Straits Echo, 7 October 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1272 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l CEMENT! CEMENT!!: “TIGER BRAND. r Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Stocks Held By TIANG LEE 6> CO., Ptaißi Cf Kuala Lumpur. J Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high
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    • 36 1 Drink Dot’s He*4 Guinness Stout v 7? Sf 3 V. •2 C 3 u <2 m •s c a P -C t M Eh a Sole Ageats TIANG LEE 6’ Co.. Penang d Kuala Lumpur. iMUQDDnn
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  • 719 3 i 1 The tong that nerve t a nation's heart It in itself a deed. Charge of the Heavy Brigade.” Tennyson was working at Maud” in 1854, while the guns of the Crimea imparted to his work a p i-'si mate seriousness which up to then had
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  • 793 3 Graphic Stories from the Battlefield. The narratives of survivors of the recent battles show that the British troops to a man acted with the co .rage and coolness which has always distinguished them. There are mauy incidents of German treachery and j cold-blooded outrages. "The 6pirit of the
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  • 691 3 The events of the past few weeks have 1 not been such as to encourage or strengthen any belief that one may have had in human nature, but they have not yet b9eu sufficient to destroy one’s confidence in the fact that most nations, as
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 453 3 WAR I WAR! 1 WAR!! 1 The Latest and Best Pictures NOW AT George Tovm Kmema, Kual' Kang** Rond Theatre. THE SHOW FAlt-EXCELLENCF. To-night! To-n.hgt! INCLUDE d The Love of Men A Great 101 Bison 2*Reel Indian War Drama. The Most Exciting and Thrilling War Drama ever screened. Full Synopsis
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    • 138 3 Diphtheria How It May B: Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheri > eerms When there are case9 of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be ke*.t at home
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    • 184 3 Laugh, and the world laughs with you, Sneer-*, and your friends all groan, For this old earth has reed of your mirth, It has colds and coughs of its own. Cough, and you spread the coughing, Kill it with process sure; Laugh—you shall laugh with pleasure If vou take Woods’
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    • 220 3 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Croat Peppermint Caro Is. f>d, NOTICE OF SALK BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF, OF PENANG. The undersigned is instructed to take possession and put up for sale by PUEIilC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDERS. On Tuesday, I3th October, 1914, AT 11 AM. At
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    • 786 3 THREE CASTLE MAGNOMS. A large band-made Cigarette. Virginian Tobacco and blending identically the same as the famous Three Castles Cigarettes. w rTTTir fhe MAGNUMS.’ Three Castles Cigarettes d RS&pgW 1 I r=L3*TrO ITn iTwIvl! ft M |M Bp 5* U$U "ii' Till i IP 4^ <* i no Crt/rr t>r<jnf
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. IfEIOF. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra, llail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No». (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 JfB.— All buatnes* con munition* ahoald
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  • 1263 4 In reviewing the recently-published Memoirs of Francesco Crispi Mr. Holbrook Jackson discusses interestingly Italy’s present attitude towards the Triple Alliance. Crispi was the friend of Bismarck and Italy’s most determined upholder of that Alliance and, were he living, Mr. Jackson thinks that he would have maintained
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  • 662 4 The wedding of Or. Chambers, of Raub, and Miss Horsley, of Kuala Lumpur, was I solemnised at St. Mary s Church, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday. I Major A. C. R. Nutt, Royal Field Artillery, who was wounded early in the French campaign, is a brother of Mr.
