Straits Echo, 19 February 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1135 1 aiiiiMmuflauiaaitaa WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY "Dog Head Stout." 2. H is Strengthening and Invigorating, S»i« n ANG LtK w Co., P*nnnn ,f fiuila Lnin/iui uww nnanana■■■auaaaua■■■■■■ annDDu«a»»M»*«R» Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. NOW O T SHOW Or»? 5 Seater EMPIRE CAR AS ILLUSTRATION. v EMPIRE **The Little Aristocrat" 25
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    • 14 1 TO LET. 2 BUNGALOWS No;. 142A and 142B, BURMAH ROAD. APPLY 53, Beach Street.
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  • 898 2 HISTORIC FORECAST AND ACTUAL EVENTS. France and Russia Ab Alliance Imp» ikl«.” “On my d sk amongst some old letters which I hive been lookmi up in an hour of idleness lies one the contents of which at this .>artuutar moment have a striking claim up on
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  • 507 2 The fierce realities tf .v.r cut very direct pathways to truth and knowledge Most surely of all do they peuetrate to the secrets of chiracter —the iuward parts both of men and ot nations. The world has already been taught that England is not by any
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  • 321 2 Little Girl’s Charmin® NV ar Verses. The children of a girls’ school in Paris, savs the Daily Telegraph’s correspondent, were asked as a New Year s task to take as text a line of Albert Delpit, Petit pioupiou soldat d’un sou,” and write around it what they
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 571 2 I St. George s Ball SUBSCRIBE US to the above are invited to attend a meeting to be held in th6 Penang Cricket Club on Wednesday, the 24th day of February, 19L5, at 6-4) pm. sharp. 1 BUSINE S: 1. To pass accounts for 1914. 2. To arrange for celebrations
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    • 83 2 Beware of Colds. Child renate much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when the? have colds. Whooping coutih, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are fteu contracted when the child has a cold l’hat is why all medical authorities say beware of colds For the quick cure
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    • 379 2 Plain CrutDs on the «abject o« Health are the only acceptable pronouncements. Exaggerated itatementi end by convincing no one-rather do they create suspicion, and give rise to doubt. But yon may safely listen to universal opinion. The public have for long known th© value of Beecham’» I'lll* in cases of
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    • 52 2 Don’t Risk neumonis. Get rid of every cold as qu;ckly as possi ble. It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries
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  • 1099 3 By Ok* From thi Frokx. One always associate» poetry with the qui* t of an English gardt-u and the stiffuea» of a college library. We g't that idea in enly VicCoii .u days from the class of p etry etrved out to us. there is an artificial
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  • 222 3 Before Mr. V. G. Ezeehiel in the Second Court yesterday Anthouy Alic, a bar boy, employed at the *A Company canteen, Penang Club, was charged with the theft of 20 cents. Pte J. C. Weber stated that at noon on Wednesday he examined a tin in
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  • 123 3 The following were the scores made by the P-L R.O. on Thursday afternoon 300 yds. Miss Smith 26 Mrs Webb 23 Mrs Wright-Motion 22 Miss Mathieu 16 Mrs Duiege 6 Miss Pritchard 2 150 yds. Miss Smith 29 Mrs Wiigbt-Motion 28 Miss Mathieu 28 Mrs Durege
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  • 333 3 Reuter) LondoD, February 17. Replying to a question in the House of C -ruinous, Mr. Roberts. Under-Secretary of State for India, state! that the report on indentured Indian immigrants in the West Indies would shortly be presented to Parliament. Its general conclusion was that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 454 3 Lest you forge*! Truth scorns all kinds of equivocation and Dignity does not consist in possessing honours, but in deserving them THE STRAITS CINEMA, PENANG ROAD. The Leading Premier Show in Penang. To-morrow Night! To see the To-morrow Night!! SPECIAL DESERVING PROGRAMME THE MAP GREAT WAR of the (Latest Number)
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    • 14 3 Kor Clji-»lren'«* Ha king C> agb at Night, W,-iOiti’|On«*i f'li’t arini(l fir* It. Cd
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    • 307 3 SWEET CHESTNUT !0B i S and 1s Work for all men— For all men rest, And a time to taste the joyslof life. WILCOX. RUNNYMiIBEI HOTEL, (SEA-SIDE) PENANG. New improvements have been made at our promenade on the sea front. THERE WILL BE A MOONLIGHT DINNER Every month, weather permitting.
