Straits Echo, 8 September 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1371 1 [CEMENT! CEMENT!! j "TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest cn the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors aud builders. i Lurie Slock* Held By TIANG LEt CO., Penini tt Kuala Lumpur, j Now On Show. Lagonda Cars a A N K s 0 TrfE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY
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    • 31 1 S Drink Dog’s Head Guinness Stout. J 3-- l l fii: S Sole Agents: TIANG LEE Co., 5 m B Penanc <£ Kuala Lumpur. i sbz a ngcDun u□ □d■ i■ ■h■
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 NATURA m, LK l r LION BRAND.! (STERILIZE!) J r m a Aij Pnx: y Paris 190a St. Louis 1904. Mtd ai eo; $iib. M I801 Bret"' °4 u ®93. U93. 1353. t!w erLi 699 Jf&l (iLllillil'IinilHIIIIIUIIMBUIUII "it 1 Schutzmarti* SHE- lg5L Bref" e0 ,j9J. K6oig^ j. Prsg 19 ij:
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  • 322 3 The Japanese Force Says the China Press of August 23 a Official advices received in Shanghai from qou- Japanese sources state that the Tenth Divisiou of Infantry and Artillery embarked from Kakura, Kyushu, Friday, and were awaiting orders to sail at the time the cable* 3 gram was despatched.
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  • 1096 3 The Story in Carles. Following are further cables sent to Australian papers j The North Germ in Lloyd’s vessel Schleisen, from Brisbane, has been captured 6 aud taken to Plymouth. A mine destroyed the oil-tank steamer a Sanicilfrerl, near Cuxhaven, yesterday. a A message from Constantinople states that
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  • 511 3 Manila, August 15. Steauiiug south under forced draft and making about 15 knot9, the North German Llojd liner Princess Alice which cleared for Shanghai, was sighted at, 8.20 on Friday morning a short distance out of Corregidor by the U. S. Army transport Meiritt. Speculation has been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 708 3 NOTICE Orders are now being booked for Para Rubber Seeds fiorn sixteen years old freer, with a guarantee of 75% germination. Price $1.50 per 1< 00 packed m bags and $2 packed in boles F. O. B. or F. O. R Teluk Anson. Deliver/ commencing from September 1014. MANAGER Cicely
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    • 256 3 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cuiels. 6d STOP PRESS NEWS. EXTRAORDINARY STRUGGLE. I HEAVY ODDS. I 1 One White Woman against a Hoard of Black Men and For further particulars see The Adventures of Kathlyn Chapters I 2 5 Reels. NOW SHOWING AT Crown Cinema, Chulia
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    • 44 3 There's a gas-stove m tb kitchen Acd a hat-stand in the ball, There’s iace curt* n- on window Acd some pictvms cu each «all I There’s a carpet iu the parlour And real rosewood furniture, And lovely fretwork cabinet For Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 100 3 (hambcrlaiu's Cough Remedy. This remedy ha 6 no superior as a cure for colds, croup aud whoopirg cough. It has been a favourite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chauibet lain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only
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  • 95 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABL* ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 SB. —All butin*** communication* thonld b*
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  • 479 4 Probably the most significant fact of the great catastrophe that has befallen us is that the peoples of the Empire realise their national unity and draw from that ideal an inspiration to common endeavour. From East and West and the Antipodes the evidence is forthcoming. The recognition of
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  • 298 4 We are not surprised that the InspectorGeneral has found the police dog unsatisfactory as a detective. When Mr. Airedale Terrier was first enrolled as a member of the force we expressed a doubt as to whether he would prove as efficient in his work as a pretty bad
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  • 241 4 Lord Kitchener when asked by thousands of enquirers how best to help those of our forces serving in France, and against such fearful odds, said simply: Look after their wives, children and dependents and you will render them the best service that you can.” War
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  • 149 4 This morning’s telegram that the Russians are gradually surrounding the great fortress of Przemjsl shows that the Russian advance from the East in the Galician Campaign has almost completed its task. Przemysl lies due south —about 100 miles—of the Lublin-Kholm (or Chelm) line which, according to yesterday’s telegram, the
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  • 863 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 3. Thirty-seven new members enrolled in the M.S.V.R. last month. Against this fourteen resignations and one death are recorded. Private H. Daly, of the Penang Volunteers, has joined the M.S.V.R.; and Sergeant Robin and Corporal Upton, of the M.S V.R
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  • 143 4 APPEAL TO SAINT XAVIER'. OLD BOYS. 5 In responu to the appeal ot Mri. R n Watson, the wife of the Chief Secretary F.M.S the undersigned has directed that collections in aid of the Prince of W»1 Relief Fund be made in all
