Straits Echo, 5 September 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1137 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! ••TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Lirit Stock* Held By TIANG LEE CO., Penang tf Kuala Lumpur. iD|ibib>q t«aaaaHßz«ataaiai(B Now On Show. Lagonda Cars < BANKS. THE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY Chartered Bank of India, Australia
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    • 30 1 Dri&k Dot’s Had Guinness Stout. I 7 <2 Sole Agent*: TIANG LEE fi> Co. Fcnanj <6 Kuala Lumpur. i■■■■■□□□□an The Doctor advisee and recommend*. It is nourishing-, invigorating and strengthening.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 115 2 HA TURA SSk j&Wi tgf li4 LK l l LION BRAND.! (STERILIZED) J .•orrse- a yl fy Gr?nd Prix: (JA r a fis 19GO St. Louis 1904. Cell M *dail| en 1893. L °n<Jo n V?r-' "Icn 1893. Hy V 1893. 1899 V 'XV imil!ll!lllilll|i|!;^i|lilll!l!ilii!illilli^ Schutzmirke s» -r igVl* BK*<‘
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  • 1870 3 [The Ninth Instalment of these Notes Appeaeed in the Ech or August 29 The ribald remarks do not matter, of course. I am as nearly impervious to ridicule as a man can be. But I confess the other sort uplift me, and cheer me, and gratify mo,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 720 3 < lli </> Q Ld K < U hi Q. Z < u CD O t/> _i < Ruchanans e*j 90 r*J SCOTCH WHISKY SOMETHING TO CROW. ABOUT" M m IbS rftgtWHlTE sJ\ CH WHISKY-1 SSchawS*.^ l^:: BLACK v> S SCOTCH JAMES OffOO* <*as&o^ iS P U > r r
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    • 37 3 Remember the Name. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reinfdy is the kx’st known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains iu the stomach. You may need it some time. For sale by ali Dispensarie* and Dealers
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    • 95 3 The pompous Doctor of the past Contrived to pouch his shameless fee, I3v nauseous drugs, which left aghast The dupe of his duplicity. But now more honest methods hold. The modest fee, the potion pure And he who ails with cough or cold Takes naught but Woods’ Peppermint Cure. Wayang
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  • 99 4 Published daily (except Sundays and pablio holidays) at in CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Trice. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 KB.— AH htiiia—a communtcation* .hem Id
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  • 51 4 Clare e-Thomson —On Sat., sth Sept., at the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, by the Rev. W. Cross, Guy Cuthbert, youngest son of Lieut. Col. T. S. and Mrs. Clarke, Sandown Lawn, Cheltenham, to Maude, 2nd daughter of the late James Paton Thomson of Cambridge, Auckland, N. Z. and Alloa,
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  • 1022 4 At the end of a month of war let u B try to balance the losses and gains. And in this connection it is as well to leave out the small items and take only into consideration the substantial losses and the equally substantial gains. The outstanding
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  • 149 4 There was an eclipse of the moon last night. It was observed in Penang at about a quarter to nine and in the Chinese quarter of the town there was loud beating of tomtoms to scare away the dragon that was swallowing the moon. Our Bukit Mertajam
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  • 284 4 Dr. J. S. Webster arrived here this morning from long leave. We understand that Mr. Justice Sproule is shortly going home on leave. According to a private letter from England to-day Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans have been staying at Windsor Castle as the guests of Prince
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  • 347 4 Sir John French’* Appointment. The London Gazette of August 4 announces that Field-Marshal Sir John D. P. French, G.C 8., G.C.V.0., K C.M.G., is to be In-spector-General of the Forces. Dated August 1. The undermentioned officers are to be appointed to the personal staff of FieldMarshal Sir
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  • 149 4 The Taiping correspondent of the T.0.M., wiring to the Ipoh paper yesterday, says; A timber truck, loaded with machinery and attached to a goods train, was derailed last night and a steam crane is now clearing the line. The passengers are being transferred across the obstacle
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  • 396 4 (From Our Own Correspondent, ai P in g. September 4 A circular signed by Capt r„ Cooper, inviting membors of iL 1 States Volunteer Rifles to subscriU f a battalion present of plate to 0 room of H. M. S. Malaya ha. for some two months at the
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  • 219 4 Ismail was chatged this morning in the Third Court before Mr. G. R. Sykes with using criminal force to Ahamad in the Chowrasta Market on the evening of the 14th ultimo. Mr. Crabb Watt, who was for the prosecution, said that about 5-30 on the evening in
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  • 248 4 England! where the sacrsd flame Burns before the inmost shrine, Where the lips that love thy name Consecrate their hopes and thine, Where the banuers of thy dead Weave their shadows overhead, Watch beside thine arms to-night, Pray that God defend the Right. Think that when to-morrow comes
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 280 4 ■JUST UNPACKED! REGISTERED Walkwell Boots 8 Shoes. *>- C 4>. s. o O $4-50 per pair. <y c $3-50 per pair without heels. N. 13-90 with heels. mQ/C Also a great variety of 888 PIPES >Ss vVa aS at moderate prices. XV LOCK A Co.. 33c, Beach Street, Penang. 4
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  • 712 5 OCCUPATION OF LEMBERG. GERMAN ASTUTENESS. [By Submarine Telegraph] Ricci ved sth or Sept. at 9-10 a m. THE GALICIAN CAMPAIGN. In the East. L«ak«rg Captured. Copyright Talngraai. Petrograd, September 4 The Russians have occupied Lemberg Later. Many thousands of Austrians were killed at Lemberg and an enormous
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  • 26 5 {Reuter.) London, September 4. An International Commission is arranging for the insurgents to enter Durazzo. T le commission assumes the control of the government.
