Straits Echo, 20 April 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1003 1 izaH3*?En ««I .v My?' mty*&a *>*»*»' o s* ■to SK? t> fiS yV e wa. stoflq The Doctor advises and recv-m q mends. Tt is nrurihing, inri- poratiug and strengthening. aa&>Br.. >aim^iiiiiii«iß9 .9 •|Rrs;s «roving pwg Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Seater EMPIRE
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    • 1 1 EmpText
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  • 741 2 Fkshoh Confidence in this Gun. Paris, March 19. There are two things in particular in which the French place their confidence i when they think of the long wall of German < trenchline which has got to be broken— i J off re and the 75, and
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  • 162 2 Lost Nerve oa Defective Gkneralshif. German announcements of victories act as drugs. But the effect of the drugs wears off and depression supervenes. One of these intervals occurred in mail week and was marked by the announcement of Major Moraht in the J Berliner Tagtblait that either
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  • 414 2 No Programme for thi Future London, March 17. The most interesting speech of the last week comes from Dr. Helfferich, the new German Finance Minister. A Berlin message which appeared in the Economist at Christmas assured us that, with mobilisation complete, Germany was only spending j£1,5U0,000 a day
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  • 268 2 Last year, shortly before the war, an international opium conference was held at The Hague, to see what could be done to bring the International Opium Convention into force. That Convention, which has for its object the eventual abolition of the use of opium and other drugs, was adopted
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  • 168 2 It will be interesting to learn the result of the circular issued by the Principal of Newnbam to the parents of the students under her charge, inviting expressions of opinion on a proposal that their daughters should be allowed to smoke in college. On the side of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 708 2 3STOTICB. The resident councillor will be at Home at the Residency on Tuesday, the 27th April at 4-45 p.m. Tennis etc. No separate invitation* will be iiaued. 210 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. HnaD Officb SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial
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    • 64 2 k Parent's Defy. Tour boy is always getting scratched or cut ro bruised. Because these wounds bare healed all right is no sign they always will. Qet a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Bala and see that every injury is cared for immediately. Tou can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 38 2 Chamberlain's Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or oomstipation they will do yon good. Try them. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 296 2 oc: DC DOC PALMER CYCLE TYRES. The Best in the Market R. T. REID A Co.. Sole Agmnta. ti, Beach Street, Penial. oc DOC METHYLATED SPIRITS! (Quality Guaranteed) Wholesale and Retail. l>ic« 14 per tin of 4 gallons or 22 cents per quart bottle OB A NBLE AT CHEAH KEE
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  • 1098 3 Oar Military Correspondent, writing upon the need for oontinuoas effort in war, spoke the other day of the decision to do nothing, that decision which is easiest of all. It is easiest, not only in war, but in all things. People do nothing because they cannot make
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  • 473 3 ONLY TROUBLE “COLD FEET." Gekmae News.” The following is an exeerpt from a letter received locally from Mr. H. Dandie, of Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., Klang, now at the front:— 2nd Battalion KO YLI, 13th Brigade, sth Division, British Expeditionary Force. 24th February, 1915. Just
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  • 237 3 Naturalised Alik» Asked to Resiok. Mr. Arthur Strauss, M.P., the gentleman referred to in the following paragraphs, is a personage of some interest to residents in the Straits, for he is one of the small ring of magnates who practically control the price of tin —not
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  • 194 3 An Estate Drksbse's Effort. The war, says our Kuala Lumpur contemporary, has produced many poets of varying degrees of excellence—and otherwise, as our waste-paper baskets could testify. The following effort by a Tamil gentleman who included it among bis testimonials when applying for a billet, deserves honourable
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 454 3 r" FO* THE FOLLOWING APPLY TO CHIN SENG 8 Co., Ltd., iaiqoiuk stmet. Rust off Metal Polish thoroughly oImda And brightons without scratching or damaging. Wet-Star A, ft B. Cylinder Oils. Easy Running. Redio Cleaning Cloths for cleaning all kinds of metal goods, MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE. Telephone 420. CHIN
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    • 412 3 “WESTMINSTER” TURKISH CIGARETTES. Above the chaos of impending ills Through all the clamour of insistent strife Now while the noise of arming nations fills Each throbbing hour with menaces to life I hear the voice of Progress. Wilcox. If you are looking for the Largest Variety and Best films, you
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  • 97 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THX CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Ifail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CAB LB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Deparfnent 345 N B. AH business communications
