Straits Echo, 27 August 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1160 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! TIGER," BRAND. Best land Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and uned by the leading engineers, contractors and g builders. Large Stocks Held By TIANG LEE CO.. Peasng tf Kuala Lumpur. 2 Now On Show. BANKS. V Lagonda Cars Chartered Dank of India, Australia and China 11 H.P.
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    • 36 1 Drink Dot's Head Guinness Stout. 5 Z .9 SP T? S« 111 a J I <3 J 22 J a 9 -a t<. h a Sol* Accata: TIANG LEE 6* Co., Penang <fr Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■■annnnn
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 106 2 NATURA m u ILK I L r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) J mmm m c. a Mi/ C y p «fis 1900 St. Louis 1904. G«li Mtd aille D Kir>B93 H 1893. Cfil I«98. tfla 1399 sub. Prag 10 Ei» r Be I temiiiniiiniiMiiHmiimiiiiHiiiimi SchutzmarUe fid Kol '*iB96. stupa *®iljj, Pv
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  • 1218 3 Fuzzlk for Student» or Hibtort. Those Englishmen who find leisure, amidst the crowding problems of home affairs, to endeavour to form clear ideas concerning tho course of events in China, must have l>eeu greatly perplexed during the past foitoight by the sharp conflict between authoritative and official
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  • 246 3 O.ficia! Minutes. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held ou WedcesJay, August 12. 1914. Present Dr. G. W. Park. (Deputy President) John Mitchell. Esq P. T. Allen, Esq. Quah Bone Ixee, Esq. Liin Eow Hong, Esq. 1. The minutes of the last meeting are road and
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  • 82 3 Fruity, August 28. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. 1 Overture Morimo William* 2 Graceful Dance Edina Vanderveil 3 Selection Of Sohuman’s Song Hartmann 4 Waltz Soldaten Lieder Gung’l 5 March Alexander’s Ragtime Berlin Saturday, August 2SI. Golf Club, 5-45 to 7-15 f.m. 1 Selection A Country Girl Monckton
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 ku You Going ca i Journey? Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar* rlioea Rem “dy should be packe 1 iu your hand luggige when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend to p-oduee bowel trouble, and this mediciue cauuot be secured <n board the train or
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    • 72 3 Teething Children Teething cbildreu have mote or less diirrhoea, which can he contro led by living Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and D.atrhiea Remedy. All that is neces-ary sJo give the prescribed dose after eae’a operation of the bowels more than natural and tbm castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 150 3 a i I Mi N* C f y PENANG. SINGAPORE. 3s IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. I m I RH m A.i fl 1« 's* BK^ ?t» 3mc?As a M 3 3 gg l i -'ji i 'V iff I ML r 3F *.,V5 v r. fj'Av-‘i.-iSssKp,# •ri ■B $5 A 1
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    • 14 4 August 27. Perak, for Port Swcttecbain, Port Dickson ami Malacca. Tranj, for Trang.
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    • 219 4 For. Taluk Anson —Per Uebc to-morrow, 4 p.m. Madras taking mails for Europe etc., via Bombay—Per Tara 29th instant, 10-30 a in. By Train. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong, 7-15 a.m. daily also at 5-30 p.m., on Saturdays, except Sunday. Parit Buntar, Pagan Serai and
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  • 198 4 Gold Leaf *6440 Black Pepper 10.50 buyer* White Pepper 20.30 buyers Trang Pepper 19 no stock i Cloves 50. nom. Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 85. —sellers Nutmegs 110 23 —nominal SNo. 1 0.10 tales 2 5,50 vales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 9.65 buyers f Tab bun 190.
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  • 228 4 Penang, August 27. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 20 Roast 30 Steaks 30 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 30 Ox Tail each 45 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 50 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork por catty 38 Pig’s Hoad... 22 Feet 28 Tongue 36 Mutton
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 462 4 Supplied by All Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's ColD, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it. For
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    • 60 4 3NTOTICE. P. A. M. AIJL iISTEE of Estate Managers and A*si tants has been started bj this Association. A-‘“spi 'Vt i s. having vacant posts to fill and em o,< *->.eeking eng ist menf, are requ sted to coniaiuiiicate with the undersigned. T j Orde H. C. E. ZACHARIAS, ccretary.
