Straits Echo, 30 October 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1160 1 CEMENT! CEMENT! if ••TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market 5 at Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. H Large Stocks Held By tiang lee CO., Penang tf Kuala Lumpur. n Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Due to arrive by a steamer.
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    • 25 1 WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY Dog Head Stout.” a 6 m s It is Strengthening and Invigoraty. Sole At,...: TIANG LEE Co., Pe.uimj Kuala Lumpur. uiiaiDnnDaDaaDaQD annnnu
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  • 1064 3 Experiences ok a Gentleman Ranker. [The following extracts from a private letter to his employers of the experiences of oue who joined the colours is of particular interest at this time. It gives an unbiassed account of the experiences of a geutlemau ranker.] We were dispatched to
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  • 1137 3 I Mr. MacCallcm Scott. i! Mr. Mac 'alluin Scott thought that an occasion, when both parties in this House were giving expression to the debt of gratitude which was owed to the people of their recent demonstration of loyalty and devotion to the Empire, was one which
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  • 102 3 Preparations for a Fight. Copenhagen, Sept 30th —Travellers from Kiel state that the canal there is crowded with warships, including the largest battleships The arsenal is working day and night, and trains are continually arriving with the latest ordnance from Krupp work*', in order to complete the armament
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 311 3 Crown Cinema. To-night! To-night!! 6 star /5 FEATURESO of Two Parts each. DEPICTING Cowboy Melodrama, French Drollery AND Continental Sensationalism. You Want Thrills! Thrills with stints worse than WAR Here are tho very subjects. Weird, Wonderful aud Marvellous iu the “Sultan's Power” 2 THRILLING REELS By the World’s Rest Film
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    • 59 3 Sunshine and Common Sense. Don’t doctor your blood for rheumatism Use an external application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, in a few days it wiil get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of this
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    • 58 3 It Never Fails. Chamberlain's Colic, Choi ra, and Diairhoea Kernedy is aii its uauie implies. It cures diarrhoea and dysentery iu either children or adults, aud the most violent cases of cramp colic or pains in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always
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    • 573 3 Children's Coughs. Why let the children rock their liltle bodies in such a distressing m inner whin you can so easily cure their colds wi'h a bottle of Chamberlain’s Couch Remedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF Hamilton Thomas Petts, deceased. Pursuant to the
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    • 682 3 mj til the iey th he >rg ALWAYS SELECT MU. THE “GARRICK CIGARETTES AND SMOKING TOBACCO. qEBJc La *bert BUTL^ IN ENGL>!i£ Money cannot buy and an Expert cannot blend a better CIGARETTE or TOBACCO. zryia^irj!ajgj.rr^ v ’jl? .gjr snai’ianrjr ?1 WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA |1 C O NSU M PTSO N
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  • 95 4 ftblished daily (except Sunday* and p«blif holidays) ▲T THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penaug. raica. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. \fail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 cißLi address: ECHO—PENANG." Telephone No». (Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 K B —All bu»in*«» <x*mmunie»ticmA «bo«W
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  • 480 4 At the risk of being convicted of damnable iteration,” a fault which Jack Falstaff deplored in Prince Hal, we revert once more to the subject of Chinese and Volunteering and repeat briefly our grounds for advocating the formation of a Chinese Contingent of the Penang Volunteer Corps.