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  • 95 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pbicb. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All business communications should ba
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  • 1122 4 Be British. Keep cool! was the last injunction the gallant captain of the Formidable addressed to his men when that battleship was torpedoed in the Channel by i Gorman submarine on New Year’s .Day. The rt ports of the survivors are there to show how the whole
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  • 90 4 Notification Regarding Singapore Papers. No further communication has been received from the Resident Councillor regarding the Singapore mutiny. We have received the following po9t-card from the Malaya Tribune, Singapore: Singapore, 17th February, 1915. Dear Sir, Govirnment Notice. To all Editors and Publishers in the Settlement of Singapore.
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  • 296 4 The funeral of the late Mr. R. A. P. Hogan, which took place yesterday evening, was largely attended by representatives of all the different communities in Penang. Shortly before 5 o’clock the cortege arrived at the cemetery. The Rev. F. W. Haines, conducted
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  • 57 4 Feb. 17 By Balanee $86,162.29 18 Lim Kongsi, 2nd instalment 30.00 Hoh Ban Ho, Lumut, per D O Bindings. 20,00 Amount collected by Haji Zachariah Syed Mahdar Aidid Co. 30.00 S. M. Alhasawi 50.00 H. H. Md. Soom 25.00 Jaffar 2.00 Haji Abdul
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  • 38 4 Feb. 12 By Balance 770.66 18 Sundries 3 29 Mrs. Alma Baker bridge winning 400 Amount collected by All Saints Church, Taiping 141.17 Balance Feb. 18 919 12 Amount previously acknowledged 8,323 80 Total $9,242.92
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  • 39 4 London, February 17. Tallows 43/-, 43/9d. standard. Copper, 463-7-6. Linseed, Argentine 49/9d. Cotton Seed 47-10-0. Wheat, White Karachi 60/6d., Delhi 61/6d. Hemp, 27 paid. Iron, 56/sd. Wheat, 61/6d. buyers. Linseed, 54/'6d. paid. Linseed oil, 429-12-6. Copra, 427.
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  • 244 4 Emphatic Denial. The Chief Secretary understands that letters have been received by Indians from India stating that the Government of India is asking people to pay three or four years’ rent in advance in order to obtain money for the War. The Chief Secretary is authorised to
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  • 1045 4 President Wilson has a good conceit of his office, as the President of a great Republic ought to have. The other day he was engaged in a frank conversation with an official visitor about the conditions in the Philippines. One of his questions seemed rather to embarrass his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 238 4 The rose that lives its little hour 4 Is prized beyond the sculptured flower. f f fc>s Aux. fUURS r-.i-Piessc Lubin’s Otto of liose is an exccptionallj fine perfume for the handkerchief. Those who admire a breath of flowers should us* this. It is British made throughout. Free trial allowed.
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  • 1228 5 der tag. GERMANY’S REPLY TO U 3.A. t (Reuter). Amsterdam, February 18 Ibe German reply to the A morican note A M«a*urc of Self Defence. fbe measures announced by the German Admiralty are in no way. directed against tbe legitimate commerce of the neutrals, but ii solely
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  • 285 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. REVIEW OF THE FIGHTING. Petrograd, February 17. The official communique states that fighting on tho right hank of the Vistula continues in practically tho same regions It has been very desperate iu some sectors. There has been no chauge on the left bank
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  • 550 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. PROGRESS OF THE OPERATIONS. Paris, February 17. A Paris communique states j D ispite the intense cannonade, the French and British aircraft attacking Ghistelles and Ostend returned UQh&rmed. j The Belgian artillery were successful against the German concentrations and shelters. We repulsed the
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  • 690 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AN ACT OF PURE PIRACY. Paris, February 17. The sinking of the British merch intman Dulwich off Cape Antifer was an act of pure piracy. The crew say that they were sailing in clear weather. The evening was roughish and suddenly a
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  • 101 5 The following articles will be found ou our outride pages Page 2 —Bismarck in 1867: Historic Forecist and Actual Events. The Hurduess of France. A Chil l Poeteis. o —Poetry Under Fire. A Dishonest Bar Boy. Indian Immigration in the West Indies. P. L, R. C. 6. —Naval Notes.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 -I -i .1 Don't Risk "ncumonu. Get rid of every coll a* quickly as poisible. It is the forerunner of all puliu miry trouble, and pneumon a may develop in a few bourn. Take Chamber!ain’a Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, bat t ho effect is marvellous. For
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  • 376 5 Obituary. London, February IT. The death has taken place of Professor Cheyne, the Biblical Scholar. 'We take the following particulars from Who's Who: CheyDe, Rer. Thomas Kelly, D. Lift., D. D. Oriel Professor of Interpretation of Scripture, Oxford, 1885-1908, and Canon of Rochester, 1885-1908 b. London, 18 Sept., 1841 y.
