Straits Echo, 19 April 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1031 1 SWHla»T «TCTVOqi m WM XS} OS r* r WV >853 5g,V« q The P.xjtor advises an 1 reoemu £> in end?. It is nouri-hing, invi- govating ..nd strengthening. ap fctfc* sr.1.- 1 fiknshB 4;ia*fe«K sus ‘IWjf TIMWia |3W|l KJ'Sllf Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. < BANKS MAGNETO NOW
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    • 16 1 TO LET. 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428. BURMAH ROAD. 50, Mac Alister Road, APPLY 53, Beach Street.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 57 2 DRINK V. 1 mm if W: <2 m r ffimm fe- WM £g» -,/V' 1 1 *3 V r. Ls 2 assrsss 1« |g b| fc'.-fg? if i V ?«?#i K! L_ .'i'fsi feJKSFW JS-^CKJ v i-i 3» 1 V.-M mm M V Sil i V jlk' fa CONNOISSEURS THE
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  • 1008 3 According to an account of a German prison camp which wejmcentlj published, German dictionaries and Grammars are being sold cheap to Fraaeh and English prisoners of war, with the object, as stated by an officer, that the prisoners may learn German in order to understand Germans hotter. The
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  • 954 3 It has often been said that Tommy Atkins is as brave as lion; but the comparison does our splendid soldiers much less than justice. In spite of his roar, which is more like a cough, the so-called King of Beasts is not so remarkable for personal courage as
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 Far Childra»'* Hacking Congh at Night, W*«.V Ora» I Papcaraoint Omra Ir. M
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    • 737 3 ■«.airtif»*» HxASLM ABOUT PILLS. Many people have no hesitation in taking a dozen bottles of medicine in liquid form prescribed by a doctor, but view with alarm the suggestion to take a course of pills. This misapprehension is no doubt due to the impression that pills arc merely purgative, which
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    • 64 3 A Parent's Duty. Tour boy is always getting scratched or cut ro bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 374 3 Weakness Debility TRON ‘JELLOIDS,’ the reliable tonic, strengthen 1 your blood and fortify your system against climatic effects. After a course of Iron ‘Jelloids,’ the blood is enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and other diseases.
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  • 206 4 P. Tapioca 16.40 tales M. P. Tapioca $7.15 tellers Gold Leaf ...$64.40 Black Pepper 18. —buyers White Pepper 35. —tellers Trang Pepper 24.50 sellers Cloves 45 —sellers Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickinga 66. —sellers Nutmegs 110 23. tellert No. 1 9-l>o scUeg Sugar < 2 8,90 sales Basket 5.15
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  • 223 4 Penang, April 19. Bbep cts. Soup per catty 18 Roast 26 Steaks 2$ Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork per catt v 36 Pig’s Head 22 Foet 26 j Tongue
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 666 4 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912. F.M.S Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance 1911.’ Employers of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for the return
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    • 81 4 TRANSLATION rpHE UNDERSIGNED undertakes to 1 translate any document £rom English into Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinese accounts into English. Fees according to the following scale:— (1) For translations for insertion in the Strait» Echo or the Penang 8in Poe or to be printed by the Jobbing Department of
      81 words
    • 336 4 u B -ss M ■v v ywHCyVvu -'.rr-^-^F? T—?“?S*sa x U. T Jt„ > i*lj2 _vv jar, -fra SSsbks s. *y vS-^P V I JBlt Vv. ■i i<.\' V i ..I I- 1 v’ T r BU **r rRf i, Ul '■'lf! rv •Si ,x. /"v P 7 3 r;
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  • 1531 5 A Rkt&ospsct. Many men who have done Paris in their bachelor days will be interested in the following paragraph which comes from a London paper of February 27 A fire broke out at 5 o’clock this morning at the Moulin Rouge The alarm was given by a M.
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  • 154 5 Previously acknowledged, $521.00 Collected by Mrs R C M Kindersley (February and March) Mrs Drummond Hay, 1 00 Mrs Heigh, 4.00; Mrs Gough, 2 00; Mrs Schwabe, 10 00; Mrs R C M Kindersley, 10 00. Collected by Mrs Bennett: Mrs. Macgregor, 2 00.