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  • 241 4 Official Aeeoaftt. Special Issue of the Straits Times, published at 4-30 p.m. on October 28.] We have this afternoon received the following message forwarded from Government House for public information October 28, 1914. The German cruiser Emden entered Penang Harbour early this morning by the Southern
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  • 247 4 It is ft Lons. Long W»y to-—Completion. To the Editor of the Straits Echo Dear Sir, Ever since the announcement was made about three weeks ago iu the Chamber of Commerce that the Butterworth Jetty was completed, everybody here has been eagerly looking forward to the day when
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  • 51 4 (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, October 30 The scratchings for to-day’s races are: Race 2. King Blaze. Race 3. Lucifer. Race 4. —Sergeant Brue, Battleaxe, Remembrance, Lily Elsie, Sunrise, Maori Boy, Michael, Graham, Moment. Race s. Silverlight, Countess. Race 6. Battleaxe, Shah, Devon, Reliance, Gelignite, Toreador, Light,
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  • 58 4 Fraser Co’s Share Report. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 30. Messrs. Fraser Co’s report for the past week says:—“ There have been small improvements in the volume of business. There is nothing to report in the mining market which has been neglected, although the price of tin shows an
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  • 56 4 Mr. W. G. Acting Manager of the Chartered Bank, advises us that the following amounts have been received by him for the credit of the Belgian Relief Fund” opened by Mrs. John Mitchell: Oct. 28 By Balance $2,022.27 29 A few sympathising n embers of Caledonia Estates
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  • 299 4 Among those who arrived here bj steamer from Port Swettenham this morning were Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Brown. The Daily Express says that Mr. Asquith’s son, Mr. Arthur Asquith, fought in the trenches at Antwerp and was uninjured. The Chief Justice, Mr J. A. S. Bucknill,
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  • 231 4 Canada invites Belgian farmers to emigrate there. The British steamer Cormorant from Rotterdam to Liverpool struck a mine and sank. The French and British Governments intend to send a great number of Belgiau refugees to Ecgland. The German cruiser Emden has sunk the s s Maria which
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  • 184 4 Under the auspices of the Penang Literary Society, to-morrow, at 5.15 p.m in the Free School Hall, there will be a debate on the above proposition, Mr. D. D. Chelliah v. Mr. C. P C. Aeria. Mr. R. H. Pinhorn, Principal, Free School, has
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  • 890 4 (From Our Own Correspondent, Kuala Lumpur, October 29. “The Straits Echo says Mr. J» Sercombe Smith is laid up with lc is what we read in the pages of your v*.’ Lumpur contemporary, last Monday scribendi no doubt! But why should "vT Justice Sercomba-Smith go outofhig* to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 911 5 ASSASSINS SENTENCED. GERMANS SORELY PRFSSED. (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright TsUsram Received 30th or Oct. at 3-35 p.m. THE BORDER FIGHTING. Paris Communique. London, October 29. A Paris communique says During yesterday we made progress at several points in the line of battle notably around Ypres and to
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  • 106 5 Quite a large gathering of Singaporeans assembled on Johnston’s Pier on Tuesday afternoon to bid farewell to the Shanghai contingent homeward bound for active service. Many joined them aboard of their vessel and just prior to the departure of the ship the men paraded and heard a
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  • 238 5 (OsTASI ATK4HE LlOTD War SERVICE Peking, October 16.—Japanese diplomats have declared that the war between Japan and Germany broke out because Germany refused to give the assurance that the German squadron in East Asia would be instructed to keep quiet. The Ostasiatische Lloyd is authorised to declare that
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  • 699 5 THE FUTURE OF THE KIAOCHOW-TSINAN LINE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Peking, October 15. The Chinese Government has given up all hope of the withdrawal of the Japanese troops from Tsinan and has been compelled to recognize the occupation as a military 1 necessity by Japan in her
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  • 163 5 When all the German male residents in Singapore were gathered in and sent to St. John’s Island for internment, it was understood that some steps would be taken by the authorities later to deal with the women and children. Now those measures have been announced. We
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  • 437 5 Alleged Irregulftrit'es. Says Wednesday’s Straits Times There was mention in the senior magistrate s court this morning of proceedings which, in present circumstances, are likely 1 to be of considerable interest, Messrs. Behn Meyer and Co., Ltd being the defendants. There are four summonses against the company for
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  • 336 5 Magnificent Work bt the Naval Brigade. The following are special cablegrams to The Pioneer from its London correspondent There was no artillery in Antwerp capable of replying to the German fire. The Naval division sent was useful only as infantry to cover the retirement. A great movement
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  • 89 5 ScNDAT, NOVEMEER 1ST, ALL SAINTS DAT. 7- a.m. Litanj 8- a.m. Holj Communion (Choral) Service Smart in F 10-15 a.m Chinese Service 5- p.m. Children’s Service 6- p.m. Evensong and Sermon Hymn 438 How bright those glorious Spirits shine. Psalm VI Hopkins No. 80 VII Cooke
