Straits Echo, 9 October 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1233 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! TICER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Stock* Held By TIANG LEE ft* CO., Peaang V Kuala Lumpur. Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high efficiency. Body flush
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    • 32 1 I z. ft. H > S Z S' O n 5 W 5 <* o i'l $> o a The Doctor advisee and reooarnends. It is nourishing, invigorating and strengthening Driak Dot's Rod Gaianess Start.
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  • 1349 3 Db. Dillon’s Remarkable Sub vet of the Lonq-planned Geeman Plot Aoainst the Peace or Europe Dr. E. J. Dillon is quite the most remarkable publicist of to-day. His personal knowledge of European statesmen and ff.iirs is unique, and if you would get a i
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  • 555 3 September 4 Mr. Philip Gibbs gives a powerful picture iu the Daily Chronicle of au incident in this great war in which Fiance reveuged on the spot her disaster at Sedan Ho telis how the Germans on Monday of last week found a graveyard at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 329 3 AT Crown Cinema. Depicting a Naval Battle fought under Modern Conditions So IN REELS. Forty Millions of Virile Men aud Women are taking an intelligent interest iu War. There will be a Fine Revue on our Screen To-morrow N ght, Fri ay Night, at reorge Town Kincma ill going strong
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    • 650 3 NOTICE. r pHE PUBLIC is hereby informed that 1. the Power of Attorney granted by me to one Ong Hock Beug of Chop Guan Tin Hoe of Beach Street, Penang, has been revoked from this date ONG OH LENG. Puket, 6 f h October, 1914 613 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. riMlE MUNICIPAL
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    • 47 3 Oh health is wealth, and life is lon/, Aud earth is fairer, too; When man is fit and well The skies are alwavs blue, So guard vour health, your joy increase, Your life from ills secure From pain and trouble win surcease With Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 44 3 Chamberlain's lain Balm There ia nothing so gool for muscular rheumatism, spraius, lameness, cramps of the muscles, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in less time than any other treatment. For sal* by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 587 3 THREE CASTLE MAGNOMS. i A large hand-made Virginian Cigarette. Tobacco and blending identically the same as the famous Three Castles Cigarettes. ijjb. <0 I**- X B ;—i 01 e l f ise vabf i r u l Tk MAGNUMS. C’> Three Castles Cigarettes «fl Tr 1 j Tabs Hu If
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  • 96 4 fvblished daily (except Sunday* and public holidays') AT THS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Stroet, Penang. rmcE. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 H CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 556 Printing Department 343 If B. —All buiinesa oemmunic*tion*
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  • 1383 4 No cliauge suras up the situation in he Western theatre of war. Apparently the turning movement of the Allies has been foiled, or at any rate retarded, by the Germans who, according t) the latest accounts, have strongly reinforced their right wing. It is at this poiut that
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  • 377 4 According to a message from London, dated September 24, four of the German Emperor’s sous have been wounded. Major-General Herbo t Powell commands the Ulster division of Earl Kitchener’s army. Capt. Craig will be assistant adjutaut-general. Mr. Ng Weng Wah who passed the final B.Se. Examination of
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  • 198 4 The following message is officially circulated by the German wireless stations and received by the M irconi Company Berlin, September 3. About French Army Corps, comprising the centre of the opponent’s Army, were defeated yesterday between Rheims and Verdun, French sorties from the la'ter place being
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  • 134 4 A Japanese paper recently discussed the question of Japan’s part in the post helium conference. It says that it is impossible to foretell what influence Japan will have in the conference of the Powers after the Great War. But as Japan’s interest is only limited to
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  • 42 4 A paperchase has been arranged for Tuesday, the 13th inst. Meet at Dato Krarnat gardens at 5 pm. and finish at “Kingsby” where Mr. Pike will be “At Home to the members of the Hunt Club and their friends.
