Straits Echo, 21 September 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1195 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! TIGER" BRAND. Best and Cheapest on 7 the Market Highly recommended end used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Stock* HtU By tiang LEE V CO.. Pmi| f K«*li Lumpur. Now On Show. Lagonda Cars tl H.P. 4 cylinder water corded engine of high efficiency. Body
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    • 22 1 Dritk Dog's Hat Cubacsi Slat. -4* m 1 ■5 C JSS& > 3 Sol. Agents XIANG LEE tf Co.. Penang A Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 922 3 How Gbobob Mbrbbith Foresaw THB CmiSIB. In tbia searching hour, when England ia brißtling with bayonet», and her air throbbing to the noise» of a people in arm», there cotne back to us the excitations to martial energy which the greatest voices of our land—thoee of our
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  • 906 3 (By a Native German.) Since the beginning, the present war has been fought with methods of barbarism by both Austria-Hungary and Germany. The Austrians have begun it by shelling from a safe distance the unfortitied town of Belgrade. The Germans have apparently brutally ill-treated numerous innocent persons
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr“< Ketnedv followed by a dose of castor w >ll effectually i u>e the most stubboru tases ot dysentery. It is especially good for auimer diarrhoea m children. For sale by >*!sjen«arie« and Dealera.
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    • 379 3 082 -«.-rj W B -WRIT] fijcTr EH THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. W < Ti > gglgglj m S3*» V p -A AjRB 3&S& Price Ex Codown Penang. 1 Foolscap $l5O f Nelt No 175 No 200 Brief No 225 Policy No THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. Old Machines Taken Cva in
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  • 573 4 (May l to July 5.) BY F. W. SOUTH io July Agricultural Bulletin Selangor. In the report published in the June number ot th-< Agricultural Bulletin it was stated that the eggs and very young hoppers of an intermediate generation began to appear around Kuala Lumpur
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  • 200 4 Gold Leaf *64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 24 —nominal Trang Pepper 19 wo stoc Cloves 5®- nom. i Mace 110 nominal VJacc Pickings 85—nominal Nutmegs 110 23— nominal SNo. 1 6.10 sales 2 5,f 0 sales Basket 5.15 buyer: Copra (mixed) 9.65 buyers r Tab bun
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  • 231 4 Penang, September 21. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 20 Iloast 30 Steaks SO Stow or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak FO Ox Tail each 45 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 50 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig's Hoad 22 Feet £8 Tongue c 6
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 OUT iiwde to renaas 05 BY THE LATH E. F. Skertchiy, t. s. Prtce 5 0 cents. Worth a Dollnr a copy.”} SOLD AT STKAI rs ECHO OFFICE. AND AT THE SAY S-tf-TROUBLE FIRM MX* J*X GMJXA Bt-s r.^A t*»i >^XmOBOO THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Eiiablos traders throughout the
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    • 57 4 jXTOTICH. P. A. M. iiSTEIi of Estate Managers and ■*-A. Assistants bus been started by this Association. j Eajpl jyers. having vacant posts to fill and employees seeking engagement, ar requested to communicate with the undersigned. By Order, H. C. E. ZACHARIA* j Secretary Plant".*' Af of Malaya. Kua’a T.unipnr.
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    • 634 4 nnnnnnnnnannnnnannonnn Gnuonannnnnnuannnnnnnnunanann FOR SALE. n 0 n n 0 An Open Letter on E administration or The Banishment Enactment 1910 4r> mi® Jt, r j I ill nr r ADDRESSED TO J. H. M. ROBSON, Esq. BY 0 0 0 0 A Member of the Bar of the Federated Malay
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  • 705 5 MARRIED COUPLE’S CLAIM. Before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden this morniDg the hearing was resumed of the suit in which Philomeoa Isabella de Souza nee D’Almeida and her husband Percival Aloysius de Souza sued one A. C. David, as trustee, claiming that an indenture dated May 9 be
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  • 341 5 Says ilia Peking Daily News Tue Minister of Navy has submitted a memorandum to the President suggesting the organizxtion of a marine corps in the maritime provinces to patrol the seas with a view to preventing piracv. The Minister said that since the establishment of the Republic,
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  • 480 5 The Alleged Secret Treaty. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Peking, September 3. With reference to the alleged SinoJapanese secret treaty concerning the protection of the integrity of China by Japan, the Japanese papers in Peking and Tientsin deny the report of the Osaka journals as untrue: but at
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  • 411 5 An Old Woman’s Suicide. The inquiry into the circumstances attend- ing the death of a Chinese woman named j Yeoh Guat Neoh, who was found dead at 53, Gladstone Road, with her throat cu f was held on Saturday before Mr. V G. Ezechiel in the Second Court.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 490 5 J < UJ if) a Id Q£ -J < o Ul (L (0 m z < < z o Rucha U SCOTCH WHISKY (D o (/> -j < a f*V js&*- BIACK®TE SCOTCH E s buchanan JAMES N SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT so c»i HD PD O TJ > r
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    • 41 5 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn oases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensarie* and Dealer».
