Straits Echo, 9 September 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1198 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! ••TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Lir|( Slock» Held By TIANO LEE S’ CO., P(»*«( V Kuala Lumpur. Now On Show. BANKS Lagonda Can Chartered Bank of India, Australia d China. II H.P. 4 cylinder
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    • 31 1 Drink Dot's Head Guinness Stout. B > .3 r* H I a r <3 -S’" 1 I «•5 C frlD«§ H B Sol. Agent* TIANG LEE 6» Co.. Penang Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□■■■■■■■l
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 137 2 —Bag MBBB aCSgZS3S NATURA l r LION BRAND.! (STERILIZE!» J ■V y j K V^ Ya *Af/V Cr nd Prix: J QL V Par,s 19 <x> St. Louis 1904. {J U,l< -Me L d ai!le o; IS93 1593. r >t J Chu f a 5 5.93. 1199 uU!ji l '!lilll|ii|in!‘i;:ii!ii
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  • 194 3 $1,500 Stolen at Trolak. A correspondent write* to thu Malay Mail —A robbery w*9 carried out with a good deal of ingenuity in a European’* bungalow at Trolak i n the night of Bopt. Snd. At about 4a m. an old bungalow was set on tire, and
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  • 787 3 VIA INDIA. Curious Austrian Announcrment. Action Against Sbrvia Abandoned. London, August 24. i Following the Austrian defeat in Servia i the Austrian Government has issued the curious announcement that it has been i obliged to gather all its forces against Russia, and that therefore the attack against Servia
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  • 522 3 ExorriN* Incidents or Outward Votagi. After an absence of nearly thr»e months his Excellsney the Governor, Sir A H. Young, K.C M G., returned to Singapore on Sunday by the P. and O. mail steamer. He was welcomed unofficially at the P. and O. wharf by a
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  • 514 3 Every Canon on Civilized War Violated. A official Belgian communique, following J a similar protest by the French, gives di- j tailed instances of rape, looting, burning, murdering, and mutilating by the Germans. The British Press Bureau, in issuing this for publication, remarks that tho Germans are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 667 3 NOTICE! "Orders are row being booked for Para Rnbber Seeds fiom sixteen jears old trees, with a guarantee of germination. Price >1.50 per 1« 00 packed in bag» and |2 packed in bexes F. O. B. or F. O. R Toluk Anson. Delivery commencing from September 19 4. MANAGER Cicely
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    • 247 3 STOP PRESS NEWS. EXTRAORDINARY STRUGGLE, i HEAVY ODDS. < One White Woman against a Hoard of Black Men and 1 For further particulars see t The Adventures of Kathlyn < Chapters I 2 5 Reels, t NOW SHOWING AT Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. LAST 2 NIGHTS!: W liders »*ev r
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  • 132 3 Obituary. Mr. Joseph Fraser. Mr. Jo-eph Fraser, the well-known visiting agent and autboritv on tea and rubber, died on August 28rb at Alrerdeen. Mr. F raser arrived in Ceylon in 1872, and t >ok up the p osition ef assistant ou the Pikkindo e-rtato, and* six vears lat«r he becaHie
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  • 96 4 fublinhed daily (except Sundays &nd pibiic holidays') AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, PenaDg. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. L'k'l Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENA NO.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 556 Printing Dcpartr-ient 343 KB. —AU busines» communications abonld
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  • 579 4 The British pacifists, dictated by the laudable desire to bring pacifism and business interests into lino, raised in Parliament a few months ago the question of the capture of private property at sea. In the light of recent events it is interesting to read that debate over
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  • 443 4 The advent of the flying machine and motor vehicle has played a very prominent part in revolutionising warfare. Rapid advances such as have been made by the Germans on Paris are only possible with the aid of motor mounted artillery and motor conveyances to bring up quickly
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  • 324 4 In Frauce and Germany it has been made a criminal offence to make a corner or attempt to raise to an artificial standard the prices of the necessities of life. In times such as wo are passing through instances may arise where an enhanced price is necessary, for,
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  • 803 4 Commander C. A Radcliffe, R.N Master Attendant, has returned from leave. Mr. W. Peel, Municipal President, is expected in Penang at the end of the month. The death took place on the 21st August, at Edinburgh, of Amelia Grant, the widow of Robert Lumsden, late of Glenlockhart,
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  • 48 4 We are glad to announce to our readers that we have completed the arrangements with Reuter, referred to a few days ago, and that we are able to-day to begin our i Special War Service of telegrams, which will be found on page 5. 1
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  • 236 4 A meeting of the Municipal 0 0 ®m sioners was held yesterday afternoon 4 p m. if There were present: Dr. G. p Deputy President, F. Duxbury. E-n v Guan Seok, Esq, and Mr. L. A. d. Bb? Secretary. The minutes of the last meeting were rea,! and
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  • 160 4 The aim of the Germans in advancing their Fourth Army along the Argonne n which runs parallel with the R Meuse, at a distance of about twenty miles to the West and is to the rear of Verdun, would appear to be to drive a wedge iu
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  • 111 4 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 9. At the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Auction held yesterday 143,845 lb. were offered for sale and 60,731 lb. wore sold. The demand, excepting that for one or two grades, was very poor and the prices recorded were lower all
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  • 145 4 A correspondent writes Can tho Chinese join the Voluute a r Corps? is a question which all the loyal Chinese—British subjects—of this Settlement eagerly seek for an answer in the affirm itive. Most of those Chinese, who have joined the Corps, have been put in the Bearer