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  • 1355 4 The reporter to the Prussian Diet, who saw in the want of economic organisation in Germany an irresistible temptation to England to declare war, did indicate an important difference in the plans of the two couutiie.*, besides adding a touch of humour to an otherwise
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  • 284 4 The usual monthly field operations we: a j carried out yesterday by C” Coy. of t:. i Penaug Yoluuteers under Captain Mann The idea on this occasion was a novel od Two parties landed from a launch at tl i j Kuala Prai below Sungei Nyiur, with
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  • 132 4 H. M. S. Pinafore." It is requested that all who are willing to take part in the forthcoming production of this Opera, particularly iu the Chorus, will make a special point of attending to-night’a rehearsal in the Town Hall, at 9-15 o’clock punctually. The performance;» will be
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  • 495 4 The Maternity and Children’s Hospital in Miicalister Road, erected by public subscription as a memorial of the late King Edward YII, is rapidly nearing completion. It should be finished and ready for occupation bv the end of June, when it will be handed over to the control of
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  • 935 4 To-day is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rudolph AckermaDn, to whom we owe the general introduction into Great Britain of lithography nearly a c-ntury ago though the art had become slightly known in England soon after Seneteider’s work Ackermaun was a German who settled in London
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 NOTE Presented by the proprietors of the Super iced Cologne to all British and Allied subjects. Whereas we are at war with Germany and it is necessary to replace German Articles by those of British manufacture. We have marketed the Super lc£'J Cologne to take the place of the German
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  • 508 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. further particulars. THE TIMES’’ DESCRIPTION. London, April 19. The Times description of the Neuve Chapelle battle detailing the work of the various regimeuts says that the Liucolus ind the Berkshires were the first off the mark and they were ordered to capture the
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  • 136 5 Wife's Death Probable Cause. London, April 19. Reuter deeply regrets having to announce that Baron Herbert de Rsuter, managing director of Reuter’s Agency, was yesterday found lying dead at his residence near Re i gate. A revolver which had been discharged was found near the body and
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  • 651 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram PROGRESS IN BELGIUM A*D ALSACE. Paris, April 19. This afternoon’s communique says: The British carried two hundred metres of German trenches in Belgiu n, near Zvarteleu, and maintained and consolidated the i ground won, despite counter-attacks. i We ma'le an appreciable advance in
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  • 437 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. IN THE CARPATHIANS. SPLENDID RUSSIAN PROGRESS. Petrograd, April 19. An official statement, issued yesterday, says At the beginning of March (old style) the only portion of the principal chain in the Carpathians in possession of the Russians was the region near tho Dukla
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  • 96 5 Opstimistie Statement(From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. April 20. At the annual general meeting of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday, the Hon Mr. C. W. Darbishire, who presided, made a very optimistic general statement and i said that the anxiety expressed at the last half-yearly meeting was
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  • 1386 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. BOMBARDMENT RESUMED. Athens, April 19. The bombardment of the forts protecting the Dardanelles was rosumed on Saturday. Turks Drop Bombs. A Turkish aeroplane dropped bombs but missed the warships of the Allies near Tenedos. The aeroplane was pursued by seaplanes belonging to the Allies
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  • 158 5 Mr. Alma Biker lias handed to the Ipoh paper the following list of subscriptions to 1 the Air Fleet Fund received by the manager of the Chartered Bank, Ipoh F.M.S. Donations. A Patriotic Chinese Miner, one B II C Air Craft and cost of Cable $11,160 C.
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  • 91 5 April 17 By Balance ...$15,371,00 19 Government Servants, District of Balik Pulau 45 09, Mr. and Mrs. L J C. Anderson, monthly subscription 25 00 F. B. Rickett, monthly subscription 10 00 G. B. Fitzgerald, monthly subscription 10 00 A.M Forrest, monthly subscription 25 00
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  • 934 5 AVAGYEE CALYPSO C. OLLISION. V t iu v sterd sy m >rn ng’s evidence it was Ho ited that the collision took place 1J cables no :h of the Buoy, while the two sb pi were pr eroding from the Quarantine an norage to their berths,
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  • 1014 6 DRESSMAKERS’ BLACKMAIL. A Chord* or Protest. All women are clearly not going to be either *o fooliah or unpatriotic as to «übmit tamely to the revolutionary changes in feminine fashion* which a conspiracy of the dressmaker* is attempting to force upon them at this most inopportune
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  • 755 6 DIBArPEA.RA.NCE OF CASTE. Apart from the political and administrative changes which are possible in lodia as a result of the w ir, but which may not have any real bearing upon the life of the people, economic and social changes of great importance seem very likely.
