Straits Echo, 10 April 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 991 1 an. 4TUNG LEE CO, Fcaiss fi‘ Ktia!i Ln-Jipiir, fTSa-JBuBPr* 3E1I 5? FS# ■v—u- A\ s fl >*a v. <£ v Xa-^'^V The Doctor advises an 1 ree< ui V v mends. It is nourishing, inn- u gorsting and strengthening. Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One
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    • 15 1 TO LET. 1 BUNGALOW No. 1428. BURMAH ROAD. 50, MacAtister Road, APPLY 53, BemcA Street.
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  • 1076 2 It used to be said, et pour cause, that many of the smaller South American Republics were in the habit of deriving an appreciable proportion of their exiguous revenues by constantly changing the design of their postage stamps. Until collectors j were put wise,” to use the
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  • 825 2 Correspondents are warning us against that sense of greyness and stagnation to which we are all subject now that we are used to a state of war and to one in which nothing very decisive seems to happen. When the war began we felt that a
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  • 177 2 To tub Editor of the Timet of Malaya. Diab Si», —According to the advertisement of the Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., placed in a most prominent position in the Times of Malaya, the price of a tin of Milkmaid sweetened condensed milk should be twenty-nine
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 473 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Applications win be receded by the undersigned up to 4 p m. on Monday, the 12th April, 1915 for the post of Sanitary Sub-Inspector in charge of Cemeteries and Water Catchment Areas and to do any other work that may be required of him by the Municipal Health
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    • 445 2 NOTICE Mohammedan and Hindu Endowments Board. I LENDERS are invited for the pulling down of houses Nos. 220/230 Penang Road and for the construction of 4 new sbephousea in front of the Sri Kunji Bahari Temple at Penang Road. Plans and Specifications can be seen at the Land Office, or
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    • 47 2 Senes the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle aerrea the whole family. For •ale by all Diapenaariea and Dealera.
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    • 129 2 rrI=3#CID#CD*OOCD##(OC^^ The Bernese Alps Milk Co. o 0 0 4» 0 0 0 n 1 1 u CONTI ACTOKd TO THI Admiralty India Office row I9tth Be |«t4«4 by tkk *«ut »lmy« Mk <W SLEDGE BRAND MILK. SANMLANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co. d ©cd accecoe ®cd#®cd< PRITCHARD 8 Cc. SOLE AGENTS
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  • 1498 3  -  [Br Tom Weight.] Sir Oliver Lodge, in the North American Review, has been pointing out how the Germans misapply the theory of evolution, with particular reference to the Darwinian struggle for existence.” Beasts are still under the law, we are told, but it is civilized man’s business to
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  • 427 3 Tms Court Martial. The case of Mauowar Ali, charged with exciting a mutiny and with joining in a mutiny, was concluded yesterday before the Court adjourned at tiffin time, says Thursday’s Strait• Timet. The man called no witnesses and contented himself with a brief statement in which he
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 424 3 < Id CO a Id os o Id (L if) Z < z < X u ffi o to i < SCOTCH WHISKY SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT’ lb B^.^nsK \t SCOTCH CHANA^ 4 JAMES bU^To^doj< oiasco^* BLACK&WHITE w ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY > r r «> ■o 2 o u
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    • 11 3 Far Obitoret»’* Hacking Owtgh »t Night, W*nd*\Groat Papparaiinft Oara la. M
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    • 416 3 “WESTMINSTER TURKISH CIGARETTES Above the chaos of impending ills Through all the clamour of insistent strife Now while the noise of arming nations fills Each throbbing hour with menaces to life I hear the voice of Progress. Wilcox 30C 39 ALLEN DENNYS CO.. Penang. o RUBBER BROKERS, PROPRIETORS OP THE
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pbicb. Daily Local M 924 per annus. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 ftß.~ All businass communication» should
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  • 1187 4 Not until Italy has actually drawn the sword and her troops have marched across the frontier shall we believe that King Victor Emanuel aud his Cabinet have really made up their minds that the monarchy is to come into the war to use a phrase that
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  • 883 4 Mr. T. E. Dunbleton, a Warder of the Gaol Department, is now in hospital. Inspector Lawrence has now been special* j lv detailed to superintend the town traffic. The King of Siam was to leave for Singora after the Siamese New Year ceremonies on April 1. r
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  • 938 4 Hero are couple of presents for Penang diners-out: Why is a woman in my position called a grass widow Because she makes hay of her reputation while the gun shines.’ It must be perfectly horrible to want love and have to do with goodness instead.” What is the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 AT The FRONT THE SUPER ICED COLOGNE. The FIRST BRITISH Preparation on Sale in this market. Sales are increasing rapidly and we have numerous testimonials to the Excellence of this article. ASK FOR THE SUPER BRAND. Price 40 and TO cents. AT ANY OF THE BRANCHES OF THE George Town
