Straits Echo, 27 May 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 943 1 JJ A,«*.: TIANG LEE 8? CO, Fenanf 6* Kuala Lumpur. fiat=»« if W. -a sz a 'e «1^ C «s The Dootor ad rises and recommends. It is nourishing, inri- gorating and strengthening. i mail Mail lot's Hud fcj!*»«u Stovt. Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW
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    • 22 1 11 TO LET. H II 1 BUNGALOW ii No. *****. BURMAH ROAD. ii LOCATION QUIET U HEALTHY. APPLY 53, Bench Street. J
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  • 421 3 After the first check in the West the Germans discovered that they really had enmity against the French, regarding then, rather as deluded than malignant, I expressions of pity in the German p r(li were accompanied by subterranean mrtures towards a separate peace on bigh- favourable con
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  • 271 3 S;iV9 Tru'k It is a pity that tb« EHand Divisi n should have decided to oust 2fr. Charles Tr< velyan from bis constituency Mr. Trevelyan resigned from the Government when war broke out, but that was an act of conscience for which be is entitled to
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  • 203 3 There are considerable possibilities in the American project to make bricks out of tailings At a recent meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, in New York, a brick was exhibited that had been made f>om the tailings of the experimental flotation plant of the Anaconda
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  • 936 3 “Purl —and Others. Though sternly denounced as the Demon Alcohol, and given other opprobrious names by those who love it not, that good familiar creature, fermented liquor, has had a variety of affectionate nicknames bestowed upon it by its friends and admirers. It may b 3 convenient to divide these
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 Now Is the Time. I*or rheumatism Tou will find nothing K'ter than Cbamberlaiu’s Pain Balm. Now 11 time to get rid of it. Try thi* lini--IXI '»t and seo how quickly it will relievo the P*in and soreness. For sale by all "Dispen,&iei and Doalora.
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    • 202 3 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnr 111 I 22CE PENANG. SINGAPORE. IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. 4* 4 t. I i i e ,>■- m m Rubber Factories Rubber Mills. a: GAS, OIL 8 PRODUCER ENGINES. SEMI DIESEL CRUDE OIL ENGINES. CENTRIFUGAL 8 PISTON PUMPS. WATER, GAS 8 STEAM PIPES 8 FITTINGS. BELTING 8 ENGINE OIL. anunnaaanunnnnnnannnnaiacuaaann
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    • 52 3 A Good Rule For the Home. Make it a rule of your home to always keep ou baud a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrboaa Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sals by all Dispen* saries
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  • 1632 4 THE NARROWS KEY. i A POWERFUL ARMY NECESSARY. I FORMIDABLE DEFENCES. (Frem A Special Correspondent) t Eastern Mediterranean, April 12. The days of the Turk in Europe are num- < bered, but no one will deny that he is dying 1 hard and game. It came as
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  • 358 4 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —A case in which I was interested as complainant was heard in the Police Court last Friday. A report of the proceedings calculated to create a false impression appeared in one of the local papers, and as I have
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  • 255 4 Is Your Daughter Pale Does your daughter inherit a delicate organisation from you The angsmia of young girls may be inherited, or it may be caused by bad air, unsuitable food, hasty and irregular eating, insufficient out-door exercise, and not enough rest and sleep. It comes on gradually, beginning with
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  • 200 4 Official Minutes Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 11th May, 1915 Present. W. Peel, Esq President A. F. Goodrich, Esq. John Mitchell, Esq Yeoh Guan Seok, Esq. Lim Eow HoDg, Esq. Absent P. T Allen, Esq. Quah Beng Kee, E6q. 1. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 199 4 EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. AN INFALLIBLE REMEDY for all sorts of eye diseases. It cures Cataract, Glaucoma etc. without knife. No failure, no harm, no hard and fast rules, no difficulty in it* use. It is absolutely safe; highly spoken of by distinguished men. Apply for particulars to: L. H. SELLER, Samta
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    • 98 4 A* X m ■> mint* #fis i lvl r^e» LtJ §>cd S .^2 w*. o l e Ti^ 1 ■V Hto 3feC r N5 C~ "T r s> FROM ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS OR SELLAR, MURRAY S Co., AGENTS, PENANG. KJ o r\ me DOC DOC DOCZDO CDO( —>n< inr
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  • 1299 5 Some Notes. The meeting just over proved a very interesting one in respects but though probably every resource will be called upon to make the financis work out well —and some saving was effected by Mr. Gaunt’s kindness in officiating, and officiating very successfully, as starter
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  • 249 5 Chettt Heavily Fined. We learn from the Ceylon Observer that on the 12th instant K. R. M. T. Lechiman Chetty, Manager of the firm of Arunasalam Chetty A Bros., Colombo, was convicted of trading with the enemy, by remitting money to Brenden A Co., of Holland,
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  • 115 5 Tennis Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Men 8 Doubles Handicap A. Sayers and Turner —l/6 vs Prentis and Bennett 5/6 Dunn and J R Brown —scr vs. Syer and Forrest —5/6. Men's Doubles Handicap B. Anthony and Lean —15.2 vs. Landon and Ward
