Straits Echo, 7 September 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1244 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! •■TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Z Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. n Large Stocks Held By TIANG LEE CO., Frnang Cf Kuala Lumpur, o Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high efficiency.
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    • 34 1 Drink Dot's Had Guinness Stout. To Os S« m <2 a Sol. Agents: TIANG LEE 6* Co.. Penang tĕ Kuala Lumpur. The Dooior ad v iso. and rooommonda. It u nourishing, invigorating and atrangthening.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 121 2 NATURA w ILK L LION BRAND.! (STERILIZED) J TL J Cl c > p afis 19Gt> St. Louis 190*- 4 M «Cain eo Silt- MtdI is, j. M& e,a °Zf «-£3* s^', s 5^5S§ L «ssf* 5, l8 K l Schutimarke 1«, ca. UfaiIlk :!iill|lllUHlHl l l ||l‘|M' l 11
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  • 1780 3 A Great C'avalkt Leader. J. A. S.” writes in the Eiujhakman Thero used to ba a pleasant fiction current n the South African War that Da Wot would give Mo’.buon a lifetime to cit;h hiui, Boberts six years, and French six weeks. O i cours**, it is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 (hambtrUia’s Ccujh Remedy. This remedv bus no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favourite with the mothers of youug children for almost forty years. Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy c;»n always lo depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures e
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    • 114 3 Treatment fer Dysentery. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a do3o of castor oil will effectually cu’e the most stubborn cases of dysoot ry. It is especially g<*od for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all DUpo saries and D^aleis. rnr kew frenck remedy. THERAPION NO. 1
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    • 415 3 IgimH D n i_,.f«P!»V •'2Y? pyfnTw liJJmiM aMimsr THE BEST AND P f-rJiC'tn*-jj M Sara V-. -:-r *> THE C <J? A 0 Price Ex Codown Penang. No. 1 Foolscap $l5O Nett. No. 5 175 No. 6 Brief 200 No. 8 Policy 225 KS3 3HBSB CHEAPEST. i! h if Old
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  • 200 4 Gold Loaf $64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyer» White Pepper 24. —nominal Trang Popper 19 no stock j Cloves 50.— now. Mace 110 nominal. Mact Pickings 85. —nominal Nutmegs 110 23 —nominal SNo. 1 6.10 tale* 2 5,50 tales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 9.65 buyers ('Tab bun... 190.
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  • 254 4 Pknang, September 7. Bkef cts. Soup per catty 20 Roast 30 Steals n 30 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 30 Ox Tail each 45 Tougue 55 Feet 15 Heart 50 Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork per catty 38 Pig's Hoad... 22 Feet 28 Tongue 36
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 67 4 NOTICE. p7a. m. Vi. I! USI'EUt-f Estate Managers anc A sUtants has bwn started by thii As »*>ciat iuu. K rs. b vd’ ant posts to till anc «•tnj.. o *'i"s seekiug inent, are requestec lo vo j nuuicite with tin undersigned. I>y Orde r 11. C. E. ZACIi
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    • 524 4 FOR SJHiR. Guide to Penang, BY TH* LATK E. F. Skertchly. f. i. s. Price 50 cents. Worth a Doll&r a copy SOLD AT STRAITS ECHO OFFICE. AND AT TIIE SAVE-U-TROUBI.E FIRM FOR SiUliE. Ws IIaVB RECEIVED AnOTHEI» Consignment ov Tough White Manilla Envelopes. Cheap and Strong Quality. Price $1-50
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    • 662 4 1 8 >0 CDFOR THE FOLLOWING APPLY TO CHIN SENG Cl}., Ltd., FARQUHAR STREET. 8 Rustoff Metal Polish thoroughly cleans and brightens 6 without scratching or damaging. g j Wet-Star A 81 B. Cylinder Oils. Easy Binning. 13 Redio Cleaning Cloths for cleaniug all kinds of metal goods. Q 0
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  • 1148 5 WORK OF THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. A Bust Year Accotding to Mr. Lewtou Brain, F.M.S. Director ot Agriculture, tie year 1018 was almost as memorable iu the hi9tory ot rubber prices as 1910. Most people interested in the crop had expected a tall in the price eventually to
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  • 654 5 Sketch of his Career. The name of Mocseigneur della Cbiesa, the new Supreme Poutiff, is indissolubly connected with that of Cardinal Rampolla. From 1883 to 1903, that is to say during 20 years, Monseigneur della Cbiesa was continuously the intimate associate, first of the Nuncio of .Madrid,
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  • 34 5 Monday, September 7. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. 1 Overture... Moravma Cistanedi 2 B dero Pasqaita Bigge 3 Selection Grand Contest Semiramide Rossini 4 Waltz Tout Paris Waldteufel 5 March Mazzantine Ernandes
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  • 38 5 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, the 9th inst. Ladies Single Handicap. Mrs Dunn vs. Mt 3 NeubroDner. Ladies D< nble Handicap. Mrs Ebden and Miss Mahler vs. Mrs Sells and Mrs Crichton.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 611 5 < Ld to Ruchanans a id O' SCOTCH v* WHISKY _J < u u Q. 00 "SOMETHING TO CROW/ABOUT 00 < < X O OQ n m SCOTCH < Si BUC JAMES OtASOO^ 4 o 05 -.«I -V- 4V>%* HIGHEST QUALITY oo r-* “0 33 O ■u > r D
