Straits Echo, 21 October 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1315 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! ••TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Larxe Stocks Held By tiang lee CO., Feaang fif Kuala Lumpur. uiiiniiiiaatiiiiEiiiiiim Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high efficiency. Body flush
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    • 30 1 Drink Dot’s Head Guinness Stout. av 11 i > a mm 'B.9'g c. -2 0 sSeadS O O e-< a Sole A|»ti: TIANG LEE fi* Co., Penang tĕ Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■■□nnnannoaana■■■■■■■■
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  • 561 3 THE AUSTRALIAN SUBMARINE. A Mystery or the Sea. Exactly how Australian submarine AE j wis lost will probably bo known, bui the appended facts of the sad occurrence so fir as they were ki.own, are taken from Australian papers of September 19th The Minister for Defe ce has
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  • 347 3 Sir Maurice do Bunsen's contribution ot tho now voluminous literature cf the origins of the war gives startling confirmation to the view—already strongly supported by other evidence—that Germany precipitated the war for her own ends, and without reference to the merits ot the Servian question. Tliis
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  • 997 3 What it is Costing» Germany. Surprise has been expressed in some quarters that out of a tot <1 of 2.400 ships 2 I "f 5,400,00 tous gross owued bv Germ.inv, j“only” about 250 of les3 than threequarters of a million tons have been captured or detained by the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 909 3 1 nt cm 11 The German Fleet Is Still In R eL* OF THE PRESENT Prp‘umptuous Britons, perjured race With courage high end fervent z >al, Tom bleated armaments we face— From Kiel. Proud tyauts! Yuu have bad your day, Ami braggart boasts no more conceal Tour parlous case that’s
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    • 56 3 Litt.e Jack Horuer sat sick iu a corner, A-coughing and rubbing his eyes. As Granny was waiting, watching him taking A dose lit to poison the flies. A draught of her own, far t*est It ft alone, hichshetnude her young victim endure Ihe silly old muff to brew nasty home
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    • 59 3 Sunsh ne and Common Sense. Don’t doctor your blood for rheumatismUse an external application ot Chamberlain's Pain Bilui. In a few «lays it will pet you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of this
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    • 464 3 ALWAYS SELECT THE “GARRICK” CIGARETTES AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Iq 3 yi'BOJ£l a fge6Agi?7P SJaoe-in IN ENGI Money cannot buy and an Expert cannot blend a better f» IG or TOBACCO d- 2235 :zr x'/zrjsz: r^xoua o o »c o o o o »c o o *o o »c a C
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  • 94 4 fmbliahed daily (except Sundays and p«biio holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. micF. Daily Local 924 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. If ail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printinf Department 343 H B. —All buaineM communication*
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  • 705 4 The anniversary of Trafalgar must always be one of the most hallowed of red-letter days in our national calendar. This year it is made even more memorable because we are at war and because, as in the days of Nelson, the Navy still remains Britain’s surest shield. It
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  • 461 4 Probably because the wish is father to the thought that we are somewhat sceptical about the story of our Taiping Correspondent to the effect that, should the necessity arise, the F. M. S. Government will dock the salaries of its employees. We have never yet looked upon the Government
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  • 419 4 Colonel D. Ridout, Commanding Royal Engineers, S S., with Major C. W. Sprigs, R. E, passed through Ipoh by the mail train yesterday on their way to Penang. Genera! Birrand, a member of the Counseil de Defense de lTndo-Cbina, commanding the artillery in Indo-China, has arrived from
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  • 54 4 Mr. W. G. Petsr, Hon. Treasurer, sends us the following further list of contributions to the above Fuud, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang Oct. 19 By Balance $20,975.26 20 4 Planters Bagan Serai 200.00 Mrs. R. Weber 25.00 A. O. Cautley 100.00
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  • 75 4 Mr. W. G. Peter, Acting Manager of the Chartered Bank, advises us that the following amounts have been received by him for the credit of the Belgian Relief Fund opened by Mrs. John Mitchell: Oct. 19 By Balance SI,326 57 20 D. S. Barclay 50 00 Belga
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  • 27 4 The Board have declared an Interim ividend of 7|%, payable on 21st September in respect of the year endin» 31st December, 1914.
