEastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the abore Corporation, and is now prepared to accept MARINE FIRE RISKS at current rates. QUAH EENG KEE, 43. Beach Street. Pewiuc The Anglo-Japanese Dispensary, 393 St 395, Chulia Street, PENANG. Qualified Japanese Doctor always
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  • 1057 3  -  (By Tom Weight.) Paul Bourget has two strong interests for me, a major and a minor, quite peculiar to himself. He once made Mark Twain lose his temper, and this is a feat like that of writing the Lord’s Prayer on a threepennybit and as a psychologist, in
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  • 344 3 To thu Editor or thm Strait» Echo. Sir, With reference te the letter of A Jaffnese commented upon by you in the Echo of the 16th inst-, please allow me to say a few words. My fellow-countryman claims for us an exemption from the general
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  • 170 3 The following is the programme of the Gymnastic Display to be held at the Tek Soon Theatrical Hall, in aid of the Canton Flood Relief Fund, to-night by the members of the Anglo-Chinese School Union, the Penang Health Culture League and the Hu Yew Seah Programme 8-30
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  • 88 3 August 22, 1915. 12th Sunday after Trinity. 8-00 a.m. Matins (Choral) 8-80 a.m. Holy Communion 10-15 a.m. Chinese Service 5-00 p.m. Sunday School 600 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Psalm CVIII Russell CIX Smart Magnificat Bunnett jn E Nunc Dimittis Anthem I waited for the Lord Mendellsohn
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  • 200 3 Services on Sunday, August 22 Morning, at 9 a m., specially for children. Evening, at 6 p.m Preacher, Rev. A. D. HarcuB. MA. Hymns, 651, 3, 533, 445, and 487. A German who has relatives in Jutland was in Copenhagen at the outbreak of war. To ielatives
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 -I < 111 </> a hi K _i < o 111 0. 10 to z < z < X o 3 ffl o <n < Q SCOTCH WHISKY UCHA "SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT’ Bssgsf JAMSSBUCWS,.-^ OIASGOW BLACK&WHITE ■a*... ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY Sole'Agents PENANG AND KEDAH. By affointment to H
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    • 551 3 Smokers of discrimination always select VAe GARRICK SMOKING TOBACCO It has the distinction of invigorating the nerves and brain of the business man. o tr 7 v >e.. WUA'UiESS, tVEURASTHENIA J* > 'I C OMfcUOPTION CHLOROSIS ni IP,, is v;vfv. .“.y. I V V -y.% M VjtrfA *8 not burn
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  • 96 4 Pmblished daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, PeDang. Pbicb. Daily Local m 924 per «»<■»■ Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CAB LB ADDBBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 586 Printing Department 343 A’.rf.—All business communications should
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  • 1345 4 Neither neutrals nor the Allies will, we feel assured, be deceived in the slightest by the latest German peace-talk or the report that the question of annexation has led to a split among the leaders of the German people. Whatever they may think in Berlin, England, and France,
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  • 472 4 Mr. C.J.D. Carmichael, C 1.E., inspectorgeneral of police, Madras, died at Ootaca mund on the 9th inst. The Raja of Jhamkhandi leaves shortly for the front with ambulance motors. He is the first Brahman chief to go. Dr. Macaskill, medical officer. Kuala Kangsar, has been awarded a
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  • 405 4 Says a London paper to hand by this morning's mail For some time past there have been rnmours that certain revolutionaries are planning another rising in China. Only recently Yuan Shih-kai warned his countrymen against the machinations of these misguided men, who under the pretence of patriotism
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  • 948 4 Before Mr. V. G. Exechiel in the Third Court this morning Mr. F. M. Sharrock was summoned for disobeying the lawful order of a Police Officer in uniform engaged in regulating traffic, and obstructing Beach Street with his car. Inspector Bartel* prosecuted and Mr. Hugh Thorne
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 132 4 SUPER ICED COLOGNE CUBES HEADACHES. Price 40 and 70 Cents. Ask for the SUPER Brand. The kind that has supplanted the German article in this market. THE PENANG, TAIPING and IPOH. nratm go., lid. SOLE AGEITS FOR ROVER CYCLES. IT KOYAI APPOINTMENT TO H. M. KING CEOKtf f, AN APPEAL
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  • 53 4 Death. Peters. —On board s.s. Arankola 18th August, Ben Morgan Peters, of Whitland, South Wales. Obituary. Cardinal VmuUlli. London, August 20. The death has taken place of Cardinal Serafino Vannutelli. [Cardinal Serafino Vanuutelii (Italian) was the Bishop of Porto and S. Rufina. He was born in 1834 and created a
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  • 596 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. fall of novogeorgievsk. BERLIN VERSION. Amsterdam, August 20. A Berlin communique states that Novogeorgievsk has been captured and over 20,000 prisoners taken. The Kaiser has arrived there. German Claims. Another Berlin communique claims that thirty officers and 3,900 meu were captured at Kovno.
