Straits Echo, 18 February 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 35 1 Straits Echo C< RfcftiCLu OF EVEfiiS», CiKCLLA;IMG riIBOUGHOUf til jTRAITS, THE FEDERATED SSALAV STATES AND THE FAR EAST GENERALLY VOL. 13. $24 Per Annum PENANG, THURSDAY, 18th FEBRUARY, 1915. Single Ctfj, 10 «all. No. 38
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1050 1 I m a WHIN ORUMNC SPECIFY "Dog Head Stout.” n-c-i M gfAOj It is Strengthening and Ineigorating, A««.u: TIANG Co.. 5 Pewmo A Kudo. Lumpur lIIDDODDDIIIII fl Georgetown Motor Garage 7*. Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Seater EMPIRE CAR AS ILLUSTRATION. a A y k s Chartered
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    • 13 1 2 BUNGALOWS Nos. 142 A and 1428, BURMAH ROAD. APPLY JJ« Reach Street»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 DRINK 3 BH m A M p; feffj fiS&w m ■wm ■■>■ mm Xtzi-Zl < Pci lFi£ ?•>* «SriW H m si i RECOGNISED CONNOISSEURS the LEADING BRAND ON THE MARKET. SOLE AGENTS: KATZ BROTHERS, LTD., PENANG.
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  • 1028 3 ••The difference m quality between the men who now make up the German rein forcements appears,” says “Eye-Witness” ••to be very marked.” He adds that the Lfudsturm, in spite of the fact that only picked men are taken, are said to make very indifferent soldiers, the truth
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  • 926 3 1“ Thi Ewd ow Owom. Our reader* will learn with relief that the end of opium and of the wheli op«ea scaudai ia very near at hand. We pointed out soma weeks ago, when dealing with the matter from the Shanghai point of view, that what was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 73 3 kwarecof Colds. Children are much more likelv A ‘he oonU*ious diseased Z W colds. Whooping couth dirhth base fe W and eoc 9 P um pt i U n e a h e d d& i 1 C rlet often contracted when the child l! that are That is .hr
      73 words

  • 216 4 8 P. Tapioca $4.70 buyer» M. P. Tapioca ...$5.40 buyera Gold Leat $64.40 Black Pepper 18.— buyer» White Pepper 34 35 talea Trang Pepper 19 no atock Cloves 41 —nominal Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 65. —aellera Nutmegs 110 23.50 aalea No. 1 9.50 talea Sugar < 2 8,90
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  • 230 4 Penang, Febuart 18 Beef— cts. Soup per catty 18 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 35 Liver per catty 30 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 36 Mutton
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  • 327 4 AMU3TNG BTORY FROM THE FRONT. Commission fob Prisoners. From a source I have every reason to believe authentic, writes the Boulogene correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, I learn tbe following curious story In a little village near the military centre of a soldier found a little tin letter-box,
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  • 580 4 The Kaiser will not be much perturbed by the announcement that San Marino may join the ranks of his enemies, for, although all able-bodied male citizens of the tiny Republic are trained to bear arms, its total fighting force numbers barely a thousand. Two years ago the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 82 4 TRANSLATION r |'HE UNDERSIGNED undertakes to X translate any document fro» English into Chinese and vice versa. Alto OhuMse accounts into English. Fees according to the following eoale (1) For translations for in-ertion in the Straits Echo or the Penang Sin PO4 or to be printed by the Jobbing Department
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    • 586 4 c% <« *r *®®s>2-' r I» A “A 4 <t 'e} 1 3 I.* e i© PETER WALKER LAC c f i fcH 1 I •V.. JO,'» j-y ■ks y X y IPS PE -*1 R WA! tjker -V THE fr Bov *an LITTLE PLTER B E E R FROM
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  • 328 5 MUN'TRI STREET TRAGEDY. The hearing of the case against Teh Hun I Seang. alias Teh Mah Seang. who was charged with murder bj causing the death of Chin Fook Kim. was resumed yesterday morning before Mr. Justice L. P- Ebden and a special jury, comprising Messrs. H. A.
