Straits Echo, 17 April 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 643 2 A Striking Parallel, with Lord Kitchener My March to Timbuctoo.” By General Joffre. With a biographical introduction by Ernest Dimnet. (Chatto and Windus.) 2a. net] It is probably true to say that a few months ago most of us and even to-day many of us know far
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  • 260 2 The London dressmakers have created some resentment by attempting in a single step a radical change in woman’s dress. The tight skirt is to go, they say, and the oldfashioned full skirt is to be revived. In other words, the entire wardrobe of every woman who does not want
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  • 976 2 So much loose phraseology has been r e vived or created during the present Wa that there can be little doubt, but that tl/ pedants will be heartily thankful peace is at last concluded and the sleepin dogs are allowed to lie once more. Of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 64 2 A Parent’s Duty. Tour boy is always gettiDg scratched or cut ro bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 368 2 E. O. Hotel NOTICE. ■:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. tfOOOOGOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOGOa The resident councillor will be at Home at the Residency on Tuesday, the 27th April at 4-45 p.m. Tennis etc. No separate invitations will be issued. 210 WAKTTED. A Competent Dresser for Gula Estate. Apply to THE MANAGER. o
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    • 49 2 W)lfln Muddy Completion. 11 U 8e a woman with a muddy or ow con3 plexion and dull eyes, you may h a L her liTer of order. A few do.en of Chamberlain's Tablets will correct and make her look better and feel bettor, •ale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 1222 3 [By Tom Weight.] In an article entitled The Clubs of Penang,” published in the Echo about the beginning of February, the writer indiscreetly reminds his readers that I used to say rude things about one of those clubs. Isn’t it a pity that one canuot draw arguments from
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  • 376 3 The fifth report of the directors of the j Malakoff Rubber Company, Limited, dealing with the year ended Dnbc. 31st, 1914, is as follows Accounts —The net profit for the year, after making a full provision for depreciation, amounted t,o $265,987.67 to which has to be added
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  • 77 3 2nd Sunday after Easeer, April 18. 8-00 a.m. Matins (Choral) 8- a.m. Holy Communion 9- a.m Holy Communion (Tamil) 10 30 am. Chinese Service 5- p.m. Sunday School 6- p.m. Evensong and Sermon Hymn 135 The strife is o’er Psalm XCIII Ouseley XCIY Gray Magnificat Foster
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  • 50 3 Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, to-morrowat 9 a.m. Specially for children, at 6 pm. Public Worship for all. Subject of sermon at Evening Service by Rev. William Cross, M.A., will be Inpiisoned Splendour.” •"Hymns (from Church Praise) 171, 52, 192, 477, 494.
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  • 138 3 Tuesday, 20th, 6-30 a.m.: Chinese Recreation Ground Skirmishing. Tuesday, 20th, 5-30 p.m.: Esplanade, Battalion Drill. Recruit members of the VoluLteers who have commenced their Musketry Course are requested to be on the Range by 7 a.m. to-morrow (Sunday). Motor lorry will leave the perimeter at 6-30 a.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 u a Ui Q£ u 111 (L </) z < z < z o 3 (D o CO _l < n r SCOTCH WHISKY 81/ACK WHISKY SCOTCH chana**^ .w a LoN» or< ,z BU JAMES x OJASOOIW* “SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT' BLACK&WHITE v «*>»./ V. ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY Sole
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    • 845 3 If you are looking for the Largest Variety and Best films, you need only call at THE STRAITS CINEMA Co., Empire Hall, Penang Road, The Leading Premier Show in Penang S’the People'» Favourite Rendezvous TO-NIGHT! Thos. A. Edison’s TO-NIGHT!! Stupendous Film Serial WHAT HAPPENED TO MARY 8 Wh °MARY M
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. |No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 586 Printing Department 343 N. It.— All business communication» should
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  • 1266 4 To pursue a policy of strict neutrality during the course of a war is not an easy matter for a country which has intimate relations with the belligerents, and particularly is this the case under a system of warfare such as that adopted by the Germans in the
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  • 914 4 Ciaude Porier, son of Casimir drier, ex President of France, has been killed at the front. When last heard of, Mr. Lucas oi Caledonia Estate, P. W., who is a Lieutenant in the Royal Fusiliers, was convalescent at Nice after suffering from a strained heart due to
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  • 1031 4 May we express the hope that for ones i a a way the European and Eurasian ladies of Penang will show that they are not mere clay in the hands of the dressmakers and will resolutely refuse to follow the new fashions which the latter are endeavouring to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 190 4 NOTE Presented by the proprietors of the Super Iced Cologne to all British and Allied subjects. Wheru as we are at war with Germany and it is necessary to replace German Articles by those of British manufacture. We have marketed the Super Iced Cologne to take the place ol the
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  • 617 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. FKE CH PROGRESS. Paris, April 16 A communique, issued this evening states We gained a brilli int. success north of Arras, completing tho whole spur captured last month south-east of Notre Dame de Lorette at tho point of the bayonet. “One hundred and
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  • 594 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. FUTILE «AID. BOMB AT MALDON. London, April 15. r lwo Zeppelins at 12.20 in the morning f dropped four bomb- at Maldon, No 1 damage was done They also dropped at the Heybridgo basin and some j premises were sot on fire. The
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  • 765 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. EFFECT ON ITALY AND THE BALKANS. INTERESTING SITUATION. Paris, April 15. The successes of the Allies have produced a profoundly interesting situation in Italy and the Balkans. It is believed that great decisions are being taken there, especially in Italy, Greece and Rumania.