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  • 199 5 To the Eoito* of the Straita Eoho. Sir, —With reference to certain extracts which appeared some time ago in the lpcal press, I would as!i you to reproduce the following statement from The Tablet, March 13,1915: The Westminster Catholic Federation has received the foliowing letter from Mgr. le Wachter,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 423 5 -J < Id 10 O Id U Id Q. 0) R\ r SCOTCH WHISKY s to V» z < < z u m o xve wjy HlS tor < SCOTCH JAMES BUCHAW^^ -<*asgo**j "SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT u 70 M BLACK WHITE v .*S .1 -f ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY
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    • 414 5 “WESTMINSTER 99 TURKISH CIGARETTES. Above the chaos of impending ills Through all the clamour of insistent strife Now while the noise of arming nations fills Each throbbing hour with menaces to life I hear the voice of Progress. Wilcox If jou are lookiDg for the Largest Variety and Best films,
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  • 98 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. > No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Peic*. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Sia 1 Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 A T fl.— All
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  • 1256 6 To hold the local censors responsible for the policy, or perhaps one should say the ibsouca of any settled policy, which has characterised the attitude of their department iu so far as it performs the functions of acts as a Press Bureau would i.e distinctly unfair.
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  • 120 6 Head—Stewart. At the Church of the Assumption on Saturday afternoon the marriage was solemnized of Mr. William John Head, Engineer, of Sarawak, and Miss Effie Stewart,youngest daughter of tho late Mr. W. C. W. Stewart and Mrs. P. M Stewart. The Rev. L. M. Duvelle officiated Mr W.
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  • 829 6 Sir Thomas Braddell is at present in Kuantau. It is notified that Mr. F. N. Ryder is appointed Consul-General for America iD Singapore. Mr. D. B. Brand, of the National Bank, Colombo, has received a Commission in the Scots Guards. Mr. A Munro arrived by the s.s.
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  • 947 6 When during the Singapore “riots” a certain great man bade a fond farewell f 0 his strong-minded spouse aud mentioned possibility of their never meeting again, the lady replied, “Bosh!”, not Boscbo!"L a distinction with a difference. S ys a Native States contemporary: A super-tax on dogs and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 Shoes ever overthrow that are too large, And hugest cannons hurst with overcharge. 9 9 I H&W tv Fitting should be one of the most important features to insist upon when making your purchases of footwear. Our hoes m ke life’s walk easy. They offt equal rights for every ten
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  • 549 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. allies continue progress Bombs in Swiss Territory. Paris, April 17. A Paris communique announces There is nothing to report. It is announced that German airmen again dropped bombs in Swiss territory neat Beurnevisin. Switzerland has sent a protest to Germany.” Appreciable Progress. Paris,
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  • 659 7 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. STEADY RUSSIAN PROGRESS. Pet rog rad, April 17. A Petrograd communique states “We have consolidated the positions between Telephotsch and Zvella after a desperate bayouet fight, in which we captured the heights which the Austrians had organised “We took 1,140 prisoners, including 24
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  • 753 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. BY TURKISH TORPEDO BOAT. London, April 17. The Admiralty announces that the British transport Alanitou, with troops on board, was attacked by a Turkish torpedo boat in the Aegean Ssa to-day. The torpedo boat tired three torpedoes' all < f which misled the
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  • 324 7 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. COMPLETE BRITISH SUCCESS. TURKS’ HURRIED RETREAT. London, April 17. The Press Bureau states that the actions in the vicinity of Sbaiba have been completely successful, the enemy retreating further. The British on April 14 captured 200 prisoners and several machine guns, the
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  • 30 7 (Reuter.) No Telegraphist Facilities. London, April 17. There will be no telegraphing facilities at the Epsom races next week. The telegrams will have to be carried a mile.