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  • 368 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegrams. SUBSTANTIAL FRENCH GAINS. Paris, April 9. A communique, issued this evening, states: Despite persistent bad weather,there have been fresh successes between the Meuse and the Moselle. A night attack at Eparges enabled ua to make a fresh bound in advance. We maintained our
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  • 182 5 RENEWED ACTIVITY. SUPREMACY ESTABLISHED. London, April 8. The French “Eye-Witness” states: Amidst the more glorious and more effective deeds of the army at large the activities of the ait men have been temporarily in the back-ground, but the fine weather and longer daylight have permitted a recrudescenoe
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  • 560 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. AN AGREEMENT REACHED. SANCTIONED BY GOVERNMENT. London, April 8. An agreement sanctioned by the British 1 Government has been reached between the London Chamber of Commerce and the owners of sixteen vessels interned at Padang and Sabang, by which cargo belonging to British,
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  • 773 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIGNIFICANT PREPARATIONS DEPARTURE OF THE GERMANS. Rome, April 8. The Syndic of Rome presided at a meeting held here aud attended by all the principal notabilities, at which it was decided to establish citizen committees to supervise all the resources of Italy
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  • 511 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. WELL-MERITED REWARDS. C.B. FOR "GLOUCESTER'S” CAPTAIN. London, April 9. The Press Bureau announces that a Companionship of the Bath has been bestowed on Captain William A. H. Kelly, m v.o., of H. M. S Gloucester, for chasing the German cruisers Goeben and Breslau on
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  • 59 5 {Renter.) London, April 9, The imports for the month of March show $n increase of .£8,643,603 and the exports a decrease of £14,342,595 as compared with the corresponding month last year.' 1 Among the imports food, drink and tobacco show an increase of £7,651,367. In the exports
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  • 51 5 {Reuter). London, April 8. T6e following are the London market prices: Copper, 71 5. Rubber, 2/6’ sellers. Linseed, Argentine, sellers Bombay 53/6 April and May. Wheat, Karachi, 58. Rosafe, 59/6. Lead, 23}. Iron; 67/3. Wheat, 64/3. Peas, 52/6. Linseed oil, 32/6. Shellac, May 61; August 6S. Rubber,
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  • 677 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. RESULTS TO DATE. ADMIRALTY STATEMENT. London, April 9. The Admiralty have issued a statement regarding the British merchant vessels sunk bv submarines during the past week. It shows that the week has been for the Germans the least successful except one since the
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  • 52 5 April 8 By Balance $13,820 90 9 Hon’ble A. R. Adams, monthly subscription for April 100.00 Staff of Pritchard Co., March subscription 95.00 Staff of Brown, Phillip-» Stewart, March subscription 75.00 Hoh Kun Ho 20.00 Balance April 9 ...$14,110.90 Remitted to London on
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  • 42 5 April 8 By Balance $3,883.44 9 H. D. Nicholson 10.00 Rockbam 8.00 J Balance April 9. $3,901.44 April 9 To H. M. Queen Elizabeth of Belgium £400 $3,420.94 Balance April 9 480 50 Amount previously acknowledged 11,744.74 Total ...$12,225.24
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  • 221 5 On Thursday morning, Mr. Justice Earnshaw granted a decree nisi to Mr. Joseph Alfred de Souza, of Cavanagh Road, who applied in forma pauperis for a divorce fr< m his wife, Mary Margaret, nĕe airhead, on the ground of her misconduct wi:h a German named Hans Dusa,
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  • 78 5 Low Sunday, April 11. 8-00 a.m. Matins (Choral) 8- a.m. Holy Communion 9- a.m Holy Communion (Chinese) 5-00 p.m. Sunday School 6 00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Hymn 125 Ye choirs of Now Jerusalem Psalm LIX LXI ra J Magnificat Foster 48 Nunc Dimittis Hull 62
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  • 68 5 Services will bo hold in the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, to-morrow at 9 a m. Specially for children, at 6 p.m. Public Worship for all. Subject of S?rmou at Evenink Service h 7 Kev. William Cross, M A., will bo: Christ’s plea for conversiou.” Hymns (from Church
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  • 481 5 lbs. Alma Estates, Ltd. 13,500 Bukit Toh AlaDg Rubber Estates, Ltd. 6,920 Cluny Rubber Estates, Ltd. 8,951 Cbemor Unitod Rubber Estates, Ltd. 11,186 Kota Bahroe Rubber Estates, Ltd. 27,275 Kinta Kellas Rubber Estates, Ltd. 14,300 Krian Kellas, Ltd. 420 Sbaughai Klebang Rubber Estates, Ltd. 6,946 Sungei
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  • 41 5 Obituary. Rt. Rev. James Moorhouse. Reuter) London, April 9. The death has taken place at the age of 89 of the Rt. Rev. James Moorhouse, Bishop of Mel bourn from 1876 to 1886 and Bishop of Manchester from 1886 to 1903.