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  • 498 5 Made Drunk by Germans Bevore Fiohtino. Another interesting sidelight on German methods with their unhappy Allies is given by the Times correspondent. The prisoners arriving at Tiflis, muffled in blankets, are destitute of footgear. The Arab prisoners, unused to Caucasian cold, are in a terrible state. Their
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  • 966 5 Merely Preparatory. There it a piece of gessip from France in 1 this morning’s papers which is certainly true in conception, whatever it may be in fact. It credits Lord Kitchener, when asked about the duration of the war, with saying, I don’t 1 know when
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 375 5 -I < Id (/> a Id O' < u Id 0. (/> < X o 3 CD o i/) _i < r Ruchanans SCOTCH WHISKY SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT” V/ BLACK WHITE 3 so ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY ft “0 70 O U > O m > r m 70
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    • 12 5 F*r Ohiidreu’s Hacking Ccagk at N^ht, Wood»' Or»At r«op«irMiat 0«r« 1« fd
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    • 236 5 SWEET CHESTNUT TOE. i s and a s K Work for all men— For all men rest, And a time to taste the joy«|of life. WILCOX 5= E. O. Hotel. •:o:« SPECIAL TSFFIM EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. Lest you forget I Ready money is a ready Medicine." The gown is his
      236 words

  • 94 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Kail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDREBS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 ff.fl.T- All business communications should be
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  • 1476 6 Sdibi.s’s aspiration for au outlet to the sea, a window on the Adriatic as Sir Elward Grey neatly phrased it, has long been o?ve of the principal factors in the shaping of her foreign policy. One of the jireat f>ats of the Sdrbian army in the jrst
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  • 662 6 NO FURTHER MILITARY DANGER.” GERMAN PRISONERS’ ESCAPE. The following further telegram received by the Resident-Councillor from the Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor was forwarded to us this morning for publication There are now of the Fifth Native Light Infantry 432 men who have offered assistance
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  • 52 6 Owing to an alteration in steamer sailings, The Quaints,” who were advertised to give performances here to-night and to-morrow, will not be able to visit Penang. Thi3 they much regret Those who have already booked seats can have their money refunded on returning their tickets to the Robinson
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  • 19 6 Feb. 13 By Balance ...$86,112.29 17 Anonymous 50.00 Balance Feb. 17. ..,$86,162.29
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  • 33 6 London, February 15. Rubber for March an I April delivery is quoted at 2/sd. paid. To-dat’s Tides, —High water 2.13 a.m. and 2.40 p.m.; Low water 8.44 am. and 9.1 p.m.
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  • 985 6 A very amusing story is told by the Pall Mall Gazette of one of the new special battalions. The battalion has a Great Dane mascot, and one day at a ceremonial parade at which the anirnai was present, she pave two loud, deep barks, whereupon the whole battalion
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 139 6 PRITCHARD 8 Co. SOIY53 AGENTS FOR CYCLES. y Prices 40 A 70 cts. Price 75 cts. BOTH THESE PREPARATIONS REPLACE German articles and are Guaranteed to be not only their equal but SUPERIOR. George Town Dispensary, Limited, BRITISH CHEMISTS, PENAN o, TAIPING AND IPOH. mrw ~jc mn a a ■R*rss^raiflaB>»r::
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  • 1902 7 REVIEW OF THE OPERATIONS. PRAISE FOR THE INDIAN TROOPS. (Reuter.) London, February, 16. The London Gazette has published the despatch of Field-Marshal Sir John French The despatch devotes much space to the operations of the Indian troops, who fought with the utmost steadiness and gallantry whenever
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  • 72 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3. —The Military Age. Affairs iu China. 4. —Neutral Pillar-Box Amusing Story from the Front. The Smallest Republic. 5. —Britain and the War. Cognac for Moslems. The Assizes: Muntri Street Tragedy. 8. —Penang Golf Club. 9. —Hongkong and
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  • 775 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. LATEST DEVELOPMENTS. GERM AN-AMERICAN TENSION. THE FATEFUL THURSDAY. GERMAN AND AMERICAN PRESS VIEWS. London, February 15. The German Pres 9 to-day continues furious against America and taunts her with having no army or fleet. All the German papers discuss with the utmost enthusiasm
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  • 726 7 It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Mr. Reginald A. P. Hogan, Advocate and. Solicitor, and senior partner of the legal firm of Messrs. Hogan and Ivens, which took place at his residence Galway,” Tanjong Bungha, yesterday evening. The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 555 7 tstoticjei p HE Volunteors hive bo a in >!>ilil I from Tuesday, the 16th Februi until farther notice. Major Miunikej ii con niand. r:iE GREAT EASTER] LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hbad Or vie*: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment ii All Form*. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATE! Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR,
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  • 550 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. A Ctla Day, London, February 16. The Paris comtnuuiqu4 states The British reciptured two portion? of the trench which they lost the previous day between baint Elo? and the Ypres Canal. The day was calm on the French front.” “There were no infmtry
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  • 584 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Fierce Figktiag. Petrograd. Feb. 17. A Petrograd communique states: “The Russians on the 15th inst. obstinately fought superior German forces which were trying to surrouud two Russian wings in the vicinity of Augustovo. “An enemy column is advancing from Graiewo to Osowiec. The
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  • 655 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Question ia Parliament. London, February 17. In the House of Lords, Earl Curien invited the Marquess of Crewe to make a statement concerning the proclamation for creating an Executive Council of the United Provinces. He referred to the Government of
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  • 182 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. London, Fibruary 15. In the House of Commons, the Hon. Neil Primrose, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, annouaced that arrangements had been made to release civilian British and Germ m prisoners over 55 years of age. Canadian Contingent in France. Ottawa,
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  • 192 8 Competition* for Prizes presented by Mrs J A Biown, 18 holes Match play under ordinary hand caps. 14 and over. The following was the result of the play for the above competition. Tire final* was played and won by Mrs Welham who beat Miss Barnett 3 and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 579 8 St George’s Ball gUBSCRIBERS to the above are invited to attend a meeting to be held in the Penang Cricket Club on Wednesday, the 24th day of February, 1915, at 6-45 p.m. sharp. BUSINESS 1. To pass accounts for 1914. 2. To arrange for celebrations on St. George’s Day 1915.
