Straits Echo, 5 May 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1208 1 9.1. Kremit: TIANG LEE CO.. 6* KueU Luaper. fci *#»*BiH****-** Sr«K53 »:-a^ f/A $> »C 5 m y w+ ■s The Doctor advisee and recommends. It is nourishing, invigorating and strengthening. ■nai *|MIS :tawnns png «.3tf fni| Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Seater
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  • 1263 2 WORK IN THE CAMEROONS British Advance. Official news from the Cameroons is scant, but letters sent home by officers show there is still serious fighting in progress. The campaign is slow and stubborn, but on the whole the Franco-British forces are making respectable headway. Further home
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  • 547 2 A well-known phrenologist has apparently been “feelinn the bumps of some of the most prominent military leaders who bulk so largely iu the public eye just now. According to this authority, Von Hindenburg ha 9 what is known as a two-storey head while Lord Kitchener’s head-piece is a three
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  • 276 2 Helps to Recruiting The Meanest Thing on Record To the Editoe of th* Straits Times. Sir, —Seven gallant gentlemen left the Colony on Thursday last by the steamer Yasaka Maru to fight for their country, and, if fate so wills it, to yield their lives in the defence of British
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 403 2 YOU OUGHT TO SEE THIS COSTLY TOPICAL The Preparation for Servian War Which is the Cause and Beginning of the Present European War. IN TO-NIGHT'S CHANGE AT George Town Kinema Kuala. Kauqba Road. THE BIG SHOW PAR EXCELLENCE ALONG WITH Countess of Zara” 3 Reels 3 Parts A play which
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    • 13 2 Jf’*r Children's Hacking Coagh at Night, W .oda' Or»»t Papperaiiat Oar* Is, fd*
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    • 92 2 mu A k UJ ft Sr>^Myf E/: BR^V f’ •'> rm •p, v Uy °*>,o B'-J*' 0 FROM ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS OR SELLAR, MURRAY 8 Co., AGENTS, PENANG. )OC )OCDOCDOC=DOC )D )OC 0 rs O o r\ r\ A WARHIHG OH THE question of WATERS. o o A A
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  • 472 3 Further Captures. Although they have been doing as little as they could to make their cases worse, while not improving them bv staying out, a number of mutineers of the sth Light Infantry are still at large, says the Straits Times. That number, however, was considerably reduced by
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  • 479 3 Most of the foreign newspapers in China have indulged in more or less open sneers for several years past, at the Chinese campaign for the suppression of opium and of the opium vice. One paper in particular has never ceased to tell us that men cannot be
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  • 494 3 SINGAPORE’S GREATEST SOCIAL NEED, To the Editor of the Free Pres* Dear Sir, —I was much interested in Wednesday’s letter, on the much needed social reform in Singapore. I should like to endorse all the facts set forth by J.C.G.’ and to highly commend the suggested
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  • 231 3 Verdict and Sentence. On Saturday morning at the Malacca Assizes Mr. Justice Woodward resumed his summing up in the Malacca Pindi case, which has occupied so much of his attention and the attention of a special jury throughout the greater part of the week. In the course
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  • 224 3 The country is unfeignedly glad to hear from Sir Edward Grey,” says the Nation. He possesses its ear and its confidence to a degree to which no Foreign Minister has attained since Palmerston, and it is to his temperament and character that Europe will chiefly turn for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 494 3 RITCHARD 8 Co •TTinraßersa <r > o oczzzDoczmc MOTOR GARAGE CHIN SENG CO.. LTD.. 41. FARQUHAR STREET. (Within a fe w minutes walk of all the Hotels.) TELEPHONE 420. We have the best fleet of motor cars in the place, driven by expert drivers. Wf, STOC K ALL MOTOR ACCESSORIES
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    • 398 3 I J o CCD Because of its delicate aroma and sweetness of flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. I m For all round satisfaction in programme, come to the Polyscope. The Electric. Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF
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  • 94 4 Published daily (except Sundays and pnblio holidays) ▲T THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penaug. Price. Daily Local 924 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 SB All buaineaa communication» should bs
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  • 1431 4 It seems pretty clear now that the desperate attempt by the Germans to resume the offensive in the west has spent itself. Impartial Dutch observers have told us what i tremendously costly failure it has been In the East the attack on the Russian light wing
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  • 623 4 Mrs. A. B Voules is oa a visit to the Hill 4 Mr. E. J. Valientine, of the Rahman Tin Mines, is paving a short visit to Penang. Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton, Superintendent of the Municipal Fire Brigade, Registrar of Vehicles, and extra Police Magistrate, goes
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  • 292 4 And Welcoming Rev. A. D. Hnrcus. The meeting, which was held by the members of the Penang Presbyterian Church at the Masonic Hall last night, for the purpose of bidding good-bye to the Rev. William Cross, who leaves for Singapore today, and welcoming the Rev. A.