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  • 1373 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram WHITE STAR LINER SUNK. TORPEDOED WITHOUT WARNING. London, August 19. The White Star liner Arabic has been torpedoed without warning. The latest list of those on board shows that there were 132 second-class passengers, 48 steerage, and 243 craw. There were ample boats
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  • 637 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. VISIT TO THE FRONT. PRAISE FOR THE FRENCH ARMY. Paris, August 20. It i 6 officially announced that Lord Kitchener paid a visit to the French Army on Monday and Tuesday. He inspected the British Army with M. Millerand (Fxonch War Minister) on Wednesday.
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  • 420 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIR IAN HAMILTON’S REPORT. London, August 19. General Sir Ian Hamilton reports that recent operations in Gallipoli consisted cf attacks on the enemy positions along the southern and Australian and New Zealander lines. Fresh Landing in Force. They include ajfresh landing in strong force
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  • 161 5 Mr. W. E. Andrews. (From Our Oun l Correspondent.') Kuala Lumpur, August 21. News has beeu received here of the death in action of Mr. W. E. Andrews, Assistant Commissioner of Police, who went home on leave last August and obtained a Commission in the Irish Rifles.
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  • 859 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Holland and the War. A telegram from Amsterdam to the Locomotief states that the well-known Dutch footballer Heyting, who was serving in the French Foreign Legion, has been severely wounded
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  • 1314 6 Civil ok Military Responsibility. Looking over agaiu the very interesting discussion which took place in the House of Commons recently, it has struck us that a good deal of the Singapore matter touched upon by Mr. Gershom Stewart and otherß would have been more in place on
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  • 198 6 A Home Opinion. Although the Bill to provide for registration of certain residents in Singapore for the purpose of military training may not in actual legal te:ms be a Bid for providing for the «ompuUory military training of all eligible British men, Reuter’s Singapore correspondent poiuts out
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  • 460 6 The Finance Minister’s problem is where to find the money for this expansion scheme, especially in view of the financial situation created by the war in Europe. Japan has a i heavy burden of debt and is paying interest on foreign loans amounting to about
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  • 2186 6 (From Our Ovm Correspondent,) London, July 30. The war wiil be 07er in October.” That is the catchword in th 9 Metropolis. Of course it is a grimly humorous play on the Kaiser’s dictum and meant to convey the inverse of the Imperial pronouncement. The war
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 466 6 Keep It H&ody. I I Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of [diarrhea a. Chamborlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on I hand. For salo by all Dispensaries and Dealers. rfirr %y.wuyrrai-wat*? xttMMWAWfm S3JOL1L.E. The undermentioned valuable properties, ALL those four pieces of land adjoining each other
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    • 751 6 South Indian Labour. A MEDICAL MAN, of years of emi Kra tion experience ashore and afloat late Surgeon of Straits Emigration Steamers’ well acquainted with labour conditions and the language*-of Southern India, offers his services to planters and other recruiters of labour coming to India Prepared to accompany them over
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  • 1480 7  -  PROPHETS VERSUS PRIESTS. By "Numa” The generation that fondly believed it could repose its patriotism in philosophy, its utilitarianism in art and poetry, and its general principles in open-mouthed gullibility has had to give ground before a new spirit which torments itself with inquiry, with the
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  • 217 7 The accounts of the Sudan Government for 1914, just published at Cairo, show that the revenue was w8E1,543,549 and the expenditure .£E1,531,346, yielding a surplus of £E12,203. The revenue shows a fallingoff of £E24,803, compared with that for 1913, the chief decreases being in land tax,
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  • 300 7 Corruption Among Chinrsk Officials. One of the most hopeful signs regarding China is that of late the authorities at Peking have been, to all appearance, acting rigorously with reference to certain alleged cases of corruption. It seems that there is every reason for drastic action and that