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  • 109 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wright-Motion are arranging an entertainment to take place at the Town Ilali on Wednesday, the 21st October next, (Trafalgar Dav) and the following Saturday. The proceeds will be given to the Prince of Wales’ War Fund. All those who are able and willing to
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  • 68 4 The American Government his issut-I orders calling the attention of the San Fnn cisco newspapers to the fact that they committed a breach of the United States neu tralitv by sending representatives on the German cruiser Leipzig, and information of the whereabouts of 1 British
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 415 4 Q DIVINIA PERFUME, Q Oy^O V?>7£i\ A Floral >p'- rr rg^ S!«*A«n 6ouc;uet rr;.-.;cn“b!e "•■y j favcrite-Perfume o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ •CDCDCZDCDCDCDCDJCZ)CDCZDCDCDCDCS# exquisite and lasting fragrance. yT '~?Z£<* S ;‘<A "r IV* > <ES2 M33S •*s F.Wolff&Sohn PERFUMERS KARLSRUHE BERLIN VIENNA £339
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  • 933 5 THE GALICIAN CAMPAIGN. LARCE AUSTRIAN LOSSES. FURTiiER RUSSIAN VICTORIES. POSITION IN FRANCE. GERMANS FALLING BACK. [By Submarine Telegraph] Received 9th of Sept, at 9-20 a.m. British Casualties. Copyright Telegram. London, September 7. The British casualties were altogether 15,141 OFFICER!*. Killed 63 Wounded 162 Missing 230 Men. Killed 212
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  • 105 5 [Reuter's Special Service.] RECEIVED 9TH OF SEPT. AT 1-35 P.M. EFFECT ON SHIPMENTS. London, September 9. Shipping Agents complain that freight rates are higher than circumstances warrant and have resulted in the stoppage of manufacture and shipment of many classes of goods. One shipper had already
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  • 79 5 A SIGNIFICANT ARTICLE. GERMAN OPINION IN NEW YORK. London, September The well-known New York German paper Stoats Zeitung contains a significant article urging that the time has come to stop the war. It says: —Germany can well afford to rest content; Britain can point with pride to
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  • 98 5 Probable Starters and Jockeys. (Reuter.) London, September 7. The following are the probable starters for the St. Leger (l mile 6 furlongs) which will be run next Wednesday Brakespear (H. Jones) Orangeman (F Bullock) Black Jester (Stern) Dan Russel (Kickaby) Glorvina (Prout) Evansdale (W. Huxley) Trcistemps (Clark)
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  • 29 5 (Reuter.) London, September 7. In the World’s Sculling Championship on the Putney-Mortlake course. Barry beat Padon by 2\ lengths. The time was 21 minutes 28 seconds.
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  • 252 5 lbs. The Straits Rubber Co., Ltd. 206,000 The Penang Rubber Estates, Co. Ltd 122,000 The Rubana Rubber Estates, Ltd... 46,000 The Tali Ayer Rubber Estates, Ltd. 40,000 The Batak Rabit Rubber Estates, Ltd 18,250 The Bagan Serai Co., Ltd... 17,500 An aeroplane reconnoitring at Tsingtau on Angust
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  • 535 5 (From Our Own Correspondent). Canton, August 2i. The Cantonese are willing to stand by the Central Government through a liberal subscription to the proposed domestic loan but they are at the same time demanding something in return—the early reopening of Parliament. Among the agitators for an early
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  • 358 5 Peaee-Preservatioa Police of Peliiig. From, Our Own Correspondent Peking, August 20. By order of the President, the Police Headquarters have organized a special Peace-Preservation Force for the maintenance of order in and outside the Inner and Outer|Cities of Peking, part of which will be used inside the
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  • 246 5 WE MADE A MISTAKE Brussels, August 16. In a letter to bis wife a German officer, who was taken prisoner at Haelen, states: —“The march to Haelen was difficult, owing to the enemy having destroyed the bridges. Haelen was covered with dead and wounded and the scenes
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cere, Is. 6d>
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    • 196 5 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whoopmg cough. It has bpen a favourite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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    • 259 5 XM JL JL*_/-Eia. ''HIS is to notify the Public tu. I h wd JL purchased the otock-in-trade oi The Provision Supply Co, (Ohm I a A Oo now known as l’ho Supf "tore (Sin Chin Lee) at N bong, P.YV .and tuat I will not l>e responsible lor
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  • 620 6 DIFFERENCE IN THE MILITARY SYSTEMS. British OmcEit's Advantage Iu total contrast to «he British Army whose officers are always moving round the world, the German military system is really and rigidly territorial. Where a man is born there does he serve, when his time comes,
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  • 180 6 We, Jipxn Times, are awa r o that the war in Europe pLce l us m a urijue po’.i ti <n cf advantage iu the Far East. What is more we are strongly of opinion that thicuuutry should make the most of the rar upportunity thus offered.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 408 6 »4 I THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound 1 TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre parationof COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and super cedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. II ighly re commended br the medi cal profession. OF
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 596 7 80S- A 60PENANG. ss SINGAPORE. I?OH. KUALA LUMPUR, >'• f M li m m I M MS* i L- -1 r&a 44' •\4 rm f ;'J «1 1. r K V 9*JA av;3 W igm§ -a" ffi *"Vr> aw* v-i* l oM ft twm AS ASkig ~.i if,-*.-. '-•of •J.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 819 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital JE2,000,00. Total Invested Funds upwards of 6,460,000 Total Annual Income over 1,180,000 fTYHE undersized have been appointed JL Age nta of the above Company at and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at tbi owest tariff rates
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