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  • 98 6 f«bli»h«d daily (except Sunday» and public holidays’) AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Xric*. Daily Local $24 per annum. Out station... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CAUL* ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 580 Printing Department 343 ff.B.— All business communications should
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  • 511 6 Birkis is willin’ to call the war a draw and make peacj on the basis that Germany in Europe must not be dismembered. It has taken Barkis quite six weeks to make up his mind, the same Barkis that fl ished his sword aud talked in Ercles’
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  • 383 6 We M. AT are sorry to hear that Mr. E. W. N. Wyatt has had to come into hospital here. Mr. A- Gordon MacDonald, Inspector of Mines, Kuala Kubu, is at present in the European hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Dr. F. Garrat left Kuala Lumpur on Friday on
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  • 187 6 Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Second Court this morning a Chinese youth, named Teh Kim Chu, was charged with causing hurt by d“ing an act so rash and negligent as to endanger human life, i.e. by exploding a cartridgi in public at Bridge Street On
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  • 94 6 An affray in which a Chinese thief was killed is reported as having taken place near the Kulim Lane Theatre on Saturday evening. It appears that the miscreant went to the theatre and! stole a Kitson lamp. When challenged by a native policeman he produced a
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  • 101 6 Mr. W. J. Hodge, Hon. Treasurer, sends us tbe following further list of contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang: Sept. 18 Balance $7,392.70 19 Justice L P. Ebden 200.(0 Dr. R. Dane 100 00 Jockbill' 30 00 Balance
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  • 777 6 MRS. HERBERT COOPER’S COMPANY AT THE TOWN H \LL. In spite of very heavy rain, there were few empty chairs iu the hall, when the curtain went up for the first act of Mary goes First” and the size of the house must have amply compensated for
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  • 139 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 20. Yesterdav afternoon No 5 Compinv of the M. S. Y. R. under Captain Nutter* fell in at the Railway Station and marched through the principal streets at Ipoh, headed by the State Band, to the Racecourse
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  • 414 6 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The annual general meeting of the ahare holders of the George Town Dispense was held at the Company’s Register Office, 37a Beach Street, on Saturday the 19th inst. Dr. T. 0. .Vvetoom presided, and the following were present A.. S. Anthony, Esq
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  • 393 6 A correspondent who has returned frail south Limburg and who received news from Belgian s urces relates the following cou- cerning the use the Germans make of motorcars When Vise was taken, about forty motorcars one aft9r the other came to the frontier. They were totally armoured so
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 183 6 A right thing in need is a useful thing indeed. im rf <T\ r,{'! J M Tf r K 2 Just arrived a large stock of CHILD’S SWING COTS with safety catch, strong and compact, Price: $l4-50 each, fitted complete with curtain, mattress, blanket, pillow, sheet and mackintosh $8 extra.
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  • 2578 7 THE ROAD HOG OF EUROPE” RUSSIANS STILL ADVANCING. GERMAN PEACE PROPOSAL. THE KOENIGSBERG.” FIGH T WITH THE PEGASUS.” (Reuter's Service.) Keceivku 20th of >Skpt. at 8-0 a.m EVENTS m FRANCE. Paris Communique. London, Se ptember 18. A Paris coinmuuique says that the battle continues from tbo Oiso to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 258 7 WANTED AT ONCE. A PROOF-READER. Salary according to qualification. Only one with experience need apply to THE EDITOR, Straits Echo. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. t LTD. H«ad Ofkicb:—SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY A CO. Local
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  • 1726 8 CAN IT BE MADE HERE? f 1 Sources or tuprLT. The reports that there is likely to be a j shortage of acetic acid has naturally enough j turned thought» iu the direction of its manu- facture in this country. Is it possible And j if »o what
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  • 199 8 BTRENUOUS WEEK-ESD FOR LOCAL MEN. Details or Arrangements No 5 Co. of the M S. V. R. are goiug to spend a strenuous week-end. At four o’clock this afternoon, says Saturday’s T O.M they will fall in at Ipoh Station, and headed by the State Bind
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  • 609 8 Bad Wrathir Met with OursißE Hongkong The Hong Bee (Capt. Egdom) which left Singapore at the end of August for China with a large number of repatriated unemployed Chinese from the FM S and Singapore, met with some incidents that rendered the vovage more than
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  • 219 8 Wht Great Britain Has a Clear Conscience YVhat caused the war, asks The Spectator Germany was ready and determined. and thought we aud Russia and France were neither ready nor determined. Therefore she struck. She began her preparations for war as soon as the Kiel Canal
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  • 166 8 £6O A Ton in New York. The Cornish Telegraph of August 12th contains the following highly interesting announcement: Although r.o tin was sold at Monday’s special tin thicketirg because the smelters could not offer on a higher standard than £125 per ton for while metal, the
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  • 659 8 Six Months Mat See Thb End. We take the article r»pnnted below from The Obat rver of August H Because the war is mightier in other ways than the revolutionary and Napoleonic conflicts, it is sometimes thought that it may be as long protracted, or, at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 498 8 To-night To-night Crown Cinema, Chulia Street, PRESENTS Battle of Waterloo 5 Parts. Duration: Over 2 Hours. 5 Reels. i Depicting tbe Greatest Battle in the World’s History. Taken on the actual battlefield i and executed by the largest concourse of people and horses. Careful study has been given to every
