Straits Echo, 14 April 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 1200 2 LEADERSHIP OF THE GRAND DUKE. (By Stanley Washburn.) In what I have written I have tried to give the reader an idea of the assets, both material and moral, which Russia has at her disposal in the field during this campaign. If what I have said seems
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  • 735 2 The minor dislocations of war have made it difficult for many, and impossible for some, to mak ends meet. Ends that were overlapping handsomely nine months ago now show a wide gap, even with the most anxious straining. For a few of the victims a certain
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    • 451 2 NOTICE Mohammedan and Hindu Endowments Board. TENDERS are invited for the pulling down of bouses Nos. 220/230 PenaDg Road and for the construction of 4 new sbephouses in front of the Sri Kunji Bahaxi Temple at Penang Road. Plans and Specifications can be seen at the Land Office, or at
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    • 93 2 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Coueh Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872 From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 9 2 For Chrome Cfat?«t CjuipiKiui*, Wnodf' (Jr«t Pflpp«rnai»r Q«re, li.
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    • 510 2 '3fc v; mk f u-■ r 1 v t-j < V -r- V ’^WĔeam ir.-iiy/jA /$4 i,-? 1 *WaL Sv > \jfll SA r}f g r <■ r J > f W*’ lT n« r,U*i“ ji 9. its** i :J i ■£\U V'T f mJ*. st j i M V.i-V-
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  • 803 3 The following are the Order* of the Day for the meeting on Friday 1. Questions by the Hon’ble Mr. F. W. Collins (1) Why the Colonial Chaplaincy of Malacca has been abolished (2) Why due notice was not given to the Church Authorities in Malacca of the intention
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  • 527 3 THE COURT-MARTIAL. 3atukday’s Pxooiisinm. On Saturday morning the Summary General Court-Martial consisting of Lieut.Col. Brownlow, R. G. A. (President), Major Harris-Edge, K.5.L.1., and Capt. Ball, sth L. 1., concluded the hearing of the case in which Lance-Naick Feroog Khan is charged with mutiny. Accused is alleged to have
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  • 292 3 Those of our readers who can lay claim to something of au intimate knowledge of the Chinese may smile a little wearily at the tidings that Doctor Timothy Richard has offered prizes of three and two hundred dollars to the Chinese authors who succeed in writing the
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  • 128 3 A shocking murder was committed on Sunday morning in Raffles Square. At the new building of the Chartered Bank, a carpenter, a Chinese, employed by Messrs Brossard and Moppin, the contractors, drove a knife into the foreman carpenter with such force that the unfortunate man speedily
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    • 300 3 NIKKO MODERN ART PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. Amateurs’ Work Developed and Printed. [j EXPERTS SENT for OUT-DOOR PHOTOGRAPHY Mahogany and Oak Frames a Speciality. ADDRESS: 21, Penang Road. Telephone 579. X'-rrrr: PRITCHARD 8 Cc. ROVER CYCLES r fO«CD*CX)ot The Bernese Alps Milk Co. CONTRACTORS TO THE Admiralty India Office won I9il+ Be
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    • 409 3 “WESTMINSTER 99 TURKISH CIGARETTES Above the chaos of impending ills Through all the clamour of insistent strife Now while the noise of arming nations fills Each throbbing hour with menaces to life I hear the voice of Progress. Wilcox >o ALLEN DENNYS CO.. Penang. RUBBEK BROKERS, PROPRIETORS OP THE PENANC
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and publio holidays) ▲T THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paicu. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra, if ail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 KB.— All busine«« cpmrmtnic»tion* should
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  • 1308 4 The Germans are not the only people who have had to change their opinion regarding i be indissoluble unity of the British Empire; there are many people at Home who had to experience the same sensation. The surprise for the Germans has been as unpleasant as
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  • 943 4 Mias Chuns Chin Kin, daughter of Mr. Chung Tbye Chong of Gopeng Road, has succesefully passed her Senior Cambridge held in December last.— T O.AI. According to the Temps, Marshal von Hiudeuburg is to be transferred to the Western front about the middle of this month. Mr.