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    • 219 8 Beware of Colds. Children are mueh more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
      219 words
    • 62 8 rf-lf SN V v~-., 4 1 r *tS'>''y->-'. >•••: J yt:ijjSßß®«. v.; ■V/*;5 K 1 5;- S? ft S'«r--ir > k& 1 *7 «1 a I > #ii The Ideal Mineral Wafer. < i. j. fi<A Ginger Ale. Lemonade < Vvi f ii Tansan 5“ S|sKg l ;*g|| m Tansan
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  • 23 8 Obituary. London, February 17. The death has taken place of Col. Maciver Campbell and Major-General James Reid, two veterans of the Indian Mutiny.
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  • 1135 9 THE RUS8IAN INVASION AND RUMANIA. A Littlb-Known Ducht. When the present writer first visited Rumania a young American, whose highpitched accent lives m the memory, greeted him on board a Danube steamer with the question, Have you ever heard of a place called the Bukowina As it happened,
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  • 244 9 The size, shape and texture of the hands have been regarded from very distant times as highly indicative of character. From the hands also it is easily possible to form a substantially accurate opinion as to their possessor’s health. For instance cold, clammy hands prove poor
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  • 467 9 It is noteworthy that the Hongkong and Shanghai B:mk directors are adupting the practice which is fiuding increasing favour with boards of binking institutions, i.e., of declaring dividends less income tax. To compensate shareholders this time the dividend is increased from £2 to £2 3s per
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1010 9 FOR. HAT.HI Guide to Penang, BT THK LATE E. F. Skertchly, f. e. s. Price 5O cents. 1 Worth a Dollar a copy/ 1 BOLD AT STRAITS ECHO” OFFICE AND AT the save-u-trouble firm THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World to j communi ;ate direct with
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    • 9 9 For Cnrouio Chest Complaints, (ir*»t Prtpparmiiir Cara I» 6,1
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    • 438 9 Coughs and Lung Troubles Angier’s Emulsion has beea prescribed by the medical profession and used in the hospitals for the last twenty years and is now universally recognised as the standard approved remedy for coughs, bronchitis, asthma, consumption and all forms of lung trouble. It is superior to other lung
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  • 1248 10  -  Bt Authony Nugent. London, January 15. A round of visits took me to a certain famous sea-port and naval hatbour this week. Everything was highly interesting. New battleships were being finished in the dockyard, cruisers and destroyers, torpedo ooats and submarines were coming and going, aud at
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  • 643 10 A BRITISH. VIEW. Former Consul-General’s Remarks. The following article by Mr. J. Carey Hall, lately British Consul General at Yokohama, and now retired, appears in the December issue of the Positivist Review, London “Although a small British force co-operat-ed with our Japanese Ally in the capture of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 249 10 u annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn# n n n n n n n n n n mm n n a n Try Craven Cigarettes. n There is no other Cigarette “just as 5 good as CRAVEN’S If you are a judge of Virginia Cigarettes you’ll D notice the difference at once, the milder flavour,
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    • 37 10 A Forty Yc*rs’ Test. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity every year. What better recommendation is required For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 35 10 Just What You Ned. Don’t Buffer for years from a disordered stomach. A few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets will put you right. They are just what you need. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 324 10 All that baby requires is provided in Mellin’s Food mixed with fresh cow’s milk, and provided in a form perfectly digestible from the day of baby’s birth. It i$ this absolute suitability of Mellin’s Food in all circumstances which explains the gratifying success that invariably follows the use of ‘Mellin
      324 words

  • 1892 11 (From Our Own Correspondent London, January 14. The second attack on Dover by German submarines again proved the absurdity of the chivalry actuating the British Navy when it mined large areas of the North Sea which it duly advertised in the papers—and left large gaps for the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 355 11 S,VVW CORSAR SON’S Well4nown Extra Canvas, No. 0. SANDILANDS, BlilTißY 8 Co. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Corporation, and is now preto accept MARINE FIRE RISKS at current rates. QUAH BENG KEE, 43. ftearJi Street. Penang. HOTEL
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    • 36 11 I’ve wandered East, I’ve wandered West, I’ve seen of everything the best That money can procure But what attracted me the most, And made my life secure, Was that great World-wide remedy, Wood*’ Groat Poppormint Cure,
      36 words
    • 75 11 Don't Ccttgh. It is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough R‘ medy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will land you. You cnn’t afford to allow your throat and lungs to become diseased when it i6 such
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    • 201 11 XX DOooOOC r c DOC DOC BY ROYAL n. APPOINTMENT. Contractors to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. n o n n O r\ ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. VS t r MR 1 WAX AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT The World.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1699 12 s» SR Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with S.S. BRITISH INDIA TEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD For Singapore. (Three
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