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  • 155 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 7. At the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Auction held yesterday 203,567 lb. were offered for sale and 132,184 lb were sold. The following prices were realised Sheet smoked fine ribbed 99 to $lO5 per pikul Sheet smoked good ribbed 586,,
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  • 267 4 Twenty thousand Belgian families hat# taken refuge in Rotterdam. A specially formed railway brigade hu been sent from England to France. A Prau containing ten cases of machinery was burnt out in Soerabaya Harbour on the 3rd instant. The Germans state that they took 8,000 Russian prisoners
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  • 83 4 Mr. W. J. Hodge, Hon. Treasurer, sends us the following further list of contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penaug: Oct. 5 By Balance ...$14,025.35 6 N. D. Mudie 5000 Three Musketeers 45 ('0 R M. Lwinge 25.00 Anonymous
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  • 63 4 The Manager of the Chartered Bank advises us that the following amounts hare been received by him for the credit of the Belgian Relief Fund opened by Mrs. John Mitchell: The Hon. A. T. Bryant $5OOO Mrs John Mitchell 50.00 Miss Smith 5.00 Anonymous W.OO do. 100
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  • 145 4 It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Mr. H. C. Borrer, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, which took place at 4 o’clock this morning, at the Eastern Extension Quarters, Northam Road. Mr. H. C. Borrer, who was a son of the
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  • 212 4 Professor’s Interesting Experiments. Among the passengers on board the Pand O. mail Morea which left Colombo for London on September 3, is Prof. Herdman, who is a member of the British Medical Association party who are returning from a visit to Australia, says the Times of Ceylon. A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 D&CDOeC Wolff’s Eau de Cologne Ice Water THING r\ IS THE JUST o j V A Eamc CotoorJE. hit V'jvtjf' SoSi* V ''d fcjRLFPUna«it»*'Jl m )®CDO® C )®CD 8CD®C D#C A for that 9 racking Headache in you. Most Refreshing and Cooling. Sold Every where. P. WOLFF 8 SOHN, Karlsruhe
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  • 37 4 Death. Bobrer. —At 4 a.m. to day H. C. Borrer, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, son of the late Rev. Borrer, of Cambridge, England. Aged 29. Funeral at 5-30 p.m. to-day to the Western Road Cemetery.
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  • 939 5 POSITION IN FRANCE. FIGHTING IN EAST AFRICA. TSINGTAU. (Reuter’s Service.) Received Oth or Oct. at 3-30 r m EVENTS IN FRANCE. Paris Communiques. C»p7Ti*ht Telegram. London, October 5. A Paris communique says The battle t on our left wing continues violently to the Korth of the Oise. The
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  • 373 5 FIRST DAY'S RESULTS. > From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 7. There was a small attendance on the opening day of the Singapore Races; amoDg those present wereH. E. the Governor and H. H. the Sultan of Jobore. The results were as follows 1. The Malat States Purse.
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  • 458 5 Of equal interest to the banking position at home is just now that in Germany. The returns of the Reicbsbank, of course, do not reach this side direct, but from Dutch sources the figures covering the third week of August have come to hand. They show
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  • 943 5 SCARE POSTERS. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS IN PARLIAMENT. Mr. Llewellyn Williams asked the Prime Minister whether he was aware that the Times on August 31 published dispatches from two correspondents in which it was announced that the British troops had met with defeat and disaster, and that
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  • 317 5 Staging Harry Lauder's Soags to the Burstiag of Shells. A corporal and two privates of the Black Watch, all wounded, who have arrived in London from the front last month, were surrounded by a crowd of admirers and loudly cheered in Leicester Square. Two were wounded
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  • 225 5 Wounded Captain Rescued Under Fire. News has reached Chester of an act of bravery performed by the Duke of Westminster while be was with Captain Grenfell and Lieutenant Percy Wyndham, son of Couutess Grosvenor, in a hot engagement at the front. Captain Grenfell was
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  • 57 5 The following ties have been fixed for Friday, the 9th inst.: Single Handicap A. Hall vs. Oliver. Mixed Doubles A. Mrs Crichton and Rogers vs. Mrs Ebden and Syer. Or Mrs Neubronner and Cuscaden. Mixed Doubles B. Mr and Mrs W E MacDonald vs. Mrs W. Motion
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  • 64 5 The following tie has been fixed for Friday, the 9th inst.: Fours. Cunningham, Southam, Messrs G E Wright-Motion vs Starr, Dr Sharp, Henderson, Hamilton (Unfinished). Messrs. Katz Bros., the local agents for Dewar’s Whisky, have presented us with a boxwood ruler with a calendar for 1914, 1915
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  • 132 5 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir. It is ray daily privilege, or otherwise, to pass along Beach Street in the early morning before eight o’clock Several times I have had to bring out my handkerchief when passing by the corner of Union and Beach Streets, immediately
