Straits Echo, 1 October 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1255 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! ••TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Stocks Held By TIANG LEE CO., Penang Of Koala Lumpur. Now On Show. Lagonda Cars BANKS. > THE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China.
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    • 23 1 Driak Dot's Hud Guinness Stoat m IT 9 9 s a a Sol. Aifitu TIANG LEE fir Co., Penang A Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■□□□□□□DDQDDD■■■■■■■■
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  • 1691 3 “WHITEHEADS” AND “BLACKHEADS.” Bt Oce Natal Correspondent. For those who can look upon the war with a and analytical eye there i« no more interest ini; problem to be iclred than the question of the value of the torpedo. Only a few weeks before the outbreak of war
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  • 320 3 By far the most encouraging of the items of intelligence which have been allowed to filter through the various censors is the announcement that the Kaiser will attend a conference of German sovereigns to be held at Brussels before his departure for bis Eastern frontier It is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 f ham' erlab's Ccujh Remedy. This remedy has no superior a 9 a cure for jolds, croup and whooping cough It has been a favourite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years, Chambe»lain’s Cough Remedy Can always b>* depended up- n and is pleasant to take It
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    • 95 3 Huttenbach Bros. 8 COMPANY. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: A. E. G Electrical Free Estimates Given for all Electrical Workof Mining Plants and Private lighting installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: ,T Sf 5 SF* JL ELIPIO if m E in. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations
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  • 199 4 Gold Leaf Black Pepper 16.50 buyer» White Pepper 24 nominal Trang Pepper Cloves 50. jfl aco 110 nominal Mace Pickings ®5- nominal Nutmegs 110 23-nominal (No. 1 6.10 tales Sugar 2 5.50 sale, Basket 5.15 buyer; Copra (mixed) 9.65 buyers r Tab bun...' 190.— sellers n > Soonde 24-5.
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  • 232 4 Pbnang, October 1 Beef— cts Soup per catty 15 Roast 30 Steaks 30 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 30 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 50 Feet 20 Heart 45 Liver per catty 40 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 40 Mutton
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 528 4 FOR SALEI. Guide to Penang, BY THE LATE E. F. Skertchly. f. e. s. Price SO cents. C Worth a Dollar a copy SOLD AT “STRAITS ECHO” OFFICE. AND AT THE SAVE-U-TROUBLE FIRM fob. sale. We Have Received Anothba Consignment op Tough White Manilla Envelopes. Cheap and Strong Quality Price
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    • 83 4 TRANSLATION j'pHE UNDERSIGNED undertakes to L translate any document from English I into Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinese j accounts into English, i I according to the following scale:—■ I) For translations for in ertion in the Straits Echo or the Penang Sin Poe or to 1>© printed by
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    • 758 4 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnDnn FI n n n n n n n n n n 0 n FOR SALE. An Open Letter oN E administration or The Banishment Enactment 1910 ADDRESSED TO J. H. M. ROBSON, E«q BY n n n n n n n 0 n n n 0 rt 0 A
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  • 364 5 Officers Killed, Wounded oe Missino. Following are further lists of casualties wire-3 out to India Killed: —The following have been killed:—Major R England, R F A; Captains E Bradbury, K H. A, Vandaleur, Essex Regiment, A S Williams. R A M C; Lieutenants Champion de Crespignv, Queen s
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  • 282 5 Somewhat sentiment il reads a paragraph in the San Francisco Chronicle of Augt. 13, which commences By the shore of the southern sea, on the wide verandah of the Raffl-s Hotel in Singapore there began two years ago a romance which reached its climax in San Francisco
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  • 141 5 Messrs. Guthrie A Co., in their weekly report, dated Tuesday, 29th September, say The improved demand noted in our last was maintained to-dav and price» again improved materially, advances ol from $2 to §6 being recorded. Of 85 tens catalogued about 55 ton? were sold. The lots
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  • 452 5 SUNGEI BESI ABLAZE. Villa.*» Wiped Out. Last Monday practically two-ttfirds of the village of Salak South was destroyed by fire. This morning the neighbouring village of Suogei Besi was to all intents and purposes wiped out, only a few scattered sheds remaining Sungei Besi has had several
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  • 256 5 An Attack on Great Britain. An official telegram to the British Legation in Bangkok dated Sept. 22nd states General Smuts, Minister of Defence of the Union of South Africa, iu accepting the resignation by Ex-General Beyers of the post of Commander of the Union defence forces, makes
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 < 111 (0 Q 111 K -I < U bl (L < Z < X o ffl o <n _i < Ruchanans SCOTCH pp WH I SKY i /V m Jh= SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT" X X rt> ■D 70 'BL/vCK^HITE. SCOTCH WHISKY »P.-2!SSr^ OIASOOW**6k BLACK WHITE 49 o u