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    • 56 8 The good oil days were grand old days For an arrogant favoured few, But wero bad old days, and sad old days, For plain people like uie and you. The intdical ill of those days was nil, Ciinic science wag immature; There was nothing eol<J for a cough or cold
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    • 88 8 Chamberlain's Couth Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whoopir.g cough. It has been a favourite with the mothers of vouue children for almost forty years. Clnunberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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    • 12 8 Far Children's? Harking Cough at Night, Wo'xli' (ire;<* Peppermint Cure la. 6d
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    • 79 8 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d. .«-I»" li-h h m r« ■W \V £1 i -5 ti '•y it# gi sr/ -•'Ml STI f > The Ideal Mineral Water. :ij| Sy i|Tansan Ginger Ale. 1 Tansan i Lemonade SiStJ May be obtained from ALL THE LEADING
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    • 530 8 NOTICE “Orders ore dow being boobed for Par» Rubber Seeds from sixteen years old trees with a guarantee of 75% germination. Price $1.50 per 1000 packed in bags and $2 packed in boxes P. O. B. or F. 0 R Teluk Anson. Delivery commencing from September 1914. MANAGER Cicely Rubber
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  • 1572 9 JAPANESE DECLARE A BLOCKADE British Natal Encounter With Germans. The blockade of Kiaochau by the Japaueae warships has now commenced in earnest, aD j an important auuouucement has l>een nude bv the Japanese Government to this effect. British and German warships lure had an encounter off
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 166 9 f +*> ti t-J 1 x<‘ V f 'l* i- l+ i h hi THIS IS IT. 1 ’S ME" God Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and super- «i sedes the old-fashioned j emulsions
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    • 1265 9 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. (APCAR LINE). The steamers of the above line maintain a regular service between Calcutta an<3 Japan and are intended to sail from Penang unde? Foe Sinoapoek, China A Japan. Foe Calcutta. For Freight or Passage Apply to A. A. ANTHONY A CO., Agent». Telegrams:—
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  • 1090 10 The Virtues of thb Kabtle. While the Hindu tries in vain to enter British Columbia, the Kabyle from Algeria is invited to take up his residence anywhere ia France, from the Mediterranean to the British Channel. Already several thousand African labourers are at work in the
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  • 661 10 According to a telegraphic message published in yesterday’s papers the belligerent Powers have compelled China to accept an arrangement whereby her neutrality is to be to a certain extent violated by the armed forces of Japan and of certain European Governments, one of whom is allegedly fighting for
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 620 10 u K/si Debility IRON JHLLOIDS/ the reliable tonic, strengthen 1 your blood and fortify your system against climatic effects. After a course of Iron ‘Jklloids,’ the blood is enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and I >ebility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and
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    • 61 10 Chronic Diarrhoea, Are }ou eul.j *ct to attirks cf diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few day-, e>t in bod if p< ssible, be caieful of vour li-t «nd take Chamberlain’s C«lic. Choleia ■rii Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has ured cates cf chronic diarrhoea that physicians have failed on. and
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    • 89 10 Rheumatism. Have vou ever tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you are wasting time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to cure. Get a bottle to-day, apply it with a vigorous massage to the ;<ffl cted parts and you will be surprised and
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    • 474 10 A BLESSING TO WOMEN. Throughout the many stages of woman s life, from peevish girlhood through womanhood, motherhood, to the declining years of old age, there 13 no better, milder, or more effective medical companion to women-folk than Dr. Morse’s Indian Rc-ct Pills. They promote a healthy and regular condition,
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  • 572 11 l'he Japan Times, Wednesday. Aug. 26 It is extremely interesting as well as instructive to note the altitude of Rustians and of Gormans towards this country in connection with the war. One may see in it how easily a natiou, as individuals, can have its position
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  • 311 11 These modern mobilisation regulation* are n innovation in England, and are in a great measure due to the wonderful foresight of a man who last week was mum ly abused in our chief daily papers because he had been seen attending the War Olfice on vari in occasions.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 249 11 Remember the Name. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Kemedy is the best known medicine tor diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach. You may need it sumo time. For sale by all Dispensaries aud Dealers. wwwjn V‘- > **«&< <fe£d 9 m*-‘&4UV D .4. ■*/< 4 r.ctv ‘*ft
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    • 287 11 THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS y-A E: The latest scientific pre- g paration of,COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and super- 4 cedes the o;d fashioned p| JZ&L. Ih emulsions v.-htch upset up m ti or all crnxisTs g i
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 815 12 Goardiaa Amwibci Company, Limited. Ebtabluhbd 1821, Subscribed Capital w M 42,000,001 Total Invested Funds up* wards of 6,460,000 Total Annual Incam» over M 1480,000 fTIHE underskfned have been appointed .L Agents of the above Company al Penang, and are prepared to issue polieiM of Insurance against loss by fixe at
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