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    • 44 5 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and D;arri a Remedy lollowed by a dose of castor oil will effectually iU'6 tbe most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea iu cbi dren. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 100 6 fubliehed daily (except Sunday* and publio holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. If ail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 586 Printing Department 343 ff B— All*M oommunicAtiona
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  • 436 6 During his long and distinguished political CAreer we doubt whether Mr; Asquith has ever uttered so clear a call to the people of the British Empire as the great speech which he delivered at the Guildhall on Friday last. The note is one of confidence, supreme confidence in
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  • 774 6 Mr. W. J. Hodge, acting manager of the Chartered Bank, Peaang, is shortly going on leave. Mr. Cheah Kee Ee is at present on a visit to Singapore, whence he returns to Penang via the F.M.S. at an early date. The arrival of Mr. Heki, the new
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  • 317 6 CLARKE-THOMSON. A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, on Saturday afternoon by the Rer. W. Cross when Mr. Guy Cuthbert Clarke, of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, youngest son of Lieutenant-Colonel T. S. and Mrs. Clarke, of Sandown Lawn, Cheltenham, was united in the
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  • 231 6 “B” Company at Horn*. The Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and men of B. Company gave a most enjoyable “At Home at the Town Hall on Saturday evening when a large number of guests were present. This function was arranged to take place on the lawn opposite the residence of
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  • 317 6 In the House of Commons, on August 9, Mr. T. P. O’Connor drew attention to the unreasonable delay in the transmission of Press cable messages abroad, owing to the inadequate assistance given to the cable office censors. Mr. Reginald McKenna (Home Secretary) agreed that it was
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  • 719 6 Small pox has broken out in Medan The German Socialists hare held 2' meetings in Berlin. m A third asylum for interneds ha. h~>n established at Opsterland 060 Captain Van Doom has successfully ora* nised a Rifle Club at Langsa. Ra German spies have been arrested
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 A BIRD in the CAGE is WORTH TWO in the CHASE. W ‘S&, m ill n IN* m A splendid range of bird cages now on show. Price from $2 each upward. Cent’s Waterproofs, absolutely reliable. Price from $lO-50 upward. Syce’s or Ricksha Puller's Capes. Price $2-90 each. KEMG CO..
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  • 17 6 Death. O’Kekffb. —At Bangalore, on the 21st August last, Alberta, the wife of Dr. 8. A. O’Keeffe.
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  • 1822 7 SIX DAYS’ BATTLE. BRITISH vs. GERMANS. A FIGHT TO A STANDSTILL. BRITISH TRAWLERS SUNK. [By Submarine Telegraph] Received 7th or Sept. at 9 a m. BRITISH TROOPS ENCAGED. A FIGHT TO A STANDSTILL. brilliant action at compeigne. Copyright Telegram. Loudon, September 6. The Press Bureau, in a comprehensive
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  • 16 7 {"Reuter.) New York, September 6. Ouimet has won the American Amateur Golf Championship.
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  • 20 7 (Reuter.) London, September 5. His Holiness Pope Benedict XV has appointed Cardinal Ferrata as Secretary of State.
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  • 45 7 (From Our Own. Correspondent). Singapore, September 7. His Excellency the Governor Sir Arthur Young returned yesterday and was received at the wharf informally by the Acting Governor, the Hon. Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, and others who afterwards drove to the Government House.
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  • 51 7 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 7. At a meeting of the Sembrong Rubber Estate Limited, Mr. James Snodgriss, who took the Chair, severely criticised the past management of the estate which, he said, had been shamefully neglected. The cash in the Kwong Yik bank was 21,886
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  • 51 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 7. At a meeting of the Mergui Rubber Estates it was not considered advisable to make extensions as it would take roughly $34,000 to bring the planted area into bearing. $50,000 was placed to reserve. The estate had been run very
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  • 188 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3—Sir JohD French: A Great Cavalry Leader. s—The Planting Industry: Work of the Agricultural Department. The New Pope: Sketch of his Career. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament. B—The8 —The War: Premier’s Speech at the Guildhall. Defences of Paris.