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  • 96 5 Darul Musudiah (K. Bharu) lost on Saturday by two to nil to Babolsabar after an interesting game. In the First Division, Sri Penang gave two points to Darul A man on Sunday; and on Monday, Hutton Lane opened their season with a surprising victory over Sabrul
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  • 184 5 Says the Malaya Tribune in its report of the opening of the Singapore Assizes In connection with the charge of bigamy against Chew Chiat Khye, the D. P. P. asked that a special jury be empanelled to hear this case. There were a number of intricate questions
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 521 5 < Id tfl a Id O' < o Id Q. </> < Z < X o ID o cn < K C SCOTCH WHISKY SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT’ T"' BLACK&WHITE *«<Sre>v>. ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY S*1 > r r ■0 ✓0 z o t5 > r C7 m > r
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    • 441 5 QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. W I I Si I V A i i 53 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 > u Virginia C ICAaETT£S^5;^j *j w D &H0 Wi Bristol a. That’s why “EMBASSY VIRGINIA No. 77 has been justly
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  • 98 6 Published daily (except Sundays and publio holidays) at THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Paicu. Daily Local $24 per aunuxa. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CAB LB ADDRESS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 fi B All business
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  • 1340 6 Takeu by and large, the new Coalition Ministry probably represents as strong a 1 combination as it was possible for any Premier to get together in the existing circumitances. It is, of course, a very much larger Cabinet than was ever thought necessary or desirable in the
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  • 793 6 Mr. Edward Lees leaves to-day for the Coromandel coaßt by the s.s. Tara on a short holiday. The Solicitor General, Mr. A. B Voules, is laid up with knee trouble, but hopes to be about again in a day or two. Among the passengers who arrived this
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  • 89 6 With reference to the communique of April 28 regarding His Majesty the KiDgEmperor’s birthday, a Simla despatch says it has since been decided to declare June 3 a public holiday, but there will be no entertainments, reviews, salutes or dressing of ships or other celebrations. As already
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  • 1009 6 Pepys, to whom we devoted a l on Random Note in yesterday’s Echo, j s author greatly favoured of naval officers and a beneficent Admiralty supplies ever» large wardroom mess with his inmj 0r ta' Diary. During the past two or three month» there has been a welcome
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 JUST RECEIVED NEW STOCK OF Chinta Hati THE NEW PERFUME; OF Delightful Fragrance AND JLasting' Quality. PRICE PER LARGE BOTTLE §2.25. The George Town Dispensary Limited, PENANG, TAIPJNG AND IPOH. m ROVER CYCLES. SOLIGNUM. WOOD PRESERVATIVE AND STAIN. Defies The the Only Deadly Effective Ravages Remedy of Against the ir
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  • 1330 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. government of all THE TALENTS. NEW DEPARTMENT CREATED. London, May 25. The Press Bureau states that the Premier baa decided to create a Ministry of Munitions and that Mr. Lloyd George will have temporary direction of this department, ▼seating the Exchequer. Mr. Arthur
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  • 795 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FRONTIER EVGAGEMENT. London, May 26, 6 a.m. The Times correspondent at Campo Zolougo telegraphs that an action occurred on the 24th at Col del ToDale twenty-three miles east of Tirano. Tbe Ita.ians repulsed the Austrians who had apparently entered Italy and captured several
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  • 298 7 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. DESPERATE FIGHTING. Petrograd, May 26. An official announcement from Petrograd states: The desperate battle in Galicia was renewed on May 24 on both banks of the San ou the front Jaroslav —Przemysl. Repeated enemy attacks on the front Gussakuve—Krukenitza were scattered by the
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  • 426 7 IMPORTANT PROGRESS. Paris, May 26, 1 a.m. A Paris evening communique states North of Arras our attacks to-day realised important progress. We capture! a salient of a large enemy work and stormed another work north-west of Angres. We carried a trench a kilometre long further south and
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  • 420 7 Somo extraordinarily illiterate scribe in tho Singapore Secretariat forwarded a few days ago to those primarily interested in the promotion and formation of a Penang Town Guard an intimation that the Executive 1 Council, having discussed the proposal, did not consider that people should be allowed to
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  • 473 7 Maj 25 By Balance $19,921.01 26 Pritchard Co. Weighing Machine 9.20. Balance, Maj 26. ...$19,930.21 Remitted to London on 24-2-15.., .£10,000 Belgian Relief Fund. Mav 20 By Balance 177.42 22 Dr. Kirk 50.00 26 Pritchard Co. Weighing Machine 5.20 1 Golf Club Ladies’
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  • 930 7 1 A JEWELLER CONVICTED. 7 William de Silva, a Singhalese jeweller j ami goldsmith, was this morning charged bfforo Mr. R Scott, District Judge, with I criminal breach of trust in respect of $lBB I arid thiee sovereigns entrusted to him for 3 m king a gold
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  • 959 8 JUDGMENT RESERVED. Before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden in the Supreme Court yesterday the hearing was resumed of the suit in which the Asiatic Petroleum Company, Ltd., 6ue the Penang Harbour Board, claiming damages for injury sustained by the plaintiff company’s tin plates caused by the unseaworthiness
