Straits Echo, 6 February 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1228 1 fppaaiavOTMaaaaiiaaaaaaaflai WREN ORDERING SPECIFY "Dog Hud Stout." A m im It is Strengthening And Invigorating, p l.iiA| t .i.:T!ANGLEEft > Co M Penamq A Kuila Lumpur iiiiDDDODDiaiiioaaaaaiiiiii nnonnu /V K O Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. NOW ON SHOW One 5 Sinter EMPIRE CAR AS ILLUSTRATION. Chartered Bank of
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    • 14 1 2 BUNGALOWS Nos. 142 A and 1428. BURMAH ROAD. APPLY S 3, BaacA Strut.
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  • 1866 2 Values Maintained Despite Expoet Prohibition. A remarkable feature of both the raw rubber market and the share department is the way in which values have been maintained in face of the fact that export of the commodity ceased in the early part of November. The price of plantation
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 74 2 Don’t Cough. It is absurd to allow a to han* ou and sip your vitality wheu Chamberlain's Cough R medy will euro you. You don’t know where a persistent covgh will land you. You cun’t afford to allow your throat and luuiTh to Income diseased when it it such a
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    • 11 2 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Q-root Peppermint Chi re. Is. <d
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    • 515 2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTOR SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of EL CTBICiL MACHINERY. Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of lectrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: tt n Til 8IUIIN TEUFIOFE GO., LTD. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be Started
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  • 525 3 To tvs Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, It is with pleasure that I hand jou herewith copy of letter received from Monsieur le Comte de Lalaing, His Belgian Majesty’s Minister in London, acknowledging receipt lof the first three remittances from Penaug to the Belgian
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  • 224 3 To the Editor or the Straitt Echo. Sir, I have received bj this mail a letter and other enclosures signed by E. Dowty p pro. A Wulfing A Co., and dated Ist January, 1915, —12, Cbenies Street, London, W.C. The letter states that the Sanatoeen now
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  • 69 3 Laws Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Mixed Double A. Miss Mahler and Forrest b o ot Miss Hogan and Reimaun 6 —4, 4—6, 6—4. Mixed Double —B. Mrs Adamson and Saye w.o. from Mr and Mrs Blackstone. Single Handicap
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  • 591 3 To tm Editor of tbe Straits Times Sir, —I sometimes wonder whether these are days of democracy My wonder be- comes intensified when I observe that the public are quite indifferent to questions and t problems that affect their own life. When an like me attempts a few lines
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  • 78 3 Feb. 4 By Balance ...$83,158.02 5 Proceeds of sale of stores belonging to W. Stanley Fames, late District Officer, Dindings 150.00 F. C Ebbels 30.00 J. C Pratt 25 00 Staff of Messrs. Adamson Giifillan A Co., Ld, monthly subscription for Jan. 107.10
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  • 37 3 Feb. 4 By Balance $1,78 ».70 5 F. C. Ebbels 30.00 Golf Club Ladies Brigade-room Table money 30.00 $1,840.70 To Belgian Minister, London, 1,710 47 Balance Feb. 5. 130 23 Amount previously acknowledged 6,613.33
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  • 72 3 Sunday, February 7. SKXAOtSIXA. Huoa m. Matins (Choral) 830 a m. Holy Communion 930 a m. t hinese Service 500 pm. Children’s Service 600 p m Evensong and Sermon Hymn 270 So'diers of Christ Arise Psalm XXXVII Goss Magnificat Fuste. No 48 Nunc Dimitis Goss No
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 464 3 -I < Ui t/> o hi Q£ -I < U Ui Q. </> W z < z < X o D m o (A -I < Ruchanans SCOTCH WHISKY 'SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT" 50 w 04 1-SSKcffir BLACK&WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY ro U JO O U > o m
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    • 618 3 I MOKE D IGARETTES )OCDCDCZCZDC3=DCZXIDC=:CDC==>CZ3<ZDC=50CDQ Just received a shipment of Best Mah May Cigars, Pro- visions and Tobaccos of Leading Manufacturers. Also Sola Helmets with White Muslin Pugrees, Curzon Hats and Pigstickers of Latest Fashionable Shapes. ICE and Martin SI Co.’s Aerated Waters can be delivered at buyers* residences free
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 jV. B. —All business communications should
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  • 1460 4 Signs have not been wanting lately that in certain quarters in France and Russia, and not necessaiily among people who are at all anti-Engli-h in their views, the impression has gained ground that Great Britain has not been doing all that she might have done to
