Straits Echo, 22 May 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 35 1 Straits Echo 0*!L¥ CHRONICLE OF EVENTS. KG THROUGHOUT T» STRAITS; Tils; FEDERATED MALAY STATES iND THE FAR BAST GENERALLY < VOL. 13. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, SATURDAY, 22nd MAY, 1915. Single Copy, 10 cents, No. 116
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  • 1437 2 8o much interest appears to bs taken both in the United Kingdom and in Malaya in the new libel law as well as in some recent libel cases that a review of the amendment law and the general position will not be out of place at
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  • 176 2 Just before Reuter’s celebrated its jubilee in February last the agency found it advisable to issue a memorandum giving the lie to idle rumours accusing the concern of having Qerman leanings. It was then stated that of the 1,200 shareholders there were but a score who were Dot British,
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  • 368 2 The following striking verses on Belgium, bj Marion Couthouj Smith, appear in a recent issue of the New York Nation Heartstruck ah* stand*—-Our Lady of all Sorrows Circled with ruin, sunk in deep amaze Facing the shadow of her dark to morrows, Mourning the glory
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  • 213 2 Debility may result from a number of causes —worry, after-effects of acute illness, lack of nourishment due to disordered digestion, or anything that makes the blood thin, thereby preventing it from carrying health and nourishment to the tissues of the body. The symptoms of debility vary, but weakness
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    • 1007 2 NOTICE, THE EVENT OF THE AMUSEMENT SEASON Harmston’s Circus AND Royal Menagerie Again To-night! Again To-night 111 Penang, 19th May, 1915 A MEETING of the Justices of the Peace will bo held in the Governor’s Office at Penang on Saturday, the 29th instant, at noon to elect two Licensing Justices
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    • 50 2 Muddy Complexion. When you see a woman with a muddy of sallow complexion and dull eyes, you may know that her liver is out of order. A. few doses of Chamberlain’a Tablet! will correct it and make her look better and feel better, for eale by all Diipemariei and Dealer!.
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    • 353 2 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. POLI-E DEPARTMENT. AM ALAY Inspector is required for (he Kedah police. Salary $50 per month and bouse rent. Candidates must be g. od Malay scholars and also have passed the 7th Standard examination, (English). For further information apply to the Assistant Commissioner of Police. Alor Star. CHIEF
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    • 393 2 TO LET. house Northam Road Ko JU 49 to let from the 1st of Juno next For particulars please apply to G. J. M KEULEMANS, 5, F. M S Railways Building. Penang, CRUSHED FOOD AND BRAN Fresh and Fine Quality. For particulars apply to D. A. SOPHER, 104, Penang Street
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  • 970 3 Says a Home paper: Mr. E. Moore has had horses in training- for nearly twenty years, but Search, who won at Derby on Saturday, was his first winner. What would some of our local sportsmen, who consider they have a grievance if their horses do not win at
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  • 1021 3  -  [Bt Tom Weight.] Those of you who may remember my avuncular interest in Bishops will not need telling what I thought when I read how the Bishop of Zanzibar had added variety to the war news by excommunicating the Bishop of Hereford for making a Canon of a
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    • 407 3 < LJ </) a u Q£ -I < U Id Q. Z < z x u ID m o < UCHA SCOTCH WHISKY e*j 90 SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT” fc BLACK WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY (V ■D 70 O ■Q > O m > r m 70 Ui Sole
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    • 411 3 Sweet Cfiest/iat To6accD Because of its delicate aroma and sweetness of flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. a V n i m 7a 7Z 1 u 'f/i JESSE WILLARD vs. JACK JOHNSON. Willard's victory is universally popular but Polyscope features will eclipse ‘all.’ The
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  • 96 4 Publish©»! daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annua. Outstation... Postage Extra. If all Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 f>' B.— All business communication*
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  • 1655 4 Hitherto both of the two great Parties L n the State have been frankly afraid to L fake up the question of compulsory national < service, knowing full well that iu ordinary 'iraes the had only to be libelled "conscription” and it would be L instantly turned
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  • 541 4 Aud so Italy has at last decided to come down on our side of the fence. Ever since hostilities broke out we have been discussing her position in regard to the international situation almost ad nauseam and we do not propose to weary our readers by going over
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  • 967 4 Mr and Mrs. L. J. C. Anderson left foi Colombo this morning by the Japanese Mail. Mr. Cromie has resigned his billet as manager of Ribu Estate and Mr. Douglas we believe, takes over from him on Juno 25th. MM. Captain J. G. Cheney and Mrs. Chen©»
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    • 77 4 JUST RECEIVED NEW STOCK OF Chinta Hati ThE NiW PERFUME OF Delightful Fragrance AND Lasting Quality. PRICE PER LARCE BOTTLE $2.25. The George Town Dispensary Limited, PENAN j, TAIPING AND IPOH. SOJLifS AGENTS FOR ĕ ES. ly Speciil Aflliitmeot to 0 His Mijnty KING CEOKI. RUDGE-WHITWORTH MOTOR CYCLES IN STOCK.
