Straits Echo, 26 February 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1147 1 ■■■■■«MMr«Maaa aaMaaailß WMN ORMEIMG SPECIFY fi "Doi Head Stout." s K s It is Strenfthening sad Itmgoratiai §•1« Agents TIANG LEE ft* Co.’ SPenamq A KnrUa Lumpur ■■DaaDDDiaiiauQ aaD Q la|||a □□naan Motor Garage 7*, Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Sealer EMPIRE CAR AS ILLUSTRATION. jGk •< BANKS
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    • 15 1 2 BUNGALOWS Nos. 142 A an i 1428. BURMAH ROAD. APPLY J 3, Beach Street.
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  • 1220 2 WHAT WE ARE DOING IN THE WAR Br Lotat Fraser There are signs of restiveness in some i quarters in France ai:d Russia regarding Great Britain’s share >n the war. It is ■uppo-ed that our preparations are 100 deliberate, and, to put it bluntly, that we
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  • 806 2 M <re suddenly than in quieter lustres many men havo realized that they ate no longer young War draws a prompter and sharper distinction between tbo young and i the old than most of the pursuits and pastimes of peace and the discovery for the i first
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 Don’t Cough. It is absurd to allow a ecu h to bane on and sip ycur vitality when Chamberlain’s Cnnch R-m'*dy vs pi cure you. You don’t know where a persistent c: vgh will lmd you. You cun’t afford to allow your th oat and lungs to become diseased when
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    • 193 2 Huttenbach Bros. 8 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTOR SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of L «a ACHINERY. Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: 111 MUM lELEPIOIE 00.. LID. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be
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  • 444 3 A few Sundays ago, the subject of the First Lesson was the not very reputable Utory of the patriarch who, with almost Germauic disregard of the decencies, prostijtuted his wife to Pbaroah that he might save bis own miserable skm and eojoy for a I while the flesh
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  • 193 3 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dkar Sir, Will you be good enough to publish a poet composed by me iu your daily paper, free of charge P If so, I will send you sum» 1 more poets. I herein enclose you the original of one.
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  • 166 3 Ladies’ Monthly Medal for February, 1915. Result. Mrs Powell 40 41= 81 —l6= 65 Mrs Park 40 35= 75 10=65 Mrs R K 099 43 43= 86—20=66 Mr > Brereton Martin 37 37= 74 7=67 Mrs Hoefeid 41+42= 83 —16=67 Mrs Mudie 47 92—24=68 Miss Barnett 46
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  • 195 3 Claim or an Eastikn Bank. Before the Bight Hon. Sir Samuel Evans (President), in the case of the Syria (part cargo ea), the Crown claimed condemnation of 195 bales of straw braid seized bv the collector of Customs in the Port of London ea the P. AO.
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  • 619 3 i To thi Editor or tib Malay Mail. Sir, —As Tipperary has been translat ed into Malay and Chinese (Hokkien), hope your many readers will not criticis my efforts to too great an extent in m; endeavour to translate this well known son| into Tamil. Tippareri pogha mendal
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 412 3 Lest you forge'! Beware of the gee'e when the fox preaches and M Be timely wi e rather than wise in time.” To-Night! To-Night! THE STRAITS CINEMA, PENANG ROAD. The Leading Premier Show in Penang AND The People’s Favourite Rendezvous. WILL PRESENT 3 Reels! The Girl and the Tiger 3
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    • 420 3 SWEET HESTNUT m i s and a s Work for all men— For all men rest, And a time to taste the joysjofjlife. WILCOX j? The Bernese Alps Milk Co. J CONTRACTOR? TO TUB Admiralty India Office FOR IMp. Be f«Mei fcy tfcfe uA nhmyi uk flbr SLEDGE BRAND MILK.
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sun '.ays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. OutBtation... Postage Extra. Is ail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All buainM* ccmmunicatkmii
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  • 18 4 Anderson —On 26th February at Sentosa”, Penang, the wife of L. J. C. Anderson of a son.