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  • 154 4 Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel, the Coroner yesterday afternoon the hearing was com.' menced of the inquest into the death of a Hindu named Narainan. Inspector J. T Whitham conducted the enquiry. Karrupen, a quarry coolie, residing it Waterfall Road, stated that on August 21 at 11
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  • 69 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 6. A meeting of the Scotchmen of Kmta, held in the Ipoh Club to consider whether the usual St. Andrew’s Dinner should be held this year, decided that it should not be held but that a subscription list be opened for
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  • 279 4 IUV« Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Eitatei, Ltd. 33,614 Bukit Mertajam Rubber Co., Ltd... 30,893 Taiping Rubber Plantations, Ltd.... The Austrian town of Banialuka which is situated on the River Terbas, a tributary of the Save, does not seem to posseii a very appropriate Malay war name. It contain!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 csi ARD 8 Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR /av> .-nvT n r.i'viu T H E ZM SEg® m Boulton’s Germ Intercepting£ Filter on the Pasteur Principle C") The Filtration takes place by gravity through com* igfr pressed Porcelain candles which screw into the fc, Jt'* base of the Inner Chamber. N}
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  • 51 4 Obituary. (From Our Own Corretpondent.) Ipoh, September 7. Hector Ritchie, Manager of Chendemng Tin Companj, died suddenly to-day in Batu Qajah Hospital from blackwater fever. He had only returned from home a few month' ago where he had been on holiday. Hii brother Gleorge died at home a few weeki
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  • 490 5 CERMANS ADYANCINC. DISPOSITION OP THE FORCES. THE GUICIAN_ CAMPAIGN. [By Submarine Telegraph] Ricritkd 7th or Sept, at 4-15 p.m. German Losses in Belgium. C®D7Ti*ht T«l«*r*m. London, September 7. The Germane lost 3,000 men in a terrific encounter at West Malines. Montenegrin Victory. Copyright Telrgrara The Montenegrins beat the
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  • 812 5 THE MONTENEGRINS. London, August 14. The Montenegrins are attacking the Austrians with two fronts. The north-eastern force has captured Metokia, in Herzegovina, and Siewitza, near the Servian frontier, and the surrounding heights, while the western force has occupied Budua, near G'attaro. A telegram from Vienna stttes that 4,000
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  • 551 5 The modern Major General learns as a part of bis military curriculum that newspaper men in the field are anathema. Kitchener is a noted exponent of the school of army men who forbid the war correspondent to be with the army, and he is more direct in his
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  • 156 5 An Unusual Situation. Says Monday’s T.O.M. The cholera at Batu Gajah Gaol has necessitated the postponement of Ipoh Assizes, since the prisoners cannot be brought out of the gaol for trial. To-day was fixed for the opening of the Assizes but the Deputy Public Prosecutor
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  • 162 5 At the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Auction 39,592 lb. were offered for sale and 21,532£ lb. were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheet 78 to 81 Plain Sheet 73 78 Unsmoked Sheet Plain Sheet 63 67 Pale Crepe 80 95 No. 1 Dark 75 Smoked
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  • 597 5 SLEEPING ON DUTY. Lah, P. C. 413, was this morning charged before Mr. G. R. Sykes in the Third Court at the instance of Sgt. Mjr. with disobeying orders by not having his gun with him and being found asleep whilst on duty. The accused pleaded guilty
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  • 289 5 Peking, August 3. Our Peking correspondent Bays The Tsaichenpu ha» issued the following notice concerning the total receipts of the various Provinces from January to end of June, with the exception of Maritime Customs and salt revenues Kiangsu $6,287,119 Kiangsi $2,402,098 Kansu $2,593,045 Fengtien $4,887,135; Honan $3,367,815; Hupeh
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  • 53 5 The following article» will be found on our outside pages Page 3 Tsingtau: The Japanese Force. War News Prince*s Alice Seen. 6— The Battle-Cruiser Kongo.” Many Enemies, Much Honour.” Colonial Office Message. Financial Situation in London 7— The Straits Police: Report for 1913. Conditions at Tsingtau German Wrath at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d. HORSE FOOD The best horses must have the best food. Don't insult and injure them by giving inferior substitutes. This food is good value for your money. Penang Cycle Emporium, 12. KING STREET. A BIRD in the CAGE is WORTH
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    • 97 5 3XTOTICB A LIST OF APPLICATIONS for public house licences for th*> rear *****«. be considered at the meeting of the Board of the Lieen«io(r Justices on Wednesday, the 23rd SeptomU'r, 1914. may be seen on application at tlie Chi nose Protectorate during the usual <fficj hours. P. T. ALLEN. Secretary,
