Straits Echo, 10 February 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1164 1 aiiiiNHiHHaaauiMi WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY "Dof Head Stout." S3 w Hm It is Strengthening and Invigorating, l*iiAit*u: TIANGLLE&* Go., Pmvmn A KuiLa, Lumpur aaoaao nanann Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Seater EMPIRE CAR ASf ILLUSTRATION i BANKS Just Landed m a EMPIRE "The Little
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    • 15 1 TO LET. 2 BUNGALOWS Nos. 142 A and 1428. BURMAH ROAD. APPLY 53, Bench Street.
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  • 942 2 DißTiir«rii xkd American's Emfmatic VIEWB Brief summaries of the correspondence which recently pawed between Dr. Charles El.ot, President Emeritus of Harvard, and Mr Jacob H. Schiff. the wealthy German, of New York, have been published in thi« country. The full text of the letters is now
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  • 1008 2 In discussing in this column recently the services of the volunteer surgeons who h»d come forward in so remarkable a way to meet the sudden demand from an enlarged naval service, particular emphasis was laid upon the patriotic spirit in which the surgeons of the Royal Naval Volunteer
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 487 2 George Town Kinema PENANG S PREMIER THEATRE. To-night! To-n'ght!! < Commencing 9 pm. tharp. WHY BUSINESS IS GOOD Because we put on tbe Bess Programme in Town (AH new films at that) i which is changed twice a week. At present we hold the largest stock of Films, and our
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    • 51 2 [t was a fnarf 1 shock to eee H:s look of pain and uhs*tv it mi<ie the houses quake, tin wife she wept disconsolate, H .s cbildreu joined the mournful throrg, And said, We won’t bare father long.” But all is changed, bis life’s secure— He’s taking Woods’ Great Peppermint
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    • 523 2 O' T3C DOC DOC DCC DOC .ZDOC PROWOHIK TYRES COLUMB THE AD Made in Ris DCIDO n t n c n Messrs. SELLAR, MURRAY Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED Sole Stockists for Penang. LARGE STOCKS CARRIED, o TYRE Co., (FAR EAST), I oc SINGAPOR r "TO(~ Just received a shipment of
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  • 955 3 [By A Candid Critic [From a correspondent who possesses a knowledge of the modern Engl sh stage unique in this part of the worid, we have r*c ivod the following c r itique of the first performance of The Gay Lord Quex.” He expre-ses some doubt as
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 477 3 A Bunch of Splendid and Appreciative Photo plays) AT THE STRAITS CINEMA, PENANC ROAD. The Leading Premier Show in PenaDg and the People’s F.vourite Rendezvous. TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT ENTIRE CHANCE The Litest and from the Cit.ema World The Latest War News On. the Ooean Battlefield. The Float ing| Fortress?» in
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    • 359 3 WAR FUNDS IN KEDAH. To the Editor of the Strait s Echo. Dear Pie, Xam sending you herewith an account of the Kedah monthly subscription» to the Soldiers’ and Sailots’ Families Association, and io thn Imperial Indian War Belief Fund. These funds are supplementary to, and do net conflict with,
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    • 245 3 SWEET CHESTNUT TOE. i s and i s 3N&ijs£8?* IVJ: Work for all men— For all men rest, And a time to taste the joys of life. WILCOX. 85 S 1 •:o:« ■T5» Vi exom F.VF.R Y WF.D N F.SJ1 A V r otel. SFFIN SATURDAY. *oooococoqoooqo:;ocoocoqqccooo^ o o p
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  • 97 4 Published daily (eicept Suudays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pkice. Daily Local $24 per annum. Out.station... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 cable address *+mv*'&* ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 A' B.—AH l>u*ine?n com.nunications should
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  • 1202 4 Although the War Office spokesman in the House of Commons has tcld us that recruiting is going on satisfactorily, he was careful to add that more meu are wanted and to emphasise the life-and-deatb nature of the struggle in which the Empire is eugaged. That has
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  • 135 4 At tho Annual General Meeting of the Pr>n .*ig Chinese Chamber of Commerce, siu yesterday in the Chinese Town Hall, the following gentlemen were elected officebearers for the 4th year of the Chinese Republic:— Chairman Mr. Quah Beng Kee Vice-Chairman.. Dr. Chan Kung Shing Hon. Secretary...
