Straits Echo, 6 October 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1179 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! -TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Stocks Held By TIANG LEE CO., Pcsatl Kuala Lumpur. Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high efficiency. Body flush side Cabriolet,
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    • 26 1 *0 a a u v Vi 3» 9 N 3 The Dootor advisee and reoummende. It is nourishing’, invigorating and strengthening Drink Dot’s Had Gainnas Stout.
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  • 407 2 Reason of the Initial Check at Mclhausen. Stern measures have baen adopted bj the French Government with those generals in the French Eastern Army who were not considered equal to their work, and who were looked upon as responsible for ‘he error that led to the
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  • 592 2 Dobs not Fear Japanese. Calcutta, September 20. When the Commander of the Emden took his farewell of the skippers of the five sunken vessels he said Well, goodbye, gentlemen, you’ll hear of me again. I have not finished yet.” Evidently he has not finished yet,
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  • 625 2 Germany is proving now that Mr. Norman Angell’s great illusion is not the illusion that really produces war. It is not a mistaken notion of self-interest that has made Germany consent joyfully to this war but a wrong moral idea. War to Treitschkj and General Bernhardi and
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  • 362 2 Millions Spknt in Fortifying Tint Island. Heligoland (holy land) is one of the world’s tiniest islands, hut it is also one of its most famous forts, and its guns command the channel which divides it from the mainland. The island forms the centre of the torpedo and submarine
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1063 2 r-£3E2l .-ES’S: Tf f'J o /mP ffi* ;a-!i a S' H i i S a J^ T ji^ttsLJLiir WOMEN’S GREA r -jr; t f~» rr~, I .< Thc o'd savW that “distance lends enchantment” was nevermore an;!;- to the point than when applied 1 n jj sm clling odours. :ni
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint £«re la. 6d
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  • 832 3 [Bt Tom Weight.] I haven’t even the satisfaction of knowing that my despatches are reaching you. Perhaps it doesn’t matter. On this side Suez, Mars thrusts marginalia out of sight. It is guilty of other home thrusts too numerous to mention. War is a nuisance. If we were
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  • 539 3 Mr. E. Ashmead Bartlett, who sent such striking despatches to the Telegraph in the Balkan war, is again serving that pa}.er. He has passed through Austria on his way to Servia, and as he did so he saw what he calls that terrible machine, a general
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  • 236 3 Br Rudtard Kipling in the Timet* For all we have and are, For all our children’s fate, Stand up aud meet the war. The Hun is at the gate Our world has passed away In wantouness o’erthrown. There i 3 nothing left to-day But
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 410 3 WAR I WAR WAR! 1 The Latest and Best Pictures NOW AT George Town Kinema, Kuala Kangsa Road Theatre. the show par excellence. To-night's (Tuesday’s) Change INCLUDES “The Love of Men A Great 101 Bison 2-Reel Indian War Drama. The Most Exciting and Thrilling War Drama ever screened. Full Synopsis
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    • 647 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The municipal commissioners of George Town, Penang, hereby invite tenders for the following Regrading and repairs to Kedah Road Drain from Transfer Ro*d to Burmah Road. Full particulars can be obtained and plans and specifications inspected at the Municipal Engineer’s Office. Tenders which should be endorsed Regrading nnd
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    • 105 3 Diphtheria How It May fte Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s syst- m for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be kej-t at homo
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    • 260 3 THREE CASTLE MAGNUMS. A large hand-made Virginian Cigarette. Tobacco and blending identically the same as the famous Three Castles Cigarettes. W t-f 'O'- 1 '3 L The magnums* Three Castles t Cigarettes ?*■*■> i* Mu„.;r rc iH no be.'trr f\/4* WD H O Wills Bristol London W Obtainable at
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  • 90 4 fmblished daily (except Sunday» and public holidays) AT TRI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 543 cprnmunicstioß» thcmld b« aridrimd M TBI
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  • 755 4 In this war in a fog outlines are necessarily blurred and when details, generally a week old, are vouchsafed us they only add to the murkiness of the situation. For instance, this morning Reuter sprung upon us this surprise, dated Constantinople, October 5 The Entente Ambassadors say
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  • 79 4 Direct American Shipments Inadvisable. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipob, 6th October. Tho Council of the F. M. S. Chamber of Mines has decided that nothing can be done at present to ship tin direct to America They contend that existing high quotations are no
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  • 97 4 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I shall, as usual, ask you to kindly publish the full accounts as soon as I can complete them. In the meantime all those who so generously supported the entertainment may be pleased to know that the amount I
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  • 197 4 To THi Editor or the Straits Echo. Sir, We would like to ask you to be bo good as to give publicity to the following complaint which is a very real one and one which affects us very materially. There are certain firms who are in no way
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  • 254 4 Mr. Henry Arthur Phipps. who recently won the King Edward \II Scholarship tenable for five years at the Hongkong University, leaves for Hongkong to-morrow He intends studying medicine. Mr. B. W. Allan, Asst. Superintendent of Police, who arrived from Singapore last Friday, relieves Mr. N. A. M.