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  • 997 6 The Wu Expansion op the Fleet. The extent to which the Fleet has bep*n expanded to meet the requirements of the war is eloquently reflected in the growth of the Navy List, the new quarterly issue being nearly half a pound heavier than the last issued before the
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  • 1076 6 AN AMERICAN’S VIEW OF THE POSITION. To the Editor of The Globe. Sir, —Your editorial of 26th inst., commenting on the remarks of Lord Fisher regarding the neutrality of the United State-» during the present European war, has been published here. As it is such
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  • 407 6 Disappearance ci Anti-Foreion Feeling. A northern contemporary reports that, one of toe missionary organizations with headquarters in Tientsin has made an inquiry from it* inland representatives as to the -tate of fueling of the masses in the provinces with respect to foreigners. Replies from «ix different provinces
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  • 347 6 A Traug correspondent, under date, Jan. 24, writes that cholera is dangerous! prevalent in the district. Hardly a day passes without two or three deaths being i chronicled, and it would appear that the medical service is inadequate to cope with disease. The people are anxious that
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  • 420 6 THE BARE BEDROCK OF NATIONAL CHARACTER” Qualities That Will Win. A Nation in Grin Earnest. The singleness of purpose, the grim, silent determination of the French people to carry the war to a victorious conclusion, is the keynote of a special article which
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  • 448 6 Thesite of Bangkok’s University, of which the first block of buildings has now been begun, is a piece of ground nearly half a mile square, bounded by the Sports Club, Hua Lampong, Phya Thai and Sapatum roads. The main buildings will face the new Sports Club House, and
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  • 1357 6 THE FALKLANDS FIGHT. Naval Tribute to German Bravery. The action off the Falklands i 3 described in The Times by an officer of the Inflexible, who giv**s a description which is nut only utrt-rnoiy intere-diug in itself, bur has the additional morit of being the
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  • 93 6 (Reuter.) London, February 17. The latest list of casualties contains the following Killed. Lieutenant L B Hardy; Captain F Fitjgerald, Princess Patricia’s R-gimeut; Lieutenant C Price, Princess Patricia’s Regiment. Died of Wounds. Captain E Gibbs, Somerset Yeomaury. Died or Illness. Lieuteuaut H S Keatiug. Wounded. Lieutenant
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 39 6 Juit Whit You NccJ. Don’t suffer for y< ars from a disordered stomvch. A fow dos-e o (lius mberain’s TibMs will put v>u right. Tl>y are juit what vou noe l. For saio by all 1 >npen« and Dealers.
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    • 13 6 P r Cbronio 0 »o.« OampUint*. Word.» O o*) Peppermint Oar«, K 6d
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    • 36 6 A Forty Years’ Test. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy his be°n curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity eyery year. What better recommendation is re‘JgjjJJ F r ,ale a11 Di.peniaries and
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    • 268 6 EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. An INFALLIBLE REMEDY for all sorts <>f eye diseases. It cure* Cataract, Glaucoma etc. without knife. No failure, no harm, no hard and fast rules, no difficulty i ’t l9 use. It ig absolutely safe; highly spoken of by distinguished men. Apply for particulars to: L. H. SELLER,
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  • 1160 7 General Joff re." By a French Gunner A. L-S”) London Simpkin, Marshall It. net There is cert iin to be an overwblming I welcome tor this modest life-story—the first jin English, so far as we kuow—of a great j soldier who has come at a crisis of bis
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  • 743 7 War tends to restore a perception of permanent values to any nation which does not march too easily to victory: and in this sense there is truth in Bernhardi’s description of it as a terrible medicine.” We can already see that while Germans bef re
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 564 7 DAVID CORSAR 8 SON'S Well-Known Extra Uavy Canvas, No. 0. SANDIL»N1>S, BUTTERY g Co. HOTEL NORMAN, Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. N.R.— In the event of change of Proprietorship. the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant a* a going concern. Those
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    • 75 7 Don't Couth. It is absurd to allow a cough to bane on and sap jour vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough R medy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will laDd you. You cnn’t afford to allow vour throat and lungs to become diseased when it is such
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    • 53 7 Let doi»9 delight to bark and bite, 1 do not care a jot. In sooth it is their own look out. So they may go to pot. But while I am upon this lay, I'll make a slight detour, ▲ad ask you all to drink good bea th To ‘‘Woods’
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    • 168 7 r* DOC DOC DOC DOoooOC BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. ContPaotoFB to: THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. n o n n o n ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. gw? i m r PA AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The World. 0 O 0
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1735 8 k BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO, LTD. Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabin» are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is tarnished with an Electrio Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Servico Outward. Homeward t Calls at Bombay. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. A
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