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  • 867 4 Mr. H. C. Ridges recently passed through Singapore on bis way home. Mr. H. Tongue, Secretary to the Singapore Harbour Board, returned by the P. and O. mail. Dr. G. W. Park, Municipal Health Officer, will probably ge home early next month on long leave. It is
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  • 926 4 All the Chinese papers in Pekine” the Peking Daily Newt are against *s* suggestion of a certain censor f or [f* abolition of the political parties strongly believe that in a republic A. must be parties.” V ther Certainly there must—if the papers get spicy copy.” 8 Under
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 183 4 nnncnnn*HMHHHEEES3 Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” People IMITATE our Goods but they d ire not imitate our prices. Our BOXCALF "CHAMPION” BOOT is the very smartest at the low st price. Price only ?4-« r 0 a pair. Now on show all the I atest Goods for the
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  • 249 5 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright T*»l*>gram Receive* 10th of Feb. at 9 a.m. DESPERATE FIGHTING. •FURTHER RUSSIAN SUCCESSES. Petrograd, February 8 A Petrograd communiqu states ••On the right bank of the Vistula fighting is becoming mote desperate. In the region of Serpetz, on the left bank of the Vistula,
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  • 337 5 ENEMY ACTIVE. Paris, February 9. A communique, issued this evening, sUtes: “The enemy on Saturday night exploded mines at Laboisolle in front of the houses we wore occupying. Two-and-a-half companies assaulted our positions, but failed to pass the cavities formed by the explosion. One of our companies
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  • 340 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Received 10th of Feb. at 9 a m. DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. NO CAUSE FOR DISCONTENT." London, February 8. In the House of Commons, Mr. H. J. Tennant, Under-Secretary of State for War, in introducing the Army Estimates, said i that he was
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  • 135 5 Grand Total, 250,000. London, February 9. A naval supplementary estimate, issued to-night, gives a total of 32,000 officers and men, making the grand total of the personnel a quarter of a million. The s.s. Oliole.” Torpedoed by a Submarine. London, February 9. An Admiralty memorandum states that
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  • 88 5 Feb. S By Balance $84,178.12 9 Amount collected by O. R. Wickham, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd., Tank Installation, Bagan Luar 17.15 Amount collected by A. L. M. Scott: A. L. M. Scott 10.00 Khoo Cheang Hock 300 Chinese and Malays 16.57 Tamils 6.88
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  • 582 5 (Retiter’s Senrice.) Copyright Telegram. Received 10th of Fk». at 9 a m STIRRING SPEECHES BY PARLIAMENTARY LEADERS. I Ottawa, February 9. j During the debate on the address, in reply Ito the speech from the Throne, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, leader of the Opposition, said that !he
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  • 170 5 Mooalight Fete. To the Editor or the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, It has been proposed that the annual Moonlight Fete be held at the Swimming Club from 9 p.m. to midnight on Saturday 6th. March. In the past this Fete has always been a greut success, and
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  • 48 5 All members not supplied with water bottles and haversacks are requested to apply for thembefore 5 p.m. on Thursday. At the Straits Cinema to-night a new feature <in four reels, entitled “The Voice of the Bells,” will be screened in addition to the latest war news.
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  • 3060 5 SENSATIONAL ASSIZE CASE. Before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and a special jury, comprising Messrs J. Lonie (Foreman), H. Waugh, E. Lees, L'm Eu Tob, A. W. Robertson, L. Hoefeld and M. Strivens, the hearing was resumed yesterday afternoon of the case against Khoo Puan, charged with
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  • 1678 6 T*» 1914 Riport. The annual report of the above, which will be presented at the meeting on Thursday, states amoDgst other matters In the year 1914, which was the fourth year of the Association, the main a 'vances in the work of the Association were tbe
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  • 197 6 The Associated Pipers of Malaya hare arranged a Pipe Rally at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday next, the 13th inst., on behalf of the Priuce of Wales’ War Relief Fund. It may interest our readers to know that Malaya has the distinction of possessing the only
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  • 908 6 QUESTION OP MINIMUM COSrS. An Interesting Paper. Considering tbe importance of the subject dealt with one might reasonably have expected a larger attendance at the leoh Club vesterday to the paper by Mr J S Ferguson, of on The Minimum Cost of Pr oduction iu P rak.”
