Straits Echo, 24 February 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1144 1 f s m s wwn mnm specify M Dof Head Stollt. Y. S V i\ S It is Strenftheniai and Inri*oratiM f J A U: TIANG LfcE ft* Co., P«nano <& Kuala humour iiHDaDDDDiMiaaDnuaDiiaißi anonna Georgetown Motor Garage 7*. Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Seater EMPIRE CAR AS
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    • 18 1 TO LET. bungalows Nos. 142 A and 4428. BURMAH ROAD. APPLY S 3, Beach Street. i -£5 e‘
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  • 1011 2 We have very plainly and strongly expressed the opinion that the silence of the Administration, on the unparalleled efforts which this country is making to prosecute the war upon the Continent, is unjustifiable and dangerous In the autumn the Prime Minister did not htsitate to
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  • 795 2 Quaint Turkish War News: Relations With Allies. The Constantinople correspondent of a Rotterdam contemporary, writing at Christmas time, says We have suddenly become a great deal wiser about the course of affairs in the various theatres of the war iu which Turkey is concerned For instance, we
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  • 143 2 Friday February 26 Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. 1 Fantasia Thessalian Thiere 2 Lincers The Cisiuo Girl Shaw 3 Waltz Passing of Salome. Joyce 4 Bohottiscbe Big Small Drum Morena 5 March Oriental Echoes Rosey Corporal Kwitb, of the Foreign Leeion, appeared before the court-martial of Hansi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 412 2 THE SHOW OF SURPRISES LONG LOOKED FOR COME AT LA'T WILLIiOn s, BRITISH AMERICAN CIRCUS AND MAMMOTH MENAGERIE Presenting an all Star company of CIRCUS CELEBRITIES culled from the World’s GREATEST SHOWS A rare and costly ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTION OF TRAINED ANIMALS. Tigers, Leopards, Black panthers, Cassonarys Beautiful Birds, M«rry Monkeys,
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    • 38 2 Just Wkt You Ned. Don’t suffer for years from a disordered .-t m eh. A few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets will put you right They are just what you not d For sale by all Dispensaries •iuJ Dealers.
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    • 330 2 PROWODNIK MADE IN RUSSIA U V dr O O A A?o\ 2 S? Y -VOI .y v > •aS'.a' V V: tji'cny VvSsSr FROM ALL CARACES OR SELLAR, MURRAY CO., PENANG IN THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR HENRY AUSTEI> MEREDITH, deceased. Pursuant to the Conveyancing and of Property Ordinance 1886 Section
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    • 86 2 H w DOCTC 5» ACETIC ACID Guaranteed 96 per cent, and Free from all Traces of Copper. Packed in Demijohns containing 44 1 lb. each. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM CODOWN. Special Price for Large Quantities. APPLY TO The Eastern Trading Co., 35, PITT STREET, PENANG. :ooc METHYLATED SPIRITS! (Quality Gu*;r?.nteed) Wholesale
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  • 1284 3 IN THE NAME OF THE KINO. Arthur Young, Governor and Ooinmauder-in-Cbief. Martial Law is hereby proclaimed throughout the Settlement of Singapore in supremacy of all Civil Authority. M >jor 'J houipson id he>eby appointed Provost Marsnal with authority to act. Dated this lSih day of February, 1915. In the
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  • 181 3 The ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, which was held yesterday j afternoon, was of a formal nature. There were present Messrs. W Peel (President), P. T Allen, Yeoh Gum Sank, F. Duxbuiy, Quah Bene Kee. and Lim Eow Hong, with Mess s. W. S. Dunn (Municipal Engineer)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 463 3 Ivest you forget. I “Beware of the gee'e when the fox preaches” and Be timely wi.e rather than wise in time.” To-Night! To-Night!! Commencing Wednesday, the 24th Feh. 1915 and following 2 Mights. THE STRAITS CINEMA, PENANG ROAD. The Leading Premier Show in Penang AND The People’s Favourite Rendezvous. WILL
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    • 165 3 SWEET CHESTNUT TOE i s and i s M m;aa«i Work for all men— For all men rest, And a time to taste the joys of life. WILCOX FALMOUTH HOUSE FARQUHAR STREET (LATE SEA VIEW HOTEL.) rs. TreDgove begs to announce that she has taken the above premises, and on
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  • 101 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TH3 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local 324 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. ITaii Edition (Post Free) 317.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 580 Printing Department .343 •At P. All businaos ccratnunicatioas nhould
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  • 1396 4 This morning, for the first time for over a week, we received our Singapore exchanges, the Free Press and the Straits Times of Monday, the 22ad, both reaching us through the mail in the ordinary way. Wo have clipped from one of them the Proclamations regarding the
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  • 137 4 FURTHER CAPTURES. FRENCH NAVAL FORCE DEPARTS. This morning the Resident-Councillor sent us for publication the following telegram received yesterday from the Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor: To-day a few more captures of mutineers of the sth Light Infantry have been made and four men have
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  • 595 4 The Bishop of Singapore and Mrs. Ferguson Davie did not leave for home by the mail on Friday, as they had intended. The second son of the Hon’blo Dr. Gilmore Ellis has been gazetted seoond lieut. in the London Fusiliers, so a wire received on Saturday states.
