Straits Echo, 18 August 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1003 1 fe»MU Start, S'P I- 5 .s c c TAD I 2. f*u AiMtai TIANO LEE V CO., Ptttiil 9 Knit Laotpar. For Cars on Hire Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER.
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    • 16 1 XO LET. 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428. BURMAH ROAD. LOCATION QUILT 4 HEALTHY. APPLY 53, Beach Street.
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  • 1310 2 Tee Pro-Allt Like One pleasant October morning I happened j to be walking in a field somewhere in Northern France when an unpleasant Prussian let a gun off in a ditch, and my shoulder got in the way, and so I went to j New
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  • 253 2 Temporary Gains prom Germans Nbid Conserving. The Acting British Consul at Canton (Mr. J. W. O. Davidson) reports that, although Canton Las been as little affected commercially as any place, the first effects of the declaration of war were severe. Banks immediately restricted credits and
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  • 384 2 Unpleasant Truths to High Germans Amsterdam, July 15. A correspondent of the Handeltblad states that he dined at the headquarters of General Boehm Ermolli, wbero he was introduced to the General and other highlyplaced personages, including Prince Egon Fiirstenberg, Count Andrassy, the President of the Hungariin Chamber,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 410 2 FOR SALE. Rolls-Royce Car 6 Cylinder Engine 5 Seater Fully Equipped. First Class Condition. All particulars and riew I to be had at WFARNE BROTHERS, LimiUd. 30, Anson Road. A reasonable offer will be accepted. 413 FOR SALE. The undermentioned valuable properties, ALL those four pieces of land adjoining each
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    • 44 2 Sick To-day, Well To-morrow. If you feel dull and stupid, are bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets before going to bed. They are just what you need, and you will be all right to-morrow. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 56 2 Supplied by All Chemists. Physician* proscribe Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrtoei Remedy because it relieTes cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it, For
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    • 554 2 NOTICE. AMEETING of tbo Board of the Licensing Justices will be held in the District Court on Wednesday, 22nd September, 1915, at 2.15 p m, to consider applications for new licences and for the transfer of existing public house licences and for removals and also for new licences and the
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  • 397 3 (From A Correspondent.) a Medan, August 16 > The Javanese New Year holidays have come and gone, and quite equalled expectations in their enlivening effect Prom the 12th to the I.sth the town was full of planters, all doing their best to realise that they were on
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  • 473 3 After the Flood—Appals for Help Kw&ogtuog’s New Governor —The Attempt on the General. (From Our Otm Correspondent Canton, July 30 Except a few more districts which are still inundated to a small extent, the flood can only be remembered arid not 6een Canton City proper is free
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  • 191 3 At the Bukit Jdertajam District Court, before Mr. G. A. Hereford, on Monday, a Teochiu named Tan Sok Chong was brought up and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for the term of nine months on a charge of fraudulent possession of one fowl valued at fifty cents, and
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  • 88 3 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys A Co by auction yesterday and by private treaty during the week. 33,000 lbs. were sold Diamond Smoked Sheet 9128 to 9130 Plain 9117 9124 Unsmoked Sheet 9115 9121 Fine Pale Crepe 9127 9132 Medium
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  • 97 3 Tennis Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for Friday, tha 20th mst. Ladies Doubles. Mrs Shepherd and Mrs Sinclair V 8 Mrs Adamson and Mrs Kinder Mrs Low and Mrs Dennys vs Mrs Ebden and Mr 3 Everest Single Handicap D. G M Terzano vs W
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  • 116 3 We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs- Bachee Achan, which took place at her residence, Mailapura Macalister Road, at 9.30 last night. The deceased lady, who was 46 years of age, had been ailing for nearly a month, but it was not
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  • 37 3 Aug. 16 By Balance ...931.***** 17 “The Warren”, 3rd instalment 200 00 Balance, Aug. 17 31,805.08 Remitted to London 10,000 on 24 2 15 85,618 73 Total subscription to-date ...9117,423.81
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  • 133 3 Aug.l4 By Balance 94,068.19 17 “The Warren”, 2nd instalment 80.00 Balance, Aug. 17 94,148.19 Amount previously acknowledged 13,457.11 Total ...917,605 30 In regard to tho money seized inTsingtau on its occupation by the Japanese forces, >t is now stated that the sum of about Y 1,200,000 found
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 588 3 South Indian Labour. A MEDICAL MAN, of years of emigration experience ashore and afloat, late Surgeon of Straits Emigration Steamers] well acquainted with labour conditions and the languages of Southern India, offers his services to planters and other recruiters of labour ooming to India Prepared to accompany them over the
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    • 484 3 r Smokers of discrimination always select 13he GARRICK SMOKING TOBACCO It has the distinction of invigorating the mL nerves and brain of I&ingTobacC- the business man. 3$ uC GABRir < Al L^AOp Does not burn or irritate the throat. fe'z&vl o tr In WEAKNESS, neurasthenia CONSUMPTION CHLOROSIS f>* a t
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  • 97 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THB CRITERION PRES 3. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pkicb. Daily Local $24 per Out station... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 CABLB ADDBIBS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N d.— All businss* communication*
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  • 1379 4 To our Singapore contemporary, the Straits Times, we are indebted for a very full ieport of the references which have recently been made in the House of Commons to the Singapore Mutiny. While they do not throw any light on that regrettable occurrence they prove at any rate
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  • 885 4 The Emperor Francis Jeseph to day completes his eighty-fifth year, but there is no Austro-Hungarian colony in London to celebrate the anniversary, unless a small section is to be found at the concentration camp ”at Olympia Half a century ago Francis Joseph’s birthday also saw Austria, in alliance
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  • 897 4 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Monday Holland and the War. Reuter s cable that Holland is increasing her imports of munitions has no significance The Government is importing ammunition for no other reasons than those connected with the measures