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  • 898 4 Mr. B. C. Griffin, lately mauager o£ Dennistown Estate, Parit Buutar, goes home by the P A O. mail this evening. Mr. Kendall, of the Hongkong Bank and formerly a member of its local sttff, was a through passenger to the north by the P. O outward
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  • 1080 4 Shoitage iu braces exists amoug the German soldiers at the front, according to the Vorwaerts. This useful article seems t-. have been omitted from all parcels sent to the German soldiers by their friends at home. From the Allies’ point of view this is distinctly unfortunate, for it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 117 4 PRITCHARD 8 Co. J goLE AGENTS FOR ROVER CYCLES. lUBJBJ Jill r II —fiiT m I——^ TELE SUPERMAN has not ARRIVED Unless it is The British Soldier BUT 1 THE CIIDIID ICED EAU DE OtlLtt- COLOGNE IS NOW ON SALE AT THE George Town Dispensary, Limited, PENAN 3, TAIPING AND
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  • 257 5 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telfwra.u K*c*iv*» &th or Fkb. at 7 p.m. messages from the HIGH COMMISSIONERS. UNANIMOUS SATISFACTION. LoudoD, February 4. The High Commissioners of the Dominion» have given Reuter messages at the PD d of six months of war. Australia. g, r George Reid, High
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  • 374 5 GERMAN ATTACKS REPULSED. Paris, February 4. A Paris couunuuique states “There has beeu au artillery liveliness in Belgium and at Labassee, Bĕthune, Arras, Albert aud the Aisne, all resulting in our favour. The Germans attaoked Perthes, Mesnil and Massiges. They were a battalion strong at each of
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  • 229 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Received 6st of Feb. at 9-15 a.m. THE 3,030.003 MARK REACHED. London, February 6. A White Paper issued to-day indicates that the British Army Establishment, (Home and Colonial, exclusive of India) is three millions. IN EGYPT. THE ATTACK ON TOUSSOM. Cairo, February 4.
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  • 259 5 IMPORTANT RUSSIAN SUCCESS. Potrograd, February 4. The Russians scored an important success to-day in the battle in Poland and occupied a strategic position at Voliachiblowska. Austrians Evacuate Faraow. London, February 5. An Austrian communique admits the evacuation of Farnow after a bombardment by the heavy mortars of
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  • 17 5 London, February 4. The death has taken place of Miss Braddon, the well-known novelist.
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  • 4182 5 SENSATIONAL ASSIZE CASE Before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and a special jury, comprising Messrs J. Lonie (Foreman), H. Waugh, E. Lees, Lim Eu Toh, A. F. Robertson, L. Hoefeld and M Striveua, the hearing was resume-1 yesterday afternoon of the case against Kboo Puan, charged with
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  • 271 5 Directors in Court. (From Our Own Corresjiondent.) Singapore, February 5. Boey L'au Chin and Lim Tian Siong directors of the Kwong Y.k Bank, wore charged at the instance of the Crown with criminal breach of tiust as bankers. Cme for the Prosecution. Mr Roland Braddell, for the
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  • 539 6 The venerable Dr. W. A. P. Martin, who ia over eighty years of age, and baa spent lixty years in China, writes from Peking discussing the probable development of events in China. Referring to the taking of Tsingtao, the Green Island,” by Japan, he uka will
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  • 241 6 Accounts Passed in a Du*-out It it doubtful if even tbe wonderful Christmas truce at the front fascinates the imagination more keenly than —a company meeting in the trenches The three directors of Vaolier and Sons, Limited, the parliamentary printers of Westminster, have been at
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  • 192 6 P. O. and “via Marseilles." There are rumours, says an Indian ex change, abroad that P. and O passengers may hope soon to recover the privilege of embarking and disembarking at Marseilles in their voyages to and from India. The euforced resumption of the long sea route to India is
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  • 1187 6 Tbb Militant Outlook. It is well to aay at once, not in any pessimistic spirit, but from the recognition of facts, that s far as the military situation is concerned —and this is all that is under consideration in this article—there is no prospect of au early