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  • 1103 4 From the compiler of statistics we expect accuracy. the sort of nimble accuracy that makes the totals on both sides exactly equal and is so astounding to those who do not know how to juggle with figures. But the compiler of the January trade returns is more
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  • 127 4 A REASSURING STATEMENT. From the Resident-Couucillor we hare received for publication the following statement telegraphed yesterday by the Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor:— The safe area was further enlarged to-day and the limits now extended have been published by the Provost-Marshal. The situation throughout the
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  • 782 4 Mrs. H. M. Hatchell has returned to the F.M S. from England. Mr. W. P. Pinckney is a passenger to Singapore by the P. and O. s. s. Malwa. Mr. W. Dunman sailed from London by the Malwa for Malaya on February 6th. The Sarawak Gazette hears
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  • 947 4 In Lent, my dear,” said the thoughtful mother, we all ought to give up some little pleasure Ndw, what small sacrifice of a pleasure can you make I’m giving U p BUj?ar in my tea.” With brutal frankness the little girl replied, Oh, I’ll not gi T 0
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 246 4 HOOOOOOOOOOOCOOGCOCQOOOCOCOOOfl o 0 AINO CHEANO St Co., 59, Magazine Spad. o We have just unpacked a large consignment of private rickshaws of the O latest type which can be fitted with English-made wheels, etc. complete and can l>e had at prices which defy competition. O O O O O O
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  • 581 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FURTHER PROGRESS. London, February 24. A Paris communique says There is nothing to report except a few guccessful actions by our troops near Auberives-sur-Suippe and further progress to the north of Perthes. Eye-witness’s Account. London, February 24. The Eye-Witness at Headquarters, in his
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  • 620 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram MORE STEAMERS SUNK. London, February 24. Ihe steamer which was reported yesterday to be in distress was the Oakby from London to Cardiff. She sank to-day while being towed. Her crew was landed at a Ramsgate and Dover. London, February 25. The craw
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  • 450 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. QUESTION IN THE LORDS. London, February 24. 5 In the House of Lords, Lori Mayo again drew attention to the grievances of the officers of the Indian Expeditionary Force which he had mentioned on January Bth and gave further instances of hardship. Lord
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  • 702 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FIERCE FIGHTING. Petrograd, February 25. A Petrograd communique states Two regiments of the Corps surrounded in East Prussia broke through the enemy’s lines in the forest of Augustovo and rejoined the Russians. The Germans are making repeated attacks on the whole of the
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  • 250 5 Th* Turkish Failuki. —General Liman von Sanders, who planned the Cacasus campaign, and handed it over to Enver Pasha to execute, must be having a bad time of it with the German Staff, for military failure is an unpardonable crime in Germany, and ii always punished. Yon Sanders
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  • 47 5 {Reuter.) London, February 24. The following are the London market prices: Tallows 44/6 Copper «£64§ Wheat, White Karachi 60/4, Delhi 60/9, Rosafe 62/6, paid Linseed 54/6 Hemp j£27, paid Tin JEI79 Iron j£s9 Wheat 61/6, buyers, 64/6 Linseed 52/3, paid Shellac unchanged Copra J 029.
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  • 88 5 The following articles will be found in our outside pages Page. 2. England and Her Allies: What we are Doing in the War. The Wild Clematis. 3. —Casual Comments. The Prize Court. More Tipperary. Penang Golf Club. A War Poet.” 6. —War and Civilisation. Affairs in China. Martial Music.
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  • 291 5 Before Mr. G. M Laid law, ia the Police Court, TiUptug, the story of a burglary com* mittod on Norseman Estutr>, about 12 miles fom Taiping, was unfolded by Inspector A. Doei, who prosocutod three Sikhs: (1) Abdul Rahman alia* Roda Singh, alias Ali, alia s Sueh
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  • 167 5 The Janopakari” Case. Appeal Dismissed. The hearing was concluded this morning, before the Full Court of Appeals, of the appeal of A. M. Abdul Kadar and K. M S. Seeni Tambi, Proporiofcors of the Janopukari Daily News, against tho decision of Mr. G. A. Hall who awarded a claim for
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  • 192 5 Before Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton this morning a Malay woman, named Hajimah, was charged with maiming a calf, the property of one Tambi. The accused claimed trial. Tambi, the complaiuant, testified that ho let his two calves (ut to graze, but on his return at
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  • 43 5 There will be moonlight performances on the Esplanade on the night? of Sunday, 28th February, and Monday, Ist March, commencing at 9 o’clock on each evening, on the occasion of the Chinoso Festival of Cbap-Goh-Mei. Programmes will lie published later.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 79 5 THE G«EAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. 11 »ai> Office :—SING A POK K. Life Assurance and Endowment in AH forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent» for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY CO. Local Office: No. 7, Union Stssht. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has