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    • 782 4 UNIVERSAL FILMS HIRING SERVICE. OUR LIBRARY C1NEMT0GRAAPH Contains th* following Makers Best Pi oiactions. C ine 9 Kalem, Lux, Imp., Milano, Nordisk, A.B., Urban-Eclipse, 101 Bison Gaumont, T 1 Li M O Seiiff, Vitagraph, Cosmopolitan, Barker IN estor, Lubin, Moose, B. C., Bssanaj, lining A, Atlas iiepwix, Edison, Clarendon, Majestic,
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  • 1195 5 j We have been thinking for some days j whether the gains or the losses would be great if a moratory law were passed in this Colony and tbe F M.S. We know as a fact that ttie moment the Chineso fell into error through a
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  • 883 5 A QUICK RECOVERY. The Pri:i or Tin. (From the Ipuh correspondent or thi Malay Mail.) During the past week a decidedly improved tone has been noticeable in this district In many quarters there is still grave anxiety, but on the whole trade is beginning to quietly adjust itself,
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  • 49 5 10-PAT. 7th Day of 7th Moon. Crown Cinoma. Chulia Street. Straits tjinmnutograpti, Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Ivuugsar Road. To-morrow. Bth L>av of 7th Mcon. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala K mgsar Road.
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  • 19 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward. Homeward tsabette 3 Sept i Malta 5 Sept a tteamer 17 Areadxa 19
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 < Ui a hi Q£ _l < U Ui CL </) z < z < X u D CD o (/> ru r i SCOTCH WHISKY SOMETHING,™ CROW ABOUT* _L. 13^--il-< sX t 'll pn •H 3» igh est; quality U 70 o ■0 > r o m > r
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    • 284 5 I c s .Vi o o; ft 'ecmpSSS^ it SS FELUCCA yt 8 -t ill -u-n FRfeRES ,^J f ab” out i» AI MASPEHO FfttßESlro DANS ItU* AU ~*£7 fcj 1 1 *f£jfcfc: wfi! <- Fabrique de ~^j> Cigarettes Egyptienaes i if MASPERO frekes a AVbb.. ■■■■■mi m\ \kr*fc m
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  • 97 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Peicf. Daily Local 524 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 517.50 N CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printini Department 343 A If —All buiines* communication*
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  • 605 6 In the ordinary and generally accepted mcaniug of the word Empire” the British Empire docs not exist, it is based not upon domination l ut upon freedom. It ’onsist9 of an aggregation of vast territories, the inhabitants of which, under widely differing forms of government, look ultimately
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  • 591 6 The cost of war is men and the finest manhood of the nation generally. We pick and choose our men for the slaughter—why shirk the simile?—and enrol only those into the army who are physically fit. The weaklings we eliminate. That is why the whole business
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  • 29 6 We have arranged for a considerably extended service of war telegrams—half as many words again as we have been getting. The new service will begin shortly.
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  • 655 6 Mr. H. G. Richards, of the F.M.S. Railways, has been posted to Babaa. Eleven months’ leave has been granted to Mr. Meadows Frost, Acting Registrar of Titles, Perak. Prince Constantin Constantinovitcb, the uncle of the Tsar, has been captured by the German troops and is detained as
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  • 169 6 Reqwisn Mass. There was a large attendance at the Church of the Assumption this morning when a Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the Late Pope X was sung by His Lordship Dr. Merel, Bishop of Canton. The Church was draped in
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  • 237 6 The Esplanade was again the happy function last evening .l**®* 1 Belgian and French reserved J? tb the P. A O. Oriental were given a sen/J* The Cricket Club premises, as on occasions, were thronged with well w'T The Resident Councillor was Mr. J. Mitchell, the
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  • 76 6 (From Our Own Corretipondtnf,.) Singapore, August 27. At the Singapore Chamber of Rubber Auction held yesterday «3,221 Ibt were put up for sale and 50,547 lbs w«r* sold. Conditions were much brighter and there was strong demand for some qualities. Smoked Sheet went up to $llB per
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  • 203 6 This for our readers who believe is omens. To-day is the anniversary of the landing in England of Julius Caesar in u c. 55. The fact affords an interesting instance of the wit in which astronomy supplements histon. Csssar had recorded that he nude the journey late
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  • 126 6 The Manila Cablenewt of the 15th met-, says;—Steaming south under forced draft and making about 15 knots, the North German Lloyd liner Prinectt Ali‘«, w cleared for Shanghai, was sighted at Friday morning a short distance out of Corregidor by the U.S. Army transport Merrit. Speculation
