Straits Echo, 24 April 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1032 1 'j r.'.. 31 t q «i«i I}} n O t >- Doctor advises and rec m u q mends. It is nourish ing 1 mvi- gorating and strengthening. «a..BcaLaa:iiiiii9 A iMsgmiiiiii. strong WH Georgetown Motor Garage banks. > 7 A Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Seater EMPIRE CAR
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    • 15 1 TO LET. 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428. BURMAH ROAD. SO, MacAiister Road, APPLY 53, Beach Street.
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  • 2017 2 The readers of the Observer have been deeply moved on the last two Sundays by a problem in etiquette set by a lady who signs herself A Soldier’s Widow.” “A Soldier’s Widow is anxious to know whether it would be the correct thing to ask her nephew, who is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 796 2 GOVERNMENT of SELANGOR. F. M. S. Electric Light Department, Kuala Lumpur. WANTED, a European Assistant Electrical Engineer for temporary employment (with the possibility of permanency) in the Electric Light Department, Kuala Lumpur. Applicants must possess a sound knowledge of the laying and testing of paper insulated mains and of general
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    • 47 2 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 64 2 A Parent’s Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut ro bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 121 2 *r. m +'Sr' rh' 1 f y-v w ■:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY g SATURDAY PRITCHARD 8 Co. ROVER CYCLES. M BTHYLATED SPIRITS! (Quality Guaranteed) Wholesale and Retail. Price ?4 per tin of 4 gallons or 22 cents per quart bottle OB I A N \BLE AT CHEAH KEE EE
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  • 1190 3 [By Tom W*ioht.] 1 have always maintained, as my regular students will remember, that free expression of opinion is only a blessing so long as it is accepted a6 opinion. The moment that the hearer, and more especially the speaker or writer, begins to take it too seriously,
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  • 776 3 At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court, before Mr. R. Scott, on Wednesday, a motor car driver named Kua Theng Kuat was summoned for (1) driving a motor car without a licence, and (2) driving a motor car which was over-crowded with persons. The defendant was convicted of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 453 3 < Id if) O Id Q£ U Id Q. if) if) < X u 3 (D o m _i < a a a is fk a SCOTCH WHISKY dGMETWNG TO CROW ABOUT” nx sags 2!? BLACK&WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY Cb ■D TO O U > D m > r
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    • 440 3 8n in “WESTMINSTER TURKISH CIGARETTES. Above the chaos of impending ills Through all the clamour of insistent strife Now while the noiae of arming nations fills Each throbbing hour with menaces to life I hear the voice of Progress. Wilcox TO-NIGHT! Special Licence till 1 A.M. TO-NIGHT!! THE GRANDEST RECEPTION
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  • 97 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Prior. Daily Local $24 per annara. Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLK ADDRESS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 ,V '.lf. All buainr.** communication*
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  • 1321 4 In no department of the war has reputation beeu 60 completely falsified by experience as in the almost untried department of figlitng in the air. Almost up to the declaration of war the British equipment in air machines and in sea-places was treated as a subject for
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  • 558 4 It cornea to me, uot for the first time, that if one essay to write of a many evening's doings, the path of wisdom is to delay uot until the mom, but to cheat dame slumber of a priceless hour and set down the impres- J
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  • 385 4 De Oliveiko —Macaulay. A quiet wedding was solemnised at the Church of the Assumption this morning, the contracting parties being Mr. Stephen de Oliveiro, and Miss Agnes Macaulay. The Rev. L M Duvelle officiated. The bride, who was handsomely garbed, was given away by Mr. T. J. de
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  • 940 4 In Germany, we are told in an article published elsewhere to-day, it ia not etiquette for the family doctor to aend in a bill f his services—the patient has to decide the rate at which a man with his income can afford to pay for medical attendance. We
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 look for THE FLAG m I m m on the Label. You wi!! then know you are getting the British Brand, the Super Iced Cologne. Price 40 and 70 cents at the George Town Dispensary Ltd, PENANG, TAJPING AND IPOH. ASK FOR THE SUPER BRAND. ‘nl 'I Ik Bernese Alps
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  • 566 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE FIGHT AT HILL 60. an important victory. London, April 20. The Eye- Witness attached to the British Headquarters, gives some details of the fighting near Ypres The hill was heavily charged with mines which were exploded under a German trench, buryiDg 150 men.