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  • 228 4 Russian spies have been caught and shot in Dantzic. A tire has broken out in the Dutch mint at Utrecht. A Dutch Priest was shot during the sack of Louvain. The British steamer Strathalan is aground in Bali Straits. Prince Henry of Holland has visited the British
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  • 149 4 Our Klang correspondent writing on October 3, says:—lnspector Worton prosecuted a Chinamau for theft committed in three houses, before Mr. Beech. He was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment. Fourteen Tamil coolies belonging to Bukit Raya Estate were sent to gaol for a week for not putting in
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  • 62 4 lbs. Bakap Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 25,718 Batu Matang Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 10,235 Jong Landor Rubber Estates, Ltd... 26,001 Kedah Rubber Co Ltd.... 27,222 A subscription of $5O has been raised among the masters and pupils of the AngloChinese School, at Klang, as a contribution to the Prince
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  • 387 4 Mr. W. J. Hodge, Hon. Treasurer, geud« us the following further list of contribution* to the above Fund, forwarded Chartered Bank, Penang: Oct 3 By Balance tinoty». 5 Staff of the Dispensary Ltd., Penang iM 50 (H* A Birthday Present Amount collected by
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  • 79 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 8. The Prince of Wales’ Relief Fund meeting was largely attended. H.E. the Governor. Sir Arthur Young, presided and announced that the Government of the Colony wai contributing XIO,OOO sterling. The Hon. Tan Jiak Kim promised subscription of $lB,OOO. It
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  • 160 4 The paragraph headed a Burglary Scare,” which appeared in our issue vestorday, was sent in by our reporter in the ordinary way and we had no reason to believe that it was an exaggerated accoun' of what actually did take place. It i« c!ea r now that our
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 72 4 PRITCHARD 8 Co SOLE AGKM'T'B FOR ROVER CYCLES m POWDER FOR 3 THE BEST SUBSTITUTE FO» ACETIC ACID Samples and Prices on application to THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY, LTD., Penang, Tapping and Ieoh. n pzms ss«s If M o ■ar. 1*1. Wllliid: vK v I: :L v H jii ip
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  • 40 4 Death. Rigbt. —On August 6th, at 10 Hillfield Gardeus, Muswell Hill, N., Alice Matel, beloved wifo of Edward William Rigby, of Sungei Siput, Perak, F.M S., and daughter of the late W. S. Holding, Hastings, aged thirty-two. R. I. P.