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  • 161 4 The railway line from Bukit Mertajam to Pinang Tunegal, Kedah, was opened for traffic on the 19th inst. Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Second Court this morning, Cherak Din, P. C. No. 893, a Bengali, wai charged at the instance of Detective Police Constables 104 and
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  • 952 4 i (From Our Own C The sceue at Kmu" i!ump^. r >» Friday evening when the German ,J| of war came in from Penang au.w’ wait a couple of hours for th* < ,l3 train was a very remarkable Qea P°i* happy little crowd of thirsty souls
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 ■oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AINC CHEANC Co m 59, Magazine Road. o o o o o o o o o We have just unpacked a large consignment of private rickshaws of the latest type which can be fitted with English-made wheels, etc. complete and can be had at prices which d* j fy
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  • 911 5 "ENEMY’S CRAZY ATTEMPT.” VICTORIOUS DESTROYERS AT HARWICH. TRAFALGAR DAY CELEBRATIONS. (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Tslegriitn, Received 21st of Oct. at 8 30 a.m POSITION ON THE BORDER. London, October 20. A Daily Mail correspondent in France says:—"The enemy’s crazy attempt to rush to the Straits of Dover is rapidly
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  • 236 5 [Reuter’s Service.] Copyright Telegram. Received 21st of Oct. at 3-30 j\m. Paris Communique. London, October 20. A Paris communique says Despite violent attacks the Belgian army are maintaining the positions along the Yser. Other actions are taking place in the region of Ypres. The enemy continues to hold
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  • 572 5 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. In the District Court this morninu before Mr. G. A. Hall, District Judge, the case John Stephens Raja Rae vs- A. M. Abdul Kadar and K. M. S. Seeni Tamby, the Proprietors ot the Janopakari Daily Stews, was begun. The plaintiff alleges that he
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  • 406 5 Important Suggestions. Mr. B. J. Eaton, of the F. M. S. Department of Agriculture, writes as follows to the Times of Malaya With the possibility of a shortage of acetic acid, which has been discussed recently, the following methods of coagulating latex are suggested and may eventually
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  • 701 5 JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF WEIHSIEN. (from Our Oxen Correspondent.) Peking, October 3. The following is a translation of the official despatch from China to Japan concerning Weihsien W hen Japan declared war against Germany, it was clearly mentioned in her Ultimatum that the sole object of the Japanese
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  • 231 5 On Sunday morning the Pontoporos, one of the Emden's colliers, whose capture off Sumatra was reported the other day, was brought into Singapore. A group of naval, military and civil officials awaited her arrival and went on board when she came alongside iu the Lagoon Dock.
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  • 606 5 The Nelson Touch. The purport of Nelson’s Memorandum to his officers previons to the Battle of Trafalgar may be briefly summarized as follows 1. The order of sailing was to be tho order of battle, so that no time might be lost in preliminary evolutions. When the
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  • 102 5 A daring robbery took place on Sunday night between eight and nine o’clock in Chamberlain Road. Mrs. Light and her daughter, Mrs. Mathews, who live in a buugalow house near the corner of Jalan Datoh, were sitting sewing on the verandah when three Chinamen rushed up
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  • 177 5 The following ties have been fixed for to-day Profession Pairs. Neubronner Hall vs. Cameron A Oliver. Double Handicap A. Rogers A Reid vs. Prentis Bennett. Mixed Double B. Mrs W-Motion and Cuscaden vs. Mr and Mrs McDonald. The following tie has been fixed for to-morrow Double Handicap
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  • 513 5 I here has nev**r been a ship of tb# British Navy officered as is the Iron Duke, the flagship of Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, th? Commander-in Chief of the Home, M liu or Grand Fleet, or whatever name tho Admiralty may have decided to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 79 5 For ChroDic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. f LTD. U*ad Office:—SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY CO. Local Office: —No. 7, Union Stri bt. V u 1 .if; l
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  • 1253 6 Some Facts and Figures. In view of Reuter’s wire regarding the deadly work at Pernnne of the British naral heavy puns the following artie’e. which appeared in the Mtivchtufer Guardian is ap>opot: It is not possible to state authoritatively what, any quite new naval weapon will
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  • 587 6 To the Editor of the Straits Echo Dear Sir, Another Nonya,” you have done admirably you have bit the nail fairly and squarely on the head. As we are now almost quite tired with the stereotyped war news of the communique kind, a thorough discussion of this
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 Diphtheria- How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there >re cases of diphtheria in the ne-'ghbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and off
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    • 321 6 I niimi—i iiii' i hi i ——w ——i— 111 1 ?rB m tv me. j PENANG. SINGAPORE. IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. r m m m I •1 ■?3 ri a jsj.; El.-* p?a$l HP® an PS mi kg* mm m hrfZ m m ss 73 .srtjV ■'i-; 4* V >C2<) vh*.