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  • 309 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. COUNTER-ATTACKS FINALLY REPULSED. Paris, April 22. A Paris commuuiqu* states that there is nothing to report. Loudon, April 23 A Paris communique, issued this evening* states Near Hangemarck, north of Ypres, the British repulsed two attacks. The German counter-attacks on Hill 60 has
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  • 787 5 Splendid Stand By the French. The men lav on their stomachs in tbo battered trenches, protected by knapsacks, the officers walking on their backs alert for counter-attacks. Iu the final bombardment the Get mans for 1 J hours poured 20,000 shells of all calibres on a
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  • 87 5 (Reuter.) Temporary Suspension of Services. Amsterdam, April 23. An official British notification announces that all shipping movements between Holland and the United Kingdom have been temporarily suspended, but it is hoped shortly to resume limited cargo and passenger services. Special arrangements are being made for the mails.
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  • 605 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. RECRUITING RESULTS. London, April 22. In the House of Commons Mr. H. J Tenuant, Under-Secretary of State for War, in his statement on the Army Estimates, ■aid that Lord Kitchener had authorised him to say that recruiting during the past few months had
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  • 106 5 (Reuter.) London, April 22. Among the messages cf condolence received by the family of Baron Reuter is one from M. Kengomori, Japanese Financial Commissioner. London, April 22. The funeral of Baron and Baroness de Reuter took place at Kingswood cemetery. They were buried in one
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  • 593 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. IN HELIGOLAND BIGHT. Amsterdam, April 22. A Berlin communique stales that British submarines have been repeatedly observed in Heligoland Bight. The German forces attacked them aud sank a hostile submarine on April 17. The destruction of the others is probable, though this is not
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  • 232 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. COR EPED BY BRITAIN. Loudon, April 23. The Boston News Bureau states that npj otiations ia London have resulted in an arrangement which places the entire output of the Amalgamated Copper Company under British control. The other Copper interests have made the
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  • 68 5 (Reuter). London, April 22. The market prices obtaining in the Loudon markets are as follows Copper. 77} Rubber, 2/6} Cotton seed, 155/, nominal. Wheats, firm, including war risk. White Karachi 65/6, sellers and (36/6 May paid Delhi 63/6, sellers; White Bombay 68/Mav and June sellers. Barley. 35/9,
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  • 181 5 The Penang Volunteers turned out in full force yesterday evening for the battalion parade on the Esplanade. In addition to the Volunteers were the Sikh and Malay Police and a naval landing party. A verv large concourse of spectators gathered on the Esplanado to witness the parade. The
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  • 47 5 April 22 By Balance 51.5,891.23 23 Eastern Smelting Co Ltd '2nd subscription 250 00 Staff of Penang Free School 30 43 Pupils of Penang Free School 29 00 Balance, April 23 ...516,209.66 Remitted to London ou 24 2 15 d^io,ooo
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  • 119 5 April 22 By Balance 608 50 23 Pupils of Govt Girls’ School per Miss E. I. Sellers 21 40 Balance, April 23. 629 90 Amount previously acknowledged 11,744 74 Total $12,374 64 Sir Thomas Dewar and Mr. James Buchanan, the whiskey kings, who are amalgamating their businesses,
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  • 2295 6 THE DEFENCE CLOSED. COUNSELS' ADDRESSES. (From Our Oven Correspondent.) Singapore, April 22. The trial by a Field General Court Martial of Kassim Ismail Mansoor, a member of a well-known firm of Indian merchants, on nine charges of treason, of treacherously giving intelligence to the enemy and of
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  • 348 6 Contemptible Distinctions. Isn’t it about time that the rule limiting commissions in the Army to men of pure European descent was relaxed A case came under my notice the other day in which a thoroughly eligible candidate —a member of a University, with two years’ service in
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  • 81 6 ST. MARK, E. M 3rd Sunday after Easeer, April 25. 8-00 a.m. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion 10 30 a.m. Matins (Chinese) 500 p.m. Sunday School 6-00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Hymn 242 We love the place O God Psalm 119 Purcell, Kelway, Walmisley, West Magnificat
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  • 105 6 Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, to-morrow at 9 a m., Specially for children at 6 pm., Public Worship for all. Subject of sermon at Evening Worship by Rev. William Cross, M A., will be: The Divine White Peak of Truth.” Hymns (from
