Straits Echo, 14 October 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1241 1 CEMENT! CEMENTft' ••TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Stocks Held By TIANG LEE 6* CO., Penang Of Kuala Lumpur, Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high efficiency. Body flush
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    • 30 1 S' ss <o fa E <S H O > n z •y-v-O r /5 r r H W C 5 Th# Doctor advisee and recommendB. It is nourishing, invigorating and strengthening.
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  • 1757 3 t British Rotal Family Affected. e The death of the King of Roumania is of a particular interest to England not only on 3 account of the natural sympathy which will be felt with the inhabitants of a friendly State in the loss of their ruler,
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  • 50 3 Result of Mining Operations during the Month of August, 1914. Ore Sold Pis. 500 at $36.20 per PI. $18,130.94 Sundry Revenue 259.81 518,390.75 Less Mining Expenses. $9,862.42 Administration and General Charges. 3,015 21 Tribute to Lessors. 2,848.65 515,726 28 Profit for the month 2/64 47
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 293 3 AT Crown Cinema. Depicting a Naval Battle fought under Modern Conditions. So IN REELS. entire change of programme To-night! To-nihgt The Straits Cinema, PENANC ROAD. Speciality :—Latest Pathe Productions. The Leading Premier Show in Penang AND The People's Favourite Rendezvous In the Mills of the Gods An Extraordinary Drama in
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    • 626 3 NOTICE. r |"'HE PUBLIC is hereby informed that 1 the Power of Attorney granted by me to one Oug Hock Beng of Chop Guan Tin Hoe of Beach Street, Penang, has been revoked from this date. ONG OH LENG. Puket, 6th October, 1914. 613 NOTICE. HEREBY CANCEL the Power of
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    • 57 3 It Never Fails. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, au>l Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name implies. It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adults, and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pains in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always cures.
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    • 44 3 Chamberlain's Pain Balm There is nothing so good for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the muscles, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in less time than any other treatment. For nle by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 505 3 in SCR ALWAYS SELECT THE “GARRICK CIGARETTES AND SMOKING TOBACCO. w C 0WRETTE Sr 6ARP7 c r#* 4 1 1 1 mi .‘S’.sss tlAOE IN ENGI>i£ r/@ <e>@ Money cannot buy and an Expert cannot blend a better CIGARETTE or TOBACCO. j.h txazn In WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA CONSUMPTION CHLOROSIS Use HEMOGLOBIN
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and peblio holidays) ▲T THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 H CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 tf.B. —All bu.inese communication» ehonld
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  • 411 4 Perhaps the only factory working overtime in Germany to-day is the Lie Factory, one of the objects of which is to inflame public opinion against England. So far it has failed miserably of its purpose. Great Britain being the greatest Mahomedan Power, Germany has tried hard
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  • 270 4 It is with deep regret that we announce the death of the Rev. Theodore Cesbron, which took place yesterday at 5.40 p.m. at the Parochial House of the Church of St. Francis. The deceased gentleman, who was 60 years of age, was born at La
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  • 89 4 Mr. W. G. Peter, Hon. Treasurer, sends us the following further list of contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang Oct. 12 By Balance ...$15,587.35 13 Hon’ble Robert Young 200 00 Amount collected by Messrs. Quah Beng Kee, Lim
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  • 57 4 Mr. W. G. Peter, Acting Manager of the Chartered Bank, advises us that the following amounts have been received by him for the credit of the Belgian Relief Fund opened by Mrs. John Mitchell: Oct. 12 By Balance $804.57 Mis. Robert Young 50.00 Rev. L. M. Duvelle
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  • 337 4 We have just been favoured with a visit from the Captain of the Atjeh who was reported as having witnessed a sea-fight between the Emden and a French man-of-war. He wishes us to state that that report is totally untrue, and that the rumours abroad in Sumatra, which
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  • 266 4 M. Pognon, the managing director of the Havas News Agency, has died in Paris at the age of sixtv-nine. Mr. P. W. Parkinson, the Malay Mail learns, has been appointed a captain in Lord Kitchener’s new army. Mr. H. Brett, late of Kuala Lumpur and Cleve Hall,