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  • 72 4 e are asked to say “the sum of .£25 (twenty-five pounds) receipt of which is gratefully acknowledged from an Anonymous Sympathiser has been remitted direct to the Belgian Minister. London, through the Consulate in Penang.” M o understand that Mr. Samuel Fung Advocate and Solicitor of Singapore
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  • 427 4 SECOND DAY S RESULTS v/ rom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 9. The second day of the Singapore race* was favoured with better attendance Tb racing was also better. H. E the Governor and H.H the Sultan of Johore were atuonc those present. The results were as follows
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  • 427 4 Before Mr. G. R. Sykes in the Third Court this morning Hussain, Malay P. C. No 345, charged with disobedience of orders by sleeping while on duty, not being properly dressed, and not attending when he was called before the C P. O. a» a dofaulter.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 194 4 q3 £3 ■«A 0 A Flora, i^M O Fashionable Favorite-Perfume Bouquet o 0 OF I L 0 exquisite and F.wolff&Sohn PERFUMERS KARLSRUHE W BERLIN VIENNaW lasting 0 fragrance. o •cdcdcdc=)cdcdcd:( DIVINIA PERFUME, 0 The charm aod subtlct) J of Divinia has secured far J it the highest popularity in European
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  • 1309 5 ANTWERP. TENACIOUS DEFENCE. MORE DEVIOUS DIPLOMACY. (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Received Bth or Oct at 6-80 p.m. EVENTS IN FRANCE. Pari* Communique. Loudon, Octobor, 8. A Paris official communique issued at eleven o’clock last cvouing siys Except on the two wings where German attack? have been repulsed thire
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  • 174 5 The Times in a leading article headed “The Press in War,” says:—‘‘lf it is important that our people at home should receive a steady flow of information, it is infinitely more important that the overseas dominions, on which so much depends, should be promptly told all
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  • 144 5 Japanese papers report that a well-known politician who belonged to the former Jiyuto, with the support of his friends, has a scheme in hand for organising a volunteer corps with a view of sending it to Europe to fight ou the side of the Allies. A
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  • 111 5 No German Warship in North Sea. London, September 10th.—The Admiralty announce* that the naval flying machines of England will fly over the city of London day and night on guard against the attacks of the enemy’s aeroplanes. The authorities concerned have also warned the east coast
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  • 702 5 The Internal Loan—Flood Losses—Newspaper j Suppressed Gambling Monopoly Rebel Activity. i 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) Canton, September 24. Tbe general public is not giving much support to the internal loan of the Central Government, in spite of the attempt of Canton officials to induce the people
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  • 207 5 The Germans are attributing to Chinese sources the wildest and most absurd fictions. Their special Attache at Stockholm quotes the German Legation at Peking as having state 1 that the Japanese Government has officially informed China that a revolution has broken out in India, that Great Britain has
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  • 574 5 A Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated October 7, contains the following notifications: PRIZE COURTS It is hereby notified that, by an Order of His Majesty the King in Council bearing I date the thirtieth day of Septemler, 1914, j the Rules and Orders made iu pursuance of the Prize
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  • 234 5 Before Mr. G. R. Sykes in the Third Court this morning a Malay named Ibram, sail was charged with creating a disturbance < at Tanjong Tokong village by shouting out Kapal German Datang at one o’clock in the morning Sahavi, a fisherman of the village, stated On the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 424 5 STOP PRESS. (Reuter's Service.) I Copyright Telegram. Received 9th of October at 3-40 f.m. Bombardment of f Antwerp Started. r London, October 8. An Amsterdam message says that the refugees have just arrived at Rosendaal and t that they report that the Germans hare 1 staited bombarding Antwerp with heavy
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  • 720 6 Shipping Disorganised by the Wilt Emden.” The following are a few notes on a recent voyage of the Hong Bee from Singapore to Penang and Rangoon at the time the Emden, was causing uneasiness in the Bay of Bengal. On Saturday, September 19, the Hong Bee left
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  • 242 6 A correspondent to the Straits Times has found the following poem, which he had cut from a Star of about 15 years ago. The Star quoted it from an American newspaper, and it is once more highly apposite Translated from a Germau memorandum fouud in the
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  • 1026 6 STRATEGIC A ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. [Bt a. ’‘Globe” Correspondent.] On the ordinary maps the provinces invade 1 by the Russian troops seem not to be very extensive. Besides, it is assumed by many that Eastern Germany and Eastern Austria-Hungary are poor and barren In reality, however,
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  • 506 6 Strenuous Efforts to Reoain Lost Trade. A highly interesting situation has arisen out of the working arrangements which until the outbreak of war existed between British and German shipping lines. No effort is required, says Th« Times, to recall the aggressive policy of the German lines
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d
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    • 190 6 Diphtheria— How It May B<z Avoided. Diphtheria is usuilly contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be ke}.tat home and off
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    • 708 6 THE EASTERN SHIPPING CO.. LTD. The Bodernotei Stetrnm will be despatched, if circumstances and weather acmit. ire» fccsE* as follows:— This Time-table is subject to alteration without any further notice. Pangkor, Dindings, Sitiawan and B. Datob. Kwala Selangor. Kurau and Bagan Serai. Deli. Langkat, P. Brandan P. Kampip. B. Bakra
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  • 899 7 ![Bt ah Old Campaigner] Is courage a positive quality f 1 am inclined to say that it is not. I believe that courage is not an inborn part of human nature, but is the negation of that instinct of fear which is the common heritage of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 480 7 GOODRICH TYRES A v-Xl A/\y > E- -> i c%■«Ti lei is iSi a V SV V via r UMJ.-,' The Largest Tyre Factory., with the Greatest Ot: in the World a Tribute to the Supreme OF an 23C2 t r^.J rl C $krr/>0 f p-| *«3 s ft C’*
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    • 58 7 It Never Fails. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholra, and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name imp ies. It cares diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adults, and the most violent eases of cramp colic or pains in the stomach jrive way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always
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    • 39 7 Chi dren’s Coughs. Why let the children rock their little bodies in such a distressing m anner when you can so easily cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 775 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital £2,000,00 Total Invested Funds upwards of 6,450,030 Total Annual Income over 1,180,000 THE undersigned have l>een appointed Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at tbt OwesT tariff rates KENNEDY
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