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  • 1012 4 Six and seventy years ago to day the fi r9t party of British emigrants sailed from E n land to New Zealand. The vessel wa, tf good ship Tory, of 400 tons, armed with eight guns. It sailed from London, Un er the command of Edmund Chaffers, late
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 nnnnnnn Here are value», the like of which are seldom seen. l'|»1 wmgMßßm l A* S-i Jv-i v 1 111:. 'tUng :'i’i Ek *•s•***■ MiUm Till ii A splendid offer of our pure woollen rug size 72 in. by 60 in. Price only $2.50. Also at $2-75, $3-25, $5-50, $l2-50
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  • 600 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. EFFORTS AT RES UE. London, May 8 Tho Admiralty announces that through the strenuous efforts of the British de«trovers on Saturday the rescue was effected •1 the Germans in the torpedo boats which we) e sunk. Lieutenant Hartuol himself went into the water
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  • 536 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram ATTACKS BEATEN BACK. Paris, May 3 There is nothing to report beyond the British report. Paris, May 4 A communique, issued this evening, states: There is nothing noteworthy to report except the defeat of two German attacks, one on Sunday night against the
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  • 53 5 (Reuter.) Rumour of Impendent Loan. London, May 3. Indian stocks are easier. There is renewed talk of an impending £8, 500,000 Indian Government long-dated loan Some quarters attribute the rumours to the fact that on Maj 16 X 2.500.000 bill, will mature which will probably be renewed in
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  • 678 5 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. London, May 3, 1.33 p m. The latest British casualties include R Allen (Northumberland Fusiliers), H W Archer (Northumberland Fusiliers), F Athill, S Badcock, W F Badcock, L Baxbam, C W Battye (Shropshire light Infantry), R Bargne, T Boots (Connaughts) R Boult,
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  • 597 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. HEWY FIGHTING IN TRIPOLI. SERIOUS CASUALTIES. Rome, May 3. There has been heavy fighting in Tripoli, but the details a e lacking. Eighteen white officers and 20J white troops are supposed to be killed or The casualties of the native troops have
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  • 73 5 (Reuter.) London, May 3. The following are the market prices ruling in London Copper, 76^. Rubber, 2/6J. Linseeds, 51/6, June and July paid, 57 9 sellers Rosafe 63/9, April and May. Hemp, 33/-, April and June paid. Tin, 165£. Linseed oil, 31. Tea, 23,800, Ceylon 28,700, Java
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  • 230 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The Times learn 3 from Constantinople that an Armenian conspiracy has been discovered in the Turkish capital. Four hundred Armenians including several priests have been arrested. A message from Athens states that four battalions of the Alliep, which were surrounded by the Turks on the
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  • 113 5 To the Editor of the Times of Malaya. Dear Sir, —With reference to your 3rd paragraph in to-day’s (April 30th) issue of the Times of Malaya may I point out that my brother Capt. Norman Callard has never been in the F.M.S and so can hardly be well-finown
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  • 264 5 In the Third Police Court this morning a Tamil woman stepped into the witness-box, with her children crowding round about her knees, and unfolded a tale of woe to the magistrate- She was the mother of three children and was expecting a fourth. The defendant, Sekander, was
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  • 263 5 Before Mr. Hamilton in -the Third Police Court yesterday afternoon Haji Ahamad, a Malay, was arraigned on a charge of theft of a one-dollar note from the till of one Jan Mohamad, a cutler of No. 44, Chulia Street. The accused, who pleaded not guilfy,” was defended by
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  • 955 5 There is a service of motor cars maintained by wire, string, and marvellous luck between !wo certain places, remarkable for it i uncertainty in everything but breaking down, which it doe 3 with astonishing regularity. The drivers are a cheerful, a! aolutely reckless lot of ruffians, possessing no