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  • 214 5 Says the North China Daily News, Shanghai :—Though all Britons ardently desire the destruction or capture of the Emden, they certainly will not withhold the admiration due to her plucky and successful raids. That at least, so far as we can gauge it. is the feeling
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  • 142 5 Suggested Employment as Trench Diggers. The Military correspondent of the Timet who regards the situation on September 4 as not brilliant, but not bad,” suggests the use of British navvies at the front. The Germau Armies, he says, have the strategical offensive, and are thereby enabled
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 TO LET. Premises No. 152, Burmsh Road' Apply to CHENG LAW A Co., 7-10-14 609 49, Maxwell Eoad. HORSE FOOD The best horses must have the best food. Don't insult and injure them by giving inferior substitutes. This food is good value for your money. Penang Cycle Emporium, 12. KING
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  • 1333 6 Speed Values. DuriDg a state of war the ordinary routine i occurreuces of the naval service aie neces- i tarily suspended to a very large extent, and over those which are continued a veil of secrecy is drawn. It is believed that several new ships
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  • 273 6 Of the many accomplishments with which the German Emperor honestly believes himself to be gifted the one which appeals most to his vanity is to be considered a great military commander. It is not so many years ago that he was facetiously known among his
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  • 185 6 Dramatic Episode of North Sea Fioht. A long letter from a naval lieutenant describing the action off Heligoland is published in the Morning Post. Most picturesque in a remarkably interesting narrative is the following episode, which is truly, a 9 the writer says, the most romantic,
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  • 65 6 lbs Alma Estates, Ltd. 12,000 Bukit Toh Alang Rubber Estates, Ltd. 8 50"! Cluny Rubber Estates, Ltd. 13.428 Chemor United Rubber Co., Ltd. 13,50-5 Kinta Kallas Rubber Estates, iAd... 15,600 Kuala K ingea Plantations Co.. Ltd 27,811 Kota Bahroe Rubber Estates. Ltd. 26,162 Shanghai Klebang Rubber Estates,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 <E 2.ISJDUCJ] (hambcrlaia's Fain Balm There i* nothing s> g od for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lam ness, cramps of the muscbs, bruises and like injuries as Chamtwrltin’s Pain Dilm. It will effect a rure in less turn than any other treatment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 58 6 It Never Fails. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name implies It corps diarrhoea anl dysentery in either children or adults, and the most violent cssps of cramp colic or d ins in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always
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    • 153 6 I «ca 2Sn HOBB a PENANG. SINGAPORE. IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. MOnHQU mm iggpi gy&ag I i £§8 m iJU pi r X- la——— IIBB4I A Sr: mr K $39$ V. r n. v ®'s mm f'* £WW| i- r flwgiSmnwS A lfe‘ .--j Of® ?A£v¥5 Rubber Factories Rubber Mills. 4^>'
      153 words

  • 1934 7 TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. [By H. G. Well».] Tbi» appeal come» to you from England at war, and it i» addressed to you because upon your nation rests the issue of this conflict. The influence of your States upon it» nature and duration must need» be enormous, and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 140 7 Childrea's Coufths. Wby let the children rock their little bodies in such a distressing manner when you can so easily cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, for sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers ’W iOL W 3 543 gßa BE .*?> <£* ££B fe&B fflt 1
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    • 60 7 Sunshine and Common Sense. Don’t doctor your blood ior rbeurna tism. Use an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of
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    • 72 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d. MARTIN’S for Ladies.! A French Remedy for all Irregularities. Thousands of Ladies keep a box of Martin's Pills in the house, so that on the first sijrn os any Irregularity of the System a timely dose may bo adm inistered.
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    • 129 7 HOTEL NORMAN The Only English Hotel. UNRIVALLED POSITION. COLD STORAGE FOOD. The recognised place for recherche dinners. The Cuisine is under the constant supervision of the Proprietor. Special Terms to Government Officials and F.M.S. Visitors. The John Robert Billiard Rooms are the Best Equipped in Penang. Telegrams “NORMANS.” Tele. No.
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    • 307 7 IN THE MATTER OP THE STRAITS MOTOR BUS COMPANY. LIMITED. At an extraordinary geneRAL MEETING of the membera of the ahove named Company, duly con ran ed and held at 3, Union Street, Penang, on Friday, the 11th day of September, 1914, the following Extraordinary Resolutions were duly passed and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 772 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital M £2,000,00 Total Invested Funds upwards of 6,460.00C Total Annual Income over 1,180,000 THE undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at ths ©west tariff rated
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