Straits Echo, 22 February 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1143 1 WHIM OmRIMG SPECIFY E “Dog Head Stout." s X It is Strengthening end Invigorating, A*e»t»: TIANG LEE ©> Co., PencM'i A KwHa Lumpur iiiDDcaDDiiiiinaaaDaii aiia nnnnna Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Seater EMPIRE CAR AS ILLUSTRATION. -f BANKS Chartered Bank of India, j
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    • 15 1 TO LET. 2 BUNGALOWS Nos. 142 A and 1428. BURMAH ROAD. APPLY 53, Beach Street.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 DRINK STv i 'J4S PW k^hhß I i p HfSi mWM ssi i Is ®g m m m sft a»t I IB is; a I 3ft RECOGNISE i the LEADING BRAND ON THE SOLE AGENTS: KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. 9 PENANG
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  • 1165 3 Rcbbbr Exports Riiumid Undbe Strict Government Supervision— Nbw Book oir Rubber Irdubtkt. The necessary arrangements having been concluded with the Government, shipment of raw rubber to the United States on a limited scale has already begun. Henceforward the volumo of exports will no doubt steadily expand There are
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  • 796 3 The Army and the People. Au illuminating incident has occurred in Canton. A few weeks ago certain soldiers, during the occurrence of some local feast, became embroiled with the populace, and a free fight ensued in which the soldiers resorted to the us-i of their firearms and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 269 3 3MK..: vr ,U JI-lU. .V m: v w.: HUTTENBACH B™&C o. SOLE AGENTS FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Have much pleasure in announcing the arrival oi THE NEW MODEL! No. 10. n m r a Sr, h mu 9« m m» -y< uLUti Jf IB in i TTTTrrn ill Hi wm. m
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  • 2225 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, January 22. The raid on the Eastern coasts by the German aircraft was not eutirely uuex- j pected. The meteorological conditions were ▼ery favourable to the raiders. The week i was the darkest of the month —the darkest of the year —and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 389 4 For Chronic Ghost Complaints, Woods’ Or»if I’aiiji s'minf ('»ro Nervousness Anosmia, Indigestion, and Awful Nervous Terrors cured by Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. Mrs. Florence Higge, of 97, Gordonroad, Peckham, London, S.E., says:— I owe my life to Dr. Caeeell’a Tablets. I was so weak and nervous that 1 could not bear
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    • 340 4 r«'. <®. ®®®<SK5 PETER KER LAGEI' r n Sr. v rS, r* w V.-' V. W ’-k. "N T. I -J X <***> to/ to to 1 v 'V Pi f K F* t he Bov ,to to'J y to totoOki».(C«L LITTl PE ER SSfKBHBSraE? FROM ALL FiRST CLASS DEALERS
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  • 549 5 Ad idea for yet farther equalising the bids at Auction has been brought to my notice. At a first glance the idea seems practical and sound, but how it would come out in practice I am not in a position to say. Personally, I played a few rubbers
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  • 445 5 America’s Ignoble Position. What to-day’s history is sayiug about I *ileut bystanders is also shown bv a notable I message sent to the Chicago Daily News by Mr. E. P Bell, tho London correspondent of that journal. A Shameless Lack cf Idealism “Conversations with persons
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  • 325 5 [To tub Editor or the Time* of MalayaJ] Sib, —Now that recruiting has been resumed, could yon not give your readers some idea as to where the men who now come for- ward will be sent. 1 I understand some 500 Ceylon men, after a strenuous training
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  • 173 5 To the Editor ok the Straits Echo. Sib, —I am directed by the Governor to inform you that His Excellency has received a telegram from the secretary of State requesting that notice may be given in the press to the effect that the Board of Trade
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  • 130 5 Kuala Lumpur District Planters. We have been supplied by the Kuala Lumpur D. P. A witb the following list of planters from the Kuala Lumpur district who have left to serve in the war Messrs. F. W. Hiniugs and E. Healy, Petaling Estate; P. FJ. Fawcett Barry,
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  • 91 5 There was an “At Home” at Mr. Keng’s Bungalow, inßurmrh Road, last Saturday afternoon, in connection with the regular Saturday afternoon meeting of the Y M. C. A. Among those present were the Rev. William Cross, m a., who led the meeting in the
