Straits Echo, 11 February 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1182 1 I WHIM OMURIMG SPECIFY “Dog Head Stout." It is Strengthening end Invigorating, a*i« ai«u: TIANG Lte ft* Co., Penano 6k Kuila Lumpur ■IIDDDDDDIIIIInnnnanHHHHBH m Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Seater EMPIRE CAR i BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL
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    • 17 1 :b TO LET. 2 BUNGALOWS Nos. 142 A an i 1428. BURMAH ROAD. APPLY 53, Bench Street.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1344 3  -  By Horace Hutchinson. When a certain dear old lady acquired for herself immortal fame by the bt-nedic-(ion which *h«* pronounced on Mosopotamin," it i B liM* that "he had not a all rea1i8*'d the rival qualities, as a soul-soother, of ••Tipperary.” It is a city which
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  • 591 3 Tn the current number of the TTibbert Journal will be f< und two papers, (ne by the Hesdin ster of Eicn aud the other bi Mr G H. Powell, which illustrate c-rtwin tendencies that seim to us very danger'll Bth have that deprecatii g air, when hey allude to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the Contagious diseases when they bare C"Ms Whooping couih. diphtheria, scarlet aud consumption are di'ease* that are tf»eu contracted when the child has a cold That in whr all m-'dical autho’ities say be*are of colds For the quwk cure of
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    • 82 3 Don't Cough. I* is ab-urd to :i)!nw a couch to banc on aid sap tout vit.ilry wh> n ’haniberlaii-’R Coucb R m»<W will cure you You don’t know where a re*-«i<itHnt e neb will la* d x u. Y> u cn/t ff *d to «ll<.w your threat and lone* to
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    • 192 3 n men BIOS. HU. PENANG. gk SINGAPORE. IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. ’I 1 3 1 fesf rr. m m ■mi rK# 4 «e ';bdi fgs*~ m 04 V •o. Rubber Factories Rubber Mills. <V^ $r GAS, OIL 8 PRODUCER ENGINES. SEMI DIESEL CRUDE OIL ENGINES BENTRIFUGAL 8 PISTON PUMPS. A vt,.
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  • 214 4 8 P. Tapioca $470 buyer» M. P. Tapioca $5.40 buyert 1 Gold Lear ft>4 40 Black Pepper 18. —buyert White Pepper 34 35 salet Trang Pepper 19 no ttoclt Cloves 41— nominal Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 05- —tellert Nutmegs 110 23.50 sales (No. 1 9-50 sales Sugar 5
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  • 217 4 PINANG, FBBUABT 11. Bill Boup pe* catty 18 Roast m 26 Steaks Stew or Currv Meat Rump Steak tt 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue $0 Feet m 15 Heart Liver per catty 30 Pobk Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Hoad 22 Feet 26 Tongue 36 Mutton per
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  • 445 4 The Sse Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Company’s eighth annual report, dated Singapore, February 4, for the halfyear ending December 31, 1914, states: The gross profits amouut to $132,243 20 which, including $197,988.40 brought forward from last accouut, amount! to $330,231.6) From this amount has
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  • 221 4 Official Mikutfs. Miuutes of a wonting of the Municipal Commissioner held on Tuesday, tae 26ib January, 1915. Present. W. Peel, E q. (Resident). P T. AlIeD, Es-q. Quah Bene Kee, Esq Lim Eow Hong, Esq. Absent. F. Duxbury, Esq Teoh Guan Seok, Esq John Mitchell, Esq. 1. The
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  • 240 4 It baa been announced that the King haa given several audiences to Lord Marcus Beresford in order to arrange the running of his Majesty’s horses next season, and to discuss whether the Royal colours will not be withdrawn from the Turf until the war is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 359 4 TRANSLATION. rpHE UNDERSIGNED undertakes to X translate any document from English nto Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinese accounts into English. Fees according to the following scale: (1) For translations for in ertion in the Straits Echo or the Penang Sin Poe or to be printed by the Jobbing Department
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  • 1084 5 To th« Editor of thi Strait* Time*. Sir, Will you kindly allow me a little space in jour paper to make a few observations with regard to the lecture given by Dr. Liuj Boon Keng on Modern China I will however confine my remarks to only two of
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  • 733 5 At last we seem to be within measurable I distance of the time when a period may safely be placed to the discussion in the Press, at municipal meetings, and wheresoever men do congregate about infant mortality in Malaya and the cognate I subject native midwives. Tb*t, at
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  • 278 5 One must extend the heartiest congratulations to ih-i George Town Kinema upon Having acquired the rights of the magnificent subject “Theodora,” which marksa definite step forward iu the progress of the art. It is a story of a woman and two men. The woman in this case
