Straits Echo, 11 September 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1167 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! ••TIGER BRAND. M Best and Cheapest on the Market 5 Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Slock» Held By TIANG LEE 6* CO., rctttl Cf Kuala Lumpur. O Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high
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    • 33 1 Drink Dot’s Head Guinness Stout. X Si S 7 <2 e smmk Sole Agents: TIANG LEE fi* Co., Penang <£ Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■■■DQaCCQD□□□□□■■■■■■■l Tho Dootor advises and recommends. It is nourishing, invigorating and strengthening.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 NATURA M w I LK L r LION BRAND.I (STERILIZED) j 4s K c CAS -M/ /r A^ ra G rn n 'A A. i p *ris 19Q0 r. Cir?nd Prix: 1900 St. Louis 1904. SU». 1> '«53. W“'ftC*" #93 K 1^ 5 m 1599 |/01-Au sS tlillllllliiiliinr'riii'niiiiinni'inninilllllll iB9&- Schutzmarke
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  • 1363 3 MOOLTAN PASSENGER’S EXPERIENCES. The Scenes at Home. Calcutta, September 1. Mr. J. II. timpsO|| t Manager of the Thom-son-Eady Syndicate j’ n Calcutta has only just arrived by the P. an j O. Stea m er Mooltan from Londou and has had rather a unique experience
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 607 3 NOTICE. Orders Are now being book**»] for Para Rubber Seeds from sixteen years old trees, with a guarantee of 75% germination. Price $1.50 per luOO peeked in bags and $2 packed in boxes F. O. B. or F. O. K Taluk Anaon. Delivery commencing from September 1914. MANAGER Cicely Rubber
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    • 459 3 An exhibition will be &iven OF That Remarkable Detective Drama, ’Neath the Lion’s Paw A Picture of Outstanding Merit SO FULL OF Thrilling Incidents, Exciting Scenes 81 Tense Climaxes That it has b en included in the Famous Films Series side by siie with Zigomar, Protea, Tigris, etc. IN SUPPORT
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    • 62 3 Rheumatism. Har-» lou ever tr.ei Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism If cot, jou are wasting time, as the longer tl is disease ruP9 on the harder it is to cure. Get a battle to-day, apply it with a vigorous massage to the afflicted pirts and you will be surprised and
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    • 357 3 I remember, still remember, How in childhood days of old, Parents dreaded dire diphtheria, Whoopiug-coueh and croupy cold. Treatment then was crude and doubtful. In bad cases death was sure, For we bad no anti-toxiu And no Woods’ Great Peppermiut Cure. These bright little fellows were Cured of Bronchial Cough
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  • 96 4 published daily (except Sunday* and peblio holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. rmc*. Daily Local 924 per annum. Out station... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLI ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 KB. —All buain#*a communication* ahem
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  • 480 4 All the Home papers to hand by yesterday s mail discuss the economic and industrial effects likely to be produced by this war and they all come to the same conclu* sion—that not only is war bad business but it is very bad for business. As Mr.
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  • 213 4 After Mons a long pause, theu news about the cavalry engagement at Compiegue and after that the battle which resulted in the Germans being compelled to fall back. But the pauses were not periods of inaction for the British troops. They fought furiously during all that strategic
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  • 397 4 Magnificent stupenduous, almost incredible is the spontaneous outburst of loyalty from all rulers, dignitaries, creeds and quarters in India. The India that by common superstition was supposed to be at the core a seething mass of insurrection against the British rule has at the first sound of attack
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  • 79 4 Owing to the fact that the Band will not be available on the 21st and 24th October, Mr. and Mrs. Wright-Motion have changed the dates of the Cafe Chantant to be held at the Town Hall in aid of the Prince of Wales’ War Fund to the Ist
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  • 62 4 We are asked to remind our readers of the George Town Cinematograph’s patriotic show to-night. We feel sure that there is not much need to do so and that tonight will see Penang’s Patriots bombarding the friendly portals of the G. T. C. with their presence and dollars
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  • 859 4 Mr. Loke Yew, who is now in Aberdeen, gave a thousand guineas to the Prince of Wales’ Relief Fund. Mr. T. Gordon Rogers, barrister-at law, son of Mr. T. H. T. Rogers, senior member of th 6 F. M. S. Bar, has arrived in Kuala Lumpur to
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  • 244 4 Ca“o. CaTalr? *W The Germans have had 62,000 kilUi since the beginning of the war 1 A German division has crossed the Vi.*, i to render help to the Austrians tu,J The Dutch Parliament has fixed a mum price at which flour and meal sold. News
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  • 168 4 A Havas telegram, dated Paris, 22, appears in the Siam Observer, thu, M. Viviani the Franch Premier wrote letter to the President stating that, in view of present circumstances, he deemed ii necessary to enlarge the base of his Mmistrv (i.e. make it more representative of
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  • 143 4 The following extract from a leading article in the Straits Times certainly do o make one think. It applies not only to Englishmen but to every British subject. At this moment there must be millions of Englishmen who look hack with shame and agony upon the years
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  • 76 4 Visit to Province Wellesley. Tho Bishop of Singapore will spend the week-end in Province Wellesley, and ieaT° for Singapore by the mail train on M >ndav morning. His engagements in P. will be— Saturday, 5-30 p.m. Committee Meeting 4 Butterworth. Sunday, 8-30 a.m. Nibong Tebal, H
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  • 48 4 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 1The appointment of Mr. Justice Bucki as Chief Justice of the Straits Settle» 6111 has boen officially confirmed. The rainfall for the twenty-four K ended 9 a.m. this morning was '22 1IU registered by the gauge at Fort Cornwa.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 229 4 1 HORSE FOOD The best horses must have the best food. Don’t insult and injure them by giving inferior substitutes. This food is good value for your money. Penang Cycle Emporium, 12. KING STREET. K IN AID OF THE PRINCE OF WALES’ RELIEF FUND. TOWN HALL, PENANG. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.