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 103 4 nnnnnn White Porcelain Latex Cups, TUMBLER SHAPE. AS ILLUSTRATION Packed in cases of 500 pieces each. Large Stocks now on Hand. For Simple and Price apply to THE EASTERN TRADING CO., PENANG IPOH. uioH9R9nnnnnnniKiiiiii Weinberg’s Mahalla Cigarettes. fi i I :i Afvzai f 1 •> V. 7 7JJ m c./_
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  • 626 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. VICE-ADMIRAL’S DESPATCH. DEATHLtSS STORY OF THE LANDING. London, August 16, 5.40 p m. y of the Tuesday morning papers ViceAdmiral de Robeck’s despatch has been isB aed, on the landing in the Dardanelles It gives the deathless story of the landing is GallipoliTribute to
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  • 627 5 HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE. London, August 17. The Admiralty announces that the British transport Royal Edward was sunk by an enemy submarine in the .Egean Sea on Saturday. She had 32 oncers on board and 1,350 troops in addition to her crew 220 troops were mainly reinforcements of
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  • 649 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FURIOUS FIGHTING. BETWEEN THE NAROW AND THE BUG. Petrograd, August 17, 3 a.m. A Petrograd communique states that the Germans in the Bausk district were again driven back towards the Aa River. The German bombardment of Kovno continues incessantly. Furious fighting, which took
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  • 583 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE SUCCESS AT HOOGE. DUE TO ARTILLERY SUPERIORITY. London, August 1C Reuter’s and other correspondents with the British Headquarters emphasise that the recent British success at Hooge was due to the superiority of the British artillery. Our men were elated and the Germans
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  • 429 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. GENERAL CADORNA’S PLAN. FALL OF TRIESTE IMMINENT. Undine, August 16, 10.30 p m. Reports from the front state that Geneial Cadorna has almost completed the prepiration for a fresh general attack which, it is expected, will result in the occupation of the Cano
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  • 199 5 Accident to the Sri Patani. Towed into Port. (From Our Oun Correspondent.') Singapore, August 17. Tbe Sri Patani, from Sabang, lost her propeller between Penang and Port Swettenham. She was towed into Singap>re by tbe Eastern Shipping Company’s steamer Pin Seng Tbe next meeting of the Ministering Children’s League will
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  • 936 5 T!!F, CAPITAL PROBLEM. The adjourned meeting of tin Menglembu j Lode Syndicate, Ltd was held yesterday afternoon at the Chamber of Commerce. Ia the absence of Mr. W. H. Thorne, Mr. Allen Dennys was unanimously elected Chairman on the proposal of Mr. A. S. Anthony. The
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  • 40 5 Obituary. Sir C, A. Lawton. London, August 16. The death has taken place, at the age of 77, of Sir Charles Allen Lawson, who was Editor of the Madras Daily Newt (1863), I Madras Times (1864-8), and Madras Mail (1868-92).
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  • 3690 6 responsibility of straits GOVERNMENT. Statements in Parliament. (From the Straits Times' Parliamentary Correspondent.) House of Commons, July 19. A further attempt was made to-day to elicit information concerning the mysterious circumstances of the origin of the Singapore mutiny. The Colonial Secretary’s reply cannot be considered altogether
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  • 369 6 The politics and history of S-rbia from the earliest present a tangled skein To those who havo tried to follow it out it is by no moan» surprising that the Germanic ponspirn’ors should havo decided to use a Serbian excuse for their plans. Skipping the centuries of early development,
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  • 1268 6 My Servant. f One great advantage enjoyed by a chap- s lain over his brother-officers is that he is the t only individual in the ship able to talk to i all *orts and conditions of naval men on equal terms. I have frequently spent
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  • 708 6 The King’s Own Scottish Borderers. General Sir lau Hamilton, in his despatch on the landing of our troops in the Gallipoli Peninsula on April 25, bears ample testimony to the very gallant service of the British troops. He has not omitted mention of the splendid efforts of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 Teething Children. Teething children have more or less diarrloei. which can be controlled by giving CbamberlaVs Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, All that is accessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then cas tor oil to cleanse the system. It
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    • 51 6 Middle-aged people are often afll cted with that distressing ailment, windy spasms, they seem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, The very first dose will bring relief and prove its value. Sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 80 cents per
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    • 29 6 Keep It Handy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 12 6 4 I p For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Wood»' Greet Peppermint Cere 1»
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  • 1149 7 THE GREAT IBSUEB OF THE CONFLICT. I A Struggle for tii World’s Commhgia. l Sufrimact. (By a Friendly Neutral) Tho present war is one between the organised industry of Germany on the one hand and Great Britain on the other. It is the great,
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  • 723 7 PRUSSIAN BRIGANDAGE IN NORTHERN FRANCE. Factories Rbmovbd. London, July 20. During my stay in Paris I learned from different sources that the Germans are systematically despoiling the industrial works situated in the territories occupied by their armies. It appears that they have already removed and despatched to Germany
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 311 7 University of Hong Kong. Tutor in English and History and Render in Economic Geography. THE post will be vacant from the 15th September, 1915. Salary .£4OO per annum piyable in demand drafts on London, and quarters. A University degree and teaching experience are essential. Full particulars may Pe obtained from
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    • 67 7 Are You Going on a Journey Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in your baud luggage whpn going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend to produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It may
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    • 12 7 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is 6d
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    • 202 7 r* DOC DOC DOC DOooOOC BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. n o Contractora to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL s i i If AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The World. AT ALL STORES. Milkmaid Brand Sweetened
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1706 8 S.N.C° Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electrio Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. ox Intended to Sail. Stbambb. Mail Service Outward. Homeward Date Aug. 2\ Sept.|
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