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 437 5 J < Ul </) a ui Q£ J < u LU Q. CO Rucha BUI a re *\fL* SCOTCH WHISKY r»i </) m z < z < X o D ID o (0 _l < c SMSEt! r^i s ks r_- SCOTCH aig? ME S BUCHAHAN»?. S cow*lonoo'V,.-=--SOMETHING TO CROW
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    • 9 5 For CUrouic UouipluuCi, W->nd«' flrmat Pnppermint Oar*. la. (id
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    • 221 5 SWEET CHESTNUT TOS. i s and i s A (i£ Work for all meu— For all men rest. And a time to ta*te the joys of life. WILCOX FRUIT. Canadian Apples. Californian Oranges. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED, PENANG. Telegrams: STORAGE. telephone No. 602. Cable: Telephone No. 480. JAP THE
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  • 97 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Out station... Postage Extra. f Mad Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo. 586 Printinj Department l N.B. —AH business communication»
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  • 1349 6 After what Mr. Justice Ebden correctly described as a loDg and patient trial, Khoo Puan was yesterday afternoon found guilty if the murder of Khoo Sit Hce aud duly sentenced to death. It is a very long time since any murder case has aroused so much interest
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  • 70 6 Publication Arraagemea ts. There will be no issue of the Straits Echo either on Monday or Tuesday next, the 15th and 16th inst., nor will any telegrams be sent out on either of those days. The management wishes to take advantage of the holidays to instal new
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  • 965 6 There is an Hanoi Hotel whose standing advertisement in one of our Hongkong contemporaries seems to need a little timely sub-editiner English spoken,” is all very well; but Man spricht Deutsch The person who tries it in Hanoi must must be looking for a thick ear. The institution
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  • 221 6 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Tel«* rBm Received 11te or Feb. at 9 SOCIALIST PROTEST AGAINST War COMMOTION IN THE HOUSE London, February 9 The opening of the Prussian Diet a*. ,rew 1 crowded attendance The Socialist, Herr Hirsch, demanded the reform of the policy towards workmen
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  • 347 6 FIGHTINC IN EAST PRUSSIA. Petrograd, February 1®. A Petrograd communique states: The Germans who had been gradual!» concentrating fresh troops in East Prussia took a strong offensive on February 1 on the front Horzeie—Johanuisberg, delivering simultaneous attacks on our two wingi, namely, in the district of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 PRITCHARD 8 Co. J BOLE AGENTS FOR ROVER CYCLES. the: SUPERMAN has NOT ARRIVED Unless it is The British Soldier BUT THE ICED EAU DE Out Juft" COLOGNE IS WOW ON SALE AT THE George Town Dispensary, Limited, PENANG, TAIP1NG AND IPOH. We have not aimed at making something “AS
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  • 526 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Received 10th of Feb. at 7 p.m. enthusiastic scenes the QUESTION OF CONSTANTINOPLE. Petrograd, February 9. At the opeuing of the Duma this afternoon brilliant scenes were enacted. The whole assembly rose repeatedly and cheered for the Tsar and sang the National
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  • 26 7 London, February 9. the House of Lords the leaders on both J ie* paid warm tributes to the late Mar-1 of Londonderry.
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  • 295 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram Received 10th of Feb. at 7 p.m. MESSAGE FROM MR. HARCOURT. Ottawa, February 9. In the Canadian House of Commons, Mr. R. L. Borden, the Premier, read amid I enthusiasm a message from Mr. L. T. Harcourt, Colonial Secretary, to the following
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  • 277 7 Under Separate Residents. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 10. It is officially announced that Brunei aud Labuan will be placed under separate Residents. Mr. E. B. Maundrell, Second Asst. Colonial Secretary, who is now ill in hospital, has been appointed Resident of Brunei. Mr. F. W.
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  • 3722 7 SENSATIONAL ASSIZE CASE. THE VERDICT. Before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden aud a special jury, comprising Messrs J. Louie (Foreman), H. Waugh, E. Lees, L m Eu Toh, A. F. Robertson, L. Hoefeld and M. Strivens, the hearing was concluded yesterday afternoon of the ease against Kboo
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  • 468 7 A Malay named Salleh bin Ali was this morning charged before Mr Justice L. P. Ebden with murder by causing the death of Sahat and a woinau named Saripah at Ratan Panjang, Province Wellesley. Mr. A. B. Voules, Solicitor-General, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. B. E.