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  • 636 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. STIRRING SCENES IN ROME. proceedings in parliament. Amsterdam, May 20 A telegram from Chiasso to the Berliner Tag ,blatt states that nobody in Italy doubts that war will begin to-day. The Justification. Rome, May 20. Au Italian Green Rook gives details of the negotiations
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  • 553 5 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ARTILLERY DUEL. London, May 20, 4.45 pin The Paris communique states that there is nothing to report. London, May 21, 1 a.m. The Paris evening communique says 1 etween Nieuport and Arras the ground is soaked and impracticable, but there was a sharp
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  • 238 5 This afternoon Babolsabar play Darul 1 Masudiah (Second Division) in the First c Division; Sn Penang and Darul Aman meet i on Sunday, and Sabrul Jamil and Hutton 1 Laue on Monday. The Vaz Dias News Agency states that it is the intention of the Germans to
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  • 848 5 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ATTACKS ON PRZEMYSL Petrograd, May 20. An official communique issued here says The battle on the left bank of the Vistula, south of Pilitzi and on the whole Galician front continued with increasing iutensity. On May 18 the Germ ins brought up new
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  • 348 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. CO aTRADICTORY reports. London, May 21, 2 p m. The Morning Post states the condition of Mr. Balfour’s health will prevent him from going to the Admiralty. The Daily Newt states that Mr. KcKenoa, at present Home Secretary, will probably become First Lord of the
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  • 283 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following items are from the Sumatra Post of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday:— Telegrams from the Hague state that the military correspondent of the Times in the north of France praises the splendid work of the British infantry. As to the artillery, the want of
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  • 182 5 Harmston’s Circus, a great favourite with the Penang public, opened a short season last night at the Dato Kramat Gardens. The audience, although large, was not large enough for such a really good show. The programme opened with a c’ever turn by Mr. W. Harmston’s sagacious Arab Stallion
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  • 54 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. The Lodge Malaya was duly consecrated according to the Scottish ritual at Klang on Friday. Mr. Malcolm Watson was subsequently installed first Master. There was a large attendance of brethren representing all parts of the F.M.S. A banquet followed
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  • 60 5 Lieut. H. A. Lane. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, May 22. A cable from home announces the death in action of Lieutenant 11. A. Lane, of Messrs Sisson and Delay, who was formerly an S. V. A. officer. Lieutenant Lane left for HomB in November. It is
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  • 151 5 Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the tennis ties played last night: Men's Singles Handicap B. JJ L Harvey—3/6 beat J G Anthony 15. 2—6, 6—3; 6—3. H Oxenham —4/6 beat C H A Goatly—s/6. 6-2 6-1. A C Elton—2 6 beat H B Ward—l/6
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  • 432 5 YESTERDAY’S PROCEEDINGS. B fore M>\ Justice L P. Ebden in the Sup emoCm typsterday afternoon the hearing was resumed of the suit in which the Asi .tic Petroleum Company, Ltd., sued the Pen.iug Harbour Board, claimiug damages for injury sustained bv the plaintiff company’s tm plates caused
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  • 540 5 Municipality and StallKeepers. A Curious Tangle. A few of the many stall-keepers who keep their stalls by the side of the roads were this morning summoned before Mr E. E. Colman in the Second Court at the instance of Mr. W. A. Ward, Chief Sanitary Inspector, for keepmg unlicensed eating
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  • 517 5 au Obituary. Tk London, May 21. bit Brigadier-General William Throsby w<: Bridges, Inspector-General of the Commonwealth forces, died on board a hospital ship pe and has been buried at Alexandria. A tri A circular has been issued convening a meeting for a quarter past six at the Town Hall next
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  • 970 6  -  Bt Frank R. Heath. One is somewhat inclined to doubt if it is quite orthodox to canonise a gun, and to be additionally sceptical as to the admission of a mere number to the ranks of the saints. The seventy-five,” however, has shared with Gran’pere Joffre something very
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  • 733 6 LOJAL PENETRATION TESTS. Interesting Practices. An interesting series of experiments in the penetration power of the service rifle were carried out by No. 1 Coy. of the M. S. V R in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday evening, and as the results are of interest to a much
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  • 95 6 Whitsun Day, 23rd Mat, 1915. 8-00 am. Matins 830 a m Holy Communion 10-30 am. Matins (Chinese) 5- pm. Sunday School 6- pm. Evensong and Sermon Intercession Hymn When God of old came down from Heaven” No. 154. Psalm 104 (Special) as arranged Magnificat Maundpr Nunc
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  • 42 6 Services for Sunday, May 23 Morning, at 9 a m Specially for children Evening, at 6p m. Preacher, the Rev 1 A D Harcus, ma. Subject of sermon. The Fact of Religion.’ Hymus, 692, 156, 323, 159 and 487.