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  • 38 5 Monday February 22. Esplanade, C to 7 pm. 1 Selection. La Traviata... Verdi 2 Quadrille La Aux Amour Metra 3 Waltz Songe D’Autumn Joyce 4 Garotte Stephanie Czibulka 5 March The Stars and Stripes Forever Sousa.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 424 5 < Id </) a UJ Q£ -i < u UJ CL </> W z < < z u ffi o i n 111 SCOTCH WHISKY vA^ «sss@®? X S, t«3 90 r*i SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT” to ~0 70 O "D > BLACK WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY D m
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    • 46 5 Just before the battle, mother, I was thinking most of you. Wandering whether you were taking What I told you for the flu.” But I know that you will never Fail to take that fine Renewer, Which has put new life in thousandsWoods' Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 181 5 SWEET CHESTNUT i s and s 4 m Work for all men For all men rest, And a time to taste the joye’of life. WILCOX /pzpc .-."imzzH t■ ;oc=zdcx =>l- —tu FALMOUTH HOUSE FARQUAHAR STREET, (LATE SEA VIEW HOTEL.) Jwrs. TreDgove begs to announce that she has taken the ~j
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  • 95 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All bugioes* communications should b*
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  • 495 6 After making every allowance for the abnormal condition of affiirs existing in Singapore, the dislocation which doubtess prevails in every Government department there, and the extreme pressure under which certain high officials are working, we tel bound to say that we cannot regard the official statement regarding
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  • 627 6 In view of recent events in Singapore we should hardly have thought it necessary to impress once more upon all able-bodied Europeans of military age in Penang the urgent duty of joining the Volunteers. There are, however, still quite a number l of young men, to all
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  • 127 6 Monthly Medal for February, 1915. Result. S F B Martin 44 +37=81-scr. =Bl G W Park 52 46=98-16 =B2 G A Hall 46 43=89 7 =B2 W R Armstrong 45 +45 90— 7 =B3 Messrs T 8 Nash, C C Rogers. C T Heath, F A Pledger,
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  • 754 6 Mr. Arthur Lampard’s »on has been killed in action. Mr. R. Crichton is to act as Second Assistant Colonial Secretary, Singapore. Mr. G. H. Dickinson, of the Straits Civil Service, has passed the final examination in Tamil. Mr. M. Hellier, Inspector of Schools, Penang, visited St. Xavier’s
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  • 989 6 The only peace advocate worth anythin is the man who can hit the bull’s-eve at r o? yards nine times out of ten. w 1 Were the prisoners- of-war from th Emden housed in the same camp or ban-act at Singapore as the civilian prisoners f u j
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 “The rose that lives its little hour Is prized beyond the sculptured flower.” m nfUR LH I’iesse Lubin’s Otto of Rose is an exceptionallj fine per him for the handkerchief. Those who admire a breath of flowers should usj this. It is British made throughout. Free trial allowed. Size ozs
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    • 38 6 ■*jumuk wit i mbmm—aaa—Bg—fcaa—n—<w———imßl Death. Low. —At 22, Ceylon Lane, on Saturday, 20ih February, Nonya Low Mali I£ew, mother of Messrs. Ho Chye Ghee, Ho Cbye Teong aud Ho Chye Sein. Ipoh, Singapore and Rangoon papers please copy.
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  • 470 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram Reckived 22nd of Feb. at 9 a.m. review of the operations. Pari*, February 20. The French Eye-Witness, describing the operations from February 2 to February 17, states: Despite the detestable weather, the period ha« been good for the Allies whose artillery obtained very
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  • 21 7 San Francisco, February 21. Panama Exhibition was opened by Wilson who pressed a button at Kington. Forty-one nations participated.
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  • 44 7 tiup* R0TH or Prut, on which river ans are k® forming a new ront rise8 n Austrian Bukovina, p aD< 80U *h* forming the frontier f 6 r, n u aania and Russia,, and joins DlJ be from the left at Keni.