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  • 491 4 New Ricsha Lamps. An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon at the Municipal Office. There were present Messrs. W. Peel (President), P. T. Allen, Lim Eow Hong, J. Mitchell, Quail Beng Kee and Yeoh Guan Seok, with Messrs. W. S. Dunn (Municipal Engineer) and
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  • 83 4 The Two Emdens.” During the past few days persistent rumours have been circulated in Singapore to the effect that the German cruiser Emden had sought shelter in the neutral waters at Sabang. This, however, is not the fact, says the Straits Times although there is a steamer named Emden interned
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  • 912 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 12 Mr. William Wood who recently his position as Superintendent of Govern ment Plantations in Perak and left Govern ment Service has taken over the manatsment of Kepong Rubber Estate, which belongs to Mr. Kia Peng. He arrived with his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 204 4 •cz)cz)czdcdcdczdcd: P DIVINIA PERFUME, P 0 0 0 0 A Floral Bouquet 33 <2 \T j S» Fashionable ravorite-Perfume or exquisite and lasting o fragrance. o F. WOLFF&SQHS PERFUMERS KARLSRUHE BERLIN VIENNA The charm and subtletjQ of Divinia has secured foi it the highest popularity in European Society. Its refreshing
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  • 599 5 HUSSiAI) CRUISED SUNK fighting on the VISTULA. ALLIES GAIN GROUND. (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegmm. Received 13th or Oct. at 610 p.m. EVENTS IN FRANCE. PARIS COMMUNIQUES Loudon, October 13. A Paris communique says A uight attack in the Vosges uear St. Die has been repulsed. Tbe flag taken
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  • 311 5 Received 14th or Oct. at 210 p. m. TROOPS REBEL. Cape Town, October IS. The commands under Colonel Maritz rebelled in the North-west of the Cape Province and concluded an agreement with the Germans. Maritz claims to have German guns and German troops and threatens to
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  • 51 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 14. The Straits Times is informed that the local government is considering the question of paying recruit's passages to England. Before concluding any arrangement it is necessary to get the consent of the Home Authorities. At present no consent has been
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  • 112 5 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, October 14. At the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Auction held yesterday 198,829 lbs. were put up for 6ale and 157,905 sold. The demand was well maintained and a rise of $4 per picul for smoked sheet fine and fine pale crepe
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  • 80 5 The following officers constitute the staff of the Japanese army, which landed at Lungkou on September 2 with the purpose of investing Tsingtau Commander-in- Chief Lieut-General Mitsuomi Kamio. Chief St iff Officer: Major-General Hauzo Yamanashi. Commander of Infantry Brigade Major-General Yoshimizu Yamada. Commander of Infantry Brigade Major-General Bunjiro
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  • 1001 5 1 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, “Rationalism’s” letter in your yesterday's issue, criticising my second comment on the evil practice of the feu.ale gamblers on the 26th ultimo—the first of which appeared on the 14th ultimo and which I would like “Rationalism” to go
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  • 358 5 SOME CONTINGENCIES. Changes in the situation may occur which would throw upon Singapore the duty of preparing in deadly earnest to defend itself. Suppose that after the fall of Antwerp Germany forced Holland to accept a place in the German confederation, and suppose that a few of the
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  • 258 5 Assuming however that the city has actually fallen as a defence point of the Allies, then the Germans have scored a very valuable point. With Antwerp in their hands any attempt at turning their right wing is rendered practically hopeless for they can fall back on the
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  • 275 5 A Public Explanation. On Friday the Malay Mail issued as a supplement a pamphlet entitled Why Great Britain is at War.” This pamphlet gives a resume of the circumstances leading up to the war and a statement of the reasons why Great Britain has taken part. The
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  • 35 5 The following tie has been fixed for to-day Double Handicap A. Rogers and Reid vs. Prentis and Bennett. The following tie has been fixed for to-morrow Single Handicap A. Cameron vs. Oliver.
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  • 42 5 The following tie has been fixed for to-morrow Double Handicap. Adams and Cunningham vs. Soutbam and Houston. Dutch Brabant and Zeeland are overcrowded with Belgian fugitives. The Antwerp law «ourts and prison have been demolished. The hospital is afire.