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  • 254 7 (Reuter.) Winnipeg, April 17. The Saskatchewan Government reports an increase of three quarter million acres in the area under wheat. The Peking police authorities have issued a proclamation prohibiting boycott of Japanese goods and notes of the Japanese banks. Brigadier-General Frederick Stanley Maude, c.m.o d.s o, who
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  • 225 7 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram BRITISH SUBMARINE LOST. Amsterdam, April 18. A telegram from Constantinople states that His Majesty’s ships Majeatie and Svciftsure bombarded Biba Tepeh on the 15th instant. London, April 18. The Pres 3 Bureau announces thit the British submarine El 5, while carrying out a d'fficuit
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  • 170 7 Promulgation of Sentences. (From Our Oim Correspondent Singapore, April 19. Sentences on a large batch of convicted mutineers were promulgated on Saturday outside the prison walls. The military arrangements were similar to those of previous occasions and there was a large crowd to witness the proceedings. Two
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  • 32 7 (Reuter'). Loudon, April 17. The market prices ruling in London are as follows: Linseed, 50/-, 57/3 sellers, White Karaohi 59. Linseed oil, 33/9. Coconut oil, afloat £44-15. Shipment £44-15
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  • 31 7 Apiil 14 Bv Balance £55 50 17 Ladies’ Bridge Book Penang Golf Club for March 42.00 Balance April 17. 8 597.50 Amount previously acknowledged 11,744.74 Total ...$12,342 24
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  • 69 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3,—Dictionaries Cheap. Odious Com-pari-ons. s.—Paris Days. Tho Queen’s Work for Women Fund Unfounded. 8 Air-Craft and the Present War.” Penang Volunteers’ Parades. Singapore Mutiny. 9.—Action for Libel. 10.— Legislative Council The Friendless Empiie According to a telegram from
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  • 995 7 AVAGYEE CALYPSO < OLLISION. Mr. R. Scott presided at the Marine Cou tof Inquiry, which was held at the Governor’s Office this morning, to ir quro into the circumstances of (lie collision between ilie vagyee and the Calypso vrh ch took placo in tho harbour on
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  • 1927 8 Eye-Witness’s” Account. Copyright Telegram. Pise Britisk Mnrktmnaship. London, April 16. t f Eye-Witness attached to the British Headquarters states: There is the usual shelling to report but no engagement of special importance. British marksmanship lately had man} successes and, it is claimed, disposed oi eighteen snipers in three days. We
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  • 1363 8 The Court Martial. The Court dealt with a number of cases t yesterday,(says Friday’s Straitt Times), all of which were very much the same in fact t and detail, the accustd being amongst those I men who left the lines with all promptitude t when the outbreak occurred
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  • 47 8 Under the auspices of the Penang Literary Society, in the Free School, Mr. Mohamed Ariff, of the Singapore Medical School, will deliver a lecture on the above subject at 5-15 p.m to-inorrow, the 20th inst. Tho meetiug is open to the public.
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  • 154 8 Tuesday, 20th, 6-30 a.m Chinese Reerea, tion Ground Skirmishing. Tuesday, 20tb, 5-30 p.m. EsplanadeBattalion Drill. Trade in Singapore has brightened up considerably, but merchants complain of delays in getting stocks out from Home.— TOM. The B. I. S N. Company have granted all European employees on steamers
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 504 8 NOTICE. rpHE RESIDENT COUNCILLOR will X. be at Home at tbe Residency on Tuesday, the 27th April at 4-45 p.m. Tennis etc. No separate invitations will be issued. 210 j NOTICE. Meh&nmed&n and Hindu Endowments Board. < are invited for the pulling L down of houses Nos. 220/230 PenaDg I
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    • 10 8 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Wooda’ Greet Pepperaiat Oara, 1* C^.