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  • 105 7 Obituary. Lord William Seymour. London, February 9. The death has taken place of Lord William Seymour. General Lord William Seymour wai 77 years of age and was granted the courtesy title of Lord in 1871 as the younger brother of the 5th Marquis of Hertford. He was in the Royal
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  • 1106 8 Omitting all statistics as haring been previously reproduced, below are quoted ■ome of the general obserratioua from the Report on the Trade of the Straits Settlements, 1913,” by Mr J. B. Suttor, commercial commissioner for the Far Gist of the Government of New South Wales: While
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  • 573 8 Gold Medal, 1914. Iu the play off Mr C M Henderson beat Mr R R Turner aud wins the above competition The following are the scores C M Henderson 46 51=97 —18=79 R R Turner 45 52=97 —14=83 Ladies' Spoon for February, 1915. Result. Miss Barnett 7up
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  • 652 8 A Survey or tie Economic 1 roblem “In Germany serious prnpiratious are now being made for a more lengthy duration of the war tbaa wts at first expected. Thus writes the Berlin correspondent of a Rotterdam conterop >rarv in a dispatch to hand. “F< p sh measures
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  • 48 8 Feb. 9 By Bilance ..,$84,930.23 10 Staff of Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd., January subscription 252 68 Lee Qoee Bow 5.00 Lim Ah Tang. Lumut, per D O Dindings 15 00 J. R Brown, monthly subscription 25 00 Balance Feb. 10. $85,227.91
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  • 162 8 Feb. 8 By Balance 234 23 10 P. Z Greet, profits of Dance 31 12 14 130 00 M. Maude, 3rd instalment 15.00 Balance Feb. 10. 379.23 Amount previously acknowledged 8,323 80 Total $8,703.03 A Loudon piper recently printed the following story from a correspondent, which is
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  • 1045 8 Th* Citic Spirit. It is a constant reproach in the Mid East that there is little or no civic spirit displayed by the inhabitants of the towns, great or small, and pirticularly in this pirt of v-alaya. One reason for this is said to be the c
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 598 8 A Forty-five minute*’ Episode of Ancient Roman History in 3 Reels. The Empress Theodora AT George Town Kinematograph Tbe story is one which will make a wide and irresistible appeal FEATURINO MLLE SAHARY-DJELI Exclusive to Gaumont Film Company, LONDON. “CAPTURED BY ARABS” (Bidoving) This Photo-play written by Gene Gaunties was
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    • 34 8 Jtut What You Need. Don't suffer for years from a disordered stomach. A few doses of Chamberlaiu's Trtbleta will put you They are just what you need For sale by all Dispensaries aud Dealers.
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    • 77 8 Don't Ccttjb. If is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and Sdp your vitaliry when Cbamberlaiu’s Cough R medy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will laud y* u. You cnn’t sff >rd to allow your threat and lungs to become diseased when it
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    • 15 8 FOR SALE. ONE Horse, Victoria and a Dog-cart. Applj to H e/o Strati* Mckt*. •0
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    • 197 8 TOWN HALL Thursday' l AND Friday, J Feby. r i«th < AND 119th. HENRY DALLAS PRESENTS M. B. SALISBURY’S CO. The Quaints IN THEIR ORIGINAL FANTASY The Quaints in Pierrot Land. Prices $3, $2 and $l. Plans at Robinson Piano Co. 11-2-15 91 BANK HOLIDAYS. The Exchange Banks will he
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  • 473 9 A very interesting proposal comes from lt is stated that the Ministry of Finance and tbe Ministry of Agricni'ure and Commerce are co-operating in framing a scheme for tbe establishment of village or agncu tunl banks Tbe proposal is one which, if it can be carried
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  • 234 9 While the Revolution was in progress aud for some time aft°r the overthrow of the Monarchy, mauy ppople having a more or less profound knowledge of tbe Chinese people and the literature aud philosophy by which the character of the nation has been moulded, predicted
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  • 273 9 I well remember the party of nurses we took out,” said tbe rhie* >tew-rdess of one of the steamers which icted as transports between England and the Cape during the South Afiican war ol tourieen years ago, The ship seemed just a great hospital, only
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  • 1048 9 i fIUMOUHI 0» THE N»W Ll»B THE N»w Abmt has Bbougbt to England. A few weeks ago tbe casual visitor in quest of a view of camp life at close quarters Oould do so to his heart s content on certain downs beside the sea, where thousands
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 880 9 for SAIiB. Guide to Penang, BT THB LATH E. F. Skertchly v t. i. s. Price 5 0 cents. Worth a Dollar a copy.") SOLD AT STRAITS ECHO OFFICE AND AT the SAVE-U-TROUBLK firm THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English Manufacturers