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  • 421 6 Herr Baliio, tha head of the HamburgAinerika Line, sends a very interesting reply to the request of the Frankfurter Z'itung for the expression of a ‘’New Yetr’s w>sh After remirkiug tbat the responsible men cannot desire at present a public dis cus-ion, Herr Ballin
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  • 367 6 Sir E. Grey’s Despatch to our Envoy Sir Edward Grey’s despatch to Sir Henry Howard, containing instructions respecting his mission to tbe Vatican, was issued in mail week as follows Foreign Office, December 16, 1914. Sir,—The King has been graciou-ly pleased to appoint your Sp°cial Euvoy
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  • 966 6 Fkom Dvtck Socbcis. A message from Copenhagen to the Daily Mail says that Baron Burian, the Austrian Minister, during a visit to Germany, represented the situation in Austria as precarious. He said that it was urgent to arrest the Russian advance on Budapest and earnestly advised Germany
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  • 1105 6 Rich and varied though our native bymnody is, it is not conspicuous for those stirring outbursts of feeling which grave notional emergencies might be expected to evoke. One reason is not far to seek. The theme of most hymns is either intensely subjective, reflecting the moods
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 A Forty Years’ Test. Chiimlierldin’s Cough Remedy has n curing coughs and colds for the past forty years aud has gained in popularity erery year. What better recommendation is required For sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 81 6 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 49 6 To min upon this earth Deat i cometh soon or late, And very few, if any of ue, Ever know our fate. But this we know—of it we’re sure— No matter what we may endure— That we can aojn eet well and strong By taking Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 477 6 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, r»nniiii>t t,’ MUNICIPAL NOTICE. An ordinary meeting of tb Municipal Commissioners will be hold at the Municipal Office at 4 p m. on Tuesday, the 9th instant. (By Order), L. A. COUTIER BIGGS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioner!, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR Chinese New Year.
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  • 997 7 an OFFICER’S SENSATIONS. Bt Basil Claris. Northern France. K Fear,” »a <1 the officer reflectively, is imagination, prompted by instinct.” He fondled bis coffee cup, warming bis gagers in a manner that seems to become habit with men who have spent days and davs in trenches. All of us,
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  • 301 7 Hara ia a at> who claims to have predicted Hl* war a year before it happened and proves his clsim conclusively; offers free life readings to all. A splendid opportunity for our renders to put him to n test. In September. 191?', I the well-known
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  • 730 7 Recently we referred to the proposed legislation in the Straits Sett ements with a view to laying down the rights of the Press ;iu regard to the publication of libellous statements made at meetings which are of a public Dature. The chief direction m which
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  • 263 7 Once the spores of the Malaria parasite have become established in the blood some tLiog more effic *cious thaD quinine—which at best is purely a pilliativs—is necessary to eliminate them. Unless the e spores are completely exteiminated they will remain dormant for varying inteivale of time, only
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 29 7 j Juit Wk;t You Nr4. JU I euffer tor y. ars from a T ew dote« of Chamberlain's iHh w M put you riifht. They a>e j’iat r Di«p*u*ari/M
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    • 247 7 HOTEL NORMAN, PENANC'S SELECT RESIDENTIAL HGTEL. ENGLISH PROPRIETORS!! IP. LARGE AIRY ROOMS FACING THE SEA. COLD STORAGE FOOD Uud<T tho piitronagi* of H.M. Judges, Medical Officers, Colonial Secretaries, Magistrates, Consuls, etc. Terms:—MODERATE Special rates to Officials, Planters anil F.M.S. Visitors. The New Bar and Billiard Room is the largest and
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    • 167 7 OCDC 0 n x>c DOC DOC DOcoooOC BY ROYAL ”0 APPOINTMENT. Contractopa -to THE ADMIRALTY, THE WAR OFFICE. THE INDIA OFFICE. \J o n o n n ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. m 4 A PWA y? D m o AND ALL Leading Hospitals
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1822 8 f.cfeO.fl Mi S.N.G Wireless Telegraphy, fitted on all Steamers* All Cabins are now fitted with Electric Fane FREE of Charge and each bertii is furnished with an Electrio Reading Lamp. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Intended to Sail. Steamer. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Ootward. Due Penang
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