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  • 959 4 From a thoroughly reliable source we learn that the German prison*, in Singapore, far from entertaining a who' e some respect for their guard of Singapore Volunteers, were actually in the habit f jeering at them when they were oil duty It is forty-one years to day since
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 178 4 The rose that lives its little hour Is prized beyond the sculptured flower.” \p FLEUR Lubin’s Otto of Idose is an exceptional!) (in ■> for the handkerchief. Thope who admire a breath of flowers should ns this. It is British made throughout. Free trial allowed. Size ozs Packed in
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  • 582 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. RECEIVED 24TH OF FEB. AT 9 A.M. SAFE ARRIVAL AT CAIRO. Cairo, February 23. Forty European residents of Bagdad, of w hom thirty-seven are Englishmen, have arrived at Alexandria by the Italian learner Syr acuta from Mersina. Among them were the missionary
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  • 460 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. RHEIMS AGAIN BOMBARDED. Paris, February 23. Last evening’s communique says The enemy violently bombarded Rheims on Sun lay night and Monday, causing numerous victims who were thus made to pay for tho German defeats of the last few I days. Bombs oa Calais.
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  • 91 5 London, February 23. It is unofficially stated that BrigadierGeneral John Gough has died of wounds received last Saturday. Brigadier-General John Gough, vo c M.G., was born in 1871 and entered the Army Rile Brigade in 1892. He served in British Central Africa 1896—97 (medal), the Nile
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  • 147 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FOOD AS CONTRABAND. London, February 23. Id the House of Commons, Admiral Lord Charles M P. for Portsmouth, suggested that the Allies should issue a Note stating their determination to enforce stringent measures makiag foodstuffs and raw materials absolute contraband with a view
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  • 107 5 THE DYE INDUSTRY. STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS. London, February 23. During the course of a debate in the House of Commons on the Government’s aniline dye scheme Mr. Walter Runciman, President of the Board of Trade, stated that the Government had arranged to supply raw materials
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  • 329 5 London, February 22. The papers publish sympathetic references to the death of the late Mr. Gokhale. Mr. Ameer Ali, Sir Krishna Gupta, Sir Mancherjee Bhownagree, and other Indian notables are calling a public meeting to express their deep sense of sorrow at the irreparable loss India
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  • 242 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. PRO-INTERVENTION MEETINGS. ANTI-WAR PARTY MOBBED. Rome, February 22. An independent Socialist movement in favour of the intervention of Italy by the side of the Allies ii assuming large dimensions. Important demonstrations took place throughout the country yesterday. There was great enthusiasm at
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  • 183 5 British Submarines —The notification in the London Gazette that Lieutenant Basil A. 'Beal was appointed to the Dolphin for command of W 8 on commissioning, undated, seems to have mystified a section of the press. As the classification of our submarines by letters had only progressed as far
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  • 95 5 The following articles will be found in our outside pages Page. 2. —English Efforts and French Opinion. A Constantinople Letter. Band Programme. 3. —Proclamations In the Name of the King. Municipal Commission. 6. The Spring Campaign. The Quiet New Year: Law-Abiding Chinese. Emile Verhaeren. Bukit Mertajam Cases. Late War
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  • 724 5 The Annual Social and Business Meeting of the Presbyterian Church was held last evening in the Masonic Hall from 5.30 to 7.30, when there was a very good attendance of members and friends. Rev. William Cross, u presided. The Hall was tastefully decorated, and during the first
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  • 229 5 A Good Turn-out. The members of the Penang Volunteer Corps are doing strenuous work. Last night all members of the Corps, who hsd reported themselves, were ordered to be in the perimeter at 8 p.m in order to be in readiness for a skirmish early the next morning.
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  • 101 5 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. De ir Sir, 1 beg to advise that a sum of .£lO.OOO has to-day lieen remitted by telegraphic transfer to H- K. H The Priuce of Wales, Bucking* Pal ice, for the National Relief Fund, being the first instalment
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  • 114 5 Feb. 22 By Balance $87,079.15 23 Ycoh Chin Kee 200.00 Staff of Messrs. R. Young for Feb. 100.00 Staff of Penaug Harbour Board 75.90 Amount collected by Mr. Jas Phipps as follows: Land Office aud Registry of Deeds 24.40 Treasury Office 7 50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 122 5 KTOTICB. r>EQUIRED for Rubber Estite in XV Perak an Eugine Driver. Must bare the necessary certificate. Apply stating wages required to BOX 603, c/o Messrs. Brown Phillips «I Stewart. 24-2-15 118 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. lisAi) Office:— SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES.