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  • 488 6 Speaking of the Catholic Church and the war Maxima Raymond, in La Bibliothique Universelle for January, ridicules the idea, which has been much talked of, that the election of Benedict XV to the papal throne was a victory for the Triple Entente. It has often been
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  • 349 6 Dutch Queer and her Consort. Previous to his marriage fourteen years ago tho Prince Consort of the Queen of the Netherlands as Duke of Mecklenburg held a commission in the Kaiser’s Army. Thereby hangs the following tale which is current in this country and may have
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  • 72 6 A wounded officer who has arrived at Petrograd from the front recounts an amusing instance of the benefits of teetoalism. The commander of a company ordered 800 casks of spirit found in a captured German village to be poured into a fish pond. The fish became intoxicated
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  • 316 6 Spencer Campbell’s letter from Cape Town on The South African Rebellion and After,” appearing in The Fortnightly Review reviews the position with great fairness, and gives the reader a clear view of the human factors behind tho revolt: De Wet had never reconciled himself to the contrast
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  • 305 6 PEACE TO PREPARE FOR A FRESH WAR. A New Theory. Amsterdam, March 8. The Vor wart reproduces from tho Woehenschri/t a significant article by Herr Paul Rohrbach, who, it says, is usually well informed concerning the views of the Government in foreign policy.” The article, which is entitled
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  • 198 6 Home at 6.30 to-day," Oh, what a tumult of joy, Gnawing suspense flies away (God bless that telegraph boy). Savoury smells from the range, Dainties to tickle his taste, Nosegays of flowers to arrange— Hurry—make haste 6 40—ten minutes late! Tremors and needless alarms. Hark there’s a click
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  • 946 6 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I shall be greatly indebted to you if you would be kind enough to take the trouble of getting the following complaints lodged by not a few with reference to the bad conditions of the licensed motor-cars plying
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  • 508 6 German Managers ok British-Owned Estates To The Editor of the Straitt Times. Sie, —With reference to your leader in Tuesday’s issue, will you grant a small space for the insertion of this letter in your valuable paper Having quite recently paid a visit to Sumatra I
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  • 426 6 Rubber buying shops have recently been established in Kuala Kubu, Ulu Tam and Serendah. This will be the means of cutting down expenses to soma extent for native cultivators of small holdings who in the past have had to come to Kuala Lumpur to dispose of their small
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  • 986 6 The bitterly ill wind of the war haa blown us one little piece of good if we have re-read some of our old books in plaoe of the Dew ones that we have refrained from buying. For what is the cutting of a new book to
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  • 418 6 Taib Your Cmoic». The past few days have produced a number of predictions as to the next Viceroy of India. Mr. Winston Churchill is the first. He is a bit eclipsed by Lord Fisher just now and must be in the limelight and so why not India
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  • 146 6 The Dogger Bank engagement presents a somewhat pitiful contrast jto the success of the Falkland Jlslands,” says Mr. A. H. Pollen in the Westminster. Judged by the bare result, it was a most valuable success. A powerful ship was sunk. The Germans ran like hares and
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  • 108 6 A striking poster issued by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee runs Who made these little Islands the centre of the greatest and most powerful Empire the world heas ever seen ?—Our Forefathers. Who ruled this Empire with such wisdom and sympathy that every part of it—of
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  • 304 6 M. Paul Sabatier, in a letter to the Inquirer, says:— Our history for the last six months has been, above all, a series of moral emotions. And by an ineffable mystery these emotions are the same, and coincide in point of time, in all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 64 6 A Parent's Duty Tour boj is always getting scratched or cut ro bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that, every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing belter, and blood poison
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    • 47 6 Rob It In. A good many people think rheumatism can not be cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in existence and gives relief quicker, For Bale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 92 6 The Forty Tar Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty year*. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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  • 245 7 Once the spores of the Malaria parasite have become established in the blood something more efficacious than quinine—which at best is purely a palliative—is necessary to eliminate them. Unless these spores are completely exterminated they will remain dormant for varying intervals of time, only to break out
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  • 1341 7 TRADE, INDUSTRY AND FINANCE. Advantages that will Result. (By R J. Barrett, Editor of Tk« Financier-") I To attempt to cut up the lion’s skin before you have killed your lion is not a very wise proceeding. To speculate upon the advantages to this country of
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  • 727 7 De-Silting of Rivers. No one can travel through the mining districts of the F.M S. after a heavy rain withI out having brought home to him in the most convincing manner the growing necessity for dealing with the de-silting of the rivers. Everywhere are to be found
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 345 7 HOTEL NORMAN. Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. N.B.— In the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant as a going concern. URGE AIRY ROOMS FACING THE SEA. Under the patronage of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers, Colonial
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    • 8 7 K,Chronic Chest Complaints, -V Ui«*t mint (Jar* la.
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    • 195 7 OCZDC 0 n DOC DOC DOC XJooOOC BY ROYAL ”1 APPOINTMENT. Contraotora to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. ALL Government n o Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. s X i mwk AND ALL Leading Hospitals 0 O n THROUGHOUT The World. Milkmaid Brand
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2014 8 r\ I v.< XI Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Service Outward. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Intbndbd to Stbambr. Singapore. (Three times
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