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  • 769 7 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. germav-american tension. Washington, February 19. To-day s press comments show that the German reply to the American Note on the subject of neutral shipping has only exacerbated American opinion. breach Vessel Torpedoed. Paris, February 19. A Germau submarine torpedoed the French steamer Dinnrah
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  • 481 7 HEAVY GERMAN LOSSES. Paris, February 20. A Paris communique states: The Germans bombarded Nieuport I Bains and the dunes. Wo replied effectively I The Germans used important forces to I attack us eastward of Ypres. The enemy, I after an intense bombardment, attacked with the bayonet but
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  • 303 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FORTS AT THE ENTRANCE ENGAGED. London, February 20. At eight in the morning yesterday a British fleet of battleships, bittle cruisers, and destroyers, aided bv a strong French squadron, the whole commanded by ViceAdmiral Carden, attacked the forts at the entrance of
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  • 78 7 The annual social and business meeting of the Presbyterian Church will be held to-morrow (Tuesday) evening in the Masonic Hall from 5.30 to 7.30. Reports will be presented about the wor’i done in 1914, and there will be an election of Managers for the coming year. All
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  • 133 7 Aaaual General Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, February 22. At the meeting of the New Serendah Rubber Company Mr. F. G. Harvey, who presided in the absence of Mr. Macfadyen, stated that after accounting for the depreciation there was a net profit of $58,469,
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  • 90 7 The following articles will be found iu our outside pages Page. 3. Rubber Notes. Affairs iu China. 4. —Our War Letter. 5 —Recruiting in Malaya. A British Trade Fair. Bridges Notes. The Powers and the War. At the Front. The Y. M. C. A. (Asiatic). Band Programme. 8. Late
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  • 476 7 OFFICIAL STATEMENT. List of the Killed and Wounded. Through tho Resident-Councillor, we have received from the Private Secretary to His Excelloncy the Governor the following official statement regarding tho mutiny of the Fifth (Native) Light Infantry in Singapore The local forces assisted by a detach- I ment
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 A Forty Yem’ Tot. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity every year. What better recommendation is required P For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 409 7 f r. A L iter Statement. Tliis m >rni;ig the Resident* Council ’or forwarded to us for publication tbo following additional inf rmitiou received from tie Secretary to lb> Eic< Honey tiro G >vernor A British regime;;! has strived at Singapore. Numerous capture- ntinue to be made, som six'y
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  • 646 8 Copyright Telegram. SITUATION IN EAST PRUSSIA. Amsterdam, February, 19. An c-ffi.'ial warning bas been issued in Berlin to the refugees from Ea9t Prussia telling them cot to re*u r n too hastily to their homes. It states that a new situation has been created, but it does
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  • 629 8 Copyright Telegram. Paris, February 19. The official communique says “The night and day were mostly calm. There was artillery liveliness in the valley of the Aisne 1 “We maintained all the positions we captu ed at Perthes. We repulsed two infantry attacks in the ▼osges Moreover, we
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  • 346 8 MEMORANDUM TO U. S. A. London, February 19. Sir Edward Grey, iu a memorandum to the United States regarding the Lusitania flying the U. S. flag, shows that Great Britain is entitled to fly a neutral flag in order to escape capture and or
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  • 648 8 THE WILHELMINA” AFFAIR. BRITAIN’S REPLY TO U.S.A. GERMAN DEPARTURES FROM INTERNATIONAL law. London, February 19. Great Britain’s reply to the U"ited States with reference to the seizure of the Wilhelmina, which has been published, states that the German decree with reference to foodstuffs was only one of the reasons for
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  • 423 8 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. News from the Netherlands. Conferences have been held at the General Post and Telegraph Office regarding the postal service with Eagland. On Friday and Sunday, and also on several days during the following week, the post will be taken to England per steamer. After
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 648 8 ODD LATEST AND CREATEST OF ALL FEATURE EXCLUSIVES: The Streets of New York BY DION BOUCICAULT THREE REELS I Pilot Films. EXCLUSIVE Pilot Films One of the Most Exciting Films this Season. A Strong-storied Drama, with plenty of thrills. Blackmail, Attempted Suicide, Train-jumping, Burning tenements, Hidden document etc. Just the
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    • 583 8 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. Under instructions from BABAPATHY and P. C. BAPii't undersigned will sell by the PUBLiJC AUCTION The movable property described hjlow On Saturday, 27th February fat* AT 10 A M. 15 Near the Clock Tower Teluk Anton Schedule of property:—s u,»n Trollies, I Bicycle, 2 Iron blocks to
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  • 207 9 SP. Tapioca $4.70 buyer» M. P. Tapioca ...$5 40 buyert Gold Leal>4.4o Black Pepper 18. —buyert White Pepper 34.35 tales Trang Pepper 19 no stock Cloves 41— nominal Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 65. —sellers Nutmegs 110 23.50 sales No. 1 9.50 tales Sugar < 2 8,90 sales
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  • 231 9 Penang, Febuary 22 Beef— cts. Soup per catty 18 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 35 Liver per catty 30 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head... 22 Feet 26 Tongue 36 Mutton