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  • 15 5 Obituary. London, February 22. The death has taken place of Colone Thomas Holbrow Goldney, c.».
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  • 990 6 LAW-ABIDING CHINESE. A Grave Misconception. The Ipoh correspondent of the Malay Mail states There had been a good deal of quiet speculation in Kinta as to how the Chinese New Tear would be spent The uncertainty of the times and the long spell of low prices
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  • 1358 6 On December 21 last it was reported by German Main Headquarters that au Army Order dated December 17, and signed by General J off re, had been found on a French officer who had been taken prisoner, and that in the Order the French Commander-in-Ohief had ann
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  • 234 6 At the Bukit Mertajim Police Court, before Mr. R. Scott, yesterday, a' Eurasian named Anthony Andrew, who pleaded guilty to a chirge of cheating one Ng Kia Hee, a vegetable seller, by personation by falsely pretending to be a police officer and thereby dishonestly inducing Ng Kia
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  • 300 6 FROM DUICH SOURCES. Telegrams to the Java Papers. The Soer Handelsblad learns from the i Hag'ie that in a special telegram to the Vicerov of India at Cvlcutta regarding the German field operations in East Prussia and Poland it is stited that in Berlin there is great
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  • 1173 6 By R. A. Scott- Jambs. Many English people and many Belgians will go to the Kings way Theatre to-day to see a play written by the greatest of Belgian men of letters, and perhaps the greatest living p'iet of the world It is curious that, if we except
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  • 366 6 “Great Events will take 1 lace Beeour Long.” Paris, January 16. A contributor to the well known periodical Lectures Pour Tout gives an account to day of a visit which he paid to General Foch at the front. The situation is good,” said the Genoral, very good.
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  • 237 6 The following was the result of the shooting at Kampong Bahru yesterday. 300 yds. Mrs Liston 30 Mrs Webb 25 Miss Matbieu 22 Miss Smith 21 Miss Sellers 20 Mrs Wright-Motion 19 Miss M Pritchard 14 Mrs Hart 12 Miss Pritchard 11 Mrs Hardinge 4 150
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  • 757 6 THE U6E OF MINES. (Bt Fred T. Jane). The mine is a very old mvention, being nothing but a development of that “petard" with which the engineer was hoisted as mentioned by Shakespeare. It was first developed along modern lines by the Hussians at the time of the
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  • 128 6 The Straits Cinema presents to night a special feature in three reels, entitled The Girl and The Tiger,’, supported by the latest Eclair Jovirnals, Warwick Chronicle! and a three-reel comic, Max Gets Too Much Mother-in-law.” The first fifteen parts out of a total of twenty-five of the famous
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 40 6 Call wifi early, mother deir If you do, of my recovery You really need have no frftr. For it's doing me pood already, ’Tis really a life ienewvr! I't* always *aid it's tbe best, of all— Woods’ Great Peppeimint Cur*.
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    • 39 6 A Forty Ye»n’ Test. ('hamherKin’s Cough Remedy hag been curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and ha» gained in popularity every voir. What better recommendation is reQU red For sale by all I>iapanaanos and f)e ilars.
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    • 9 6 For Chronic Che#l Complaint#, Qr*»t Pnpp«nijißf Cara. 1« 6d
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    • 51 6 Don't Risk nromonii. Get rid of every cold as quicVly ai possible. Tt is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thiDg to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 73 6 Tf u It is absurd to allow a cough to hane on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough R medy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will land You cnn t afford to allow your throat un es diseased when it i* such a simple
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  • 1538 7 Zeppelin Tot for Princes. Returning from Berlin three months after the war, au English governess to a princely family related to the Kaiser gives a striking account in her book, just published. of her meeting with the Kaiser aud Bernhardi, and of how the prince’s
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  • 526 7 AFTER THE FIGHTING. A Trip Through. Mr. Cyril Baxeudale, of Jugra Estate, who arrived in Penang on Siturday by tha P. and O. Mongolia, ha i the unforgettable experience of passing through the Suez Canal a few hour» after the Turks had been foiled in their attempt
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 504 7 HOTEL NORMAN, Pen&ng’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. tf.H. —In the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant as a going concern. Those wishing to support tbeir own countrymen are asked to give their patronage only to
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    • 12 7 Ftw Children s Hacking Cough at Night, Grant [‘«p0nmt«i Car* la 4»d
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    • 233 7 OCDC 0 DOC DOC DOC DOocxDOC BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Contractors to: THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. \J n o n u o r\ ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. m l I NSNOjfs^ i A NATU AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1655 8 Wireless Telejrsphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service Homeward. Date. Steamer. Connecting with S.S. Due London. Mar. 5 Malta 19 Sardinia A pi. 3 Nubia Egypt
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