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  • 636 8 No. 2of the Magazine reached us this morning. It fully maintains the bright and breezy character of the initial number. The account of the part played by the M.S.V.K. in the suppression of the Singapore riots is ‘‘continued from our last” and although hardly so interesting is
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  • 374 8 Dr. Eugene Dunlap of Siam is at present in town to meet the official visitors of the Mission be represents. The expected visiters are:—Rev. Robert Speer, D.D., Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, New York Dr and Mrs. Bovaird of New York; the
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  • 1186 8 RELUCTANCE 10 SUBSCRIBE. SUFfnWNOS OX THE POOE. Budapest, April 17. The Hungarian Parliament will open on Monday the second war session. To-day there was a conference between Count Tisza j and the Opposition Leaders to consider the 1 question arising out of the work of the douse,
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  • 838 8 Gcns As touching the race of Gunnery Lieutenant», they are all exactly alike, only some rather more so than others. I write this because our own particular representative of the type haB just blown in through the wardroom door as though impelled by a charge
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  • 131 8 The following ties hare been fixed for to-morrow: Double Handicap. Houston and Muir vs. J G Allan and W K Sharpe Dr Sharp and Fettes vs Pritchard and Souter J G Brown and Hutson vs. Goodwin and Terzano. In an illustrated article in a recent number of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 408 8 Harmston's Circus AND Royal Menagerie LOCATION: DA VO KRAMAT GARDENS. Last Last 3 Nights Nights Of this Great Show in Penang. Again To-night! Again To-night OUR NEW PROGRAMME Acknowledged by Press and Public to be Better than the First LAST 3 SOUVENIR PERFORMANCES viz:— FRIDAY NIGHT MAY 28TH A Handsome
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    • 62 8 For a Lame Back. When you have pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on
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    • 290 8 A Good Rule For the Home. Make it a rule of your home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly household is safe without it. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 2197 9 1 M.tdnoss, m its outward symptoms, is a J wrong functioning oi the mmd. A mad man’s min i U23y still be powerful or acute, 1 but be uses its power or its acuteness 1 perversely and not fur his own spiritual or I material well-being. If
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 512 10 i.n Francs they call them Les Embusques,” a curious bit of corrupted language which hardly seems legitimately to convey the meaning new placed upon it, but in France, as in Eogland, the creature is essentially the same. Vhe “um brella man "is a person who knows himself
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  • 531 10 Ameen Rihani contributes an interesting paper to The Forum on Young Arabia,” and gives reasons for his faith that the world will see an Arab nation, revived and revitalized.” Education is the animating cause of the impending change which will affect the long established social customs
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  • 750 10 This war will go down to posterity as the stage on which were presented the triumphs of the doctor. At this moment there is not a single case of dysentery amongst the vast numbers of our Expeditionary Force. Typhoid, too, has been held at arm’s length by
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  • 204 10 The first number of a German monthly, Die Deutsche Wacht, appeared in Batavia on the Kaiser’s birthday. The periodical is the organ of Germans, Austrians and Hungarians in Netherlands India, who have at the same tim* founded an Association. In the first number it is declared: Circumstances
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 396 10 ■'Vpv Children like Melllia s and thrive on it Mellin’s Food always satires. It con'ams in correct proportion nutritive elern r's which, when the food is mixed witn fres.i cows mil.’c, provide a complete and satisfactory diet for children of all ages from birth. A Sample Bottle of Mellin’s Food,
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    • 50 10 Muddy Complexion. When you see a woman with a muddy of sallow complexion and dull eyes, you may know that her lirer is out of order. A few dotes of Chamberlain's Tableta will correct it and make her look better and feel better. For tale by all Diapentariet and Dealer!
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  • 2107 11 GERMAN THEORY AND PRACTICE. Bt E. B. Osborn. When every Allowance has been made for the possibilities of exaggeration, there cau be no doubt whatever that British prisoners of war in Germany are being very badly treated. A vast volume of evidence makes for the unhappy certainty
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 752 11 HOTEL NORMAN, Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. jf In the eveut of change of Pro prietoribip, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant ai a going concern. large airy rooms facing the sea. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers,
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    • 10 11 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Wood»’ Orut Peppermint Oere. la. 6d
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    • 223 11 OCDC 0 n DOC DOC DOC DQooOOC BY ROYAL DCZDC Q APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. o r\ n o n ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE n RETAIL Mim *1 a WI 1 «P m Oh; 4
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1899 12 wm BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service For Homeward. IIB ana rvattJB ui XTtugiit may ue arruugcu witu
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