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  • 1155 6 Sir John French’s last despatch came none too soon, for, owing to the want of an official repot of the battle of Neuvo Chapelle, many disqaieting iamours were being spread about the country, some of which the FieldMarshal has shown to be true and others groundless.
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  • 568 6 Sunday Laiour. A number of readers have approached us on the question of Sunday labour, and the general view expressed is that it would be to the benefit of the planters aud industry alike if there were one day’s rest in seven. In a note in our last
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  • 304 6 Tbe following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Mixed Doubles Mrs Rose and W S Dunn beat Miss Starr and W Houston 21 —14 Championship. W K Sharpe w.o from YV S Goldie J D Fettes beat Dr J S Rose 21 18. Jess
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  • 1134 6 Does Democracy Mean Peace Lobd Cromer’s Retrospect. To the Editor of The Times Sir, —Profeasor Ridgtway, in a very interesting address recently delivered to the Classical Association, entered a demurrer against the opinion, now very generally entertained in some quarters, that a universal reign of democracy in a somewhat extreme
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  • 598 6 A Tour de Force and No Fighting. It may, says the Straits Times, be taken as a re-assuring sign that the white troops who were sent to Kelantan to deal with the disturbance at Pasir Puteh returned to Singapore on Monday. They had been away exactly a
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  • 174 6 Following are the agenda for the meeting of the Municipal Commission to be held on Tuesday, the 25th instant:— 1. Minutes of the last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4 Some bills to be passed. 5.
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    • 52 6 We watched her breathing through the night— Tii fact, wo got on awful f.ighf. F'»r she was as had as hul c ;u.d ho. Her hacking cough spelt misery. Hut once again her eyes arc bright, For (lid she not procure The one thing needful for her ills Woods’ Great
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    • 12 6 P>- Children’* Hi eking Comgk at Night, Wood*’ Qr«Ai Pepper«aiai.Onre If, Id
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    • 46 6 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liui. ment and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 472 7 At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court, before Mr V. G. Ezechiel, on Monday, Tan Hooi pleaded guilty to a charge of letting off crackers in public street without a permit. The defendant was fined $1 and costs. Three ricsha-pullers Darned (1) Soo Law, (2) Ooi lek and
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  • 496 7 Native Enthusiasm. An interesting account of the homecorniug of the Indian V.C. is given in the Pioneer of Allahabad. Darwan Singh Negi, V.C says the writer, arrived at Srinagar, Garhwal, on his way to his home in the northern part of the district at abont 4 pm.
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  • 490 7 Call-Boy’* Viyid Story. A letter describing the sinking of H.M S. Ocean by a mine in the Dardanelles on March 18 has been forwarded to his parents by Harold White, aged 18 years, who was acting as call-boy on board at the time of the
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  • 396 7 Amazin* Picture of Enolan». The Taegliche Rundschau publishes what it alleges to ba an uncensored letter from a neutral correspondent iu Lindon. He I tells the German public almost everything that it would like to hear. He describes a meeting at Victoria Sta-1 tion on Easter Day
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    • 703 7 HOTEL NORMAN. Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. p, —In the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but Jrill be handed over to the new tenant &i a going concern. large airy rooms facing the sea. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers, Colonial
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    • 51 7 A Good Rule For the Home. Make it a rule of your home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 209 7 OCZDC 0 DOC DOC DOC DOcdOOOC BY ROYAL DCZDC APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. o r\ 0 o ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND 0 Federated Malay r\ States. O n OBTAINABLE RETAIL NO i i i PE mm AND ALL Leading
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    • 2211 8 o v SAiTibH IriDiA R&O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO., For Intended to Stbambr. Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Singapore (7 n r-roo times a. wee!*).
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