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    • 575 9 »4 i Alt< UinMU-r^ .1 ,„..!...i..1 .< iidiii^iiiiiiwjiiliiillillitiliiilliiii; r Fevers. iispßclaliy valuable after or Enteric. Malaria As a healing tonic and restorative alter fevers Angier’s Emulsion is avaiuable. It scx>thes and heals the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, c meets digesti' e and bowel irregularities, promotes normal healthy
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  • 594 10 The positiou of aircraft in connection with naval warfare requires to be studied almost as an independent problem, snee m*uyof tho circumstances aud conditions arediffereDt from those which obtain on land Altogether apart from the const* U •tional features of the machine o self, hicb, in
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  • 405 10 Of ail the mysteries associated, either directly or indirectly, with our military and naval history, the most secret and curiosity provoking is that which for more than a century has been ss Duudonald’s Destroyer. Thomas Cochrane, tenth E»rl of Dundouald, was oue of the big. outstanding figures
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  • 683 10 The Peking papers published yesterd <y a paragraph which may occasion surprise, not least to the local corre-pondent of the Lon don Daily Telegraph. After the cor rasp >n d»*ut has uk n o> u- durable pains to convey the miprensiou ihit C siua is v-rgmg upot ba
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  • 227 10 Bt Thoma. 9 R Ybarra. (From The “New York Timet”) What matter if you Be stanch and true To the British blood in the veins of you, Wheu it’s hip hurrah! for a deed well done, For a fight well fought and a racewellruu— What
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 14 10 For Obil lr< u'n Hacking Coagh at Night, W\> OrA*t P*p(oTUiißt Car* la, M
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    • 447 10 •D§Ooo^^coo© The World’s Family Medicine The reason why Beecham's Pills hay* coma to occupy this premier place among family medicine* is clear to everyone who has had occasion to test their unequalled medicinal qualities. Between the many so-called cures for digestive disorders and this wonderful remedy there is a wide
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    • 37 10 A Forty Years Test. Chamberlain's Couch Remed.’ has b<?»n curini’ coughs and colds for the forty years and has pained in popularity pyery year. What better recommend ttion is re<|mtr6d F For sale by all Diapantariaa and
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    • 447 10 o POR THE FOLLOWING APPLY TO CHIN SENG 8 Co. Ltd., farquhar street. I] Rustoff Metal Polish thoroughly cleans and brightens without scratching or damaging. Wet-Star A. 81 B. Cylinder Oils. Easy Running. Redio Cleaning Cloths for cleaning all kinds of motal goods, 8 n kOIOR CARS FOR HIREa Telephone
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  • 843 11 Thk Unoonquered and Unconquerable [By T. P. O'Connor MB] He is as yet a bit of au enigma but he is gradually growing into a well-known and well-beloved personality. But that is his own fault. For French has always been reticent, modest, perhaps even shy; he doesu’t care
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  • 99 11 lbs. Alma Estate, Ltd. 17,000 Bukit Toh Alang Rubber Estates, Ltd. 9*33 Cluuy R 'blnr Estates, L‘d. 15 562 ’heuior United Rubber CLtd. 15.56 i Kiuiu K has Rubber E-t ‘tes, Ltd. 18 'Ot' Kota Bah roe Rutdier E-tate-, L r d. 32 560 Duri Rubber Est
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  • 1107 11 Deserted and dismantled now, its door long since destroyed, and the dry ditch 1 encircling it half filled with drifted sand, it still tiowns, grey and menacing, upon the beach, the spaikling waters of the Channel, aud the distant shores of France Within the shallow fosse
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 356 11 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the a bore Corporation, and is now prepared to accept MARINE FIRE RISKS at current rates. QUAH BENG KEE, 43. Re/ir.ti Strtu.l, Penan*;. important announcement roK Chinese New Year. Wishing New Year cheque forms
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    • 51 11 Don't Riik neumonu. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It is the forerunner cf all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia m*y develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale bv all Dispensaries and
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    • 226 11 OCX 0 DOC DOC DOC X)ooOOC BY ROYAL iB APPOINTMENT. Contractors to: THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. o r\ n o n n o n ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. ĔTW. I i A?! m N NA AND ALL Leading Hospitals
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1712 12 P.&0. B %»iar* S.N.C Wireless Telejnphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service Bunt ware.. Date. Feb. 20 Mar. 5 19 Apl. 3 BRITISH INDIA TEAM NAVIGATION
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