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  • 1018 4 Steady progress is being made by the temperance campaign in Penang. F Ur 0 j the most “hearty livers in the Settlement have just bound themselves by a solemn oath and covenant —and, what is more b, the point, under the penalty of a substantial contribution to the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 182 4 nnnnnn “Music is the medicine of the mind ST art /1 re W? il -i r -s ■4' WICKCN’S MUSIC jBOOKS. S mbeam No. 17, with 12 Popular SoDgs and Choruses 75 cents. S inbeam No 7 is an easy violin tutor It is a clear and concise method of
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  • 571 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. brilliant french feat. the affair at gussainville. Paris, April 13. Detail* have been published regarding the capture of the Tillage of Gussainville between the Meuse and the Moselle on the afternoon of April 4. Without warning, the French artillery opened a terrific fire
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  • 542 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. OUR GRADUAL PREPONDERANCE. UNAVENGED NEUVE CHAPELLE. London, April 12. i The “Eye-Witness” attached to the British Headquarters, in hi* despatch, states Quiet Generally. Quiet continues on our front with the j exception of the activity of the artillery which was diversified by occasional mine
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  • 566 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. BIG DECISIONS IMPENDING. TURNING MOVEMENTS ATTEMPTEDLondon, April 12. An official statement announces We repulsed on April 10 great enemy forces which attacked us repeatedly in the direction of Rostoki, in the Carpathians. “We made progress somewhat and a violent battle ensued in the
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  • 670 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GLA GOW STEAMER SUNK. London, April 13. The small Glasgow steamer President was sunk by a submarine off the Eddy stone lighthouse on Saturday. Further Details Regarding the Wayfarer,” No lives were lost on the Wayfarer which was torpedoed by a German submarine
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  • 1144 5 A SURVEY. (From a Naval Correspondent) London, March 12. 1 From the point of view of naval strategy, i Europe, excluding the British Isles and Norway and Sweden, may be regarded as a peninsula. The sea runs right round it on three sides, from the Baltic ro
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  • 339 5 Aa Imposing Spectacle. An exceptionally largo crowd gathered on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon to witness the parade of the combined forces of the Penang Volunteers and tbe local Police. Fall in Markers” was sounded at 5.20 pm. and five minutes later the men to)k their places
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  • 129 5 At the meeting of tho Municipal Commissioners held yesterday afternoon there wore present Messrs. W. Peel President J. Mitchell, P. T. Allen and Lim Eow Hong, with Messrs L- M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) aud L. A C. Biggs (Secretary) in attendance. The meeting was of short duration, nothing
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  • 38 5 (Reuter). London, April 12. The following are the London market prices: Copper £72 3-4. Linseed, Argentine, 48| April aud May paid, Bombay 54. Tin 172. Iron 68/7. Rubber, 2/4j. Coconut oils, afloat 45j, shipment 455.
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  • 105 5 April 12 By Balance $14,128 05 13 An Englishman 15 00 Amount collected by AT r. A. L. M. Scott: A. L M. Scott, Sungei Kechil Estate 10.00 Khoo Chiang Hock, Sungei Kechil Estate 3 00 Chiuese and Malays, Sungei Kechil Estate 1444
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  • 1353 6 An Oeot ow Megalomania. Since the beginning of the war the German intellectuals have shown themeelves in a light which has stupefied the men of ■cience and of letters all the world over No one would ever have thought that a Gerhardt Hauptmann could have been foolish
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  • 431 6 Presgrave Cup for April 1915. Result. C B Redway 1 down HG R Leonard 2 SF B Martin 2 C T Beath 2 F Oienbam 4 R T Reid 5 C G May 5 T S Nash 6 E R Henderson 6 J C Brown 6 A
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  • 1006 6 The Haunts of Old Empeeors. Visitors to Peking are studied nowadays in a way that would astouud those who remember the Peking of but a very few years ago, writes a correspondent in the Time». Readers of the Time» will recall Sir Valentine Chirol’s vivid description of his
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  • 2293 6 THE GARRISON’S PART IN REGENT MUTINY. Men Addressed bt the Governor. As already briefly announced by telegram, the military forces of the Colony mustered in strong array on the Esplanade ground m Singapore on Saturday when His Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G inspected them and
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  • 886 6 Debate in the Lords In the House of Lords on March 12, Viscount Bryce asked the Secretary of State for India whether the Government would lay on the Table of the House a list of the persons who were employed in tho censorship of news (other
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    • 65 6 A Parent’s Duty. Tour hoy is always Cutting scratched or cut ro bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get. a bottle of Chamberlain s Pain Balm and see that, every injury is cared for immediately. You ran get, nothing totter, and blood
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    • 10 6 For Children's Hacking Coagk at Night, Vnwli'.OrMl Osre Is. W
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  • 1280 7 Bt Horace Hutchinson. The actual or possible value of dogs as aids to the police is a question on which there has been much and various debate. Sir Melville Macnaghten, who writes with all the authority of a Chief, for a long period of years, of the Criminal
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  • 667 7 Lord Rosebery was in the Chair at King’s College, when Viscount Bryce gave the annual Creighton lecture established at the University of London. Lord Brvce’s subject was Race Sentiment as a Factor in History.” During the century and a half,” said Lord Brjce, all over
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 458 7 HOTEL NORMAN, Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. ft,!!, —In the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant aa a going concern. URGE AIRY ROOMS FACING THE SEA. Under the patronago of H.ta. Judges, Medical Officers, Colonial
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    • 50 7 Muddy Complexion. When you see a woman with a muddy or sallow complexion and dull eves, you may know that her liver is out of order. A tew duses of Chamberlain’s Tablets will correct it and make her look better and feel better. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 38 7 Chamberlain’s Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will do you good. Try them. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 194 7 OCDC 0 DOC DOC DOC DOooCDOC ~>( BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Contractors to: THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. o r\ n o n o ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. 81 I h L 1 T'frA i AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1833 8 0.1 a Ob Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service Outward. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION GO., LTD. For Intindbd to Steamer. Dae Penan 7
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