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  • 448 7 It is possible —no one can say more till the war is over —that the victory on the Marue may prove to be one of the greatest events in European history—one of the battles that decide for the greatest number of millions of people what
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  • 393 7 Hitherto the peculiar manifest weaki nesses of the liberal, the democratic, the pacific State have repelled great numbers of energetic and generous spirits who would otherwise have served it,” writes Mr. H. G. Wells in the Nation. How many Americans, wearied by an atmosphere
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  • 557 7 SERIOUS EFFECT ON MINING. Government Criticised. (From the Ipoh Correspondent of the Malay Mail.) Ipoli, October 18. The fall of tin to $57 came in the nature of a shock to most people the other day, and caused not a little uneasiness. All were fortified behind
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  • 154 7 Four Ruiiiiß Armies. September 14. The Russians, after defeating the Austrians, are hastening to invade Germany, says the Daily News Rome correspondent They are operating simultaneously with four armies— two in East Prussia, the third in the Province of Posen, and the fourth (which is the strongest)
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  • 129 7 Russian Captivbs Released by Germany. Petrograd, September 13. Two thousand five hundred Russians, in addition to those already liberated, arrived yesterday from captivity m Germany via Finland. The sole reason fur their liberation Is stdted to Imi that the German Exchequer is too deplet.d to admit of
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  • 162 7 Official Explanation by the Austrians. Amsterdam, Sept. 14. The Austrian official explanation of the fall of Lemberg is given in a message sent to Berlin by a War correspondent of tire Lokal Auzeiger, who quotes the communique issued by the Austrian Press Bureau on the subject. Iu
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 184 7 It Never Fails. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Di.irrlu. i Remedy is all its name implies. It cures diarrhoea arid dysentery iu either children »>r adults, and the most violent cases ot crauip colic or pains in the stomach tfivo way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always
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    • 43 7 (haraherlah’i Fain Balm There is nothing so good for muscular rheumatism, sprains, cramps of the muscles, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in leis time than any other treatment. For sale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 18 7 ;n *ar*«m T' 3oMBJK *vr *csrawxKTii3» Fv»r Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Wood»’ Groat Peppermint Cura Ib. 6d,
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    • 177 7 BAXTER Co.'s BEST NAVY CANVAS SANBILANDS, BUTTHY S C t. Andrew Usher Co.’s wi t«lrlL uLv>£>i‘. < is. O.V.G. Whisk oAf&l LANDS, ECTTZ&Y S Co.. agents kou r&'JVAXG F. M. S. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. (APCAE LINE). The stoamers of the abovo Hue maintain a regular service between
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    • 210 7 Chi irei’s Coughs. Why let the children rock their little bodies in such a distressing manner when vou can so easily cure their colds With a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers. HOTEL NORMAN, The Only English Hotel. UNRIVALLED POSITION. COLD STORAGE FOOD. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 332 8 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ‘S B .a «o a ca pN ZTT nnnnnnnnnn0nnnnnnnnnnnnn 9 1* o n u u Q f 3 H *C < </5 0 o E o q K ■8 2 o E O 4) GQ 0 I 2 o (/> Z O <0 u. a. O If) u a
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