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  • 447 7 The annual report on the Settlement of Penang for the year 1913 is published as a supplement to the current issue of the Government Gazette. The following figures, subject to audit and final settlement, show the revenue and expenditure for the year:—Revenue, 53,885,994, expenditure, $2,385,492. The revenue
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  • 425 7 The George Town Cinematograph have made arrangements for a Great Patriotic Night on Friday, the 11th instant, when the whole of the' money taken for admission will be devoted to the Prince of Wales’ Fund. The Resident Councillor and party and Major H. B. de Hamel hare
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  • 149 7 The P.L.R.C. met this morning, the rarge being unavaiDblu during iho afterno us at present. There were some very good sco es made, the best being Mrs. Liston's possible at 100 yards (3 inch bull). Members will be notifieu as to the hour of next Monday's
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 482 7 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Groat Peppermint Cure Is. 6d TO LET. Furnished Bungalow, 152. Burmah Road. 7-9-14 566 v r-;a* a* s- irgT* »*x: i lainw m hi mill— THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. B sat) Of PICK: QINGA V ‘R: A Life A ssurancc
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  • 2510 8 PREMIER’S SPEECH AT THE GUILDHALL. [By Submarine Telegraph] Received 5th or Sept, at 5 31 p.m Loprricht T»le*r«m. London, September 4 Mr. Asquith, in addressing a great p-atber-ing of citizens at tea Guildhall, received a ni iguificeut ovation He prais«*d the rplendid fatriotism of the Dominions and sajd
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  • 994 8 SITUATION ANALYSED. (Bt A Military Correspondent For the sake of intelligibility. I will divide the vast area covered by hostilities which have already commenced into three primary areas aud three secondary areas i. Belgium-Luxemburg. 2 The French frontier. 3. Servia. 4. he Russo-German frontier. 5. The
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  • 1087 8 Tremendous Btrenoth of the Fortifications. Tho question whether the Germans will succeed iu reaching Paris has yet to be settled If they do, their task of captuiiug the French capital will require enormous resources aud sacrifices for the modern fortifications of Paris aie numerous, huge aud well
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 148 8 j When dread diphtherii grips the throat, j And fevered patLnts rave, j When anti-toxi i works to win Such sutl-rers from the grave There comes a balm to ease the breath, Most healing, safe and sure. And strong to aid the fight with death— Tis Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 62 8 Rheumatism. Have joa ever tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you are wasting time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to cure. Get a bottle to-day, apply it with a vigorous massage to the jfil eted parts and you will be surprised and
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    • 384 8 Remember the Chamberlain's Colir, Cholera and TV rboea Kern dj is the brat known tor dur.-hora, dysentery. colic, ctatnp, Dims in the stomach. You ma y zr^z, Fur salc by STOP PRESS NEWS. EXTRAORDINARY struggle. HEAVY ODDS. 0ne White Woman against a Hoard of Black Men and For further particulars
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1500 9 ■oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AINC CHEANC Co., 59, Magazine Road. o o o o o o o o o o o We have just unpacked a largo consignment of private rickshaws of the latest type which can be fitted with English-made wheels, etc. complete and can be had at prices which defy competition.
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  • 951 10 Some Early Experiment—Modern Methods and 'Iiikir Value. Modern scionee has made (wo important contribution* to the cquipracut of armies now in tho Bold—tho aeroplane and wireless telegraphj. The first is as yet an unknown quantity in but of the value of wireless tolegriphy there can
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  • 1023 10 It has been pointed eut that the general public bv no means realises the extent to which a modern pi in of campaign depends on railway communica'ion. That this lack of knowtalge should prevail is intelligible erough. in view of the fact that the railway system
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 6 10 ‘j r-j [critir.* Corf, 1». 6d
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    • 441 10 atess Debility TRON ‘JELLOIDS,’ the reliable tonic, strengthen 1 your blood and fortify your system against climatic effects. After a course of Iron ‘Jelloids,’ the blood is enriched, appetite is.restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and other diseases. Iron
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    • 351 10 I > x^ 7 m v 1 ’•V.VAV. Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial Place, Landport, Portsmouth, E»g., writes: —“I was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neuralgia, when I began a course of Phosferine. After having L ken it for three or four months, I felt
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  • 243 11 The Government have not been allowed to face the stern businoss of war with ranks unbroken. Perhaps wo shall bo forgiven if we linger over the retirement of Lord Morley on a note of personal regret We have the best of reasons for doiDg so, for ho was
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  • 184 11 The Dead. Peep beneath the fallen years, Slim by glittering foemeu’s speirs, With empty hands and a brow uncrowned, To our native land our eyes we turn By snares encompassed round. Ah God, as we gaze our steeled hearts yearn About her head, like a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 262 11 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest iu bod if possible, bo careful of your diet and take Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians hare failed on, and it will
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    • 348 11 Cripple Walks Paralysed for Three Years. Now Walks 5 Miles to Work. Cured completely by these Tablets. Ilcre is miracle indeed. Mr. Hayes, of 11, Church-street, Middleebrough, saysc—“ I was cured of paraiyais seven v‘«m ago by Dr. Cassell’s Tablet;, and 1 have been wr'l ever since. That is the
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    • 239 11 ni THIS IS IT! Waterbary’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound *JL CcJ L. 1 TASTELESS ODORLESS 1 he latest scientific pre paration of COD LI V’ER OIL. Docs all that is! claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 915 12 Guardian Company, Limited. Established 1821. Fubscribed Capital £2,000,00 Total Invested Fund* upwards of 6,460,000 Total Annual Income over 1,180,000 THE undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance agaiust loss by fire at thl oweBt tariff rates KENNEDY
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