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  • 1032 5 THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. GERMANS DEFEATED. Received sth of Oct. at 4 pm (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. EVENTS IN FRANCE. Paris Official Announcement London, October 5. A Paris official announcement issued at eleven o’clock last evening says On ou r left wing the battle is in f ull progress
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  • 927 5 Bkedits Still Active —Tke President’s Birthday—The Detective Duran. From Our Own Correspondent.) Canton, September 17. The bandits and pirates in Canton Delta have not yet announced to the publie their suspension of activities, in spite of war having taken place in Chinese territory for the last few
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  • 1350 5 The following is an extract from an article in the English Review, entitled Psychology and Motives,” written by Mr. Austin Harrison The effect of militarism upon modern Germany has been—and there is no other word for it—the brutalisation of the finer feelings of humat ity. Based on a
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  • 128 5 The following were the scores made by the P. L. R. C. yesterday morning Deliberate Firing 200 yds. Mills’ Trophy. Mrs Wright-Mot ion 30* Mrs Maclean 27* Mrs Liston 26* Mrs Webb 23* Miss Mathieu 23* Mrs Johnson 21* Mrs Hart 18 150 yds. Mrs Liston
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  • 154 5 At the Rubber Auction held by the Chamber of Commerce to-day, 42,912 lb. were offered for sale and 27,146* lb. were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheet 74 to I 82 Plain Sheet 75 Unsmoked Sheet S 74 S 78 Plain Sheet $62„ 78 Fine Pale
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 442 5 JVOTICH. AFR FRANK ARTHUR PLEDGER -*XI_ is authorized to sign our firm per procuration as from this date. B0USTEAD A Co. Peuang, 6th October, 1914. 607 WARNING. All persons are cau'ioned against making unauthorised use of Reuter's Service of News, and any person or persons found infringing the Copyright Ordinance
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  • 1323 6 HOW REPORTS ARE 1 COMMUNICATED. t i Bt Breach Screw. i The dirigible and the aeroplane have j i hardly revolutionised warfare, but they 11 have become indispensable auxiliaries to < every fleet and to every army. In future wars the dirigible, assisted by the hydroaeroplane, will be
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  • 267 6 Successful Sequel. Early on Friday morning as th 6 tapping coolies wore passing the mauager s bungalow, Hendra Estate, Sunkai, a large tigress leapt out on a girl tapper, scarred her arm, and then attacked a man, whom he dragged a short distance down a ravine, after
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  • 110 6 German Battery Seized Under Heavy Fire. St. Petersburg, received Saturday. The Cross of St. George has been awarded to Prince Eristoff, a colonel in the Horse Artillery, who, when the Germans were retreating at Stalupoenen, ordered his men to hitch off their own guns and
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  • 47 6 The following tie has been fixed for Wednesday, the 7th inst.: Championship. H Starr vs. Cunningham. The following ties have been fixed for Thursday, the 8th inst.: Championship. Robertson vs. Starr or Cunningham. (Final) Double Handle ip. Fettes and Sharp vs. Southam and Houeten
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  • 94 6 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, the 7th inst.: Mixed Double Handicap B. Miss Clieeseraan and Hall vs. Mrs W-Motionand Cuscaden. Mixed Double Handicap A. Mrs Ebden and F N Syer vs. Mrs Neubronner and Cameron The following ties hare been fixed for Thursday, the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 Sunshne ini Common Sense. Don’t doctor your blood for rheumatism. Use au external application of Chamberlain’s Pain liiliu. lu a few days it will get you up and out iuto the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your yeins and soon rid tho system of this
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    • 90 6 Vanderbilt-Browse is a man about-towu, A good-natured but profligate sort, Haunts sixpenny bars, smokes sh'lling cigars— a reckless, gay, rollicking sport. It is ce 'dless to state that his hours are late, That no luugs could such habits endure, But the worldly-wise rake knows the right thing to tako— He
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    • 593 6 (hamberlaia’s Fain Balm There is nothing so good for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the muscles, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in less time than any other treatment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. m i ssv..imnMUM mmryr ipiiwi Indigestion
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    • 629 6 THE EASTERN SHIPPING CO.. LTD. Tkc Dndcrnotei Stamm vill be despatched. if circumstances and «rather permit, trem Peaapj as follows: This Time-table is subject to alteration without aey further notice. MUSI urn STEAM NAVIGATION Co.. Ltd. For Singapore. N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamship Company 1, EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly
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  • 242 7 =£250,000 oeth of Work for the Albert Dock. Just before the declaration of war with Germany, the Port of London Authority placed tenders for about a quarter of a million sterling among German firms for machinery in connection with the uew Albert Dock. The machinery
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  • 235 7 In the last number of the Indian and Eastern Engineer an interesting leading article shews the gun power of the rival Battle fleets which we summarise. The first battle line of Britain is formed by the British First Fleet, and the figures may be summarised as follows Guns
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  • 372 7 [The Japan Timet, Friday, July 17. It is a far cry backward to the days of Loeksley Hall,” and perhaps as far a cry forward to the day when Tennyson’s vision of aerial warfare shall be fulfilled. But that compelling dream could be realized to-day in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 751 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital .£2,000.0 Total Invested Funds upwards of 6,460,000 Total Annual Income over 1,180,000 fTTHE undersigned have been appointed 1 Agents of the above Company at Pen&ne, and are prepared to issue policiei of Insurance against loss by fire at tht ©west tariff rates
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