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  • 882 6 CONTENDING VIEWS. Price of National Greatness. Rome, Marsh 3. When German ambition finally resolved to put the fate of Europe to the test, four of the other five Great Powers had no alternative but war. To Italy only there re mained a choice. She had joined
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  • 770 6 AN EXCEEDINGLY IMPORTANT SERIES OF ADVANTAGES.” Br Colonel F N. Maude, C.B. As further details of the fighting at Neuve Chapelle and St. Eloi come through, it becomes clearer even than at first that we have gamed an exceedingly important senes of advantages under circumstances which must inevitably
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    • 22 6 Dunera, from Singapore. Ban Lee, from Trang. Saima, from Bombay. Trang, from Trang. Kedah, from Langkat. Hok CaDton, from Teluk Anson.
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    • 26 6 TO DAT. Hebe, for Teluk Anson. Sembilan, for Belawan. Pangkor, for Dindings. Klang, for Singapore and P. Swettenkam. Atsuta Maru. for London. Dunera, for Rangoon.
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  • 442 6 The French and Belgian GirlMother. Ail right-minded persons, men and women alike, are filled with indignant pity and sympathy for those hapless Belgian and French women and girls—some of the latter still almost children m years—who, as the result of the cruel outrages inflicted upon them,
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  • 467 6 The Tbkbible Revenge or the Kurds. Appalling accounts —taken from newspapers in the Caucasus —of the condition of Armenia have been received by the hon. sec. of the Armenian Red Cross and Refugee Fund. The whole plain of Alashgerd is said to be covered with the bodies of
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  • 369 6 BRITAIN’S RECORD. Historical Facts. An interesting con espondence ensued upon the publication in the Nederlandor of the recent articles <n the subject of ‘‘Britain and the Small States”. In the course of his reply to this the writer in question says “We admit the selfish motives of tain.
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  • 201 6 The following was the result of the shooting at Kampong Bahru on Monday afternoon Deliberate Fieing. 300 yds. Miss Mathieu 28 Mrs Wright-Motion 26 Miss Sellers 26 Mrs Webb 22 Mrs Hardings 21 Mrs Sharp 21 Miss Smith 18 Mrs Dutĕge 16 150 yds. Mrs Sharp
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  • 196 6 If there were not fools in neutral countries not to speak of our own, who might possibly believe such nonsense, the latest batch of German lies would be merely amusing. For instance, there is that whopper in which Herr Bruno Heim, in .Tageißeitung, declares that Great Britain
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 42 6 Let politicians disagree And pull each other’s b&ir. It makes no difference to me, For little do I care. But what I do care much about, You’ll never guess, I’m sure. Unless your cold has been repaired With Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 47 6 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Couch Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 50 6 Muddy Complexion. When you sea a woman with a muddy or sallow complexion and dull eyes, you may know that her liver is out of order. A few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets will correct it and make her look better and feel better. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods' Croat Papparasiat Oars. la. fid
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    • 13 6 F#r S* ld r®®’> Hacking Coagk at Night. W*od« Or««t Papnarmiat Oara 1«.
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  • 206 7 Have You Neurasthenia Neurasthenia is a condition of exhaustion of the nervous system. The causes are varied Continuous strain, mental or physical, without proper rest or holidays, without proper attention to diet and exercise, also worry over the struggle for existence, are the most common causes. Excesses of any kind
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  • 1038 7 Apkil 12, 1782. m i_ Never was naval victory more required or t desired than that won by Rodney and Hood 0 off Dominica on April 12, 1782. 0 The world was in arms against Great j I Britain, though the Dutch had met with de-
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  • 1114 7 Everyone should torn at this time to that story in Froissart of the battle of Roaebeqne or in Flanders on the Golden Mount near >d Courtrai, where the French met amd defeated the Flemings. For though it was written it more than six centuries ago it
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 348 7 HOTEL NORMAN, Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. N.R. —In the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant as a going concern. LARGE AIRY ROOMS FACING THE SEA. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers, Colonial
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    • 95 7 The Forty Tar Tat. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Couerh Ren edy was first offnred to the public in 1872 From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity uutil it has atfaii ed a world wide reputation.
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    • 135 7 cs. hat qua j tear! sat-' ten .ins •ies j ick! 30t tier >ke ltj era lor sat till itb a of Ultra Milkmaid Brand Milk. Can be obtained from all Retail Stores and Dealers. Milkmaid Sweetened Condensed $13.25 per case. 29 cents per tin. Milkmaid Sterilised Milk 17 cents
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1621 8 IATas s w -a Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Eleotrio Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service Outward. Due Penan? Steamer. Connecting with S.S. April May 30 14 Sardinia Nubia Oriental
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