Straits Echo, 24 September 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 32 1 Straits Echo CIM'i)U« <0 IHKOliGfiOin THE STRUTS, THfr FEDERATED MALAY STATES AfiD THE FAR EAST GENERALLY VOL. 12. $24 fcr Aaaim PENANG, THURSDAY, 24th SEPTEMBER, 1914. Single Copy, 19 cents No. 221
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1251 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! "TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Larne Stocks Held By TIANG LEE CO.. Penang flf Kuala Lumpur. ■D»KSHiBan'-.s3*BSßHaa'V\ ssarika Now On Show. Lagonda Cars BANKS. > Chartered Bank of India, Australia as China. 11 H.P.
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    • 28 1 Drink Dog's Head Guinness Stout. mb c4O$S Sol* Ag*at. TIANG LEE S’ Co., P«na*<i <& Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■■■□□□□□annnnnn■■■■■■■■ The Dootor advisee and reoommends. It is nourishing, invigorating and strengthening.
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  • 1870 3 WHAT 13 I S POWER? Interesting Ca«k in Supreme Court. Tb« important quesliou of to what extent the Government has power to revoke licenses issued uuder tbo Mining EnactjjjAnt tor taking water is raised by tbe action brought, by Messrs. A Van Cuylenand David Graham aga'nst
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 Rheumatism. Have sou ever trieti Chamberlain’s Pain Halm for rheumatism V If not. you are wast‘Er time, an the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to cure. Got a bottle to day, pply it with a vigorous massage to the dieted parts and you will be surprised
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    • 269 3 I I i 3 3 mamnamm uttenbach Bros. 8 I i OM4NY r g* 1 if? jyr^Tpisi V Jk*cdl i IkV srt .«Cm i ,-x\ x v r- 3 ONT vuatr 1 ISa; JTJt^ •\»r SOLE AGENTS FOR: -«PKr 'V.r '/•< «fc. I s Ij i I 1 8 f
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 135 4 TOPICS OF THE DAY. m i m |r > •ii fe id moss ifegil C& x UP *> f f m r fls-h flSlLv, US r i x Sf. V a&g s 4 rft .A Oil 1} 'J, 4 '4 V A —i &V’ .J#i 2 H v /j £•>
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  • 1172 5 We have no doubt that Germany realize* already that she has made a mad bad blunder, and that this is the explanation of the rather grotesque peace proposals which her Ambassador in Washington has projected. Austria is beaten, France and Britain are gradually strengthening their forces, and
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  • 477 5 Destroy** “Kennst” in Action. Passengers arriving on the Tung Chow yesterday, Sept. Btb, brought news of stirring scenes in Weihaiwei and vicinity, including the full details of the fight between the British destroyer Ktnnet and the German S9O which occurred off Tsingtau, and which differs in several
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  • 229 5 It wants but two weeks to the races and the interest taken in the work of a morning is increasing rapidly. Quite twenty onlookers were there on Saturday, and even more this morning. Although up to the present there have been no arrangements made for other
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  • 191 5 LkoislaiirK Council Vot*s Sum ui 100,000. havo now be-in completed tor the erection of a wireless telegraphy station at Hongkong, the Legislative Council of that Colony having voted 1100,000 for the purpose over a year ago. It is to be located, says the weekly edition of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 216 5 _J < UJ if) a UJ K < U UJ Qif) if) Z < z z o 3 CD o </) < SCOTCH WHISKY SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT' i r S'. XX X ■BIACK^JS '«SSS*! jame s OlASCfl^ <** BLACK WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY “0 70 O TJ >
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  • 95 6 Published daily (except Sundays and pwbbe holidays) at th CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. raic*. Daily Local *24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) *17.50 CABI.I ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 Ar.e.—All business wnamiiestiono obo»ld bo oddrooood
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  • 487 6 Three of his Majesty’s ships have been sunk iu an attack by German submarines, and the veil of secrecy behind which our setmon in the North Sea are working has been lifted to reveal the most serious mishap which the Fleet has sustained since the beginning of
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  • 879 6 The Polish author Sienkewiecz has been placed in prison. Two Dutch journalists hare been arrested by the Germans at Tongeren. The German General Freiss, who tried to commit suicide has been imprisoned. Otto-von-Scbouberg, the brother-in-law of Prince William of Weid, has been killed. A telegram has been
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  • 611 6 JUDGMENT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipob, September 23. In the case A van Cuylenberg and David Graham v. The Perak Government in which !it was claimed that the cancellation of a j licence granted to the plaintiffs to take 1 water from the River
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  • 261 6 Mr. W. J. Hodge, Hon. Treasurer, sends us the following further list of contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang Sept. 22 By Balance $8,114.70 23 A. B Voules 100 00 Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Low 100.00 Balance