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  • 793 9 MANCHU INTRIGUES FEARED. Awakening of Military Spirit. Matters are fairly quiet in China. There is some uneasiness in the provinces owing to rumours of a third revolution. In Kwangtung especially talk runs high, this being due to a recent attempt of brigands, no doubt backed by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 564 9 Guide to Peftang, BT THE LATK E. F. Skertchly, f. e. s. Price 50 cents. Worth a Dollar a copy/') SOLD AT STRAITS ECHO” OFFICE. AND AT i’HE SAVE-U-TROUBLE FIRM THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English Manufacturers Dealers in oach class
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    • 356 9 NOTICE LABOUR CODE. 1912. F.M.S Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance 1911.' Employers of Indian laisoui are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must b« sent to the Office of the Deputy Controllei of Labour, Penang, during the months oi April, July, October and January. Forms for the return
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    • 81 9 TRANSLATION I UNDERSIGNED undertakes to! 1. translate any document from English into Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinese accounts into English. Fees according to the following scale:— (1) For translations for insertion in the Straits Echo or the Penang Sin Poe or to f be printed by the Jobbing Department
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    • 70 9 Just What You Neei. Don’t suffer for years from a disordered stomach. A few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets will put you right. They are just what you need. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. AN Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal
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    • 329 9 IRON JELLOIDS,’ the reliable tonic, strengthen 1 your blood and fortify your system against climatic effects. After a course of Iron Jelloids,’ the blood is enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and other diseases. Iron ‘Jelloids’
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  • 902 10 rHTXBKBTiNa Report bt Me W. P. Kir. H. M. Commercial Attache at Peking (Mr. W. P. Ker), reporting under date Oct 29. writes as follows concerning the effect of the war on the trade of China j The first and immediate effect of
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  • 275 10 According to Sir William Ramsay the Government have informed the board of the Synthetic Products Co, Limited, that they are a very unsatisfactory body to deal with, and I imagine that at least by this time the majority of those who applied for shares in the company
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  • 177 10 Lord Grimthorpe, who has just returned from Italy, gives his impression of Italian Public Opinion in the Morning Post. The Italian nation,” he says, “is geographically and politically divided on the great issue with which it O confronted The balance of opinion is so
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  • 330 10 Amsterdam, January 21. The following Berlin telegram, apparently officially inspire 1, is published here The impression created in America and abroad that the German Government would tacitly submit to American deliveries of contraband to the adversaries of Germany is a big mistake. The entire commerce of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 569 10 GLACIAL i K/i Guaranteed 96 per cent, and Freefrom all Traces of Copper. Packed in Demijohns containing 441 lb. each. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM GODOWN. Special Price for Large Quantities. APPLY "SO The Eastern Trading Co., 35, PITT STREET, PENANG. —>r~ —i KAMINIA Oil The World’s Inwiti R.UB OIL (Registered). Far
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    • 80 10 Beware of Colds. Childrenare much'more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they hare colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds
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    • 38 10 For CVi drer.’o Hack’r.e Oowoh at Ni.jrM, Omat P>ri(trni'*i} 1 POSITION UNRIVALLED LONDON, ENGLAND. THE LANGHAM L HOTEL, Portland Place and Regent St.. London. V. FAMILY HOTEL O? THE HIGHEST ORDER, In Fa»"' i fiiH* and Ktalthy Locality.
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    • 545 10 I 1% 3 xsnss asaemmsss ap-'grr*- TP Throughout the many stager, of woman 11 5Jg womanhood, motherhood. to ti.e .mn'{ j fsrs milder, or more effective medical con., anion to women-folk than D", ?*■>. Indian Root Pills. They promote a healthy cieansir Kidney 'nwo '\j from pccN ish girlhood
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  • 926 11 I About the middle of the seventeenth oentury there came into existence a crude and extremely limited aggregation of regimental surgeons, hospital mates, and apothecaries, whose qualifications were by no means rigorously tested, and who served impartially with both the Army and Navy. Sir John Pringle, the surgeongeneral
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  • 994 11 Suburban Pa*is. The Paris suburbs are very melancholy just now. All the young men have gone away and all gaiety is in abeyance Many of the fantastic villas are closed, and without the humanizing influence of their occupants they look, with their gaudy tile decorations and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 401 11 r.‘7]D mm e son’s Well-known Extra Havy Canvas, No. 0. iMttIMNDS. BUTTERY g Co. HOTEL NORMAN. Penang's Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. ff ft —ln the event of change of Proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant as a going concern.
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    • 74 11 Don't Couth. It is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will land you. You cnn’t afford to allow your throat and lungs to become diseased when it is such a
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    • 51 11 Ibn't Risk neumonu, Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries tad
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    • 205 11 r DOC DOC DOC X)oooOC BY ROYAL ’l APPOINTMENT. Contractors tot THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. a o n r\ ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. ffA m ■5 Ki Wi- 'V 1 8 PA AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The World.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1820 12 sS Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service Outward. Due Penang Mar. 5 18 Steamer. Nubia Oriental Connecting with S.S. Malwa Morea BRITISH INDIA STEAM
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