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    • 74 8 For OMMmiTs Hacking CoMgh nt Nitrhf, i*■♦ ('ii>« 1». P. M The Ideal Mineral Water. Tansan Ginger Ale. |i| Tansan ift i® Lemonade Hii May be obtained from "fl ALL THE LEAMNC STORES. Sole Ageitt: R. T. REID 8 Co.. Penang. tapwpp 'J tsSHs!?* "A POSITION UNRIVALLED IN ■36
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  • 326 8 Obituary. London, April 17. The death has taken place of Mr. Henry Matthews who was for thirty years in the P.W.D., Burmab. The demand for ploughs among Chinese fanners is increasing in importance year bv year, the natives are beginning to realise the advantage of modern agricultural implements A firm
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  • 3581 9 W. H. MACGREGOR V. STRAITS TIMES.” The Cash for the Plaintiff Considerable progress was made yesterday, says Friday’s Straits Times, in the libel suit, brought by Mr. William Harvey Macgregor against the Straits Times Press, Ltd, and Mr. Alexander William Still, managing editor of the Straits Times,
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  • 406 9 A movement of some importance which at any other time would have attracted considerable attention has been inaugurated in Kwangtung for the formation of a Volunteer Corps of Fishermen. As is well known, that province has long suffered from the depredations of pirates on the sea coasts and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 52 9 Muddy Complexion. When v ou boo a woman with a muddy or sallow completion and dull eyes, you may know that her liver ib out of order. A few dunes of Chamberlain’s Tablets will correct it aud make her look better aud tee I better. For tale by all Diipemarie*
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    • 47 9 Serves the Whole Ftmily. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the doep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children, lhe ■ame bottle serrw the whole family. For ■ale by all Dispeusaries and Dealer».
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    • 347 9 Officially Tested and Proved Reliable "W'ERY possibly no Infant Food has been so thoroughly tested by official authorities as Glaxo. For over five years it has been persistently in use bv various Corporations, in Schools for Mot hers, and in Hospitals. At these institution* ilie infants fed on Glaxo are
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  • 1532 10 Ordinary Meeting, April 16. > Preterit. H.E. the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, k.C.m.g.) the General Officer Commanding Troop* (Brig.-Gen. Ridout). The Hon. Col. Sec. (R. J. Wilkinson, c.m.g.) Col. Treasurer (A. M. Pountney.) Attorney-General (G A. Goodman.) Col. Engineer (P. J. Pigott) C. J. Saunders. J. B. Elcum.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 92 10 The Forty Year Text. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty yeaie. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attaired a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 50 10 The lad he loved her deeply. For she billed and cooed so sweetly. And she promised he should have her In the bappv days to be Hut she qualified it thuswise, That she’d marry him for sure If he’d promise to always keep a stock Of Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 253 10 S'Jir&MA.Cd"i. •s*. -r«jz*«n»r&ri* ijXfi&tuiCM rzL&iXi a v- j ttsAA.* v—1 tLtjrjr: «WJjar. x.ipri'i’HUTTENBACH B™. C o. SOLE AGENTS FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Have much pleasure in announcing the arrival oi THE NEW MODEL No. 10. n •&> m s V- d« > eiti •V out !r$i «Its S'- 4 1 i-^v
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  • 1844 11 What Mr. Jedermann Thinks. The writer of the following article it the author of the extremely interesting and widely quoted and translated contributions to The Daily Mail of December and January last entitled Germany from Within At the conclusion of his last series of articles he
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  • 133 11 Germany and the Neutrals. Stockholm, March 18. The Vienna newspaper Die Zeit addressed to all countries the question, How is it that Germany has so many enemies in the world? M. Branting, the Swedish deputy and leader of the Socialist Party in Parliament, gives the following answer
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 497 11 HOTEL NORMAN. Penang's Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. N.R. —In the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant i at a going concern. LARGE AIRY ROOMS FACING THE SEA. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers,
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    • 38 11 Chamberlain’s Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, lirer and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will do you good. Try them. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 143 11 IB Milkmaid Brand Milk. Can be obtained from ail Retail Stores and Dealers. Milkmaid Sweetened Condensed $13.25 per case. 29 cents per tin. Milkmaid Sterilised Milk 7.75 17 cents per large tin. 9 cents per small tin. NESTLE 8 ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK Co., (LONDON), SINGAPORE, Etc. I «M '9J (S)
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1894 12 ac NT BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Wireless Telegraphy, fitted od all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Foa Singapore. {Three times a week). Intended to Sail..
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