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  • 643 6 Jr Jr JeB KU,DB 1 Three German aviators flew over p. the 19th inst. Pan o# of Br MU German patrols have been seen on Dutch frontier- n t The Bth German Army Corps hr* i*. sent to East Prussia. The German Cruiser Emd»n baa u,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 107 6 PRITCHARD 8 Co SOLE AGENTS FOR ROVER CYCLES r--2M wgm HHHSrSt*»-?*' =45? s&tW "4 VeS?®» atm ■:&A 3»POWDER FOH ED® Ltm. THE PEST SUBSTITUTE FOR ACETIC ACID. Samples and Prices on application to THE GEOROE TOWN DISPENSARY, LTD., Penang, Taiping and Ipoh. NEW SO H.P. (1914) w si I fe-i
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  • 1236 7 NORTH SEA DISASTER. THREE BRITISH CRUISERS SUNK. THE BATTLE OF AISNE. FIELD MARSHALL FRENCH'S REPORT. (Reuter's Service.) Received 24th or Sept, at 8-40 a m EVENTS IN FRANCE. Paris Communique. London, September 22. A Paris communique issued this afternoon sars that in the Woevre district the mirnnj have
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  • 347 7 Kuala Lumpur's Position. The position of trade in Kuala Lumpur, after seven weeks of the war, is very fair considering all things, and much better than many would have cared to hope at the opening of hostilities by Great Britain. Trade is naturally restricted, but, to
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  • 214 7 According to a Foreign Office message received by the British Legation at Bangkok, the Secretary of State for the Colonies received two messages from the Governor <f Nyassaland dated September 9. Tbe first stated that on September 8, the miin British force advanced with the intention of
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  • 677 7 1 ALLEGED ASSAULT. Before Mr. G. A. Hall in the Districl Court this morning a Chinaman named Kang Ah Ngo was charged with abetment of tbe offence of voluntarily causing huit with dangerous weapon to one Chuab Chap t Joo by Chia Seo Chi and others. i
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  • 280 7 A policeman named Mori, stationed at Tarolx). Mt. Fuji, who has arrived at the Gotemba Police Station, reports that while he was patrolling the summit on August 28 at about 2 p.m., he noticed vapour rising from tbe ground at a spot some sixty feat
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  • 179 7 The following article» will be found on our outside pages Page 3—Government and Water Rights What is its Power s—Hints About Peace. The Autumn Race Meeting China Coast Battle. Hongkong’s Wireless Station. B—The Folly of Berlin. The Weight of Gold P C.C. Tennis Tournament. 9 Reluctant War Fever. Enemy
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 502 7 For Chronic Chest Complaint*, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d. Penang St. Andrew's Society. A GENERAL MEETINGof SCOTSMEN will be held in the Lower Room of the Town Hall cn Wednesday, 30th September, at 6 p.m to re-consider the question of the celebration of St. Audrew’s Day by a Ball
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    • 175 7 SINGAPORE and STRAITS DIRECTORY, 1915. All papers in the hands of the pub’ie referring to the Director? should be returned to the Pub'ishers at once Firms, Planting Companies or individuals whose names were omitted from the Directorj for this vear, and who desire their names to appear in the 1915
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  • 2625 8 It wai said of the last war in which we icgajed that it could aud ought to have jeea avoided.” So far as this countrj is joncerned, that cannot be said of the present war, and it his hardly been suggested from any quarter. This is
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  • 112 8 The following is written by Alert II iu the Financier A suburban bank. manager tells a story of a wealthy lady who arrived iu a groat state of excitement with a cheque for d? 2 000 and wanted to withdraw the whole amount in sovereigns. No
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  • 80 8 The following ties have been fixel for to morrow Mixed Doubles A. Miss Hogan and Reimann vs. Mr aud Mrs V C Upton Mixed Doubles B. Mr» W Motion aud Cuscideu vs Miss Mahler and Ezecbiel Mr and Mis \V E McDonald vs Mr and Mrs C
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 438 8 IN AID OF PRINCE OF WALES’S, WAR RELIEF FUND.! Straits Cinema, PENANG ROAD, Has arranged a SPECIAL PROGRAMME for TO-NICHT AND TO-MORROW NIGHT. Under the distinguished patronage of the Hon’ble the ResidentCouncillor and Party and Major de Hamel and Party. Full Town Band in Attendance. The gross takings of both
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    • 10 8 For Chiltiroa’s Hacking Cough at Night, WSrufa’ Peppermint 1«. €d
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    • 109 8 Constable Morse is the pride of the force Smart, stalwart and handsome and free; At his street intersection, the traffics perfection, Efficient youug officer he. As hardy as leather, he bra res every weather, All our climates he seems to endure Truth I should tell, he cau’t fail to be
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    • 543 8 NOTICE. P. A. M. A REGISTER of E-tate Managers and Assistants has been started by this Association. Employers. baviu_' vacant posts to fill and employees seeking engagement, are requested to communicate with the undersigned. By Order, H. C. T lanters' Kuala Lumpur, August Ist, 1914 E. ZACHARIAS, Secretary, Association of
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    • 534 8 NOTICE. "Orders are now being booked for P ir Rubber Seeds from sixteen years old tr«* with a guarantee of 75% germination ‘"to me. 1 1 0 7 ——fro m manager Cicely Rubber Estate Co., Ltd 4«'* 6-8-14 514 NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS OF LABOUR. EMf LOYERS of labour are informed