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  • 320 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. INDIGNATION IN HOLLAND. STRONG POPULAR OUTCRY. The Germans torpedoed and sank the Dutch steamer Katwijk off the Noorhinder Lightship. The crew were Baved. The vessel was laden with American grain consigned to the Dutch Government. [The Katwijk was a Rteel screw steamer with
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  • 856 5 So far Holland has not been directly concerned in the Great War; but there is more than an even chance that she will be. Some time ago a shrewd letter from a Dutchman who lived formerly in London, but is now a soldier on the Dutch-German frontier,
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  • 40 5 {Reuter). London, April 16. The market prices in London are as follows: Copper, 73f. Linseed, ’Argentine, 50, June and July paid. Hemp, 32. Tin, 170*. Iron, 67/4. Wheat, 61/9, buyers. I Coconut oil, afloat 45, shipment 45
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  • 322 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Page. 2. —Joffre the Man. Fashions. Bad Language and the War. 3. —Marginal Notes. Malakoff Rubber Co. St. George’s Church, Penang. Penang Volunteers’ Parades. Penang Presbyterian Church, i 6. —Action for Libel: W. H. Macgregor r. Straits Times.” Mr.
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  • 352 5 PENANG CLUB COMPENSATION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 17. At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday, the Colonial Secretary, in reply to the Hon. Sir E. O. Ellis, said that the claim for compensation by the Penang Club h id been considered by the compensation authorities
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  • 24 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 17. To-day the sentences on another batch of mutineers will be promulgated outside the Jail.
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  • 448 5 E. W. F. Gilman, the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, who went on long leave last year, returned to Penaug by P A O Mooltan on Thursday. Mr. H. G. R. Leonard, who was acting for Mr. Gilman, on being relieved proceeds to Kuala Lumpur as Second
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  • 3470 6 W. H. MACGREGOR V. BTRAITS TIMES” Bin, Meyer and the Pulau Bulano Aebncy. 1 As already briefly reported by telegram, tbe libel suit at the instance of Mr, William Harvey Macgregor against the Strait Times Press, Ltd., and Mr. Alexander William Btill, managing editor of the Strait»
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  • 219 6 In the welter of this gigantic struggle we may perhaps spare a moment for the consideration of the extraordinary situation in Portugal. Ever since blind assassination disposed of King Carlos and revolution of his inconsiderable son, the little country has been in a distracted state. What now calls
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  • 211 6 I don’t believe in profanity, Hinnissy—not as a reg’lar thing. But it has its uses an’ its place. F’r instance, it is issintial to some thrades No man can be a printer without swearin’. ’Tis impossible I mind wanst I wint to a
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  • 974 6 The Federated Malay State» are apparently weathering the storm much better than even the most hopeful expected last autumn. From all sides there comes evidence of a steady, if small, revival of trade, with brightening prospects everywhere. The great shock of last August
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  • 842 6 THE COURT-MARTIAL. Latest ProceedingsYesterday afternoon (says the Malaya Tribune of Thursday) the summary courtmartial, composed of Lieut. Col. Brownlow, R.G A., (Presidnet), Major Harris-Edge, 4th K.S.L.I, and Capt. Ball, sth N L.l.' heard the case in which a Lanee-Naick and four sepoys were charged with mutiny and desertion.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 Chamberlain's Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will do you good. Try them. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 52 6 The night was cold, loud was his bark, For he’d l>een sleeping in the park, A friendly policeman heard him yell. And made him comfy in the cell. Next morn before the beak he stood His Worship thought he looked demure, So told him to begone, and get Woods’ Great
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    • 14 6 For Children’* Hacking Comgfc at Night, Wond.'jar**» Poor ar Mint Chin la, C 4
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    • 10 6 Fur Chronic Chest Complaints, Wa/wli» Great Peppermiet Cara U. fid
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  • 252 7 People who reside in the Tropics or in any part where Malaria prevails should avoid going out before the sun has dispelled the morning mists and also before they have breakfasted. The reasons for this are that the vapours which arise from the earth during
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  • 1214 7 i THE PHIL080PHY OF MOURNING. I A Soldiers’ Sino-Sono. Paris, March 8 There are many signs of returning life in Paris. Flags fluttering on shop-fronts in the fresh March winds seem to express a new sort of courage, s courage in consonance with the communiques. A wave
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  • 523 7 PLOT TO FOSTER REBELLION IN INDIAN ARMY. Officers to be Killed.” The Secretary of State for India communicates the following:— Documentary evidence has reached His Majesty’s Government proving conclusively that German consular officers in Persia and the agents of the German firm of VVonckhans have been engaged
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 363 7 HOTEL NORMAN. Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. N.B. —In the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant as a going concern. IAR6E AIRY ROOMS FACINO THE SEA. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers, Colonial
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    • 93 7 The Forty Tear Test. An article must have exceptional merit to Burvive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cousrh Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872 From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 48 7 Serves the Whole Fsmily. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the d* ep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle serres the whole family. For •ale by all Diapenaariei and Dealers.
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    • 202 7 OCDC 0 DOC inr X>C 300QOOC DCD< w n o n n ay royal APPOINTMENT. Contractors to: THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. m 1 is 4 lEdnatlSSi AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The World. Milkmaid Brand
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1971 8 t i yf s'.'i? a BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. For Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. AH Cabins are fitted with Electric Faas FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Intindsd to Sail. Singapore. (Three times a week).
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