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  • 272 6 Though the belief is general that Japan’s latest battle cruiser, the Kongo, will take part in the "bombardment of Tsingtau, official information to this effect is not •of course forthcoming. The opinion is held in s me quarters, says the North■CVti/ia Du'ly Newt, that Japau will rely
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  • 103 6 The question of a po sible prolongation of the omratorium in England is exciting considerable interest, states a London wire cf August 22. The Cliancollor has circularised leading city firms for their opinions. The general feeling favours a prolongation, also the re-opening of the Stock Exchange
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  • 164 6 A meeting of the German community io Shanghai was held in the Club Concordia on August 22, when it was decided to send the following telegram to Tsingtau: —“The German community of Shanghai feels obligated in this most serious moment to you and thanks you with
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  • 133 6 The following telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated September ;4, has b°eu supplied to the Straits Times for public information j The following from the Bureau is further list of British casualties in killed, wounded and missing:—Officers 18, 78, and 8>; other ranks
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 Chronic Diarrhoea. Ar 1 you subject to attacks of diarrhoea i Keep absolutely quiet, for a few (lay-, rest i:i led it possible, bo careful of your diet nn l take Chamber liiu’s Colic, Cholera I and I)i n rhooi Kcinedy. This mediciue has cured cases of chronic oiarihoea that;
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    • 126 6 Rheumatism. Have you ever tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you are wasting time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it i* to cure. Get a bottle to-day, apply it with a vigorous massage to the afil eted paired and you will be surprised and
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    • 76 6 THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pro I BAXTER g Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS 5/WHAMS, B3TTISY £C. HOTEL NORMAN. The Only English Hotel. UNRIVALLED POSITIOJN. COLD STORAGE FOOD. The recognised place for recherche dinners. The Cuisine is under the constant supervision cf
      76 words
    • 82 6 (i. <ij .s■;-:;! ./'^3= JSP? sr^vf-j 25» n &§.{?2 r-"?'*.‘aei ft£a-i *1 -3 IS GOODRICH TYRES rt is S2*S«?i Hi az sdsia (ft *J£ m S! rvh: d C>v vVW' rV; ywwv W gV. r* w !f v w w v V V^t! yy 7 The Largest Tyre Factory, with
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  • 855 7 REPORT fOR 1913. Tbe annual report of Capt A. R. Chancellor, I. G. P, on the Straits Settlements Police Force, for the year 1913, is published as a supp’ement to the Government Gazette. The authorised strength and distribution of the force on Dec. 31st. last, covering all
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  • 891 7 German Wrath at British Military Action. The prevalent feeling in Tsingtau on August 16 wa9 as follows, according to a German story supplied to the North China Daily Nevst Ihe ultimatum of Japan has caused no uneasiness here, but only a feeling of bitter indignation and general
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  • 38 7 Wednesday, September 9. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. 1 selection Ballet Music in the Opera Faust Gounod 2 Gavotte Lilies Home 3 Waltz Annen Gennee 4 Mazurka La Czarine Ganne 5 March The Volunteer Fete Paterson
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 Remember the Name. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy is the best kuowu medicine ior diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach. You may need it some time. For sale by all Dispensaries aud Dealers. Andrew Usher 8 Co.'s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SAND1LANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS
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    • 472 7 TO WOMEN. StT- 4 Throughout tnc many stages ot woman s life, from peevish girlhood through womanhood, motherhood, to the declining years of oid age. there is no better, milder, or more effective medical companion to womcn-foik than Dr. Morse's Indian Roct Pills. They promote a healthy and regular condition,
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    • 9 7 Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Core, Is 6d
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    • 533 7 ii'lHl.iiuii 1 J 1 .L Weak a “Angler’s is She only Emulsion I can retain.*' 8 Prince's Road. Richmond, Surrey. Dear Sirs. I wish to send you a few words of praise and latitude for benefit derived from the use of Angler's Ktnulsion. It is now quite 15 years ago
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 901 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited Established 1821. Sul>3cril>od Capital JE2.000.00 Total Invested Funds upwards of 6,460,000 Total Annual Income over 1,180,000 fTIHE undersized have been appointed J- ApmU of the alx»ve Company a* Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of In •urance against loss hv lira at tbo just unpacked
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