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  • 88 6 Owing to the presence of a great nuot* of European unemployed in Penang at present time, who appear to live by tb» wits, the Chief Police Officer would be d** 1 if any person who mav be pestered by asked for money by any such Europe** 1 would
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 197 6 ,T.Z AGENTS FOR Vi. r A, Ti 4 yTwmxrray» T i-ms a H v- t3 E Cgr/ >> ff Boulton’s Serm Interceptmg’ FIH ter on the Pasteur Principle $ir Ife' i r; 1 sssr S3 m 1 Ufigfe? .J The Filtration takes place by gravity through compressed Pore lain candles
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  • 1754 7 TSINCTAU. GERMAN DEFENSIVE MEASURES. RUSSIANS STEADILY PRESSING. (Reuter In the Commons. Prtaitr'i (Copyright THpgretn.) London, August 25. The House of Commons reassembled in nn atmosphere of tense expectancy. Many members were in military uniform. Mr. Asquith announced: We have heard to-day from FieldMarshal Sir John French that the
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  • 548 7 PREPARING FOR THE JAPANESE ATTA K. Peking, August 14. The Peking Daily News to-day publishes a leading article m which it is stated th-it an attack by Britain, France and Russia on Tsingtau, b th from the land and the sea sides is to be expected shortly
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  • 215 7 In tho District Court this morning Lee Ah Chah was charged with housebreaking and theft, on the 23rd instant, at No. 415, Beach Street, premises occupied by Khoo Mah Piew, general trader. It appears that at 10-30 p.m., on the night in question Khoo Mah Piew was
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  • 149 7 Yeok Kak Guan Chauffeur of Motor Car No. 481, was this morning charged in the Third Court before Mr E R Sykes with (1) driving his motor car on the 3rd instant in a manner likely to be dangerous to the public, (2) driving his car otherwise than
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  • 139 7 The following was the result of the play for the Ladies Monthly Medal for August Miss Barnett 41+49= 9J-20= 70 Mrs Armstrong 40+45= 91—20= 71 Mrs Hoefeld 43 48= 91-20= 71 Miss Heim 44 +42 86— M= 72 Miss Browm 39+37= 76 3= 73 Mrs B Ross
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  • 274 7 Iu the High Court, on July 30, Mr. Justice Bargrave Deane began the heating of a petition for a declaration of nullity of marriage which biings before tha Court a question to which the ecclesiastical authorities attach great importance. That question is whether a marriage
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 241 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. f LTD. Hkad Ofkick: —SINGAPORE, Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY CO. Ttocal Office: —No. 7, Union Ftrkkt. NOTICE. A Special General Meeting of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association will be held in
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    • 334 7 The Chinese Steamship Co. For Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy 6 Swalow. The 8 8. Seang Cho< n 5,775 tons, Cuptaiu V. Graves, is expected to arrive here from Rangoon, on Mou lav, the 3!st inst, and will leavo for the above ports on Tuesday, the 1st September at 4 p m.
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  • 578 8 The Popular Natal Theme, With Variations Yesterday, we T.) beard revived tepoits of that Great North &ia Battle —the popular theme with variations. We have already given our prognostication on the subject, but in view of the recrudescence of the reports, wj may reproduce various statements
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  • 254 8 Russian Steamer Taken. The Ostasiatische Lloyd service to the China Press includes the following Tsingtau, August (3th.—The German cruiser Emden has captured a steamer of tbe Russian Volunteer Fleet. The reports of an engagement with the Russian cruiser Askold are base!e«e. A later issue of our Shanghai
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  • 40 8 Tl.e following tit» b.»ve 1 jx*-h1 for t morrow Irid e* D uble Hatid’c p Mr-. Eid**u and M:§a Mali»* r vt. Airs ilug and M ins llotjan. l-adiet Single Handicap. Mrs W Motion vt. Mrs McDonald
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  • 401 8 A Serious Proposal.” Translat d for the China Press from the llarbinski Vesnik: Vladivostok, August 7th.—More than 1,000 Japanese para led the streets with lanterns last night, singing the Russian anthem at d carrying Russian and Ja* anose flags bearing the insertion Banzai Russia.” Tne parade was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 480 8 AT Crown Cinema, CHULIA STREET. Last Night! Last Night!! August 27th. Three Features SpecMly Chosen for the Cccasi in. John Sterling, Alderman A 2,00"' fe< t Production by the Imp. Company of A meric i. The s'ory deal? with the adventures of a man who had once gone wrong, hnt