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    • 61 5 He is only a toil-worn wbarfie,” A brave battler with weathers and strikes, Staunch pard at a pinch, a man every inch. Who owns up to bis likes and dislikes. You may bet that he’d die for “the party,” No Lib.” could his loved vote allure He tell* any bloke
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    • 127 5 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Wood*’ Peppermint Care la. 6d NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912. F.M.S Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance 1911.' I [EMPLOYEES OF INDIAN LABOUR j are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour,
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    • 302 5 THREE CASTLE MAGNUMS. A large hand-made Virginian Cigarette. Tobacco and blending identically the same as the famous Three Castles Cigarettes. o Jr? c. c Cover,-.,; •»<> i a>n >ou '4 ie magnums: Three Castles Cigarette:} r i^r«Can; g|S| Es^ B'\ ZT* 9 r,i> 'Obtccc CC /I ItA bet/rr t*n Ttrtt
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  • 95 6 fvbliihdd daily (except Sunday» and public holiday») AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang, mic*. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Po»t Free) $17.50 CABLR ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 580 Printing Departnent 343 KB All butin.u communication* «Scold ba
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  • 432 6 Over eighteen months ago a comprehensive underground sewerage scheme, drawn up by the Municipal Engineer, was submitted for the consideration of the Commissioners who very wisely agreed “that it should be deferred for the present.” The system, according to the Engineer’s report, would require $500,000 to instal, $16,000
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  • 588 6 Mr. Lloyd George’s two sons have joined the Territorial». Mr. A. Bellamy Brown, joint editor of the Malay Mail, has returned from leave. Prince Purachatra of Siam has arrived in London from his cruise in Norway, and is staving at the Siamese Legation. The engagement is announced
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  • 157 6 Last evening a Chinaman visited the Sea View Hotel and interviewed Mr. F. Hulme Sharp with reference to a visit to the Hotel of three Chinese ladies who were to stay there for a week. The terms agreed on were $BO for the week. It was then
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  • 78 6 Train Serriee Disorganized. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipob, Ist October. Landslips have occurred on the railway between Bukit Gantangand Padang Eengas caused by a cloud burst. They have occasioned great disorganisation in the train services. Trains are held up at Taiping and the Penang Express due
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  • 636 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, September 29. As a rule it is difficult to secure a room at the Taiping Rest-house. Yesterday, however, there were eight rooms vacant, only two being occupied. Mr. W. E. Siddons, Assistant Revenue Auditor, Perak, who had to return to Taiping, owiDg to
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  • 115 6 The following notification is, by command of His Excellency the Governor, published for general information in a Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated September 29 With reference to Notification No. 1095, published in a Gazette Extraordinary on the 17th September, 1914, it is hereby notified that by a Proclamation
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  • 135 6 Shipload Waiting at Port Swettaaham. The repatriation of Chinese still proceeds in Kuala Lumpur, applications being dealt with as received by the Protector of Chinese. Numbers are now much smaller; and on Monday a batch of fifty represented the total which had collected during the week-end. At Port
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  • 276 6 Before Mr. O. R. Sykes, this morning, Mr S. R. Naidoo, the Confectioner, was summoned for riding a motor cycle in a manner so rash as to indicate a due want of regard for the safety of others. Mr. VV. H. Thorne, in his evidence, said, On Monday,
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  • 50 6 Mr. W. J. Hodge, Hon Treasurer, sends us the following further list of contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang: Sept 29 By Balance $9,203.35 30 O. B. Pike 50.00 Mrs. G. S. Evans 30.00 Balance Sept. 30 $9,283.35
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  • 563 6 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent, in his report of Mr. C. J. Foot’s lecture, which appeared in our issue last Monday, erroneously said that Mr. Foot was invalided from active service and that he belonged to the Royal Horse Artillery. Mr. Foot was not invalided out of the service
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 69 6 PRITCHARD 8 Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR ROVER CYCLES. POWDER FOR EUEBIR LATEX. THE BEST SUBSTITUTE FOR ACETIC ACID Samples and Prices on application to THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY. LTD., Penang, Taiping and Ipoh. NEW 20 H.P. (1914) DAIMLER FORSTON MODEL ssmr Just Arrived! Just Arrived!! 4 N "R v\ THE
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  • 33 6 Death. Maxwell. —Died of wounds received on the 20th September, Captain Peter Benson Maiwell (Pat), East Yorkshire Regiment, youngest son of the late Sir W. E. Maxwell. [By cable. No further details available].