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  • 996 6 How arc Great Advances Won Dr D. 8. Cairn®, of Aberdeen, iu No 12 of Papers for War i im i (Oxford University Pres® 2d asks How are great advance$ in human life non t Many forces work together to the common end. Economic factor® have their
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  • 946 6 Some Educational Problems. The closing of tho schools and colleges for the China New Year holidays, and the meeting of the East China Educational Con- 1 ference during the past week, have turned a large number of minds to educational topics during tho past few days. The
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  • 1836 6  -  Bt 1 E B. Osborn. How to write songs for our soldiers and sailors to sing here is a question which is vexing the souls of poets and poetasters at the present moment In comparison with German or Russian troops—when Russian soldiers sing as they march a diapason
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  • 958 6 In its annual Financial Review The Times states with regard to China It is still early days to state the actual fleet of the wir on the finances of the 'hinese Government. Customs duties and l»kin together provide about one third of its levenue, but
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  • 540 6 Herr von Bethmaun Hollweg is unfortu. nate in his choice of lauguage or else in the choice of the newspaper correspondent to whom he entrusts his thoughts. He hdg been attempting to explain to the American public through the agency of a tive of the Associated
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 Pot CbiUirua’a Hacking Congk at Nigkt, Wco U’.Oiaal i'apptrmimt Cm it, M
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    • 48 6 t Man wauts but little here below, liut wants that little long, If lif > be wishes to enjoy Among the gladsome throng. 1 ut if he would long life eoj >y, Ai d le from colds secure, i hen he must taka the remedy— Woods’ Great Peppermint Onre.
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    • 36 6 Just What You Need. Don’t suffer for years from a disordered stomach. A few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets will put you right. They are just what you med. For s ala bj all Di^pensaries and Dealeri.
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    • 72 6 :xrr ntmu Pisk ncumoni», CJ.-t rid of every cold a- quic ly as possible. It is tin fo e*unoer t-f all pu moniry trouble, and poeunion'a nosy develop ia a few bou s. Take Cbarub-r! i d’s Cou?h It is a simple tbmg to do, but tbe effect is marvellous.
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    • 38 6 A Forty Yem’ Test. Chain) erlain’s Cough Remedy has b“«n curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity erery year. What bett-r recommendation is required For sate by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 231 6 WANTED. T >■<* a A temporary Boarding Officer for the Marine Department, PenaDg. Salary 100 per month. Applicants must be good c’ass Eurasians. D. C MACINTYRE, Harbour Matter, Penang. Marine Department, Penang, 26th February, 1915. 122 NOTICE. CHAP-GOH-MEH. On the 27th and 28th February and the Ist March, 1915, from
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  • 1213 7 r I Behind the Scenes. I [fly Anthony Nugent 1 1 Loudou, January 27. J Lam glad such a hearty storm of indigI nation has beeu raised oyer what I described last week. A confirmation <if all I wrote I has apj Hired in what is
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  • 772 7 We are heartily glad to see, in the last 'Times Literary supplement received from Home, a fair and square condemnation of the tripper who will persist in giving his (or her) opinions on China to the world or, rather, to that verv tiny section of the world
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 364 7 THE SHOW OF SURPRISES LONG LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST WILLISOM S BRITISH AMERICAN CIRCUS AND MAMMOTH MENAGERIE Presenting an all Star company of CIRCUS CELEBRITIES culled from Ihe World’s GREATEST SHOWS A rare and costly ZOOLOCICAL COLLECTION OF TRAINED ANIMALS. Tigers, Leopards, Black panthers. Cassouarys Beautiful Birds, M-rry Monkeys,
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    • 84 7 Beware of Colds. Children ire much mere likely to contract the contagious di>ea*es when they have colds Whooping diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are I often contracted when the child has a cold. I That is why all medical authorities say be- ware of colds For the
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    • 10 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Wood»' ftraat Psppmmint Cara. U &d
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    • 201 7 OCDC 0 n DOC DOC DOC DOcsoCDOC BY ROYAL T! APPOINTMENT. Contractors -to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. o r\ vj 0 o 0 ALL Government Hospitals IN THE 1 Straits Settlements i AND Federated Malay States. o n S RAM a V k. l R (AAR
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1886 8 •4L Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION GO., LTD Mar. 5 Malta 19 Sardinia ▲pi. 3 Nubia Egypt 'Apr.
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