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  • 222 7 Even after early teens, and perhaps to the days of middle-life, few women eDjoy perfect womanly health certainly not many spend twelve months free from anxious health troubles. Why should Nature’s most perfect work” suffer so much f The indispositions of young girls, business wotneD,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Cmre la. id
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    • 294 7 THE SECRET TO HEALTH RESTORING. BOOKS of advice, given by Dr. K. C. Dass, a physician of over 50 years’ experience in the above subject, can be obtained post free from the following places PENANG RUBBER STAMP Co., 40, Church Street, Penang. THE FRIEND OF THE PUBLIC Co 49, Lahat
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    • 205 7 OCDC (J DOC DOC DOC DOaoOOC DCDO 0 BY ROYAL l APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE, o r\ ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL V B Si B was P/S Nr PP o n AND ALL Leading
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1852 8 P.&O. FSi S.HC° Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Due t Penan Aug. 20 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 Oct. 2 Oct. 15 Steamer.
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  • 876 9 It was announced only the other day that the Under-Secretary for War, Mr. Tennant, had chosen a new secretary, Mr. Ottley, instead of Mr. W. EL Schlich, who had resigned. We understand, however, that Mr. Schlich has not resigned from the Service or even from the
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  • 326 9 Quotations feom English Wbitbbb. Berne, July 17. A 68-page pamphlet has been published in Munich at the cheap price of half a mark, and entitled Kriegsgegner in England Opponents of the War in England.” It is very well printed, on excellent paper, and the bookstalls in Switzerland
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 348 9 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, Ltd., IMPORTERS OF Australian Frozen Meat Produce ALSO English Fish and Game SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUTSTATION ORDERS. telegrams: STORAGE Telephone No. 602. irm «jrorvoarr THE CLAYTON SEMI-DIESEL OIL ENGINE 1 MANUFACTURED BY CkytOA 8 Shuttleworth Ltd., LINCOLN, ENGLAND. 0 Wort* Automatic tiuallj throughout will with
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    • 44 9 Sick To-day, Weil To-morrow. If you feel dull and stupid, are bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets before going to bed. They are just what you need, and you will be all right to-morrow. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 34 9 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night Woods’ Groat Peppermint Cure, Is 6d aesasKBW'Vxxw'miuajm Earthenware DrainPipes, /4 Channels, /<£?' W w Prices on Application TO AGENTS: SELLAR, MURRAY 8 Co., PENANG. irr v ■dgjy-jrr {CBHHBraKBSESEI OiCXSSfcSMB
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    • 208 9 What is a JOOCOCLE It is THE Bicycle Specially Made and Imported by TIANC JOO A CO., for the S.S. and F.M.S. markets. “JOOCOCLE” is British-made throughout, and Fitted with Real British Dunlop Tyres. PRICE, COMPLETE WITH LAMP. BELL (c.. $39 nett. Sole Importers: TIANG JOO Co.. V 117, BEACH
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  • 1033 10 London, July 21. This is the season of pause in the Balkan world. The neutral are gathering in their crops and, though Rumania has her oil and Greece her trade, it is the harvest that matters most. A Balkan State prefers to go to war when the
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  • 743 10 Operations in tee Adriatic London, July 21. The official announcement of the Italian Admiralty shows that the Italian Navy is pressing the Austrians with a good deal of initiative. The point of the attack begun on Sunday last was the Boccbe di Cattaro, which place had been
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 Arc You Goins on a Journey Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera an 1 Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in your baud luggage when going on a journev. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend to produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It
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    • 73 10 Teething Children. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea. which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, All that is necessary i9 to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then cas tor oil to cleanse the system. It
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    • 588 10 I J t Huttenbach Bros. 8 COMPANY. 4. T JL i,-; V' SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of ELECTRIC L iximaaG&zs&x (SSES^Aa.v Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: STEELING TELEPHONE 00.. LIE. Large Stocks of Telephones are
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