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  • 1268 7 ANTWERP FORTS BOMBARDED. THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. TSINGTAU. ("eater's Service.) Copyright Telegram KicfivßD 30th of Sept. a.t 4-35 ru. EVENTS in FRANCE. p,\ris Communiques. Londi n, September 29. A Paris communique received to-day T( There is no notable change in the Woevre region, Lorraine or Vosges.” Bickited Ist of
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  • 707 7 The inquest into the cause of the death of a Chinaman named Tan Gat, who was knocked down by a tram car on September 26, was held this morning before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel. the Coroner. Ramasamv, Tramway Inspector, stated that on September 26 at 6-30 a.m.
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  • 92 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3 —The Torpedo: “Whiteheads” and Blackheads,” By Our Naval Correspondent. German Sovereigns Confer. s—British Casualties: Officers Killed, Wounded or Missing. A Singapore Romance. Guthrie’s Rubber Report. Boer General Resigns: An Attack on Great Britain. Second Big Fire Sungei
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  • 1749 7 Before Mr G A. Hall in the District Court yesterday morning the hearing was commenced of the case in which G D. McLean was charged with criminal j breach of trust in respect of 1100 and criminal misappropriation of $lOO aid 1,200 guilders, the property of
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  • 280 7 The following proclamation by His Excellency the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, k c.m a), was issued ou Monday as a Government Gazette Extraordinary Whereas the Rules hereinafter set out were made by His Majesty in Council in pursuance of the Prize Courts Act 1891 on the fifth
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 365 7 HORSE FOOD The best horses must have the best food. Don't insult and injure them by giving inferior substitutes. This food is good value for your money. Penang Cycle Emporium, 12. KING STREET. THE GLEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms.
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  • 3261 8 THE HALF-YEARLY MEETING. Ihe Situation President’s Cheery Outlook 'Ihe half yearly meeting of the Singapore Chamber ot Commerce was held on Monday at the Exchange, the President (the Hon. Mr C. W. Darbishire) in tho chair, and there was only a moderate attendance of members. There were
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 412 8 CLEEK HAS ARRIVED. CLEEK, the man with 40 Faces. SEE. HIM AT Crown Cinema T .fur 4E- rm l ENTIKE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME The Straits Cinema, PENANG ROAD. Speciality —Latest Pathe Productions. The Leading Premier Show in Penang AND The People’s Favourite Rendezvous. Will present To-night. ROBIN HOOD 3 PARTS.
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    • 59 8 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet tor a few day-, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Cbauiberlaiu’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians have failed cn, and it will
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    • 386 8 Remember the Name. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the best known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach. You may need it some time. For sale by all Dispensaries I aud Dealers. PENANG CONFECTIONERY 18, LEITH STREET. THE THEATRE GOERS’ RENDEZVOUS. When Appetite Flags
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    • 472 8 TOWN HALL, PENANG. Mr. 8 Mrs. Wright-Motion’s Cafe Chantant. TO-NICHT AND SATURDAY. 3rd OCT.. 19)4, AT 9-15 P.M. PUNCTUALLY. The entire proceeds will be given to the PRINCE of WALES’ WAR FUND. BAR OPEN IN HALL. TOWN BAND. SMOKINC Admission: $1. Bar tickets $1 per book of 1C. Programmes lOcts.