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  • 416 5 The following official despatch, from Tokjo, was been sent to the Chin-i Press, for publication, by Mr. A. Ariyoshi, the Japanese Consul-General here: Our troops began to attack the entrenchments of our enemy at early dawn on September 28 and tired upon them fiercely from both land
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  • 309 5 Four Shots Smash up a Fort. The guns used by the Germ ms to reduce the forts of Liege and Namur and which are now, it is believed, being employed against Maubeuge, are to be met by heavy guns from Calais, Boulogne and Cherbourg, which, says the Daily
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 214 5 NOTICE. All persons having claims to compensation for damage caused by the defence worka in Penang are requested to send iu their claims in writing to the Resident Councillor’s Office before the 21st instant. THE GttEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. H«ad Officb: SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment tn All
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  • 1420 6 Wb abb Fighting to Prbvbnt Shame and Dbfbat such as Britain HAS NEVER SUSTAINED.” Lord Rosebery delivered a thrilling speech on the war at Broxburn, Linlithgow. We have met,” he said, at a very solemn moment io the history of this country—more solemn, I think, than
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  • 641 6 A Times Review. The great object of our campaign in the West is to attract to itself the largest possible number of the best troops of Germany, and to retain them as long as possible in this part of the theatre of war in order to facilitate
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  • 834 6 The war has already furnished two notable instances of the employment of M military obstacles,” the use by the Belgians of barbed wire entanglement round and about the forts of Liege, and the i flooding of a valley by the Germans. With the exception of wire entanglement, military
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  • 104 6 Hush, Hush [A new song, specially made for the Use of War Correspondents, to a verv Old Tune.] Now gather round, ye readers dear, And listen well to u.e. I’ll tell you how the British troop 3 Have served tbe enemy. The gallant fighting Asterisks The Germans took in flank,
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  • 269 6 ARMED KHEHS ARRESTED. Fight in a. Kongsi. Having been on the track of a dangerous gang of robbers for two months, Inspector A. Develin has arrested eight men believed to have carried out a number of robberies ia Sungei Besi. On Sunday the Inspector decided to endeavour to
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  • 219 6 Proposed Amendments. The latest issue of the F.M.S. Government Gazette contains a draft Enactment amending the Labour Code, 1912. The amendments for which the Bill provides are inteudtd (a) to remove provisions relating to written contracts to labour bj Chinese indentured immigrants,” such contracts being now prohibited
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  • 181 6 Success or a Former Pupil. News has been received from Hongkong that Eu Khay Koe headed the list in the University Matric Examination. Eu Khay Kce was formerly a pupil of ft. John’s Institution, having obtained a very creditable pass in the Cambridge Senior Local in December,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Woods’ Great On re Is. 6d.
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    • 110 6 Sunshine end Common Sense. Don’t doctor your blood for rheumatism Use an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your reins and soon rid the system of this
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    • 332 6 THE EASTERN SHIPPING CO.. LTD. The Undernotei Stamen «ill be despatched, if circumstances and weather D <rmit i Peaaiit as follows:— ,r# This Time-table is subject to alteratioa without any further notice. Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy Tongkah A Renong. Trang. Sungei Opis. Trang, Pungah, Posom, Tharnooo,
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  • 358 7 (By Copbtist or tie Fkincm CobbulGwuu.) Paris, October 8th, 4.25 p.m.—In the region of the north the enemy ha> nowhere made progress, but has fallen back at certain points, sspecially north of Arras where the action is developing favourably for us. The operations of both cavalries are
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  • 762 7 (Et Cbiticls in th G!ob«) A little soreoM* baa not unnaturally arisen among Russians because the part their country is playing in the great struggle against militarism and bad faith is not more generally recognised by the English and French public. No Russian flags are sold
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 242 7 <* 3 s ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®<®@®®® GOODRICH TYRES -JV r> Sasi 8.1 .vH r T 2 a J iV m fcfc rw>i V V V# >/ Mia r.-" si S» “V 9 9 9 i i 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 Sole Importers, Straits Settlements Malay Peninsula, 1 ADAMSON, GILFILLAN
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 776 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited Established 1821. Subscribed Capital .£2,000,00 Total Invested Funds upwards of 6,460,0'' Total Annual Income over 1.180,0 1 TITHE have b??en appointed JL Agents of the above Company at Penang, aud aro piepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at tbt owest tariff rates
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