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  • 221 5 Tho war that is now beginning promises to demonstrate one curious and paradoxical effect of the tremendous developments which science has made in the world’s communications, says the Globe. The ease and rapidity with which news can now be fl ished round the world has made it incumbent
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  • 154 5 lbs. Bakap Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 21,823 Bitu Matang Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 9,293 Jong Landor Rubber Estates, Ltd... 26,621 Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd. 26,002 The town wore a very busy aspect this morning being crowded with visitors en pattant. It is now decided that the Batavia Rubber Exhibition
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  • 352 5 At a Council Meeting held on Monday, August 31, the following were present: Messrs. F. E. M*ir (President) in the I chair, R P Brash, (Vice-President), O. S. Dawbaro, J. H. Rich, F. H. Symonds, L. Vaughan, G. W. Wilson, J. Boy, the Hon. Mr. Eu
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  • 153 5 The agitation against the life sentence for returned banishees has borne fruit, for in the last issue of the F.M.S Government Gazette is the draft of an amending Enactment the purpose of which is explained in the following objects and reasons The penalty provided by law in
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  • 176 5 The F.M.S. Government has drafted an enactment to make better provision for the protection of women and girls and for the suppression of brothels in certain cases. In May, 1910, there was signed at Paris an International Convention, to which Great Britain was a party,
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  • 103 5 To the Editor or the Strait Echo. Sir, I notice in your issue of yesterday that the French Jack Tar ashore has difficulty in obtaining his customary Absinthe Pernod* The Absinthe Pernod is not only kept at The Bodega" and at this Hotel but some years ago
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  • 578 5 BRITAIN'S DUTY. The Time* New York correspondent interviewed Rear-Admiral Mahan on the war and that well-known naval tactician expressed himself as follows “In my judgment a right appreciation of the situation should determine Great Britain to declare war at once, otherwise her Entente engagements, whatever
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  • 93 5 13TH SuHDAT AFTER TRINITY. 8-00 a.m. Matins 8- a.m. Holy Communion 9- a.m. Chinese Service Matins 5- p.m. Children’s Service 6- p.m. Evensong and Sermon Hymn 273 O Lord how joyful ’tis to see Psalm XXXII Goss. No. 121 XXXIII Goss. No. 121 XXXIV Parratt 117 Magnificat
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  • 138 5 Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, to-morrow: at 9 a.m. Specially for Children, at 6 pm Public Worship for all. Holy Communion will be observed at evening worship. llYmns (from Church Praise) 673, 421, 573, 71, 632. On Friday evening at 6-30 there
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  • 329 5 GREAT SEIGE BEGUN. Says the China Press of August 25: Tsingtau has boon cut off from the world except by wireless since eirly Sunday morn* ing when the Cbefoo cable was cut. The Shanghai cable had been cut twelve hours previously and no messages have reached
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  • 297 5 Situation Satisfactory. Hopes that the price of tin would soon reach $7O have been dashed by the rapid fall during this week to only a unit above $6O, says the T.O M. Although the fall has caused some fears to be expressed that the situation is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 261 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE AN ORDINARY MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners will bo held at the Municipal Office at 4 pm. on Tuesday, the Bth instant. L A. COUTIER BIGGS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. SALES BY AUCTION. Cl ALES by PUBLIC AUCTION of BULO LOCUS and CARTS, properly of Kohwaua Doravsainv
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  • 698 6 Aftermatw or thi Book Ybaes. Trade in the F.M.S. increased 182 per cent during 1913, as compared with 27 per cent in 1912. The 1912 increase, as the Acting Commissioner t >r Trade and Customs points out in bis report for 1913, was phenomenal, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 527 6 THIS IS IT! Waterbary’s Cod Liver Oil Compound c.i TABTCLES3 CDORLEBS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that Li claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by the rnedi cal profession. OF ALL CrTEMiSTS imt Frice $l-25
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 496 7 Huttenbach Bros. 8 COMPANY. ELECTRICAL re SOLE AGENTS FOR. A„ E. G. F.LECTRICAL MACHINERY. M JBmm iwikhiiilmi ms bb Tr-T-iran Estimates Giiren for ail Kinds of JSlectrieal WorkV .1 Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: IEE SIEILII 3 s S PM s H i Hi nsr?
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 968 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited X2.oap.ot 6,400,0 X 1.183.00 C EBTAnLTHH*T> 1821. Subscribed Capital Total Invested Funis upwards of Total Annual Income over THE undersigned hare been Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue polic:ei of Insurance against loss by lire at tbi owebt tariff ratca
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