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  • 1198 9 It is perhaps too much to expect that thf ordinary public will take a reasonable Tien of a newspaper. Recently a Dutch gentle man who ought to have known better stated that it was only necessary to look over a few of our leaders to see that we wanted
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  • 304 9 A Dbaft Enactment. In an K.M..S. Government Gazette Extraordinary appeals the draft of an Enactment to provide for tbe surrender to Foreign Countries of persons accused or convicted of the commission of certain offences within tbe jurisdiction of such countries. In the objects and reasons it is stated
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  • 229 9 Official Minutes. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the Bth September, 1914 Pretent. Dr. G W. Park, {Deputy President.) F. Duxbury, Esq Yeoh Guan Esq. Absent. P. T. Allen, Esq. Quah Be g Kee, Esq. Jobn Mitchell, Esq. Lim Eow Houg, Esq. 1.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 Rheumatism. Have you ever trie i Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism If not. you are wasting time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to cure. Get a bottle to-day, applv it with a vigorous massage to the affl cted parts and you will be surprised
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    • 734 9 Baby Fern, Hants. A Mother’s Joy Her Little Wasted Baby ■ade bright and well by the power of these Tablets. Edith H. Fern, residing at 82, Da*-borough-rd., Eastleigh, Hants., speaking to representative, said: I am oonvinced that Dr. Cassell's Tablets saved my child’s life. WheD baby was only a few
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    • 653 9 N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamshia Company L W V* EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service is maintained b|< tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-Screw steamers maintaining this servico have boen specially dosignod and acnstructod, and are
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  • 1074 10 The early stages of this war will always be remembered, of cou r se, for the heroic feats ot the Belgians, and, in a lesser degree only, for the Migrant and shameless way in which from the outsit the Germans violated the laws and customs of
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  • 629 10 Since the adoption of the 15in. gun in the British Navy, considerable attention ha9 been paid to the greater piercing power of the heavier arm, as compared with those of smaller calibre. The greater weight of the shell of the bigger calibre encouuters Comparatively
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  • 195 10 French Soldi hrs’ Ruse. Paris, August 24. Bv blacking their faces a party of spirited young Parisian soldiers gave the Germans so nasty a shock that they fled in dismay. The incident became known as a result of the surgeons noticing that some wounded from the front
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 14 10 i' 1 i ionic Chest Complaints V* -U’ .a f IVpp'-'rmint Cufe, I». id
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    • 517 10 ML A retired Cotonel of the Indian Medical Service writes Dea' Sirs —Following repeated attacks of influenza and debility due to long service i ih- trop cs I was left with obstinate chronic bronchitis, severe flatulent dyspepsia and a general neurasthenia, which took the form of mental depression (irrational tear,
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    • 137 10 Chronic Diarrhoea. A tv you subject to attacks of diarrhoea? Keep absolutely quiet for a lew day-, rest in bed it possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberl iiu’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhcei that physicians have failed on, and
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    • 518 10 iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii The World’s Family Medicine j The reason why Beechara’» Pilb have come to occupy ibis premier place amoai family B medicines is clear to everyone who has had occasion to test their unequalled medicinal qualities. Between the many so-called cores for digestive disorders and this wonderful remedy there is
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  • 945 11 Soldikks Paid a Halt penny a Day. The Foreign Legion of France may be •aid to be the only existing regiment which has such a motley collection of men of ail nationalities as its recruits. If any person wished to drift away from his friends and relations,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 347 11 ®®®®-S (f) GOODRICH TYRES M S; 1 s. V-J* •n "i. 4 OA/^ f r~ -s RStfjfl ft V :’v tv S?yir_VS *V| ti f. 'IA h j J». i Hi* t <r >1 si 41 -J j i ;i ■W^i i: y 5 2ft a &A.\ <is« .*l\s /;v
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    • 41 11 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 773 12 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited Estaklisubd 1821. Subscribed Capital £2,000,00 Total Invested Funds upwards of 6,460,001 Total Annual Income over 1,180,000 rilHE undersigned have been appointed 1 Agents of tbe above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at tbt ©west tariff rates
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