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  • 948 6 Bt Pbrcival A. Hislam. In recent years there has probably been no gathering of British warships which has not been described as an assembly of great, grey bulls, looming in tbe distance, and hardlv visible ag inst the dull backround of'sea aud sky.” Atmospheric con ditions vary,
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  • 489 6 From Duich Sources A (Jarman aviator has been found dead in the Thames estuary with a bullet in one lung. He is believed to be the raider who attacked Sheerness at Christm is A Sluis message reports the Dutch papers to say that an artillery battle has
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  • 200 6 Mr W Peel presided at the meeting of the Municipal Commission yesterday, the other gentlemen present being Messrs John Mitchell, F. Duxbury, Quah Bong Kee and Yeoh Guan Sink, with Messrs L. A. C Biggs (Secretary) and W. Dunn (Engineer) in attendance. The business was purely formal. Bills
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  • 129 6 The following were the results of the tics played off yesterday Championship. E H Everest too from J G Cheney. Sinai'e Handicap—B. FNSyer beat H V Edwards 2 6,6 3,7 5, Sinqle Handicap —D. A P Candler beat McK-Young 10—8, 6 —l. Double Handicap B. de Hamel
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  • 151 6 Heap. 150yds. Total Spoon shoot. Mrs Hart (Winner) 430 30 u.». Miss Pritchard 11 28 03 «t®; Mis. Sellers 810 26 JJS Mrs Frayne 18 05 16 «ui? Mrs Wright-Motion 3 30 10™ Mrs Webb 4.98 28 22 Miss Smith 400 28 Mrs Du ere 80«
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  • 176 6 Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 10. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 160 tous of rubber were offered for sale, a record and 74 tons were sold The demand wj' irregular. There was brisk competition in scrap untreated and especially in sheet rubber. The following price* w«re
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 81 6 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases wheu they have colds Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds For tie quick cure
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    • 10 6 F#r Children’s Hacking Co«gh it Niplit, Orpfct P*rT**rm t«» P»r«1i.
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    • 78 6 Don't Couth. It is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and aap your vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough R medv will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will land you. You cnn’t aff >rd to allow your throat and lungs to become diseased when it is
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    • 177 6 A I dPOU o UI •t "l7IT^nNTTED. LEDGER Clerk with knowledge of trpewriting. Good aalarv to suitable man. Apply, personally if possible, to THE DISPENSARY Ltd., 87 2, Binknp strad. TO LET. COMPOUND House No. 171, Mali» Street. Apply to OWNER, 89 233, Dato Kramat Roadron SALE. Horae, Victoria and
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  • 90 7 Tbe right to retail and to produce spirits ou the Siak coast and the islands s tuate thereunder, with the exception of the Siak rirer and the Dependencies Bangka and Koeboe and tbe islands thereof, will be let for one and/or for three years as
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  • 92 7 The Gambling Farm of the Government of Acheeu and its Dependencies with the eic«ption of the Gijoaud Alas Districts will be let for on t and/or for three years as from the Ist Aoril, 1915. Tenders will be received at the Offi *e of the
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  • 995 7 SOLDIERS' STORIES TOLD IN THEIR OWN WORuS. ts Tribute to Sib J. French. k The history of this war, written from the d standpoint of the private soldier, would it make intensely interesting reading His e powers of observation are far greater than many people give
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  • 644 7 The New German Minister. In a recent book on the war, by Dr Dillon, occurs the following passage referring to German diplomatic representation at I Pet-o rad: In Russia there was the titular Ambassador, Count Pourtales, over whose head [was] the Military Ambassador, a German officer who
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  • 266 7 One fruit of the period of chaoe of the revolution and of tbe early days of the Republic that has not yet been eradicat-d, shows itself in the number of men still remaining in offices which they entered, so to speik. by the back door. Where, during
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 321 7 FOR SALE. 1. Rubber tyred Victoria, 4 seated, pony§ize. As good as new. 2. A young Deli pony, sound, used to hard work. LEAN CHONG HIN, No. 13, Bishop Street. 5-2-ir. 78 a OFFERED FOR SALE Ex s.s. EMDEN," AT SA13ANG. SAC B A, MBK 7,200 bags SOYA BEANS. 3,600
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    • 9 7 For Chronic Cbeit Cemplaint*. Or«at T»«pyrnii«» 0»r«. It 6<l
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    • 52 7 Don't Rhk nenmonu. Oet rid of every cold as quickly at po««i-j ble. Tt is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia miy develop in a few boura. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thiDg to do, but the effect ia marvellous. For sale by all Diepessaries
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    • 200 7 OCDC 0 DOC DOC DOC X)oOOOC BY ROYAL “1 APPOINTMENT. Contractor! to: THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. o r\ n o n n ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. wm its r !i SB® ./r 1 8 M/V AND ALL Leading Hospitals
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1500 8 >*«a tr 3 Ollh ey r PSf Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fans FREE of Charge and each berth is furnished with an Elec trio Reading Lamp. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with S.S. BRITISH INDIA STEAM
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