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  • 1284 5 INDIA’S LOYALTY. j KING' MESSAGE TO THE DOMINIONS. FAILURE OF GERMAN ATTACK. [By Submarine Telegraph] Received 10th ok Sept, at 430 pm. Events in Fiance. Position of Allies. Copyright Telegram. London, .September 9. A Paris communique says —ln our eentre the advance is slow but general. There has
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  • 168 5 Two Chinese, named Lee Weng an Low Yee were charged before the Third Magistrate, the first with disorderly conduct and the second with rescuing a prisoner. Awang P. C. 72 stated that he arrested the first accused and another man for fighting. As he was taking them
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  • 114 5 A Sumatra paper gives the number of men employed by the various nations and their cost of upkeep rer day, as follows Country. No. of men. Cost per day. Germany" 5.500.000 jg 2.291.665" Russia 4,500,000 £1,875,000 France 4,000,000 .£1,666,666 Austria 2,500,000 £1,041,666 England 600.000 .£250,000 Belgium
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  • 674 5 RECEIVED 11TH OF SEPT AT 9-40 A.M. TO THE SELF-GOVERNING DOMINIONS. tCopyrijht The Press Bureau states that the message of the King to the self-governing dominions is to the following effect During the past few weeks the peoples of my whole Empire have moved with one
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  • 1312 5 RECEIVED 11TH OF SEPT. AT 9-40 A.M. Copyright Telegram. Important Statement from the Viceroy. Iu the House of Commons Mr. Charles Roberts, Under Secretary of State for India, read an important statement from the Viceroy of India. This created a tremendous sensation in the House and the stirring
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  • 482 5 Before Mr. V. G. Ezochiel in the Second Court, yesterday afternoon Li Huat, a reveuue officer, was charged with (1) taking an illegal gratification of 30 cents, (2) using criminal force, and (3) mischief. Inspector J. Joyce conducted the case for the prosecution and Mr. B.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d.
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    • 63 5 KTOTICB. LABOUR CODE, 1912, F.M.S Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance 1911.' *T7M PLOVERS OF INDIAN LABOUR Hi are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the i)eputy Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for
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  • 159 6 It is interesting At this moment to see a study published a week or so ago by the statistician, Professor Balled, of Berlin, on the question of Germany's food supply in time of war,” says the Economist The results he arrives at are completely pessimistic. The country
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  • 286 6 Ti e Dii'lif CUroniclt of August 6, says Keep calm, whatever happens: there must be no war feverishno»*. No laugu ige can 1 e too strong to Condemn the uugern rositv of employers who discharge men or women ou th«ir still’s. Jf re 1 notion
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  • 393 6 We are going to suffer terribly ic thi3 war, whether this country is at peace or war. Foieign trade is going to stop.” says Sir Edward Grey. At the Royal United Service Institution Mij >r Stewart L. Murrav mentioned these five effects of warfare,” says
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 310 6 »asn THIS IS IT! Waterbary's Metabolized God Liver Oil Compound Li r V»»! 'M I TASTELESS CDORLESi I SE. The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that i-> claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by
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  • 2226 7 THE BATTLE AT CHARLEROI. New Lioht on the Conflict. London, August 29. Stories of Tommies are beginning to throw light on various phases of the conflict. They show how furiously at Charleroi the fight raged To the right of the British, the Freoch Artillery worked tremendous havoc in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 41 7 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cute the most stubborn rases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 61 7 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few day rest iu bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chainberl tin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine b;»s cured cases of chronic oiar. hoea thr.t physicians have failed ox* and
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    • 239 7 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup ami whoopmg cough. It bai been a favourite with the mothers of young; children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Couefi Kemedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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    • 287 7 THE EASTERN SHIPPING CO., LTD. The Undernoted Stamen will be despatched, if circumstances and weather permit, trci Peneaj as follows: This Time-table is subject to alteration without any further notice. Yen, Sunghy Liinau and Sal&k. Port Swettenham and Singapore do. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson ana Malacca. Teluk Anson via B.
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    • 462 7 N. Y. K. Japan Stcamihip Company Lt V rO EUROPEAN LINE A Fortniebtly sorvice is maintained t«> tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-Screw steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and Acnstructed, and are
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 843 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Establish!» 1821. Subscribed Capital JE2,000,(XK Total Invented Funds upwards of 6,460,000 Ibtal Annual Income over 1,180,000 THE undersized have been appointed Ageut- 8 of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policial of Insurance against loss by lire at tb§ owes; tariff rater.
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