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    • 59 8 N'O mine ho»t of "I he D.atnond Cror.r,’* The most popu’arcifo in Scbivereu town, Wj ere. to liquor withiu lus guttering bar, The smart set gather from Dear and far. Not only because the Scotch is so good,' '1 hough that fact is exultantly undergo -d But a’ue Lost stock*,
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    • 140 8 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d. 1 THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS A mi L4>~ Dd The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that Is E claimed for it and super- sedes the old fashioned ©mulsions which
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    • 867 8 BILIOUSNESS. There arc many causes of this but they all spring from a disordered liver which does not properly fulfil its functions, especially in a warm climate, when it becomes sluggish in its action. The bile is turned from its proper channel, and enters the blood, and the person so
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1958 9 CS H I F 3 P Af G. P.&Q. f S.N.C Expected Arrival» and Departures. Mail Service Outward. ISf m Foh BRITISH INDIA STHAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Tntbsdid to Sail. Steadier. Singapore (Three timed a week). Sat. £9th Aug., evening. C. Apcar Duo IVuang Steamer. gept. 3 Salsetta 17 a
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  • 1635 10 (By Horace Hutchinson in the P M O.) It has been said, not once but often, that Driving is an art, iron play is a science, but putting is an inspiration.” rSuch measure of truth as is doin indnd of an epigram is to bo found
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  • 287 10 Says the China Press of August 8 At 12.20 this morning about 20 residents of Shanghai who had been summering at Tsingtau arrived over the Shanghai-Nau-king railway. They were all well and in good spirits. They report that the Russians already have been sent away
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 468 10 TRY —I Beecham’s Pills, they ate just the thing as a B family medicine. Nothing to be compared with them has yet been put before the public. For over half a century this fj medicine has been an easy First Favourite jj in countless households and the name and jj
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    • 49 10 Sick TWell To-morrow. If you ft'sl dull and stupid, are bilious and constipated, tjke a dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets before going to l>ed. Thev A r.. j S |»t what you need, an 1 you will be al! nghi to- mi*- ‘1.w. For sale by all D.speusanes and Dealers.
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    • 160 10 Keep It Hasdy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera ann Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. F >r sale by all Dispensaries and D.jalers. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS f f vt in tt-ei or r rtf cnO!L u' i>,. UmM tCTO(SOKTS‘*HL'M DOWS*‘GOT them ICS*
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    • 915 10 pi^inalnaligligiiglE^iaJislsiEirariaiißMiigljaEiißiißriaitßjtaiig-iiariarĕurciiriaiiairgißiißliaEiidiyialrplisiTOTg =i Pp m s i g 1 i I 8. Wha Sanatogen Will Do for your Health. i i m 1 1 i in if. i i i i i i f i i. m i fj l f f i f 1 l f f 1 l f
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  • 353 11 According to German Naval Notes in the Navy, the Qrotier Kur/urtt and the Konig were to hoist in August. The latter is a fin» ship of 25,800 tons, ten twelve inch guns, and a fuel capacity of 4,300 tons. The Orotter Kurfurtt was built at the Imperial
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  • 112 11 Ii«» 4 Shown ns Proof. Peking, August 7. Reuter’s Agency is officially informed that White Wolf was killed at Tavingt/.u, near llsuchow, in Honan, on the sth inst. It appears that the number of the brigands had been considerably reduced by defeats aud desertions and White
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  • 495 11 THE MAIN FEATURES. Question or Blockade. The following are the main features of the Declaration of London: 1. Blockade.—Mastmot extend beyond the ports and coasts occupied bv the enemy, aud neutral vess «Is may not be captured for breach of blockade except within the area of operations
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 406 11 D RIN X JEFFREY’S B m f i9 9•< t f 91 9 <«& 19 ft IK ft ft ft ft ft ft ft (ft ft ft m ft ft ft ft) ft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft) ft ft) ft) ft ft ft) ft; ft ft ft
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1034 12 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Establishkij 1821. Subscribed Capital £2,000;00Total Invested Funds upwards of 6,460,030 Total Annual Income over 1,180,000 fTUIE have been appointed Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at the «Weut tariff rates KENNEDY A Co.,
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