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  • 2733 6 REMARKABLE INTERVIEW. 1 I HiB Mission to Berlin. We reproduce from the Daily Chronicle the following account of an interview between Viscount Haldane and an American journalist, Mr. E. Price Bell, the London Correspondent of the Chicago Daily Newe. The accouut of the interview gras first
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  • 1396 6 A French Aspect If the situation brought about by the present Europ an upheaval is bewildering for your clerical and lay readers as to the duty of the clergy in time of war, it did not present the same difficulty, thanks to many circumstances, to the
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  • 732 6 The Coming Critical Moment. When will the critical moment arrive in the Western Campaign against Germany? Mr. Hilaire Belloc gave some luminous answers in a recent lecture at Manchester. “At tbe beginning the Hermans, whose Government had decided three years beforehand to have war after tbe
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  • 352 6 Returh or Thirty Per Cent for Last Tear. The directors ol Fraser and Neave, Ltd report as follows oa the year to Dacemhor 31 last: Accounts.—After making ample provision for depreciation and bad debts, the net n ro fits amount to $128,535 74, which, with the balance
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  • 360 6 The Crown Prince who, with his Black Death’s Head Brunswickians, was to have ridden in grand military procession through Nancy, Rheims, aud Meaux as Commander-in-Chief, a post he had been raised to, is supposed to have been sent back to his regiment as Colonel. The other sons
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  • 146 6 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys Co. by auction and private treaty, yesterday. 68,000 lbs were sold: Diamond smoked sheet $l2O to $124 No. 2 $ll5 to $llB Plam $ll5 $ll7 Unsmoked sheet $llO $ll3 Fine Pale Crepe $ll9 $l2O Medium
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 92 6 Tbe Forty Year Test. Au article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public iu 1872. From a small beginning it has grown iu favor aud popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 11 6 F‘\>« Chronic Chant Complaints, W vnd«' Oraat Papparnaiat Oart, li,' Ci
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    • 64 6 A Parent's Doty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut ro bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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  • 1138 7 England at this moment is asking herself anxiously whether she is behaving as she should. That is a statement that every one would agree to, but often without inquiring what exactly it means. We speak and think too readily of England as if she were a
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  • 805 7 When one writes of popular songs, it seems proper to cite that very old man 1 known to Fletcher of Saltoun —common error accredits the remark to Fletcher himself—who cared not to make the laws of a nation, so long as he should be allowed to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 425 7 HOTEL NORMAN. Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. tf.R. —In the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant aa a going concern. large airy rooms facing the sea. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers, Colonial
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    • 36 7 I’ve wandered East, I’ve wandered West I’ve seen of everything the best That money can procure But what attracted me the most, And made my life secure, Was that great World-wide remedy, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 202 7 OCDC 0 DOC DOC DOC X)ooOOC o A n o n r\ o r\ BY ROYAL *1 APPOINTMENT. Contractors to: THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. 5 V. 1 1 aH me ISS ATUEit AND ALL Leading
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1681 8 P.&0. xt S.N.6 '■ZEST's Wireless Ttlegriphy, fitted os alt Stetmen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Dae Penan? Steamer. Connecting with S.S.
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