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  • 1125 6 The Present Outlooi. In view of the distinct revival of public interest in the rubber share market, which s has been making itself manifest during the last week or two, Messrs Zorn and Leigh- Hunt have drawn up a memorandum dealing with the position for the use
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  • 738 6 A tour through the Kinta Valley does not convey the impressiou that the tin industry is suffering fgreatly as a consequence of the War. It would be idle to deny that the War has not affected the industry, but it would bo wrong to assert that it
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  • 112 6 Gol* Clum. Saturday, 24th April, 1915 5 46 to 7.16 p.m. 1 Casse Dances Caractaris- Tschai. Noiaett tiques kowsky. 2 Spanish Patrol Desha yes 3 Selection The Earl and the Girl. Carjll. 4 Waltz Modern Ere Gilbert. 5 Song Whisper and I Shall PiccoloHear. mini. 6 March The
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  • 892 6 Annual Genarnl Meeting. The sixth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Semanggol Rubber Company, Ltd., was held at the Chamber of Commerce at noon to-day. Mr. D. A. M. Brown took the Chair, the other shareholders present being Messis. J. McNeill, A R. Morgan, R.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 9 6 Far Okroaio Complaint», Weed*' Or**t Ptirptmiat Oar*. 1«. id,
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    • 35 6 Chamberlain's Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, lirer and bowel*If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will you goe<L Try them. For sale by all T>ispensan#i Dnalnra.
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  • 229 7 A Habit lavitiag Trouble* One of the worst errors practised at table ia that of washing down food before it has been properly masticated. It is an evil accompanying the “speeding-up” process which prevails in everything we do to-day. Doctors have declared that nine-tenths of the cases
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  • 1137 7 The Immioeation Question. 1 We sympathise with the Jobore planters in reference to the labour difficulty. It is experienced all over the Peninsula and is no worse in Johore than elsewhere, though there are, no doubt, a few districts in that State which are not popular with labour,
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  • 280 7 The embargo upon the export of tin has naturally resulted in a sharp decline in the price of the commodity. It is understood that licences for the export of the metal will be granted, but only under such restrictions as will ensure that it does not
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  • 227 7 The war has called forth a new publication called Foreign Opinion and its contents are sufficiently indicated by the title. In the first article we are reminded that the most remarkable thing about German war news is its adaptability to circumstances. As the war progresses so this
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  • 200 7 Mr. H. G. Wells writes in an American journal:—However serious the fear of Dutch territory being violated was in the beginning of t l e war, this fear has been much abated The danger of an attack upon the Netherlands decreases according as the German defeat becomes more
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 281 7 HOTEL NORMAN, Penang's Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. N.R. —In the event of change of Pro- 1 prietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but 1 will be handed over to the new tenant at a going concern. URGE AIRY ROOMS FACING THE SEA. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges.
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    • 92 7 The Forty Yew Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty Tears. < hamberlain’s Cough Reiredy was first offered to the public in 1872 From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You
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    • 58 7 I remembflr, I remember, the day I took to bed. The aches and pains they gripped me so, I wished that I were dead But now I’m well and strong again, And can to all the world acclaim, I never have an ache or pain.” The thing that did the
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    • 166 7 Milkmaid Brand Milk. Can be obtained from all Retail Stores and Dealers. Milkmaid Sweetened Condensed $13.25 per case. 29 cents per tin. Milkmaid Sterilised Milk 7.75 17 cents per large tin. 9 cents per small tin. NESTLE 8 ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK Co., (LONDON), SINGAPORE. Etc. (ft (ft. TO CONNOISSEURS FOUR
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2019 8 Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electrio Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electrio Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Homeward. Date. Steamer. Connecting with S.S. Due London. April 30 May 14 28 Malta Sardinia Nubia Morea Maloja
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