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  • 1178 9 (By Holbrook Jackson.) Time was when men eiplained war by exalting it to-day they explain war by excusing it. War is evil. Bo much is now admitted. But, they sav, war is inevitable. In those words, which glibly drop from the lip'- of fools, evil is excused,
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  • 493 9 i Customs Duties Enactment 1m F.M S. A Federated VI d y Spates G-.veiuineiil Gazette Extraordinary, dated September 19, reads as follows “Customs Duties Enactment, 1897 and 1898.” Iu exercise of th powers severally vested in them by section 3 of the Customs Duties Enactment, 1898 (Perak aud
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  • 198 9 Gold Leaf $64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 24. —nominal Trang Pepper 19 no stoc Cloves 50.— nom. Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 85. —nominal Nutmegs 110 23 —nominal (No. 1 6.10 tale* Sugar < 2 5,50 sales l Basket 5.15 buyer! Copra (mixed) 9.65 buyers (Tahbun
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  • 164 9 Penang, September 24. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 15 Roast 30 Steaks 30 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 30 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 50 Feet 20 Heart 45 Liver per catty 40 Pork— Pork por catty 36 Pig’s Hoad 22 Feet 26 Tongue 40 Mutton
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 123 9 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians have failed on, aud it will
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    • 798 9 THE EASTERN SHIPPING CO.. LTD. Tkt Gndernoted Stamen will be despatched, if circumstances iii wather permit, from Peaait M follows: This Tine-table is subject to alteration vitboat any farther notice. t 1 0 i Fob. Datb Strambus. Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy Tongkan A Rsnong. Trang Sungei
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  • 1411 10 (By Hamilton Ftfe 'Tii not iu mortals to command su'cess, hut we’d d> mw, Seioproniu?, wa’.l deserve it In those lines, often attributed to Shake- speare, tut written by Ad lison, the priuc-j of commonplace nioraliaers, we have the popular opinion My reading of events and character
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  • 689 10 Nothing could better illustrate the change in the relative importance of things which comes with war than the fact that the drpirtnre of S r Ernest Shackleton and the important documents relating to the Kikuvu controversy are alike relegated to odd corners of the newspaper, which
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  • 91 10 Friday, September 25. EBPLANADE, 6 TO 7 P.M. 1 Selection Sanson and Delilah Saint and j Saens. 2 Scbottische Marie Stuart Fruhling 3 Waltz Gipsy Life Lilian 4 Barn Dance A Midsummer Night Williams 5 March In the Gipsy’s Camp Oscheit. Saturday, September 26. Golf Club, 5-45 to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 357 10 The primary object of life iosurance is PROTECTION and policies of the CHIAMUTi? L LIFE INSURANCE Co.. Ltd. GIVE THE MAXIMUM AT MINIMUM COST. A BRITISH COMPANY incorporated under the Companies Ordininces, Hongkong, 1865/1800 aud Registered under the Assurance Companies’ Act (England) 1909. Agencies established at every important centre between
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    • 89 10 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favourite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chambe 1 Iain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only
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    • 515 10 m I 1 Coughs and Lung Troubles Angier s Emulsion has bee* prescribed by the medical profession and used in the hospitals for the last twenty years and is now universally recognised as the standard approved remedy for coughs, bronchitis asthma, consumption and all forms of lung trouble. It is
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  • 513 11 Under tbe abo re beading a very remarkable article haa appeared in a recent iaeue of the Saturday Review. Ite whole tone ii of the moat aanguine, and thua aupporta tench that baa been written during the past gre years concerning France and her people. Onlr a few
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  • 228 11 Grim the struggle we’re to face! Setting now our taek about, As becomes our came and race, Grimly we must fight it out. Not elated, cot depressed, Equanimity our rule; Through all happenings self*possessed. Silent, strong, determined, cool. Came the challenge frem the foe, Naught we did
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  • 109 11 His Majesty the German Emperor has conferred the 4th Class of the Order of the Bed Eagle on Dr. 0. F.aukfurt-r, Chief Librarian of the National Library in this country. The learned Doctor’s many frieuds will be delighted to learn the news, for the distinction is one that
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 296 11 iiiUiau.tiuiiu>HiiiiiiiiiiiininiitiMiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiMiniiinniMM THIS IS IT! WATERBURYS METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound i TASTELESS ODORLESS 2ras<j gg: «3—- <• i U 3 The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by the medical
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 894 12 Guardian Company. Lb-r.iw Establish kd 1821. Subscribed Capital lafttK^V' Total Invented Funis upwards of d,P*0,0* v Total Annual Income over 1,130,0'JO THE undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Comp!»/ at Penang, and are prepared to issue policiei of Insurance against loss by fire at tb§ lowest tar
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