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  • 371 5 September, 23. That the British Navy is afraid to light the Germans is the latest lie officially circulated by the Kaiser’s Press. The news is contained in an official paper called The Friend oj the People published in French and German at I/ege. The Antwerp corresp indent of
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  • 343 5 GOVERNMENT RETURNS. January to September Statement of block tin and tin ore exported, approximate value (in Singapore) and di.ty collected, duriug the month of January to September, 1914, and comparison with corresponding period of previous year. State. Block Tin. Tin Ore (70 of gross weight.) 1914. 1913.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 61 5 Wanted for the Russian Sailors. Boots, Socks, Topees, Blankets and articles of clothing generally are much needed hy these poor men who have lost everything. If any kindly disposed persons can supply some of the above mentioned and will send them to Chin Seng Co., Ltd., Farquhar Street, they will
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    • 432 5 THE GfEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE t CO., LTD. J Ubad Orpic*:—SINGAPORE. 1 Life Assurance and Endowment in 3 i All Forms. liberal policies, low rates b inancial Agents j'or Penang. SELLAR. MURRAY A CO. localO/fice: —No. 7, Union Stbbbt. PENANG TURF CLUB. NOTICE. '■'HE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING JL of the
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  • 2374 6  -  [By A. G. Gardiner] EUROPE AFTER THE WAR It was a saying of John Bright that the only virtue of war was that it taught people geography. Between thit view and the doctriue of Beruhardi and the Prussian military school that war is a sort of
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  • 664 6 According to a Japanese message tbe Chinese Government, particularly the Tsancheng Yuan, whilst openly professing to be doing all it can to allay popular bitterness and apprehension with regard to Japanese action in Shantung, is secretly and in devious ways stirriug up the people
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 ihamtcrUia’* tain Balm There is nothin p so pool £ui muscular* rheumatism, sprains, i iineuess, cramps of the inus.cUs, Imu’isoh aud like injuries us Chamberlin’s Pam Balm. It will effect a euie in less time tbai! .u.y o'.he Ire.itmoat. or aa'.e by nil l)ispen-><irin* tut Do* er*i 1
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    • 50 6 Boot and saddle, boot and saddle, See, tbo suu is in the skies, See, (be d-iwu’s awake from slumber. See, tbo day’s wide opened eyes. Life's short day is freer, strouger, If ve make our health secure. Make the short day 6pin out longer— Do it with Woods' Peppermint Cure.
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Care Is.’ 6d
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    • 795 6 O-P'S-ffi C &> CD «-ej N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamship Company L 0 9 EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service is maintained bs< tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp under mail contract with the Imperial Japantre Government Tho Now Twin-Screw steamers maintaining this service have been specially
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  • 470 7 Japan Times, Sunday, Sept. 27.] The editors, correspondents, and readers* who are having such an extraordinary and indigestible surfeit of hard names, are not B l ow —even eager—to point to the uuequaled chance afforded by the war to learn something more of geography. The warlords
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  • 248 7 A Candid Admission. Rotterdam, Oct. 2nd.—The Germans here are aghast at 1 the tone of the latest l Berlin newspapers, which are preparing the German people for defeat. Official messages admit that the G p rman troops i may be compelled to abandon certain points, but they
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  • 177 7 Many rumours are going round as to probable Cabinet changes. Not much credence need be given to any of them. The only possible change is that Mr. Sun Pao-chi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, may persist iu resigning on the ground of his being unable to prevent certain
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  • 182 7 The Kandy correspondent of the Timet of Ceylon, writing on the 19th inst., states An important discovery has been just made by a well-known planter of the Kandy district in the use of the milk in the coconut, or the water as it is commonly called,
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  • 48 7 Saturday, October SI. G®i*f Club, 5-45 to 7 15 p m 1 Selection L» F;l!o <iu R gimont ...Donizetti 2 Polka Retcur des Champs Waldteufel 3 Remiuisrenccs O i Scotland ...Godfrey 4 Waltz Nuit Efoyl*o ...Waldteuf el 5 Gounod Serenade ...Riviere 6 The Motor March Rosey
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 401 7 9®®®®®©®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® <® 9 <? f© M A R T E L L’ S B R A N D TO CONNOISSEURS FOUR FACTS CONCERNING J 1. In England more Martell’s Brandy is sold than any other brand. Martell’s Three Star Brandy is the brandy supplied in the House of Lords. •3.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 886 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited Established 1821. Subscribed Capital Total Invested Funds wards of Total Annual Income over 52,000,00 up6,160,000 1,180,000 THE undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Company-' cA Penang, and are prepared to issue policiei of Insurance against loss by tire at tbs «west tariff rates KENNEDY
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